Religion Just Sucks Hairy Balls and then Some

I think she is in fact resident on everyones computer, disguised as notepad.exe

but that'll take so much memory...unless of course she is storing memory across many servers of the world. WOw! what a program! well either way she is somewhere out there in india and i am somewhere out here in USA, so we are never to see each other. better start lookin for someone around me.
And the results? What are they?

Whoa, the results of humanism? Are you kidding me, you don't know? Ahem:
Hull HOuse, New YOrk City Cares volunteer agency, Peace Corps, settlement houses, medicine, rehabilitation centers...

The list goes on, my friend.
A ruse. There are no Phd studies. :rolleyes:
No? So you think sam is form of Sentient Autocorrellating Mentality also? Hmm... Possibly here from another world, testing our ability to compete in intergalactic logic and debating tournaments? Hmmm indeed...
No? So you think sam is form of Sentient Autocorrellating Mentality also? Hmm... Possibly here from another world, testing our ability to compete in intergalactic logic and debating tournaments? Hmmm indeed...

Nah, just a sweet ass mother with a compooter.
If you refer back to first post of this thread... sigh... How do you explain all those things that religion has caused? For hundreds and hundreds of years? NOt only caused, but JUSTIFIED??!!!