Redux: Rape, Abortion, and "Personhood"

Do I support the proposition? (see post #2)

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Which is why I absolutely need you to tell me what it is that I actually think, right? Right.

Leaving aside that it was probably I who first brought up triage long ago to begin with, and LG quoted me on it -
Yes, I am just copying LG. If you say it is so, then it is so!

God died and put you in his place!

You're not quite all there, are you?

Did LG quote you? I wouldn't know. I have only ever seen him use the triage model when it comes to abortion. Never you. I am not privy to all of our discussions, thankfully.

But you seem to have an issue and you seem to go off into this paranoid fantasy land. I don't know what you are trying to prove or to whom, but to put it mildly, you aren't really making any sense. For example, when people interpret your words correctly, you become almost offended. We ask you questions about what you are posting because not only are you making very little sense, but you seem to be all over the place and you contradict yourself constantly. It's almost as if you are conversing with yourself and giving yourself counter arguments that you seem to believe others are making when we are not.

Oh Christ.
As I said, if you have something in your head, we don't know what it is. We can only go by what you are posting on this site. And James and I are not alone in reading and taking your posts at face value.
Has it ever occured to you, Bells, that the way you persistently blame others, isn't actually working out for you?
That even though you do it to gain the upper hand, the result just isn't what you want?
Blame others for what?

What have I blamed you for?

Right now, you seem to be rambling and you aren't really making any sense whatsoever. Are people not allowed to criticise your triage model? Is it sacred and sacrosanct? Are we allowed to question it? Disagree with it? Apply it as you are writing it?

If you have an issue with your posts being interpreted at face value, then say so. All we have are your words on the screen, nothing more and nothing less. So we take your words directly and not indirectly through a series of body language queues and possible hand signals you may be doing by yourself. At present, you present an explanation of a triage model for pregnant women whereby you claim that the person with most chances of surviving may be saved and when it it correctly applied to this current case, you get snippy and ask how anyone could have come to that conclusion, then when I ask you what you are on about, you seem to believe I am blaming you.

Umm.. okay. Whatever you say, Wynn.:shrug:

There are two clinically brain-dead organisms being sustained in the same ICU bed at John Peter Smith Hospital, one is the body of Marlise Munoz, the other is the non-viable fetus dwelling inside that body. Marlise as a living person possessed legal rights to determine the treatment of her brain dead body. The fetus having never attained personhood has no such rights, and its future disposition should be left to the discretion of Marlise’s designated proxies.

Why thank you for providing clear and precise rational in this pit of a thread, please enlighten me some more.
I asked you earlier Asguard and I noticed you have avoided answering the question. What would you do if you were called out somewhere and a person with a DNR had died. Would you perform CPR?
He has answered this question before, but in a different context. Yes, he would do it, and my inquiries to some EMTs (emergency medical technicians or "ambos" as you call them) in the U.S. yielded the same answer.

The reason is that every year, quite a few medical professionals (surgeons, specialists, primary-care physicians, nurse-practitioners, physician's assistants, duty nurses, technicians, probably even orderlies and janitors, certainly hospital administrators, and for all I know even the presidents of the corporations that run the hospitals and the presidents of the universities that administer university medical centers) are sued for honoring a DNR. There are always a few family members who insist that the patient was not of sound mind and body when he signed the DNR, and of course there are plenty of people in this country who can be convinced to do something unethical in order to share in the plunder of a successful lawsuit against a doctor, a corporation, or other "deep pockets."

All it takes is for one of these suits to succeed, and you've got a doctor or other medical professional who, at the very least, has a revoked license and will never be able to work again, not to mention being considerably poorer. This sends a frightening message to all other medical professionals.

On the other hand, it is very rare for a professional to be sued successfully for failing to honor a DNR, and the consequences are minor. After all, the court can simply order him to turn off the machine-that-goes-ping, let the patient die, and perhaps give the heirs a few thousand dollars for their pain and suffering--and then go back to work in the morning.

This is what we call a "no brainer."

See, I view anyone, be they male or female, who obsesses over the sexual and reproductive organs of complete strangers, be they male or female, and others so much that they are willing to impose their will on those sexual and reproductive organs without consent to be perverts.
Bells, you're losin' it! This topic has made you so angry that you've lost your sense of grammar and syntax. The second half of that sentence is missing, so it makes no sense.

Believe me, I'm 100% on your side in regards to this issue. But you need to take a deep breath, go play with your dog for fifteen minutes with some peaceful music playing, then come back to this with your eyes uncrossed and your blood pressure back to normal.

This is only a website for wannabee scientists and trolls who want to disprove science, for the goddess's sake! It's not a debate in Congress with reporters taking notes that will be in tomorrow's headlines.
See, I view anyone, be they male or female, who obsesses over the sexual and reproductive organs of complete strangers, be they male or female, and others so much that they are willing to impose their will on those sexual and reproductive organs without consent, to be perverts.

You're not losing it, Bells. I don't know what he's talking about. It made perfect sense to me. I don't know, maybe a comma would help. :shrug:

You're good to go, Bells.
You're not losing it, Bells. I don't know what he's talking about. It made perfect sense to me. I don't know, maybe a comma would help. You're good to go, Bells.
Well yeah. That sentence needed a comma desperately. Thanks for having more patience than I did, so you could find the place where it was needed.

Nonetheless, there's way too much shouting on this thread. This is supposed to be a place of science! Everybody needs to chill.
The Intended Mess

Fraggle Rocker said:

This topic has made you so angry that you've lost your sense of grammar and syntax. The second half of that sentence is missing, so it makes no sense.

Actually, I would posit that this is a result of pedantic demands for repetition and specification.

Over the years, this subject has transformed many mundane realities into extraordinary assertions:

• In any issue that isn't a conservative prohibitionist cause, excessive attention to other people's sex lives is considered perverse.

• It is a common tactic in these political discussions to play pabulum pedantry; one simply pretends that simple concepts are obscure and confusing, demanding further clarification while protesting what they claim to not understand.

• To borrow a note from C. Sophronia Cleebers (Teresa Neilsen Hayden): It is not enough to use run-on sentences; they must also parse. You have to be orderly when you pile up that many clauses at once; otherwise they'll fall over. While Cleebers was referring to the auctorial method and voice of Paarfi of Roundwood (Steven Brust), the note applies here. There are a few toppling piles of clauses of my own in this thread, and most of them come about because one is trying to contain the breadth of a ludicrous counterpoint or inquiry in a single sentence; as we're aware, the practice of fisking genereally means we need to change the rules about how sentences and paragraphs relate. ElectricFetus provides an excellent example, compared to the actual construction of the paragraph he split up in order to camp on politics. Note that when he moved on to analyze the rest of the paragraph, he held the first sentence entirely separate from the rest of the paragraph, and then restates the extraordinary assertion (transformation to "rights of the corpse") while ignoring the relevant, mundane realities. As long as we are to believe that the people invested in the other side of this argument are so ignorant of history, our society, and human beings in general, what other than sheer numbers in a democratic context justifies their place at the table? What we have is one side of the dispute refusing to address specific outcomes while the other scrambles to meet the one's increasing demands for restatements of ordinary facts, reiterations of our own records on the subject, reminders of history, and the sort of first-week basics of Logic 101 that an informed, genuine advocate of a policy prescription would not need to learn.

— Couple that with Syne's invocation of the rules, and what we have is a metaphorical title fight that won't come about because the challenger's representative demanded, "Since it's clear my man is the better fighter, the champ should have to conduct the match with one hand tied behind his back." In the end, the burden of everything is placed upon the acknowledged presuppositions in order to demand they be re-established in a context (A) accommodating of extraordinary assertions that should not have to be supported, and (B) accommodating people who will not, despite their demand for accommodation, be accommodated. Our neighbors complain that we become frustrated or angry with the perpetual disrespect. Very well, since we apparently must bottle that frustration or anger, because they are incapable of behaving appropriately and therefore the rest of us must accommodate that disability, some are trying to cover far too much in a single sentence.​

• Thus it is not necessarily emotional investment leading to syntactical collapse, but, quite possibly, the facts that (A) these are human beings (B) trying to perform an extraordinary task (C) in response to people who don't actually want the task accomplished but instead make the demand in order to avoid dealing with mundane realities that otherwise interfere with the purported logic of their argument.​

To that end, I would suggest they're doing a good job swindling people; after all, you bit. As I reminded earlier in this thread this is about the public relations war; I have even asserted specifically that JPSH is playing to the gallery with this stunt. That is also inherent to the role that ElectricFetus plays; he's trying to make a point about how the pro-choice crowd should strenuously avoid showing frustration at decades of willful disrespect and dishonesty that have unquestionably contributed to the tone and style of this discussion.

Which raises another question: Why do we accept such intellectual dishonesty at all?

The alternative is even worse. Booting a bunch of members, the appearance of suppression resulting from coincidence of poor behavior with a specific political argument, and exactly zero progress.

Meanwhile, Syne has a point. Insults are a violation of the rules. Apparently, we omitted the demand for good faith in argument when we put those rules together. The result, of course, is the demand that people should be allowed to behave obnoxiously and be spared any insulting retort, even if that sense of insult is inherent to an accurate description of behavior.

And when a human being tries to perform that kind of excessively stupid rhetorical acrobatics in order to be polite, worthy of discussion, entitled to further willful disrespect, or whatever, sometimes those balancing acts topple.

Besides, as Trooper noted, a comma probably might have helped. To the other, watch what happens if your point about emotion and syntax is turned on the other side.

And to the beeblebrox, this is what happens when we undertake extraordinary accommodation of intellectual dishonesty; the alternative is to withdraw that accommodation. After all, they're not making an ADA claim to disability, right?


Cleebers, C. Sophronia. "Some Notes Toward Two Analyses of Auctorial Voice". The Paths of the Dead. Ed. Lucia of North Leatherleaf. Adrilankha: Glorious Mountain Press, 179 Norathar I.
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Pervert noun: a person whose sexual behavior is regarded as abnormal and unacceptable.

Are you saying thus that pro-lifers because they believe a fetus is a person and thus that abortion is wrong, that through convoluted logic and semantic games they must be sexual deviants, must be perverts? How delusional most you be with hate to calmly claim that such a term is fair and logical? Clearly now certain pro-choicers have stooped to intellectually dishonest, have fallen to the 'shit-fling' level of the pro-lifers they so blindly hate. Let the pro-lifers yell and screech like apes for decades more, legally we won decades ago, and frankly having them hold up cases like marlice monuz will/no correction HAS added yet another victory for us.
,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

He has answered this question before, but in a different context. Yes, he would do it, and my inquiries to some EMTs (emergency medical technicians or "ambos" as you call them) in the U.S. yielded the same answer.

The reason is that every year, quite a few medical professionals (surgeons, specialists, primary-care physicians, nurse-practitioners, physician's assistants, duty nurses, technicians, probably even orderlies and janitors, certainly hospital administrators, and for all I know even the presidents of the corporations that run the hospitals and the presidents of the universities that administer university medical centers) are sued for honoring a DNR. There are always a few family members who insist that the patient was not of sound mind and body when he signed the DNR, and of course there are plenty of people in this country who can be convinced to do something unethical in order to share in the plunder of a successful lawsuit against a doctor, a corporation, or other "deep pockets."

All it takes is for one of these suits to succeed, and you've got a doctor or other medical professional who, at the very least, has a revoked license and will never be able to work again, not to mention being considerably poorer. This sends a frightening message to all other medical professionals.

On the other hand, it is very rare for a professional to be sued successfully for failing to honor a DNR, and the consequences are minor. After all, the court can simply order him to turn off the machine-that-goes-ping, let the patient die, and perhaps give the heirs a few thousand dollars for their pain and suffering--and then go back to work in the morning.

This is what we call a "no brainer."

