Recognition of Israel : a moral failure

I don't think Jews have special rights to kick out Palestinians. They have a right to live there, and only kicked out (in a few cases) the Palestinians because of the hatred and violence that occurred.

There was virtually no Jewish activity in Saudi Arabia in the beginning of the 21st century. Public worship of all religions but Islam is strictly forbidden.

During the Gulf War (1990-1991), when approximately a half million US military personal assembled in Saudi Arabia, and many were then stationed there, there were many Jewish US service personnel in Saudi Arabia. It is reported that the Saudi government insisted that Jewish religious services not be held on their soil but that Jewish soldiers be flown to nearby US warships. (wikipedia)​
I don't think Jews have special rights to kick out Palestinians. They have a right to live there, and only kicked out (in a few cases) the Palestinians because of the hatred and violence that occurred. [/I]

It is sad to see that you would justify the eviction of Palestinians from their homes by those who wish to create homes for Jews today. What Saudi Arabia does has nothing to do with the elderly Palestinian couple who were kicked out of their home in the middle of the night, at gunpoint, a home they had lived in after the Jews took their original home 50 years ago. This is twice that the Jews have made this family homeless, for no reason at all, except that they are not Jews.
It is sad to see that you would justify the eviction of Palestinians from their homes by those who wish to create homes for Jews today. What Saudi Arabia does has nothing to do with the elderly Palestinian couple who were kicked out of their home in the middle of the night, at gunpoint, a home they had lived in after the Jews took their original home 50 years ago. This is twice that the Jews have made this family homeless, for no reason at all, except that they are not Jews.

I'm not familiar with the case, they should consult the local planning board.
Has it? How? By occupying the land that God gave them 4000 years ago, creating a state that bars native populations who are not Jews and replacing native homes with homes for Jews?

The Palestinians are no more native than the Jews are, possibly less depending on how you count such things.

You mean the pre-emptive war

Yep, the one where the Arabs had amassed their armies for an attack to obliterate Israel and the Israelis kicked their ass. Even if you aren't a fan of Israel it was an absolutely classic comeuppance for the local bullies.

The Palestinians get a chance?

Yep, at self rule and they suck.

You sure whine a lot S.A.M. Is that supposed to impress me? Gain my sympathy?

The Israelis suck. The Palestinians suck. The Abrahamic family and their constant internecine squabbles where they each try to out evil each other suck. Your ability to lie about the situation especially sucks.

Frankly any cause you support is immediately suspect.
Why not? The entire world had to pay. The Palestinian Arabs are just Arabs, they have lots of countries. Face it, they just hate the Jews, that's all it's about really.

Wrong they hate the jews because they (rightly in my opinion) feel the took their land from them. If their was some sort of basic hatred toward jews by arabs you would have expected to see historically harsh treatment of jews in arab lands compared to the rest of the world but you see the opposite of that.
The Palestinians are no more native than the Jews are, possibly less depending on how you count such things.

I suppose you are unaware of genetic studies from Israel that put them there from prehistoric times, while putting Jews closer to Turks and Kurds.

Yep, the one where the Arabs had amassed their armies for an attack to obliterate Israel and the Israelis kicked their ass. Even if you aren't a fan of Israel it was an absolutely classic comeuppance for the local bullies.

Do you feel the same way about 9/11?

Yep, at self rule and they suck.

You sure whine a lot S.A.M. Is that supposed to impress me? Gain my sympathy?

The Israelis suck. The Palestinians suck. The Abrahamic family and their constant internecine squabbles where they each try to out evil each other suck. Your ability to lie about the situation especially sucks.

Frankly any cause you support is immediately suspect.

Then I won't bother you anymore. :)
You sure whine a lot S.A.M. Is that supposed to impress me? Gain my sympathy?

Begin a topic on the horrors of India, and see how quickly she tries to make excuses for it it's all the fault of the British!

The Indians are starving to death by the millions, but SAM is concerned about the Palestinians. Don't it make ya' wonder?

See why I think she's a paid propagandist for the Palestinians?

Baron Max
You could pick any other case. There are plenty of Palestinian refugees that the Israelis are oppressing on a daily basis.

There are plenty of Jews that were oppressed in the Middle East, so they moved to Israel. The fact is Palestinian Arabs are deliberately kept in a miserable position by Arab nations that just want to stick it to Israel for daring to exist.
There are plenty of Jews that were oppressed in the Middle East, so they moved to Israel. The fact is Palestinian Arabs are deliberately kept in a miserable position by Arab nations that just want to stick it to Israel for daring to exist.

Question how is it the arab states fault when Israel is in control of the land and people? Just because Sam is a moronic bigot doesn't mean you should try and out do her in the moronic bigot catagory.
Because as Israelis exclude them from land to the west, they exclude them from land to the south, north, and east.
Because as Israelis exclude them from land to the west, they exclude them from land to the south, north, and east.

So your basically trying to say is because Israel has decided to piss on them and their rights other countries are at fault for a problem that was caused by Israel. You really need to look at your arguments better. The more you try and defend Israel the more you make yourself look like an ignorant bigoted fool.
There are plenty of Jews that were oppressed in the Middle East, so they moved to Israel. The fact is Palestinian Arabs are deliberately kept in a miserable position by Arab nations that just want to stick it to Israel for daring to exist.

So you're saying all the oppressed Arabs should move to Palestine? That will create a Palestinian state?

Question how is it the arab states fault when Israel is in control of the land and people? Just because Sam is a moronic bigot doesn't mean you should try and out do her in the moronic bigot catagory.


I'm saying that instead of being forced to live in small enclaves with little resources, they could be embraced within surrounding Arab states, but that seems to be politically impossible. Arabs aren't oppressed in the Middle East when they are the majority (except by themselves).
I'm saying that instead of being forced to live in small enclaves with little resources, they could be embraced within surrounding Arab states, but that seems to be politically impossible. Arabs aren't oppressed in the Middle East when they are the majority (except by themselves).

Why should they be embraced by surrounding states? They should be embraced by other Palestinians. They should go home. They have a perfectly good state of Palestine that is theirs for the taking. Even the UN would agree. The Jews will just have to accept it.
I'm saying that instead of being forced to live in small enclaves with little resources, they could be embraced within surrounding Arab states, but that seems to be politically impossible. Arabs aren't oppressed in the Middle East when they are the majority (except by themselves).

You don't see the fatal flaw in that argument do you. It basically requires the Palestinians to admit they have no claim to the land that Israel has annexed during wars they didn't take part in. A real solution is one that reconciles both sides issues and concerns not one that like you suggestion acts as if they don't exist. I am a firm believer that if Israel didn't decide to do the land grab it did in 49 and made sure a Palestinian state emerged that the middle east would be a much better place.
what about mongolia?

No, not that either. They've never been settled in known history, unless you include their adoption of the Canaanite god and possibly a tribe called Israel. Which is probably why they kept moving even when they were invited to Jerusalem. I suppose you could say the Bene Israel in India have been settled for almost 2000 years, but they moved as soon as they heard of Israel, so they clearly did not consider it home.