Religion Vs God

evolution is the process by which species are created. people take the bible too literally. i mean, do religious people really think that god was walking around down here like a man, and picked up some dirt in his hand, blew on it, and poof! there was a man.

come the fuck on. :rolleyes:

Why not? :shrug:
evolution is the process by which species are created. people take the bible too literally. i mean, do religious people really think that god was walking around down here like a man, and picked up some dirt in his hand, blew on it, and poof! there was a man.

come the fuck on. :rolleyes:

If you didn't get it from the bible then what do you base your belief? According to the creation story God made Adam from dust. Evolution and creation conflict with each other and do not harmonize.

Genesis 2:7
Then the LORD God formed man of dust from the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living being.
Did you mist the part about god creating Adam and then thinking that he was lonly and needed help so he created Eve did you miss that part that part about not having man and creating man than woman that part does not say he only created Adam and then Eve. No one else just adam and then eve 2 not many just 2 first 1 then 2.

yeah, but it only talked about adam and eve. that was their story. it's very specific to them. but that doesn't mean that was the only thing going on on this earth at that time. why do people think that the bible tells us EVERYTHING IN THE ENTIRE WORLD? who said that was it's purpose?

the end of the bible is clearly not the end of humanity, so why would the beginning of the bible be the beginning of humanity?

do you see where god tells adam to replenish the earth? REplenish, not plenish.

it stands to reason that the bible is relevant to a generation of humanity... to an age. the end of the book describes a transition into the next, and it's my opinion that the beginning describes a transition from the former.

who knows how many stragglers had made it through from the last and how? and for god's sake, why would it matter???? :confused:
yeah, but it only talked about adam and eve. that was their story. it's very specific to them. but that doesn't mean that was the only thing going on on this earth at that time. why do people think that the bible tells us EVERYTHING IN THE ENTIRE WORLD? who said that was it's purpose?

the end of the bible is clearly not the end of humanity, so why would the beginning of the bible be the beginning of humanity?

do you see where god tells adam to replenish the earth? REplenish, not plenish.

it stands to reason that the bible is relevant to a generation of humanity... to an age. the end of the book describes a transition into the next, and it's my opinion that the beginning describes a transition from the former.

who knows how many stragglers had made it through from the last and how? and for god's sake, why would it matter???? :confused:

It would be because the religious nut jobs say it is according to the creation myth according to the Bible that is when Man came to know God is why he created them that is the point.
If you didn't get it from the bible then what do you base your belief? According to the creation story God made Adam from dust. Evolution and creation conflict with each other and do not harmonize.

Genesis 2:7
Then the LORD God formed man of dust from the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living being.

ever heard of metaphor?

we're all made of earthly matter. ashes to ashes, dust to dust. the bible does not address the biological and evolutionary specifics of how that's occurred over time.

the breath of life is energy.
ever heard of metaphor?

we're all made of earthly matter. ashes to ashes, dust to dust. the bible does not address the biological and evolutionary specifics of how that's occurred over time.

the breath of life is energy.

Oh so metaphorically adman and eve did not exsist then so therefore from that conclusion either did God.
Oh so metaphorically adman and eve did not exsist then so therefore from that conclusion either did God.

the bible contains a message that is true.

it is also true imo, that nobody's really interested in that message.
How can you pick and choose what parts of the bible are a metaphor? Maybe god is a metaphor for existence. ;)
How can you pick and choose what parts of the bible are a metaphor? Maybe god is a metaphor for existence. ;)

i don't. i don't care to. imo it's a waste of time really...but i do insist on some logic, and from what i know of god, it's not magic.

the only reason people are inclined to debate this shit is because they NEED to be right. :eek:

you know when i read the bible? when god tells me to. and then he turns it into the story of my life. how metaphorical is that? ;)
ever heard of metaphor?

What does a metaphor have to do with the book of truths, the holy word of God? Religious books have given the explanation of who humans are and where humans came from until recently. Science has offered a different explanation based on the evidence discovered through scientific research. The creation story didn't measure up or was inconsistent when applying intelliegent skeptical inquiry.
i don't. i don't care to. imo it's a waste of time really...but i do insist on some logic, and from what i know of god, it's not magic.

Why would you only insist on some logic? :bugeye:

you know when i read the bible? when god tells me to. and then he turns it into the story of my life. how metaphorical is that?

So god cant turn dust into a man, but he can two way radio you inside your head? ....Interesting.
What does a metaphor have to do with the book of truths, the holy word of God? Religious books have given the explanation of who humans are and where humans came from until recently. Science has offered a different explanation based on the evidence discovered through scientific research. The creation story didn't measure up or was inconsistent when applying intelliegent skeptical inquiry.

yeah, god being some guy who goes around blowing into piles of dust that magically spring forth humans doesn't really measure up does it? :wallbang: