Religion, Dinosaurs, A.I. and Aliens

A lot of people seem to have created something like a private religion. They still belong to a given religion but they are doing away what stuff they dont like and adopt some views that they do like... etc.
You get the picture.

That is happening increaingly among Catholics in the more affluent/ informed part of the world. Ignoring the Chirch's teaching on contraception is probably the most ovbious example.
That is happening increaingly among Catholics in the more affluent/ informed part of the world. Ignoring the Chirch's teaching on contraception is probably the most ovbious example.

Yep, and we may criticize them for it. But it's actually a good development, perhaps the next generation will yield more atheists.
the bible doesn't say when the world was created, so christians should have no problem with dinosaurs. according to the bible there was giant humans (gen6:4), so why not giant animals too?

i like the egyptian creation story: it says that the sun dies in the evening, then it is reborn again in the morning. this means that the world is not created in the past, it is created every day. that's what i believe.

If you work back through the generations ,as at least one man has done, you find that all was created about six thousand years ago. This was the accepted age of the earth until geology became established.
Yep, and we may criticize them for it. But it's actually a good development, perhaps the next generation will yield more atheists.

That's what I believe. Once people start questioning their blind beliefs and acceptamce of authority, their views tend to shift.

BTW the dinosaurs never went extinct. There are still a few to be found in the Vatican.
That's what I believe. Once people start questioning their blind beliefs and acceptamce of authority, their views tend to shift.

BTW the dinosaurs never went extinct. There are still a few to be found in the Vatican.

LOL :p
That's an insult to the real dinosaurs !
Just curious. How does our Christian, Hindu and Muslim bretheren here explain the dinosaurs and when they lived, the possibilty of an A.I. coming into existence in the next 20 years and the possibility of alien life?


I've been in a room with Christians discussing evolution and witnessed several of them jump up on tables and chairs acting like apes, mocking the concept of evolution. To them, dinosaurs never existed.
I used to live in Chicago wherein exists one of the most impressive collections of dinosaur bones anywhere, namely the Field Museum.

It was always a fantasy of mine to "accidentally" drop some kids from a fundamentalist Christian group there, be like, "LOOK WHAT GOD DID!"

That or just sort of "unfortunately" see to it that a Creationist convention is rescheduled there.

Some religions don't have logical explanations. Some do. But dinosaurs are only ONE of the factors I mentioned.


Do you have a problem with time?
Just a possibility, call this a theory if you will....

There are dimensions multi layered all existing at different time rates.
The ratio was given in the Bible.

One day is a thousand years.

That's 365,000 to 1

In God's time it took 6 days to create the heavens and earth and all the animals on it.
Then on the 7th day he rested.

That's 7,000 years to us.
Then in our time it has been approx. 6,000 since Adam and Eve in the garden.

That's 13,000 years total... not since the beginning of the universe.
Only since God moved upon the face of the waters over a barren and lifeless planet, and began to RESTORE it to life from a previous destruction.
He told the first creation of man....the one before Adam, to multiply and REPLENISH the earth.
That implies restoring a previous population.
See... you have to read what being said between the lines also.

So let’s see now....if you take 13,000 years in our time, times the 365,000 ratio to God's time - that's 4,745,000,000 years.
Now don't think I'm adding a extra multiplication of the numbers here...because The Bible also describes three layers of dimensional time.

What was said was.... "a day to God is as a thousand years, and a thousands years is as a day."

Fundamentalist "Christians" aren't reading the Bible right.
These are the same guys that sent the world into a dark ages that lasted 1000 years and murdered 68 million people in the name of God....

So we have 4.745 Billion years....
How old is science trying to say the planet is now?

Also put with that the dinosaurs actually lived up to and after the flood of Noah’s day.
The Bible records in Job 40-41 their being seen in Job's day still yet.
The 100's of millions of years scientists say they have been extinct is a lie.
Some lived and died that long ago sure....but others remained until modern times.
Human footprints have been found inside fossilized dinosaur prints made at the same time.
And bone has been found so fresh they aren't even fossilized yet.

You have been duped by conflicting groups with opposing agendas.
And neither one of them are right.
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That's not a scientifically valid reference. Please provide some that has been peer reviewed or otherwise published in a scientific magazine.
That's not a scientifically valid reference. Please provide some that has been peer reviewed or otherwise published in a scientific magazine.

Really...imagine that!

Will the Smithsonian due?

You want documentation from the very guys that are destroying the evidence as fast as it's discovered because it doesn't fit into their box?

Archeologist's, doctors, scientists..... are they your final authority.
You can't get a license, doctorate, or a paper published outside of their censorship.

So of course there is no scientifically valid reference....
If someone did try to validate evidence contrary to their standard, that person will no longer be a "Archeologist, Doctor, Scientist etc...or whatever.

This has been going on since time began.
Wake up.
Think for yourself.
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So of course there is no scientifically valid reference....
MOD: If there is no scientific evidence, then the case is closed until such evidence comes up.
All further posts about the subject will be deleted until such time someone provides a valid reference.
MOD: If there is no scientific evidence, then the case is closed until such evidence comes up.
All further posts about the subject will be deleted until such time someone provides a valid reference.

Ok, when you put it that way....I guess this is a science board.
I will attempt to bring back something a little more convincing for you.
But, no disrespect intended, I hope you could see my point about a "closed circle" of vaidation.

I have personally known doctors coming back from China, that were threatened by the AMA not to speak of the cancer cures they found there.
And if they do....guess what? no longer a doctor.
See how that works.?

I'm sure you do.

I believe this happens in every field.
I understand the problem, but your proposition - to believe in everything someone writes somewhere on the internet - is also unacceptable.
I could make such a page in a few hours with photoshop, if I had the time and will.

Caption: "We Missed The Boat"

Most certainly, those creationists DID miss the boat.
Just curious. How does our Christian, Hindu and Muslim bretheren here explain the dinosaurs and when they lived, the possibilty of an A.I. coming into existence in the next 20 years and the possibility of alien life?


In old Hindu texts, giant lizards or dinosaurs are not mentioned, except gigantic snakes and crocodiles. Hindus accept the fossil evidence of more dinos, and accept them to be tens of millions of years old.

They would not bat an eyelid if in future ETs are discovered, after all it caters to ET life.

AI will not cure the natural stupidity of xian creationists.