Religion Just Sucks Hairy Balls and then Some

And I had no idea that the scientific community was defined by the scientists who work on weapons programs.

It's just like you muslim terrorists and fanatics to go to extremes.

(for the learning disabled, this is a form of ironic reflection on the use of a stereotype).

Do you mean to say that religion is NOT defined by extremists or that scientists ARE defined by those who build weapons?
Don't be an idiot. Do I really have to explain what "in the name of" means?

actually it is advocated by some modern historians that there was no need for the states to drop the bombs in japan at such a late stage during the war - some say they did it for reasons of display of political prowess - some say they did it because they were curious to examine this scientific invention

actually the ethics of science is becoming an increasingly discussed issue even amongst scientists - why?
Ethical scientists would obviously have nothing to do with inventions that they know would maim and murder women and children as indiscriminately as soldiers.
Yes. And ethical religious and political leaders would never comission the development of such weapons to implement genocide and terrorism.
Yes. And ethical religious and political leaders would never comission the development of such weapons to implement genocide and terrorism.

So scientists are designing weapons out of fear and due to coercion?

They are afraid of the politicians and religious leaders more than they are afraid of the consequences of their weapons? They would rather defend their own skins than those of innocent women and children???? (since most of them KNOW that there is no afterlife, and this is all there is?):eek:
actually it is advocated by some modern historians that there was no need for the states to drop the bombs in japan at such a late stage during the war - some say they did it for reasons of display of political prowess - some say they did it because they were curious to examine this scientific invention

actually the ethics of science is becoming an increasingly discussed issue even amongst scientists - why?
Did you read your own post? Scientists were almost unanimous in their desire to NOT have the bombs dropped.
Truman was reported to have said of Oppenheimers claim of responsibility for the deaths of the victims "Who the hell does he think he is? I ordered the goddamned thing to be dropped".
Did you read your own post? Scientists were almost unanimous in their desire to NOT have the bombs dropped.
Truman was reported to have said of Oppenheimers claim of responsibility for the deaths of the victims "Who the hell does he think he is? I ordered the goddamned thing to be dropped".

What about the 20,000 bombs built later?

More curiosity?


Hell this is a LOT of scientific curiosity.
US: Total number of nuclear missiles built, 1951-present: 67,500
What about the 20,000 bombs built later?

More curiosity?


Hell this is a LOT of scientific curiosity.
Please, sam, I'm dissapointed. The true science part was over when the concept of critical mass and nuclear chain reaction was demonstrated in a basement at the university of Chicago. The original atomic bombs and all of the subsequent thousands of them were a politically motivated exercise in engineering and manufacturing. If anything, blame the engineers. I worked on DOD weapons projects for the first nine years of my carreer.
Please, sam, I'm dissapointed. The true science part was over when the concept of critical mass and nuclear chain reaction was demonstrated in a basement at the university of Chicago. The original atomic bombs and all of the subsequent thousands of them were a politically motivated exercise in engineering and manufacturing. If anything, blame the engineers. I worked on DOD weapons projects for the first nine years of my carreer.

Are engineers religious?:)

And is engineering NOT science?
If it ever, in practice, does this as a rule and society shows true progress toward tolerance, prosperity, and happiness, let me know.

Even many atheists acknowledge that the primary establishment of religious norms enabled the development of trade and agriculture which in turn gave rise to abundance and which enables for pursuit of knowledge, philosophy and science since such things require money and a civil atmosphere to take place - in other words the fact that you have the luxury to debate on a net forum and not worry where your next meal is coming from indicates the contribution of religious principles
Are engineers religious?:)
Amazingly, many are. More than I ever would have guessed.

And is engineering NOT science?
Sometimes, yes. My degree is in Electrical Engineering Science. But there is a basic difference between fundamental discovery science and applications science. Scientists discover the fundamentals, and engineers refine the ideas into practical realities. There is much crossover between the two, but that's the basic division of labour.
Amazingly, many are. More than I ever would have guessed.

Sometimes, yes. My degree is in Electrical Engineering Science. But there is a basic difference between fundamental discovery science and applications science. Scientists discover the fundamentals, and engineers refine the ideas into practical realities. There is much crossover between the two, but that's the basic division of labour.

So if I learn philosophy and arts, I can become an engineer?:confused:
Even many atheists acknowledge that the primary establishment of religious norms enabled the development of trade and agriculture which in turn gave rise to abundance and which enables for pursuit of knowledge, philosophy and science since such things require money and a civil atmosphere to take place - in other words the fact that you have the luxury to debate on a net forum and not worry where your next meal is coming from indicates the contribution of religious principles
I find it hard to disagree with this.
I find it hard to disagree with this.

so how do you reconcile your conclusion with your initial response ....

“ Originally Posted by lightgigantic
so why condemn religion if its proper application leads to a strengthening of ethical charcater? ”

If it ever, in practice, does this as a rule and society shows true progress toward tolerance, prosperity, and happiness, let me know.