If a paramedic (in Australia) is made aware and has confirmed a DNR or an out of hospital DNR, they must not perform life saving measures. If the person's heart has stopped beating, then they must not perform CPR or do anything at all. If the person's heart is still beating and they are breathing, they must make the person comfortable and transport them to hospital immediately, with limited medical treatment, such as applying bandages if needed or providing them with oxygen. I know this because I had signed one when I was ill.

ElectricFetus said:
Are you saying thus that pro-lifers because they believe a fetus is a person and thus that abortion is wrong, that through convoluted logic and semantic games they must be sexual deviants, must be perverts? How delusional most you be with hate to calmly claim that such a term is fair and logical? Clearly now certain pro-choicers have stooped to intellectually dishonest, have fallen to the 'shit-fling' level of the pro-lifers they so blindly hate. Let the pro-lifers yell and screech like apes for decades more, legally we won decades ago, and frankly having them hold up cases like marlice monuz will/no correction HAS added yet another victory for us.
The issue with pro-lifer's is that they are obsessed with the sexual and reproductive organs of women. From contraception, to women having sex, to pregnancy, to abortion. It is, by far, an unhealthy and perverse obsession. If a complete stranger covets your sexual organs and demands to have a say in how you use it and for what, what would you call them?

As for Marlise Munoz, the judge's ruling is a sane one. The hospital's response:

The Tarrant County District Attorney's Office, which represented the hospital, said the request to remove Marlise Muñoz from life support “ignores consideration of the unborn child.”

Fort Worth attorney Trent Loftin, who isn't connected to the case, said he believes Friday's hearing in front of District Judge R.H. Wallace likely won't be the end of the case.

"I think whatever the judge decides, the other side will appeal to the second court of appeals and eventually to the supreme court of the state of Texas," Loftin said.

JPS Hospital released a statement Friday afternoon that said they "appreciate the potential impact of the consequences of the [judge's] order on all parties involved and will be consulting with the Tarrant County District Attorney's Office."

Let us hope the hospital does not appeal. However, considering their argument was purely pro-life... It would not surprise me if they did appeal.
Not all pro-lifers care about if a women in abstinent or not, uses contraceptives, etc, your generalizing. Very a few of them I'm sure "covet" your sexual organs, quite the opposite I'm sure, many of them are repulsed that you would do anything with those 'dirty parts' outside of strict reproduction and believe your committing sins regardless if your getting an abortion or not, sure I might think those types are unhealthy sexually, but it would be erroneous to call them "perverts", as their problem is not sexual perversion but a sexual repression both of themselves and of others via a varying combination of jealousy and god fearing.

The question is how fast can the hospital appeal? Can the family rush to the hospital and pull the plug on, as whom who quotes Monty Python said "the machine that goes ping" right away before the hospital can push through paperwork for an appeal? Call me morbid, but I'm just wondering how quickly this can be over, best for you, best for all of everyone if it was soon.
If a paramedic (in Australia) is made aware and has confirmed a DNR or an out of hospital DNR, they must not perform life saving measures. If the person's heart has stopped beating, then they must not perform CPR or do anything at all. If the person's heart is still beating and they are breathing, they must make the person comfortable and transport them to hospital immediately, with limited medical treatment, such as applying bandages if needed or providing them with oxygen. I know this because I had signed one when I was ill.

The issue with pro-lifer's is that they are obsessed with the sexual and reproductive organs of women. From contraception, to women having sex, to pregnancy, to abortion. It is, by far, an unhealthy and perverse obsession. If a complete stranger covets your sexual organs and demands to have a say in how you use it and for what, what would you call them?

As for Marlise Munoz, the judge's ruling is a sane one. The hospital's response:

The Tarrant County District Attorney's Office, which represented the hospital, said the request to remove Marlise Muñoz from life support “ignores consideration of the unborn child.”

Fort Worth attorney Trent Loftin, who isn't connected to the case, said he believes Friday's hearing in front of District Judge R.H. Wallace likely won't be the end of the case.

"I think whatever the judge decides, the other side will appeal to the second court of appeals and eventually to the supreme court of the state of Texas," Loftin said.

JPS Hospital released a statement Friday afternoon that said they "appreciate the potential impact of the consequences of the [judge's] order on all parties involved and will be consulting with the Tarrant County District Attorney's Office."

Let us hope the hospital does not appeal. However, considering their argument was purely pro-life... It would not surprise me if they did appeal.
Bells you really don't know what your talking about, a DNR is a doctors order placed on someone in hospital and has no legal standing. The only paperwork which is legally binding is advanced directives or medical power of attorney made under the consent to medical treatment act or an order of guardianship made under the Guardianship Act through the Guardianship board
Bucket of Cod

ElectricFetus said:

Not all pro-lifers care about if a women in abstinent or not, uses contraceptives, etc, your generalizing. Very a few of them I'm sure "covet" your sexual organs, quite the opposite I'm sure, many of them are repulsed that you would do anything with those 'dirty parts' outside of strict reproduction and believe your committing sins regardless if your getting an abortion or not, sure I might think those types are unhealthy sexually, but it would be erroneous to call them "perverts", as their problem is not sexual perversion but a sexual repression both of themselves and of others via a varying combination of jealousy and god fearing.

We can certainly ignore the documentable slow return of the repressed.

Underlying your point is a problematic concept, that one is divorced from the implications of their actions. I wasn't trying to cause an avalanche, but just set off some fireworks ... in a clearly labeled avalanche zone. Would that be a defense against homicide charges for anyone killed in the avalanche?

Back in the days when hysteria was a common diagnosis, and forced sexual activity was the prescribed cure for women, would you suggest that this was a natural result utterly separate from underlying attitudes about sex, sexuality, and women? You know, the same periods that produced coverture, the legal theory that a wife is the property of her husband, but not vice-versa?

If you go back and look at the anti-Catholic literature of the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, is the detail—scandalous and shocking in its time—about just how perverted Catholics are, doing this and this and this and my aren't we good Protestants who don't do all these perverted things ... one cannot deny the functional question of why perverse ideas are bad to consider unless you're considering them in order to condemn perversity.

Okay, look, the very simple way to look at this part of the issue is an old joke from British comedian, historian, and leftist Mark Steel:

There's hardly a month goes by without some prominent judge or politician being found in suspenders and stockings, being hit with a stick of rhubarb and stood in a bucket of cod; which, personally, doesn't really bother me, except that it always turns out that the day before they've stood up in the House of Commons and said, "If there's one thing that makes me sick, it's people who dress up in suspenders and stockings and get hit with a stick of rhubarb, stood in a bucket of cod!"

The slow return of the repressed. Sublimation. What Freud called ego defense, and religious folk often refer to as wrestling with demons.

This is not a mystery; we see it all the time. The extraordinary assertion here would be that being anti-abortion somehow exempts one from this particular human condition.

It is easy enough to accept that one need not be a pervert in order to dive into these political cultures; it can happen as easily as having a favorite football team or through complex consideration. But once one dives in, they are awash in an environment in which those who have a certain set of negative aesthetic preferences about sex and sexuality are constantly seeking out sordid ideas and events to make their point.

It's kind of like the rape fantasies spun by infinite protection advocates, or gay sex fantasies devised by paranoid homophobes. The seem to have a much sexier—albeit dirtier—idea of what sex is like among their neighbors than those of us who really don't give a damn how the neighbors fuck.

If you revisit the annals of anti-abortion advocacy, you'll find all sorts of twisted inquiries. You know, what if a woman decides to have an abortion after the baby leaves her body but before the umbilical cord is cut in order to take revenge against a boyfriend she thinks cheated on her? That sort of thing. And it really does occur to one to wonder how another might come to that question. I mean, really, what kind of doctor would actually do that? Well, we have an idea, because it seems Kermit Gosnell was perfectly willing to kill children after they emerged from the womb.

