Religion, Dinosaurs, A.I. and Aliens

Look, the creationists view and the evolutionists view on this matter are miles apart, you aint gonna call them similar now are you ?
According to the bible God created everything in six days. True, he created the animals before man. But we are talking days here.
Thats hardly reconcilable with the millions of years evolutionists are talking about.

You either belief the bible that says everything was created in 6 days or you go with the scientific explanation (meaning evolution).
You just cant say "dinosaurs existed millions of years ago, but a few thousand years ago God created everything". Where did they dinosaurs come from then ? Created by the previous God ? :p No logic there.

No, I agree with all that. I think I was just misinterpreting what you were trying to say.
the bible doesn't say when the world was created, so christians should have no problem with dinosaurs. according to the bible there was giant humans (gen6:4), so why not giant animals too?

i like the egyptian creation story: it says that the sun dies in the evening, then it is reborn again in the morning. this means that the world is not created in the past, it is created every day. that's what i believe.
the bible doesn't say when the world was created, so christians should have no problem with dinosaurs. according to the bible there was giant humans (gen6:4), so why not giant animals too?

i like the egyptian creation story: it says that the sun dies in the evening, then it is reborn again in the morning. this means that the world is not created in the past, it is created every day. that's what i believe.

Some theists have attempted to calculate from the bible when the world was created, and they seem convinced that it happened some 6000 years ago.

There is a difference in liking the idea of a particular belief and actually believing it.
Some theists have attempted to calculate from the bible when the world was created, and they seem convinced that it happened some 6000 years ago.

they were fools. the world isn't created in time, it's created in 7 steps.

There is a difference in liking the idea of a particular belief and actually believing it.

i both like it and believe it. i even know it.
Just curious. How does our Christian, Hindu and Muslim bretheren here explain the dinosaurs and when they lived, the possibilty of an A.I. coming into existence in the next 20 years and the possibility of alien life?

Hinduism, or more accurately, Sanatana Dharma is a philosophy and not a belief system. Therefore there is no conflict with science. Even the Puranas and other story books talk about different planets, intelligent creatures and space ships, teleporters etc. Where there is such advanced technologies, it needs Intelligent Systems (A.I.s). So NO conflict there.
I have met plenty religious people that dont believe evolution is true.
Strangely, most DO believe the dinosaurs existed.. :bugeye:

You dont need evolution to have occurred for dinosaurs to have existed... only for other species to have developed from them.
And Alien life, I think most Christians deny that more or less because they feel that they, as humans on Earth, are unique and therefore the only life in the Universe.

What about angels??? surely to the christian mind that would qualify as non human life elsewhere in the universe.
LOL It's besides the point really but how on earth do you suggest the dinosaurs came to be then ?

I personally am not suggesting anything (I believe in evolution). But we can just as easily say "there was a dinosaur" as "there was a microscopic cell" or "there was a lump of rock" or "there was a density". As soon as you start with "there was a..." you are not expalining the origin of anything.

One could equally suggest that at one point there were a far greater number of species in the world and alot of them have died out. That would explain fossils and allow belief in dinosaurs without the need for evolution. (if one where a christian:shrug:)
I personally am not suggesting anything (I believe in evolution). But we can just as easily say "there was a dinosaur" as "there was a microscopic cell" or "there was a lump of rock" or "there was a density". As soon as you start with "there was a..." you are not expalining the origin of anything.

One could equally suggest that at one point there were a far greater number of species in the world and alot of them have died out. That would explain fossils and allow belief in dinosaurs without the need for evolution. (if one where a christian:shrug:)

Ok, I see what you mean. But that doesn't change the fact that one must be pretty delusional to not believe in evolution in one form or another.
Just curious. How does our Christian, Hindu and Muslim bretheren here explain the dinosaurs and when they lived, the possibilty of an A.I. coming into existence in the next 20 years and the possibility of alien life?


I hope you realize by now superstring, any answer from me will be scientific jargon dipped in christian religion... Only thing is, i'm expendable with certain theories concerning religion...

Dinosaurs (terrible-lizards)
1. And Satan was a lizard was he not? And in the Bible it says, ''and the Earth was formless and Dark...''
Well, if light resembles good, then dark is evil, so what was this evil on earth? I think it was the Dinosaurs... some interesting correlations between the satanic serpent, the dinosaurs and the concept of a religious darkness.

2. Artificial Intelligence does not go against my God, or christianity for that matter.

3. Aliens eh?... well, there is an infinite amount of space, and an infinite amount of matter probable, and the universe has infinite possibilities - thus, should we be so selfish to presume we are the only intelligent beings? In an infinite universe, we should have infinite expectations...

Reiku :m:
Just curious. How does our Christian, Hindu and Muslim bretheren here explain the dinosaurs and when they lived, the possibilty of an A.I. coming into existence in the next 20 years and the possibility of alien life?

I once dated a fundamental Christian. Man she was HOT. Anyway, RE: dinosaurs; according to her fossilized dinosaur bones are fake, they were made by Satan and his minions to test Good Christians faith. Well she isn't buying into it. Nope.

The possibility that Dinosaurs ever lived does not exist in her Christian World.

There are some liberal christians who claim there is no conflict between the bible and evolution. Er, sorry, but there is a HUGE conflict there.
Your statement is no better than theirs, it has no premises and no actual argument.