Religion Vs God

Where in there does it say he created more then Adam and Eve no where I can see..

It doesn't. I agree with you, it's pretty clear how it reads and what it says.

I am not sure what others are seeing in there, which is why I asked if we were supposed to read it backwards.
It doesn't. I agree with you, it's pretty clear how it reads and what it says.

I am not sure what others are seeing in there, which is why I asked if we were supposed to read it backwards.

I know you agreed just thought a bit of rebuttal is all. And yes I do not see where they get there info from if they read the same bloody book if Steve King wrote a book like that he would be stoned I am sure.
It doesn't. I agree with you, it's pretty clear how it reads and what it says.

I am not sure what others are seeing in there, which is why I asked if we were supposed to read it backwards.

I know you agreed just thought a bit of rebuttal is all. And yes I do not see where they get there info from if they read the same bloody book if Steve King wrote a book like that he would be stoned I am sure.

I think the two of you are not aware of the lenses/paradigms you are seeing through ...
I think the two of you are not aware of the lenses/paradigms you are seeing through ...

What lens the rose coloured lens yeah I heard about that it is the one that people apply to something that is too ugly to bare full on so they make stuff up to make themselves feel better about what they see and do not like.
PS I do not buy into this one word has many means bullcrap ether that is for the people that cannot explain what they are looking at. Or do not want to explain what they are looking at.
Jan Ardena has been doing that all along ...

No She?He has not they have been spewing drivel about what they feel the bible meant words are words when laid down on paper you take them in the context of the sentence and comprehend them. There is no well that dont agree with my moral standing so I will read it this way come Please wake the hell up..
No She?He has not they have been spewing drivel about what they feel the bible meant words are words when laid down on paper you take them in the context of the sentence and comprehend them. There is no well that dont agree with my moral standing so I will read it this way come Please wake the hell up..

Ignorance is bliss, eh? :eek:
Ignorance is bliss, eh? :eek:

Yeah it must be for you hey. I am not ignorant to the Fact of what it says I am not the one putting meaning to words that are simply not there. Oh wait God is not really there either I see the connection now it is the invisible man syndrome here...
Can you explain what you understand of my post, 251.


I understand that you are reading into the text something that is not there to make yourself feel better about believing in something that has so many obvious contradictions and out right lies. I understand that you find it difficult to fathom that the creation myth has way to high of a gross factor for you to get behind. This is what i understand from your post 251.
I understand that you are reading into the text something that is not there to make yourself feel better about believing in something that has so many obvious contradictions and out right lies. I understand that you find it difficult to fathom that the creation myth has way to high of a gross factor for you to get behind. This is what i understand from your post 251.

Can you give an example of your analysis by using quotes from the post?

Can you give an example of your analysis by using quotes from the post?


If you cannot comprehend why you so wrong at what you are saying I doubt serriously that will we comprehend any further explanation I have posted quotes from the Bible you have posted what you feel the text is saying it says what it says and it does not say God created any other Human Beings other then Adam and Eve the sooner you realize that the better off you will be.
The generations yu are speaking of is in regard to the Heavens and the earth the creation of plants and animals. It has nothing to do with the creation of Man and Woman from man nothing at all.
The generations yu are speaking of is in regard to the Heavens and the earth the creation of plants and animals. It has nothing to do with the creation of Man and Woman from man nothing at all.

Looking at genesis1 again, the men and women created by God had specific
duties, and farming/agriculture wasn't one them.

Anyway, back to your point.

"These are the generations of the heavens and of the earth when they were created, in the day that the LORD God made the earth and the heavens,"

Why wouldn't it include man and woman, it say's He created them also?

Looking at genesis1 again, the men and women created by God had specific
duties, and farming/agriculture wasn't one them.

Anyway, back to your point.

"These are the generations of the heavens and of the earth when they were created, in the day that the LORD God made the earth and the heavens,"

Why wouldn't it include man and woman, it say's He created them also?


Because he rested on the seventh day after all that was done then reflect Oh crap forgot some thing I need Man to screw with and he created man after every thing else was created. and then he went oh shit the dude cant keep playing with himself like that I will make him a woman. And Bobs your Uncle Adam and Eve were created it does not say he created any man before that not a one so your theory is again full of holes and is sinking fast i afraid.