They get one every few years. Indeed, if we held "Christianity" to the same standard, what would we say of the steady, low-key barrage of arson and terrorism that occasionally peaks in a murder? We can no more imagine that deviant bloodlust to be representative of Christianity than a Kermit Gosnell would represent doctors who perform abortions. Certainly, such terrorism is becoming more prominently recognized as part of the anti-abortion movement specifically, but that transference to Christianity in general would be inappropriate.

All the signs are there; we are in a familiar, predictable behavioral pattern.

Still, though, you cannot separate the anti-abortion movement—especially in the context of LACP—from the other obsessions inextricably connected to the abortion question; the overlap is too great. The reason the anti-abortion advocates seek this kind of comparmentalization is ego defense, either conscious or subconscious. In Freudian terms, this is Id and Superego thrashing the Ego.

I would instead wonder how it is you think you can rationally separate generations of societal conditioning and its evident results from the discussions those outcomes affect?

This is just another aspect of ownership. From the shiver-inducing coverture to the common refrain, "No daughter of mine ...!" and those insanely proprietary purity balls in which fathers pledge to guide their daughters sexuality, what women are still, in the twenty-first century, working to escape is ownership culture.

And look at the result. Many people are so desperate to retain some authority over women that they will dive into fallacious assertions that would redefine existentialism and ontology in the human experience in order to invoke "personhood" and reiterate their authority over women.

Furthermore, as even you have reminded, a woman's human status is measured by society as a reflection of and comparison to a man's human status. That is to say, women in the United States do not have a human status in their own context; their humanity is subordinate to how we define a man's humanity. Or, to put it into simplistic terms: If men could get pregnant? They can't, so it's irrelevant.

And even if we entertain such stupid questions by pointing out predictable behavior—i.e., if men could be pregnant abortion would be legal, which can only be doubted by presuming that men in general would, on this one subject, say, "Of course you can have governance authority over my body"—people are so desperate to find a port in this storm that they would posit an extraordinary result as the mundane expectation.

A woman's conduct with her sex organs is the last bastion for the ownership culture. That those caught up in the throes of sexual obsession don't want it known that they are sexually obsessed does not change the facts.


Steel, Mark. "Sexuality". The Mark Steel Solution. BBC Radio 4, August 4, 1995.
Bells you really don't know what your talking about, a DNR is a doctors order placed on someone in hospital and has no legal standing. The only paperwork which is legally binding is advanced directives or medical power of attorney made under the consent to medical treatment act or an order of guardianship made under the Guardianship Act through the Guardianship board

Yes and no.

In out-of-hospital circumstances, emergency services are often activated for patients in cardiac arrest who are chronically ill or have a terminal illness. Generally, the principles of treating an incompetent victim apply (see above) unless an advanced directive exists or a legally appointed guardian or attorney exists.

Emphasis mine.

So you do need to be careful and you need to act in good faith, especially if you are informed that a DNAR is in place for certain patients.:shrug::shrug:

Are gun control advocate "fascists"? Well first of all gun control advocates aren't taking into account the implications of their actions, which is to inhibit freedom [Insert cherry picked "evidence" here] there for every single one of them hates freedom, and dream of tyrannical, totalitarian rule. I'm sure you would have a problem with begin called a fascist but calling pro-lifers a slanderous term is Ok because you know how every single one of them think and via convoluted logic can make any term for them seem half-way correct so why not?

Oh and yes of course if men could get pregnant abortion would be legal, because you know how every single man thinks... wait a minute why is abortion legal, men don't get pregnant? There are women that are pro-lifers so I would put a good bet that if men could get pregnant some of them would still be pro-lifers, just as some men like wine and some like beer and some like shooting smack into their scrotum. yes that right I think it is really sexist when ever someone presupposed how a whole gender would behave or think, so I think it is safe to label you a "sexist", so prolifers are perverts, your a sexist, your logic is infallible.
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Yes and no.

In out-of-hospital circumstances, emergency services are often activated for patients in cardiac arrest who are chronically ill or have a terminal illness. Generally, the principles of treating an incompetent victim apply (see above) unless an advanced directive exists or a legally appointed guardian or attorney exists.

Emphasis mine.

