Religion, Dinosaurs, A.I. and Aliens


To me these kind of tracks prove the dinosaurs somehow survived the great flood five thousand years ago...on some kind of "Ark" maybe ?

Think about what you are saying for just a moment.

If the dinosaurs were on the ark as well and we are assuming that all of the known dinosaurs from fossil finds were there. Then everything would have been eaten by them !

So the question is do you believe in dinosaurs ?
I've never personally seen one, but that doesn't mean they don't exist.

They don't exist anymore. They died out and or moved on and are not what they once were.

For me the most important reference is in the Bible in the book of Job.
It appears to be a reference to dinosaurs existing after the flood in Job's day.

JOB 40:15
Behold now behemoth, which I made with thee; he eateth grass as an ox.
JOB 40:16
Lo now, his strength [is] in his loins, and his force [is] in the navel of his belly.
JOB 40:17
He moveth his tail like a cedar: the sinews of his stones are wrapped together.
JOB 40:18
His bones [are as] strong pieces of brass; his bones [are] like bars of iron.

This is the most important evidence of dinosaurs walking with man. You would think if man met a giant meat eating dinosaur they would be a lot more explicit references. It fact it would be full of them and they would be very specific.

As far as believing in "modern" science and all of it's political agendas....
The question you may need to start asking yourself is;

"Have I been lied to?"

The question is do you believe in Dinosaurs ? I assume by the above your answer is yes.

Therefore you must believe that science is unable to date the fossils ?

How big would the ark have had to been ?

Consider the amount of dinosaur fossil evidence that has been gathered to date ? Remember a male and a female of each and every one ?

How did they die out ? What kind of weaponry was used to wipe them out ?

Why didn't people of the day have remnants of their existence ? You would think that it would be a prize to have a necklace of massive T-Rex teeth ?

You have not thought about this deeply enough.

You have been lied to.
How big would the ark have had to been?
Ever see Jurassic Park?
They stored a dozen fetuses in a cryogenic jar disguised as shaving creme

WTF was there any mention of that in the bible ? LOL

Let's think for a moment...
The world was destroyed by nuclear weapons, then knocked off it's axis shifting the poles, collapsing the suspended water canopy in the atmosphere and then


The agenda of modern science has been to destroy our true history and hide it from the general population

Then why is the world of science about constant discovery. What discover it and then hide it.

If you don't learn from it

You'll end up a crazy conspiracy theorist who believes in all sorts of nutty nonsense.

Never answered my questions just danced around them.
Ever read the Vedas...?
Why do you think Oppenheimer quoted from it when we tested our first modern atomic bomb?

Of course... because it happened before :rolleyes:
I never get tired of this one.

The great thing about Noah's ark is that it is an instant give away as to whether or not you need to bother with anything that person has to say. It's like arguing with someone who maintains that babies are actually delivered by storks.
My religion doesn't deny evolution, the big bang, or any other scientific understanding of the universe. It has no need to; theology is generally a personal thing left up to each practitioner. In Wicca, correct ritual practices is more important than dogmatising individual beliefs.
Just curious. How does our Christian, Hindu and Muslim bretheren here explain the dinosaurs and when they lived, the possibilty of an A.I. coming into existence in the next 20 years and the possibility of alien life?


what makes you say ai is possible in the next 20 years? my friend said that at the rate technology is improving, we should have it by some certain time, but ai is a completely new invention, the entire time we've had computers they haven't gotten closer to being ai, they're just gotten faster with better software. we might as well say we're closer to inventing lightsabers because motorbikes are getting better.
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For Hindus - Aliens are not a proble, because Hindu Gods move from planet to planet either via Vimanas or teleportation

Have not heard too much about AIs - could be part of Yantra framework

Dinosaurs - no peoblem here because Hindu Earth time lasts I think 5 Billion years with Universe close to current knowledge.

The Hindu religion is the only one of the world's great faiths dedicated to the idea that the Cosmos itself undergoes an immense, indeed an infinite, number of deaths and rebirths. It is the only religion in which time scales correspond to those of modern scientific cosmology. Its cycles run from our ordinary day and night to a day and night of Brahma, 8.64 billion years long, longer than the age of the Earth or the Sun and about half the time since the Big Bang. - Sagan, Carl (1985). Cosmos. Ballantine Books. ISBN 978-0345331359. p. 258.
Well, to answer your questions from an Islamic perspective, God (Allah simply means "The God", as it is a compound of two words, "al"+"illah", in which "al" means "the' and "illah" means "God") describes Himself in an infinite amount of ways in the Holy Qur'an and hadeeth. Some of the ways God describes Himself are: "God the Evolver" (Muslims, if they follow the creed strictly, believe in evolution), "Lord of the Worlds" (emphasis on the plurality of the word "worlds"), and also does not limit Himself in His creation.

I'm sure that this answer may seem, at best, vague--and while to some this may seem "progressive", this is an essential part of the ideology of fundamental Islam, going back 1,400 years. If you do see a Muslim bashing science, evolution, etc, it is because while they may have been raised up as "Muslims"-- what they know of their religion is very little.

So, essentially, from an Islamic perspective, there wasn't much of a stir in Islam when the discovery of Dinosaurs became apparent (indeed, in our Qur'an are the story of different races/species/creations that were destroyed before us), also, the Qur'an and hadeeth emphasis the change and evolution in humankind itself (we believe that we are very different from "Adam" and "Eve", in size, longevity, etc, etc)-- this all confirms evolution and extinction, something which our Christian brothers had a difficult time to grasp, when the evidence of such was published.

We also do believe in other beings, namely, the Jinn, and of course, we cannot confine God to only have created us, so aliens being a possibility, are indeed, a possibility. Moving forward, the way Qadr (fate) is described, as well as the power and abilities of God, reminds me very much of M/Superstring theory, using the 10 dimensions. Since infinite infinities are contained within the 10th dimension, it could be said that God exists either in, or above, the tenth dimension, giving Him his unique distinction of having creating everything (good and bad, past and future, etc, etc) while allowing us still theoretical "freedom of movement and choice."

Anyway, I may have digressed well beyond the topic at hand, but I hope that this proves to be informative, and will add to this lively discussion!

Thank you.
Anyway, I may have digressed well beyond the topic at hand, but I hope that this proves to be informative, and will add to this lively discussion!

People see all kinds of shapes in clouds, but they're still just clouds.
in my relegion, wich it is islam, we do beleive in the evolution, and the change to fit the surounding, we do also beleive that humans werent monkeys or gorillas in past, they were also humans, but less evolving, our origin is not monekeys or gorillas,
also we do beleive in other intellegent life, wich they exist in a paralel dimention, we cant see them , we call them the "djin"
also we beleive that there are other planets like earth, have animals, trees, ...
but no intelligent life,
that's according to my relegion, about dinausaures, i don't know, they arent muntioned, also, many other animals toaday, the quran just mentioned life in a general idea, not by eah species,
I'm sure that this answer may seem, at best, vague--and while to some this may seem "progressive", this is an essential part of the ideology of fundamental Islam, going back 1,400 years. If you do see a Muslim bashing science, evolution, etc, it is because while they may have been raised up as "Muslims"-- what they know of their religion is very little.

So, essentially, from an Islamic perspective, there wasn't much of a stir in Islam when the discovery of Dinosaurs became apparent (indeed, in our Qur'an are the story of different races/species/creations that were destroyed before us), also, the Qur'an and hadeeth emphasis the change and evolution in humankind itself (we believe that we are very different from "Adam" and "Eve", in size, longevity, etc, etc)-- this all confirms evolution and extinction, something which our Christian brothers had a difficult time to grasp, when the evidence of such was published.
The Muslims in my region are staunch creationists, and tried to prevent the teaching of evolutionary theory in their charter school - the State had to take them to court.

Muslims also believe in Adam and Eve, Noah's Ark, etc, and have to fit the dinosaurs around those central events.
You would think if man met a giant meat eating dinosaur they would be a lot more explicit references. It fact it would be full of them and they would be very specific.

*Correction!* there would be no references, and we'd all be velociraptors. everything else would be the same.
In my religion, which it is Islam, we do believe in ... in other intelligent life, which they exist in a parallel dimension, we cant see them, we call them the "djinn"

"The Djinn"...or the "Jinn". (Yes, just like Qui-Gon Jinn from Star Wars)
They did do some technical research on the subject.
About a year and a half ago I said something that didn't go over too well here with the common critic, but this brings it up.

I said the world that existed before the great flood was really destroyed by a nuclear weapon.
The global flood was a side effect of the blast. It collapsed a "water canopy" that had previously existed in the upper atmosphere.
The nuclear weapon that did this was so powerful it took only one, not hundreds or thousands.
One planet killing doomsday device, given to man by the "gods" with a warning not to use it on another terrestrial foe.
It's like giving a revolver to a chimpanzee.
The fanatic that got ahold of this thing didn't care it would annihilate everything. Fanatics seldom do.

Look up the definition for "The Jinn". It's the same as "Genie", and the basic root word for "Genius".
Where do you think these geniuses got the idea for the weapon in our day?
The Nazis searched everywhere, the occult, the ancient texts...they knew if such a weapon had once existed, it could be built again today.
So did the Americans.

Step by step, it came to man's work built upon another's and another's.
They had their epiphanies, their "breakthroughs"...
And slowly their prayers were answered as they pushed on in their insanity toward their insidious goal.

Who was it really though, that whispered the answers into the scientists ears in their dreams at night?
They are the children of their father. They could hear the voice of their "ancestors".
Little did they know it was the voice of the same destroyers that had given this "gift" to man before.
"Like giving a revolver to a chimpanzee". One should always be careful what they wish for...

So when the first bomb was tested, Oppenheimer quoted from the ancient texts as if to say "my god what have we done?".
"I have become death, the destroyer of worlds"
He used his position as the world's first director of the new atomic energy commission to lobby against the weapon's further development...
Until they removed him forcibly from office in 1954.
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So when the first bomb was tested, Oppenheimer quoted from the ancient texts as if to say "my god what have we done?".
"I have become death, the destroyer of worlds"
So what?
If he'd said "Fuck me, that was loud" would you take his statement as evidence of his sexual proclivities?

He used his position as the world's first director of the new atomic energy commission to lobby against the weapon's further development...
Until they removed him forcibly from office in 1954.
Yes, factually accurate but not quite the way it happened.
He was in favour of a multi-national nuclear force and considered fission weapons to be sufficient. And he later changed his mind in favour of hydrogen bombs.
He was "forcibly removed" due to his leftist tendencies because of McCarthy and HUAC and because he was deemed a security risk (he was also viewed as such when he was originally employed on the bomb project: the difference being that when he was first employed the Soviets were on our side - during the 50s they weren't).