Religion + migration poll

Which do you most NOT want to migrate into your country (pick one):

  • Jewish

    Votes: 1 2.4%
  • Christian

    Votes: 3 7.1%
  • Muslim

    Votes: 15 35.7%
  • Hindu

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Buddhist

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Shinto

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Tao

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Atheist

    Votes: 3 7.1%
  • Come one Come all

    Votes: 20 47.6%

  • Total voters
Under the assumption there is an conspiracy to smudge the good name of Islam, one wonders? Why? Why would Tao Chinese, Buddhist Japanese and Thai, Hindu Indians, French and German Xians all independently want to do such a thing? Do you think it's the Jews? Really now, that's the only reasonable solution. I mean, it couldn't have anything to do with ... oh, I don't know, Islam?
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There has been propaganda? Like what? I know in the USA no one even really knew anything about Muslims before 9/11. I'm sure you could ask about any American back then "What is Islam" and they'd have no idea what you are talking about.

One example:




You seem to have a very short memory. After 9/11, all Muslims particularly those living in the West were suddenly viewed with suspicion. Overnight we became the enemy within - we were all potential terrorists, we were tacit supporters of terrorism etc. Some elements in the media hijacked the 9/11 attacks in order to further their own cause - to demonise all Muslims and Islam as much as possible in order to help justify actions in Palestine, Chechnya, Kashmir etc.. There was an ungodly amount of Islamophobic, prejudiced and racist material (newspapers, radio broadcasts, books etc.) in the West maligning Muslims, their religion, customs and Islamic nations in general.

Out of the blue, there were terrorist cells throughout the US and Europe, all of them ready to attack. The Eiffel tower, Heathrow Airport, the Stock Exchange, this underground system, that bridge, this airport etc. None of the attacks ever materialising. All of a sudden youngsters (with no military training or money) watching Islamist videos on the net were more dangerous than the drug-dealers, pimps and gangsters roaming our streets.

And there were profound consequences for Muslims - practicing or not-practicing. I know of Muslims that lost their jobs, Muslims that were attacked, spat on etc. Just because they looked like, or were Muslim.

Why do you suppose Muslims received so many votes?

Why Muslims? Why not Buddhists? Shinto?

I've already answered this.

Regarding Buddhists and the Shinto, they are concentrated in certain regions whereas Islam is spread over many different countries - countries with different cultures, languages, traditions and histories. A lot has taken place in those Muslim countries in recent times, most of the Muslim nations we see today (on the World map) only gained independence from the colonial powers this century (some only came into existence this past century). Their are still many disputes over land and territory (Kurdistan, Iraq, Kashmir etc.), it takes time for these issues to settle. Western Europe didn't become what it is today in half a century.

That's a funny way to look at a democracy.

You think that one sentence of mines reflects what I think of democracy? Democracy is many times better than other forms of government, though it is not perfect. In the UK we have say in stuff going on at a local level, but not that much say at the top levels. The elections of 2005 when Blair won his historic third stint as Don was a joke. Almost 40% of the country not voting and there being no real alternative for most people. The Iraq war is another good example. The UK Gov. (Labour or Tory) will always align itself with the US regardless of what the UK populace thinks and wants.

So, in your opinion, Muslims have done absolutely nothing at all to bring about this results of this poll? The total fault lies at the feet of non-Muslims. Non-Muslims are to blame?

No. Some Muslims are to blame as they have not helped the situation.

I don't see this as a Muslim vs. Non-Muslim issue, people in the UK can and have been getting on fine, the media and Government however need to be more responsible, they need to do more in order to ensure law-abiding Muslims are not ostracised.

I'm still wondering: Why not Buddhists or Shinto or Hindi?

You tend to have a rosy view of India and some other nations. Do you know what happened in India after the assassination of Indira Gandhi?

Do you know what Mother India did to her Sikh community? Do you know about the attack on their holiest temple that coincided with their annual festival. An equivalent would have been an attack on Makkah during the Hajj pilgrimage.

Do you know about India's occupation of Kashmir and the atrocities committed therein? something reported by many human rights organisations.

Do you remember the riots in Gujarat? The demolition of the Babri Masjid by Hindu fanatics? Are you aware of the conflict in Assam?
Originally Posted by Michael
There has been propaganda? Like what? I know in the USA no one even really knew anything about Muslims before 9/11. I'm sure you could ask about any American back then "What is Islam" and they'd have no idea what you are talking about.

I have no idea where you got that information from.
Out of the blue, there were terrorist cells throughout the US and Europe, all of them ready to attack. The Eiffel tower, Heathrow Airport, the Stock Exchange, this underground system, that bridge, this airport etc. None of the attacks ever materialising. All of a sudden youngsters (with no military training or money) watching Islamist videos on the net were more dangerous than the drug-dealers, pimps and gangsters roaming our streets.

And there were profound consequences for Muslims - practicing or not-practicing. I know of Muslims that lost their jobs, Muslims that were attacked, spat on etc. Just because they looked like, or were Muslim.

