Religion Vs God

How can you pick and choose what parts of the bible are a metaphor? Maybe god is a metaphor for existence. ;)

When one has to pick through the bible to decide which parts are true and which are not, leaves one with a feeling in the pit of his or her stomach that none of the things written in the bible are trustworthy. Guess work is not a trustworthy method.
How in the hell do you determine what is too far fetched?

Facts can be observed repetitively, either it works or it doesn't.

Walking on water is far fetched.

Changing water into wine is far fetched.

Flying horses are far fetched.

The reason those things can be classified as far fetched is because of the lack of evidence, where can those things be observed?
i use common sense and experience.

How do you use these experiences to gauge what to believe? For example: How do you know that God didnt make Adam from dust?

What are the logical steps that led you to this conclusion?

What experiences have you had that told you that God cannot make a man of dust?

I am interested to know. Also if you could answer each of my questions individually I would appreciate it.

Again no where in the creation myth does it say he created more then adam and eve....

I've already told you;

And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth.

So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them.
Matt 19:4 Mark 10:6

And God blessed them, and God said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it: and have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over every living thing that moveth upon the earth.

And God said, Behold, I have given you every herb bearing seed, which is upon the face of all the earth, and every tree, in the which is the fruit of a tree yielding seed; to you it shall be for meat.

Try using some common sense. :rolleyes:

That is your belief. There isn't any evidence to substantiate your notion of the creation of man.

All the evidence discovered through science details evolution not creation. Evidence of creation has never emerged through any scientific study. Your belief has no basis in fact.

That is a different argument.

Evolution does not account for the origin of mankind, so even from a scientific
POV man could have been created.

That is a different argument.

Evolution does not account for the origin of mankind, so even from a scientific
POV man could have been created.


In what way does evolution not account for the origin of mankind? :bugeye:

woooo 5000!
How do you use these experiences to gauge what to believe? For example: How do you know that God didnt make Adam from dust?

i think god did. breathing life (energy) into matter (dust). there now, i just reconciled it.

What are the logical steps that led you to this conclusion?

i used what i know about science and what i know about god.

What experiences have you had that told you that God cannot make a man of dust?

to reiterate, i think god did make adam out of dust (as described above). in my experience with god, i've never been inclined to believe in magic. if we knew all there was to know about life and the universe, science would be moot.
then you haven't used logic or experience to arrive at this conclusion at all. You have just used a rudimentary knowledge of science and to explain a metaphor. What do you know about particles and matter, please explain.

Also you jumped into the whole I am going to decide what is a metaphor and what isnt thing again.
Evolution does not account for the origin of mankind, so even from a scientific
POV man could have been created.


Evolution explains the orgin of our specie. Science is still working on the exact process bringing about the very start of life and most believe they're going to have the answer in the next 10 years.

When you imply evolution isn't the correct answer to Homo sapiens orgins then you've closed off your mind to the scientific evidence. Evolution and natural selection has been accepted by the scientific community as fact. Creation has no supporting scientific evidence therefore the POV of the scientific community is evolution is a fact and creation is not.
evolution is the process by which species are created. people take the bible too literally. i mean, do religious people really think that god was walking around down here like a man, and picked up some dirt in his hand, blew on it, and poof! there was a man.

come the fuck on. :rolleyes:

You're thinking is from a human POV.
From the get go, God commands nature, and nature complies. This includes
the time factor also. It may have taken hundreds or thousands of years in human time for the creation of Adam, but for God it would have been less than a moment.

He created Eden specifically, without humans, meaning it was pure and uncontaminated. Once Adam had commited the violation, he was expelled, meaning he could not remain in that place anymore.

Evolution explains the orgin of our specie. Science is still working on the exact process bringing about the very start of life and most believe they're going to have the answer in the next 10 years.

When you imply evolution isn't the correct answer to Homo sapiens orgins then you've closed off your mind to the scientific evidence. Evolution and natural selection has been accepted by the scientific community as fact. Creation has no supporting scientific evidence therefore the POV of the scientific community is evolution is a fact and creation is not.
Its not clear what "facts" you are referring too ... might pay to investigate the wiki page on scientific facts before you proceed though .....

Evolution explains the orgin of our species.

No it doesn't, it explains the change in genetic characteristics of an existing population over time.

Science is still working on the exact process bringing about the very start of life and most believe they're going to have the answer in the next 10 years.

But for now, they don't know.

When you imply evolution isn't the correct answer to Homo sapiens orgins then you've closed off your mind to the scientific evidence.

There's no implication.
Evolution and Origins are two different subject matters.

Its not clear what "facts" you are referring too ... might pay to investigate the wiki page on scientific facts before you proceed though .....

It seems to me you would be up-to-date about biology and how biology has its basis in evloution. Then there is the fossil record to view.
You're thinking is from a human POV.
From the get go, God commands nature, and nature complies. This includes
the time factor also. It may have taken hundreds or thousands of years in human time for the creation of Adam, but for God it would have been less than a moment.

He created Eden specifically, without humans, meaning it was pure and uncontaminated. Once Adam had commited the violation, he was expelled, meaning he could not remain in that place anymore.


the father (and creator) is law. all things are created according to law. science is the discovery of that law (and unfortunately manipulation or an effort of circumvention).

the holy spirit is the spirit form.

jesus is the human form.

and yes, in regards to the spiritual realm, time is not a factor.

the bible doesn't go into the minute biological and chemical processes of creation. why would it?

the only reason that people argue about shit like this, imo, is because they don't know god. otherwise, it would be irrelevant. i mean, what do i care about adam and eve? about how humans were created or evolved? what impact could that possibly have on my life? none. i know god. i've experienced it's influence in many ways. and it's helped me ALOT. but it's been knowledge that has been relevant and developmental in nature. and rest assured people, that if god, for some reason, wanted me to understand a thing or two about adam and eve, god wouldn't have any problems conveying that knowledge to me, but i know that it would have to be relevant in some way to me and my life. god doesn't deal in trivialities.
It seems to me you would be up-to-date about biology and how biology has its basis in evloution. Then there is the fossil record to view.
(actually its evolution that has a basis in current biological thought, but anyway .....)

I don't follow your line of thought. How does viewing the fact of fossils make for the fact of evolution. I mean I can indicate quite a few fossils that have remained unchanged in certain museums, yet the interpretation of what they signify in terms of evolution has been overhauled extensively in the past 50 years. In fact, I can even indicate some fossils that are no longer celebrated as being key indicators of the nature of evolution, despite having occupied such a status previously.

So what's up?
(hints available in the wiki link on scientific fact)