So you do need to be careful and you need to act in good faith, especially if you are informed that a DNAR is in place for certain patients.:shrug::shrug:

Thank you for that, that will be useful to use when I am training people :) edit to add except that seems to have been written based on common law generally rather than looking at specific legislation like this
I believe the appropriate phrase is, "Fuck dat".

ElectricFetus said:

Are gun control advocate "fascists"?

Depends on the gun control advocate. To wit:

Guns are bad and should be illegal ... regardless of the Second Amendment. This, I would argue, is a bit of an authoritarian (i.e., "fascist") argument.

Guns are designed specifically for killing people; there should be no accidents, thus a gun owner should be held accountable for every round fired. While the idea that there are no accidents makes for popular rhetoric, it is already evident to me, according to this proposition, that firearm owners refuse to be held accountable for "accidents", such as not checking that the gun is unloaded before cleaning it, or some other stupid excuse for why someone else is accidentally dead.​

Are gun control advocates fascists? I don't know, it depends on the individual gun control advocate.

Now it's your turn: What, exactly, is the point of that digression?

I mean, it can't possibly be the idiot-simplistic comparison that issue advocates can be absolutist. There has to be more than that, because the gun issue pertains to other people's safety, and the abortion issue pertains to women and their own bodies. True, one can extend the issue to other people's safety, namely that of fetuses living off the blood nutrients of women, but that extension of personhood is entirely aesthetic, without scientific or rational support, and integrally intertwined with other efforts to reject the humanity, and therefore personhood, of women. So what, exactly, is it that you're after? I mean, since we can presume that you're smart enough to not attempt something so disgustingly dishonest as a sleight of rhetoric in which you once again discount the difference between a zygote and a vampire.

You know, I mean, since it's not a vicious, malicious digression, what is the actual useful point?
Are gun control advocates fascists? I don't know, it depends on the individual gun control advocate. --- You know, I mean, since it's not a vicious, malicious digression, what is the actual useful point?

No you nail it there: Why is such a distinction not possible for Pro-lifers and perverts? ...and no I was not talking about vampires and zygotes, which I thought I covered already (did not discount). Honestly Tiassa it sounds like I hit a nerve there, now your sounding nearly as angry as Bells, geez, is pot legal where you live? I'm going to smoke another joint for you, maybe the calming psychic waves will transmit over to you. So no, no vicious malicious digression was intended, did digress though but then again that sort of the way of all threads, rule 25 of the internet.
Which You Should I Respond To?

ElectricFetus said:

Honestly Tiassa it sounds like I hit a nerve there, now your sounding nearly as angry as Bells, geez, is pot legal where you live?

You're never satisfied, are you? Could you please lay out, in bullet points, what you require for satiety?

No, really, my prior post was the better alternative compared to, "What the fuck are you onto about, now?"

Stop obfuscating which character you're playing; the downfall of any actor is stepping out of character to remind the audience that he's in character.

No, really. Everything else about your post is just fine, but the last three sentences reinforce the impression that this "character" you're playing is just a front to hide the fact that this is how you really think and feel.
You're never satisfied, are you? Could you please lay out, in bullet points, what you require for satiety?

No, really, my prior post was the better alternative compared to, "What the fuck are you onto about, now?"

Stop obfuscating which character you're playing; the downfall of any actor is stepping out of character to remind the audience that he's in character.

No, really. Everything else about your post is just fine, but the last three sentences reinforce the impression that this "character" you're playing is just a front to hide the fact that this is how you really think and feel.

Ok ah what is it that you think I "think and feel"? You know I'm pro-gun control, and you know I'm pro-choice, and I thought I made a clear argument why generalizations and exaggerations and slanderous labels was of ill aah character. I'm just posting responses, that what people do here, and no one asking if they are satisfied geez man you post more per day then me and usually huge awesome posts too, I don't think your satisfied and what wrong with that? we would stop talking and then the forum would be vacated if everyone was satisfied, right?

{No I'm not acting or playing a character I honest to god eat a whole bud in scrambled eggs, getting really high now}

So yeah I'm going to go for the night, no hate, love you.
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