Terrorist cells do exist so dont go off on a tangent. The reason they are viewed as more dangerous than the drug-dealers, pimps and gangsters roaming our streets (your words) is because the victims are generally random and innocent and even Muslims themselves.
John99, I'm from America and I lived next to the largest Muslims population in America and I can safely say most Americans didn't know and didn't care to know much of anything about Islam. Pre 9/11 that was the case.

One example
Your examples of conspiracy to blemish Islam are both post-9/11 it was therefor not a case of the media causing people to view Islam negatively but instead a case of media reflecting the mood of Americans and cashing in.

Also, OK, Indian Hindu can be arse holes. I'm not denying that. What I'm asking is why do Indian Hindu, Thai and Japanese Buddhists, Chinese Tao, Singaporean Buddhists, Filipino Catholics etc... all have a negative opinion on Islam and Muslims? Why? Obviously your example of Western media bias can not explain their feelings as they are not under the influence of Western media.
No. Some Muslims are to blame as they have not helped the situation.
Please Ghost_007, I think we can go a little farther. Some Muslims are to blame as they have helped CREATE the situation.

Ghost_007, do you think that all the major religious beliefs are equally valid? I can't remember what your opinion was.
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I was watching a bit of CNN News story about Australian Muslims living in Western Sydney and it seem quite plain to me that there is a problem with integration. Even many of the kids, they only interviewed boys unfortunately, thought of themselves as Lebanese. They hadn't never even been in Lebanon. Ever.

It just seems to me that there seriously needs to be better education and more information given to people on both sides of the fence so that someday in the future there is no fence.
Its like the American who told me he's Irish. And when I asked which part of Ireland he came from, he told me he hasn't had an opportunity to visit yet.
Its like the American who told me he's Irish. And when I asked which part of Ireland he came from, he told me he hasn't had an opportunity to visit yet.
Yes, however, did his notion of being Irish prevent him from integrating with the wider community? Probably it didn't. But, if so then there is a problem.

That's the difference. Many Muslims are not integrating. So, that's a problem. One that can really only be dealt with through education. Not by closing the eyes and ears and pretending it doesn't exist.
The Muslims interviewed were saying exactly as much, that there is a problem.

The odd thing is, they said it was because they don't have blue eyes and blond hair. This seems a bit far fetched because Greeks and Italians successfully integrated and Asians are as well - both Indian and Far East. It should be noted that many Indians and Far East Asians have religions that aren't quite compatible with Xianity. And the languages are quite different - yet, they are integrating.
This should be the bigot poll.. Sad to see so many bigoted losers actually voted... Well I hope a your daughters marry into another culture and their children take up a religion that you fear.
The only religion that FORBIDS inter religious marriage for women is Isalm. For men is ok as long as everyone else involved converts.
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Blindman: "Well I hope a your daughters marry into another culture and their children take up a religion that you fear."

You obviously have clear vision. May your karma flatten a thousand dogmas.
I'll fearlessly introduce you, but I should warn you before you may become bitten by something cute:

It's not my dogma.

"I voted for Come one Come all."

As did I.
This should be the bigot poll.. Sad to see so many bigoted losers actually voted... Well I hope a your daughters marry into another culture and their children take up a religion that you fear.
Black and White, the world must be a very simple place for you to navigate, GWBJr is probably juxtaposed to your world view but in actuality you two make a good pair.

Anyway, thank you for the ad hominem fallacy.

Three Britons all guilty of a bomb conspiracy say they are Muslims and inspired to kill their fellow British Citizens: innocent fathers and mothers, children and grandparents. I know MANY British who against the wars, they hold rallies, they vote with their conscious, the organize campaigns for change - BUT what they do NOT do is murder their fellow Citizens by attempting to plant bombs on passenger planes.

So, we could try to find out WHY these British Citizens thought it was a good idea to kill fellow Citizens, people they had never met OR we could stick our head in the sand because Blindman here doesn't like tackling life's difficult problems.

That's quite interesting because even the Imam on CNN said there is a problem within the Muslim community. One solution he had was to get rid of non Australian Imams (people from the ME preaching here) as they have no clue what Australians are concerned with (and little incentive and or care to find out) what Australian Muslims worries are and they instead preach their hatred here about THEIR problems in the ME ... in effect bringing those problems here to Australia and making it problems for Muslims in Au. So, a good first step would be to get these people out of power positions and preferably send them back to Egypt, KSA, etc... and instead get home-grown Australian Imams in charge of the Mosques.

Australian Imams with Australian values who know what the problems are here in Australia.

So, no, there is nothing wrong with the poll. And here we have an intelligent Muslim Australian Imam talking about migration and Muslims... gee who'd have thunk it?


I voted Come one Come all and my solution is education.
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BTW I voted Come one Come all.
I voted Come one Come all and my solution is education.
The Nazi's used education as well. Its a great way to indoctrinate the young

OR we could stick our head in the sand because Blindman here doesn't like tackling life's difficult problems.

How you infer that is beyond me. But encouraging the denigration of people based on religion is just hate mongering. Personal I would prefer that there was no religion but I'm not going to care if they move in next door. Its a shame that 53% of people voted to keep people out.