Religion Vs God

Because he rested on the seventh day after all that was done then reflect Oh crap forgot some thing I need Man to screw with and he created man after every thing else was created. and then he went oh shit the dude cant keep playing with himself like that I will make him a woman. And Bobs your Uncle Adam and Eve were created it does not say he created any man before that not a one so your theory is again full of holes and is sinking fast i afraid.

He created man and woman on the sixth day.

He created man and woman on the sixth day.


Sorry yes you are correct he did indeed according to the creation Myth how ever the fact remains that the sattement of the Generations was applied to the Heavens and the earth and not specifically to man. And yes as far as them being the first generation so what yes they were they spawned the rest of man. Again no where in the creation myth does it say he created more then adam and eve no where even after that it does not say God saw that what he asked the 2 to do was morally wrong to have kids and in effect force them to procreate with there mother and of father and possibly each other as well. So he creatd more people no it dose not say that it says he created them they had 2 kids cain killed able so that left Cain Adam and Eve
Sorry yes you are correct he did indeed according to the creation Myth how ever the fact remains that the sattement of the Generations was applied to the Heavens and the earth and not specifically to man. And yes as far as them being the first generation so what yes they were they spawned the rest of man. Again no where in the creation myth does it say he created more then adam and eve no where even after that it does not say God saw that what he asked the 2 to do was morally wrong to have kids and in effect force them to procreate with there mother and of father and possibly each other as well. So he creatd more people no it dose not say that it says he created them they had 2 kids cain killed able so that left Cain Adam and Eve

cain and abel took wives. they traveled to a place called "nod" and procured them. so obviously, the bible does not say that adam, eve, cain, and abel, were the only humans on earth at the time.
cain and abel took wives. they traveled to a place called "nod" and procured them. so obviously, the bible does not say that adam, eve, cain, and abel, were the only humans on earth at the time.

But wher did the people in nod come from they where not defined in the creaton of the world/mankind just adam and eve that was it them 2 all other came from Adam and Eve.
But wher did the people in nod come from they where not defined in the creaton of the world/mankind just adam and eve that was it them 2 all other came from Adam and Eve.

it doesn't say where they came from. who cares? but it's obvious that they didn't come from eve's womb. :shrug:
it doesn't say where they came from. who cares? but it's obvious that they didn't come from eve's womb. :shrug:

No it is not according to the creation myth there was no other people around to marry just adam and eve that is it.
Hahah, The Bible does not have to be true or logical in itself...the Christian-Judaic-Islamic faiths state initial conditions, and base all "logical" thought on this...

1: There is a God

2: There is a book written by our God through people he directly inspired to write them.

3: All MAJOR concepts in this Book are true because God wrote them and God knows and controls all.

That's it, theres nothing more any religious folllower needs to argue with a non-follower....The debate will never end, so whether or not it makes SENSE that the bible leaves out SOME things is irrelevant...It's the major concepts that count.

Whether Cain was the only one left with Adam and Eve or if there was a quickly mentioned place called "Nod" that contradicts the other, more incomplete chapters in the bible written by other people also inspired by God is wholly irrelevant to the fact that you must accept Jesus Christ as your savior and do good works for eternal happiness...we know this based on the 3 statements above...

No one can LOGICALLY deny these three assumptions as true, because they're statements assumed as true. Just as it is ASSUMED that 1=1 2=2 1+2=3 etc. you can't actually PROVE these statements as true or false...they're based off of initial conditions in number theory that cannot be altered...
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No it is not according to the creation myth there was no other people around to marry just adam and eve that is it.

read genesis ch 4. i was wrong. it was only cain who took a wife after he killed abel and fled to nod. this bit of scripture pretty obviously indicates that adam, eve, and cain were not the only humans on earth. it does not indicate that his wife was his sister in any way. he only took her after he had traveled. the very fact that this place "nod" had a name indicates that there were people there to me. generally places are not named unless there are people there to name a settlement. it seems to me to be referred to as such.

it cracks me up how this throws all the religious people into a tizzy.
read genesis ch 4. i was wrong. it was only cain who took a wife after he killed abel and fled to nod. this bit of scripture pretty obviously indicates that adam, eve, and cain were not the only humans on cracks me up how this throws all the religious people into a tizzy.

The humor is in the understanding that the creationist story teller contradicted himself. The creation story didn't allow for other humans on earth. Adam and Eve were the first two people on earth according to the fable about able.
read genesis ch 4. i was wrong. it was only cain who took a wife after he killed abel and fled to nod. this bit of scripture pretty obviously indicates that adam, eve, and cain were not the only humans on earth. it does not indicate that his wife was his sister in any way. he only took her after he had traveled. the very fact that this place "nod" had a name indicates that there were people there to me. generally places are not named unless there are people there to name a settlement. it seems to me to be referred to as such.

it cracks me up how this throws all the religious people into a tizzy.

Read the first part of genisis were did the others come from thin air god created all did he not and it clearly says he created Adam then eve they had 2 kids cain and Able cain killed Able so that left Adman eve and cain to populate the earth as described by the creation myth.
Read the first part of genisis were did the others come from thin air god created all did he not and it clearly says he created Adam then eve they had 2 kids cain and Able cain killed Able so that left Adman eve and cain to populate the earth as described by the creation myth.

but it does NOT say, obviously, that adam and eve were the only two people here at that time. people just assume that. :shrug:
Hahah, The Bible does not have to be true or logical in itself...the Christian-Judaic-Islamic faiths state initial conditions, and base all "logical" thought on this...

1: There is a God

2: There is a book written by our God through people he directly inspired to write them.

3: All MAJOR concepts in this Book are true because God wrote them and God knows and controls all.

That's it, theres nothing more any religious folllower needs to argue with a non-follower....The debate will never end, so whether or not it makes SENSE that the bible leaves out SOME things is irrelevant...It's the major concepts that count.

Whether Cain was the only one left with Adam and Eve or if there was a quickly mentioned place called "Nod" that contradicts the other, more incomplete chapters in the bible written by other people also inspired by God is wholly irrelevant to the fact that you must accept Jesus Christ as your savior and do good works for eternal happiness...we know this based on the 3 statements above...

No one can LOGICALLY deny these three assumptions as true, because they're statements assumed as true. Just as it is ASSUMED that 1=1 2=2 1+2=3 etc. you can't actually PROVE these statements as true or false...they're based off of initial conditions in number theory that cannot be altered...

Whoa back up the crazy train dude the bible is either true or not you cannot just say well that part is not right but the rest of it is. Dont work that way not in the real world either the whole thing is crap or it is not if the whole thing is crap then there is no god.
The creation story didn't allow for other humans on earth.

how is that? it's just an assumption that people make. there's no indication of that in the bible. actually, quite the contrary.
He created man and woman on the sixth day.


That is your belief. There isn't any evidence to substantiate your notion of the creation of man.

All the evidence discovered through science details evolution not creation. Evidence of creation has never emerged through any scientific study. Your belief has no basis in fact.
i've read it. it does not.

Did you mist the part about god creating Adam and then thinking that he was lonly and needed help so he created Eve did you miss that part that part about not having man and creating man than woman that part does not say he only created Adam and then Eve. No one else just adam and then eve 2 not many just 2 first 1 then 2.
That is your belief. There isn't any evidence to substantiate your notion of the creation of man.

All the evidence discovered through science details evolution not creation. Evidence of creation has never emerged through any scientific study.

evolution is the process by which species are created. people take the bible too literally. i mean, do religious people really think that god was walking around down here like a man, and picked up some dirt in his hand, blew on it, and poof! there was a man.

come the fuck on. :rolleyes: