Religion, Dinosaurs, A.I. and Aliens

Ah, sarcasm goes over your head, I see.

Serious inquiries only please.

Inquiry (also enquiry); is any process that has the aim of augmenting knowledge, resolving doubt, or solving a problem.
A theory of inquiry is an account of the various types of inquiry and a treatment of the ways that each type of inquiry achieves its aim.
Abduction, deduction, and induction.

In rough terms, (A)abduction is what we use to generate a likely hypothesis or an initial diagnosis in response to a phenomenon of interest or a problem of concern, while (B) deduction is used to clarify, to derive, and to explicate the relevant consequences of the selected hypothesis, and (C) induction is used to test the sum of the predictions against the sum of the data.

When three terms are so related to one another that the last is wholly contained in the middle and the middle is wholly contained in or excluded from the first, the extremes must admit of perfect syllogism.

Deduction - For if A is predicated of all B, and B of all C, A must necessarily be predicated of all C.
Induction - If B is the middle term of A and C, in proving by means of C that A applies to B.
Abduction - (forget this one - you don't want to know)

Take it anyway you want. The term "Sir" encompasses;
A. kings B. priests C. lords...(rulers - both theocratic and secular)
A. sovereigns B. nobles C. superiors...(authority - over a territory)
A. male sovereign B. father C. male parent...(genetic predication)

We have established; rulership, ownership, and genetic relationship.
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Still missing the point I note:
Sir derives from seior/ senior.
Hence: father, and by implication king/ ruler/ etcetera - as a king was nominally the father (patriarch: ever heard the word?) of his country.
Nothing sinister at all.
We have determined what "Sir" means. That part was easy.
There's still one more thing you first must know to entirely prove or disprove whether or not "Sir" once meant "Great Serpent".
What was the "Great Serpent" in question? Very simple deductive reasoning.

Until you can answer this one question you can not prove or disprove it was once the equivalent of "Sir".
When you know the answer get back to me.
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One thing you first must know to entirely prove or disprove whether or not "Sir" once meant "Great Serpent".
I've given the etymology.
Your claim was that "sir" actually stood for (derived from?) "Great Serpent".

What was a "Great Serpent"?
Until you can answer this question you can't prove or disprove it was once the equivalent of "Sir".
Wanna bet?
Wanna bet you can prove they're equivalent?
Ah, wrong again: you're the one that made the claim.

No, actually I left the connection of the two open to be determined.
I just suggested a little known meaning for one of the words.

Plus, of course, I have no idea which particular subset of woo wooism YOU think has the "correct" meaning of "great serpent".
Google, for example, lists, on its first page...

Just goes to show you can't let google do all your thinking for you.
You'll have to rustle this one up on your own.
Look for definitions similar to what we already know the word "Sir" means and work it backwards.
That narrows it down.

I know they call this "data mining" but sometimes you have to get your hands dirty to find the goods.
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Just goes to show you can let google do all your thinking for you.
: oops error on your part.
I merely illustrated the problem.

Look for definitions similar to what we already know the word "Sir" means.
In other words find a woo woo site that subscribes to YOUR interpretation rather than work from the bottom up?

I know they call this "data mining" but sometimes you have to get your hands dirty to find the goods.
That isn't "data mining" that's being spoon-fed.
Like I said, I need to know which particular subset you're thinking of...
Woo-woo; a term used by scientific skeptics for pseudoscience , alternative medicine and New Age beliefs...

That's a new one on me. think you're the "scientific skeptic" and I'm the pseudoscience....No, No.

I'm the scientific skeptic.
I just posted a question that needed to be answered.
-In other words find a woo woo site that subscribes to YOUR interpretation...

-Like I said, I need to know which particular subset you're thinking of...

I believe this part of the definition may be authentic......but it's been hijacked by the UFO "woo-woo" subset.

"This word, 'Sir', also apparently meant 'great serpent', and is related to the [[Sanskrit]] word 'Sarpa'".
which was also used to describe great "dragon-gods" who ruled over, and created, the original Dravidian culture."

I't a starting point.

If you take the Sanskrit word "Sarpa" and compare it to the Hebrew word "Saraph"...

Saraph (Hebrew) Plural seraphim. Fiery, burning, glowing, filled with light and warmth; also serpent.
In the Old Testament, the serpent that Moses is ordered to make is the mystical Saraph, and in this almost purely physiological connection it represents Jehovah, the chief of the fiery serpents (SD 2:387).
Flying serpent is the generally accepted translation of saraph me`opheph (Isaiah 30:6) --

These "Fiery Flying Serpents" were not flying snakes, reptilians, or some other type of reptile.
Seraphim represent the highest rank of angels.

Simple comparisons of definitions.
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I missed the point...if the word "Sir" has it's origins from the phrase "great serpent" what does that indicate?
I missed the point...if the word "Sir" has it's origins from the phrase "great serpent" what does that indicate?

What would it mean? Here's some of the highlights, but not all by any means.

- That a Seraph referred to as the serpent in the garden became the god of this world.
- Reveal his claim the world "is delivered unto me; and to whomsoever I will I give it", to be true.
- The term "Sir" as an abbreviation would be a symbol of an ancestral relationship, as in "Sire", in this hierarchy of the "Serpent".

It was originally given as a title of respect for lords, kings, nobles, priests, sovereigns, etc...
It now has digressed into a salutation for any class as show of courtesy and respect.

- The connection between "Sir" and "Serpent" would be a simple sign, everyone speaks but few understand, even if it's meaning was all but lost today.
- A symbol that this seraph called the serpent has supplanted the race of Adam with a mixture, and become one of two "fathers" of the entire human race.
- I think it would further verify events already written in the bible.

But there you go...that's just some of what I think it would mean.
If there where such a connection.
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Lucifer was a cherub, not a seraph. Asmodeus might have been a seraph (many believe the serpent was really Asmodeus- a type of emissary of Satan/Lucifer).
Lucifer was a cherub, not a seraph. Asmodeus might have been a seraph (many believe the serpent was really Asmodeus- a type of emissary of Satan/Lucifer).

Very interesting, thank you.
It does say in Ezekiel the "covering cherub" was in the garden of God.
Yet my research of definitions also says it is the seraph that is referred to as a serpent.
That is a little confusing.
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Seraphim represent the highest rank of angels.
Like I said: it depends on which subset of woo wooism you subscribe to:
* First Sphere (Old Testament sources)
o Seraphim
o Cherubim
o Thrones (Gr. thronoi) (New Testament sources)
* Second Sphere (New Testament sources)
o Dominions (Gr. Kyriotetai)
o Virtues (Gr. Dynamai)
o Powers (Gr. Exusiai)[3]
* Third Sphere
o Principalities (Gr. Archai)[4]
o Archangels - Archangeloi
o Angels - Angeloi
Rank Angel Notes
1 Chayot Ha Kodesh
2 Ophanim
3 Erelim See Isaiah 33:7
4 Hashmallim See Ezekiel 1:4
5 Seraphim See Isaiah 6
6 Malakhim Messengers, angels
7 Elohim "Godly beings"
8 Bene Elohim "Sons of Godly beings"
9 Cherubim See Talmud Hagigah 13b
10 Ishim "manlike beings", see Daniel (10:5)

"This word, 'Sir', also apparently meant 'great serpent', and is related to the [[Sanskrit]] word 'Sarpa'".
which was also used to describe great "dragon-gods" who ruled over, and created, the original Dravidian culture."
Um, no. "Sarpa"'s relationship to "sir" appears to be an invention of the woo woos. Again. I mean... Really. :rolleyes:
Zecharia Sitchin?!? A crank's crank.
Um, no. "Sarpa"'s relationship to "sir" appears to be an invention of the woo woos. Again. I mean... Really. :rolleyes:
Zecharia Sitchin?!? A crank's crank.

Oh, I agree. I stated in post #105 the rest had been "hijacked" by the UFO sites like crystalinks and groups like Stitchin's.
I said only part of the definition appeared to be authentic.
So I looked that part up myself.

There is a relationship of the Sanskrit word "Sarpa" to the Hebrew word "Saraph".
That much is a fact of definition.
I specifically said the reptilian stuff is nonsense.
Please don't take my statements out of context.
I'm working on it, I know I left it somewhere.
While I'm looking for it consider this.

There is a reference to Lucifer having children that fill the world with cities.

ISAIAH 14:12
How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! [how] art thou cut down to the ground, which didst weaken the nations!

ISAIAH 14:17
[That] made the world as a wilderness, and destroyed the cities thereof; [that] opened not the house of his prisoners?

ISAIAH 14:21
Prepare slaughter for his children for the iniquity of their fathers; that they do not rise, nor possess the land, nor fill the face of the world with cities.
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