Religion Just Sucks Hairy Balls and then Some


Alright fine. I'll reword the question, you being so technical: Why should I think well of God or even consider giving him some sort of service to him when he's created the spritual and material realm which in the end only amounts to so much suffering? Does that rewording help?

The end of the material world results in suffering - the end of th espiritual world doesn't - even the end of spiritual practices in the material world doesn't -

BG 2.40: In this endeavor there is no loss or diminution, and a little advancement on this path can protect one from the most dangerous type of fear.

And inescapable my butt. God didn't necessarily have to create cancer in the first place so that no one would even have to think about escaping, am I not right?

what god didn't create was the living entities attachment to the fruits of their activities (because he created them with independence) - he does however recommend that one not be attached to the fruits, which is what keeps us here in the material atmosphere to begin with

BG 2.47: You have a right to perform your prescribed duty, but you are not entitled to the fruits of action. Never consider yourself the cause of the results of your activities, and never be attached to not doing your duty.

Its not that god didn't have to create cancer - its that we didn't have to necessarily come to the material world in the attempt to enjoy seperate from god
Unfortumately for you, I'm not an atheist. I believe in the exiestence of God. I just hate that God with all passion there is. I'm a theist with hate. If I had my own religion, I'd call it Fuck-Godist.
That's just like in the movie Pitch Black. The muslim pilgrim says something about Riddick not believing in god, and Riddick says "Oh, I believe in god alright, I just hate the motherfucker" or something to that effect.
Religion as a sense of individual spiritual linkage to the cosmos if fine. Organized religion of any kind is the root of - my guess would be 80% - 90% - human suffering whether directly or indirectly.
Religion as a sense of individual spiritual linkage to the cosmos if fine. Organized religion of any kind is the root of - my guess would be 80% - 90% - human suffering whether directly or indirectly.

Do you also believe TV increases crime and video games make teenagers more prone to violence? What about the effect of media on promotion of violence? And education? Does education increase awareness of differences between people and lead to increase in technology that facilitates the production of weapons and the ability to kill more and more people?

And the role of science in all of the above?
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Do you also believe TV increases crime and video games make teenagers more prone to violence? What about the effect of media on promotion of violence? And education? Does education increase awareness of differences between people and lead to increase in technology that facilitates the production of weapons and the ability to kill more and more people?
Even with your edits, yes.
Do you also believe TV increases crime and video games make teenagers more prone to violence? What about the effect of media on promotion of violence? And education? Does education increase awareness of differences between people and lead to increase in technology that facilitates the production of weapons and the ability to kill more and more people?

And the role of science in all of the above?
Even more edits.

Science is just a way of finding out stuff. That's it. The fruits of science are usually left to politicians and profit minded entrepeneurs to use.
Do you also believe TV increases crime and video games make teenagers more prone to violence? What about the effect of media on promotion of violence? And education? Does education increase awareness of differences between people and lead to increase in technology that facilitates the production of weapons and the ability to kill more and more people?

And the role of science in all of the above?

I don't suspect these tykes were raised on Playstations.

to manifest the adoption of religious principles (ie acting in ways in the material world according to god's desire) in society at large
Ah HA! This is exactly the problem. Who knows god's desire? You? The king? The priest? The Prophet? And just whos god are we talking about here?

Society at large has been enslaved by those who know gods desires for the people for most of human history. I would fight you to the death to keep from living in a theocracy. Which is what you get (as history demonstrates) when you let your guard down for even a moment.
Ah HA! This is exactly the problem. Who knows god's desire? You? The king? The priest? The Prophet? And just whos god are we talking about here?

Society at large has been enslaved by those who know gods desires for the people for most of human history. I would fight you to the death to keep from living in a theocracy. Which is what you get (as history demonstrates) when you let your guard down for even a moment.


And the scientists who design the missiles, cluster bombs, nuclear weapons, for "the pleasure of finding things out"?

What do they believe the people funding this research intend it for?

What did they "find out" in process of building the 20,000 plus nuclear weapons present in the one country that used it (and made presumably after the first or second use of this weapon)?

What was the educational aim of those scientists?
Sam, what is your point? Does religion suck hairy balls or not?

Seems to me if we go by Dawkins theory that politicians are only playing at being religious and accept that most scientists are atheists, it is the atheists who seem bent on the destruction of the world.

Ah HA! This is exactly the problem. Who knows god's desire?

You? The king? The priest? The Prophet? And just whos god are we talking about here?

the saintly person with the assistance of scripture

Society at large has been enslaved by those who know gods desires for the people for most of human history.
Seems like people are enslaved by politicians actually - just because someone may claim to know god's desires doesn't mean they aretelling the truth - and just because someone misrepresents god's desires doesn't mean he doesn't have any

I would fight you to the death to keep from living in a theocracy.

Thats fine - I wouldn't fight to keep you in one

Which is what you get (as history demonstrates) when you let your guard down for even a moment.

Its not clear what you are guarding against - "we have seen the enemy and he is us" - yellow kid