Recognition of Israel : a moral failure

Has it? How? By occupying the land that God gave them 4000 years ago, creating a state that bars native populations who are not Jews and replacing native homes with homes for Jews?

You mean the pre-emptive war they launched after UN resolution 242 was passed that required their withdrawal from all occupied territories? The one in which President Johnson aided them, so that they were able to keep all occupied territories and gave away the Sinai only because the US forced them to? That one?

Its strange how upside down American perceptions are in the Middle East. The Palestinians get a chance? What chance? Paying for the European Holocaust? Being disenfranchised by secular countries who gave away their land to Jews and now arm and fund the Jews to continue their occupation?

I think Israel will be the reason for the next holocaust. Only this time, no one will care.

Its shameful of them to have done that to the Palestinians.

The Pals brought it onto themselves with their constant terrorist acts against the Israelis. The Pals are starving to death, they have nothing to show for over 60 years of fighting except more dire poverty and social problems for their own people. The Pals have accomplished nothing with their incessant terrorist acts.

Everyone can see that except you, SAM, and your buddies the Pal terrorists.

Baron Max
Anyone who is invaded, occupied and expelled by foreigners who replace them with their ethnic or religious group from foreign lands, will respond with "constant terrorist acts" against them. A mythological fantasy does not change that. Nor does a misplaced sense of post-holocaust guilt by third parties who generously donated their land to the Jews.
Anyone ..., will respond with "constant terrorist acts" against them. A mythological fantasy does not change that.

While they're own families starve to death? While their own communities suffer in poverty and sickness and death?

And you think that's a good way to respond to anything? Are you interested in becoming a suicide bomber or something, SAM???

Baron Max
While they're own families starve to death? While their own communities suffer in poverty and sickness and death?

And you think that's a good way to respond to anything? Are you interested in becoming a suicide bomber or something, SAM???

Baron Max

30 million Indians died during the British occupation of India. And that was only through starvation. Occupiers do not generally care about the results of their occupation. If the British were still there, no doubt, we would be like the Aboriginals and native Americans. And the Palestinians. I think the Palestinians are not doing enough. There are 10 million of them. They should all just move into Palestine and dare the Jews to stop them.
30 million Indians died during the British occupation of India. And that was only through starvation. Occupiers do not generally care about the results of their occupation. If the British were still there, no doubt, we would be like the Aboriginals and native Americans. And the Palestinians. I think the Palestinians are not doing enough. There are 10 million of them. They should all just move into Palestine and dare the Jews to stop them.

"The world famous historian, Will Durant has written in his Story of Civilisation that "the Mohammedan conquest of India was probably the bloodiest story in history".

The Magnitude of Muslim Atrocities
30 million Indians died during the British occupation of India. And that was only through starvation.

So the British kept the Indians from feeding their families? How? When?

And what excuses do you have for Indians continuing to starve to death now that there is no occupier? Oh, wait ...I'm sure it's all the fault of the Americans, right? :D

I think the Palestinians are not doing enough. There are 10 million of them. They should all just move into Palestine...

There is no such land/area/nation as "Palestine". ...except in your head and in the minds of the Pal terrorists.

Baron Max
So the British kept the Indians from feeding their families? How? When?

And what excuses do you have for Indians continuing to starve to death now that there is no occupier? Oh, wait ...I'm sure it's all the fault of the Americans, right? :D

There is no such land/area/nation as "Palestine". ...except in your head and in the minds of the Pal terrorists.

Baron Max

There was no India, either, until we reached out and took it back. 1947, same year the Palestinians were expecting to get their lands. We are what they should have been.
The foreign Jews legitimately purchased property in a land where Jews were already native, this was sanctioned by an international governing body in conjunction with the country, England, that controlled the area.

These refugees from genocide brought prosperity and were confronted with religious hatred and murder. They had every right to respond when they were attacked by surrounding Arab nations. As a part of their victory, they returned a vast portion of land seized, although they did not allow immigration by those who may have contributed to the violence. Arabs that lived in Israel were allowed to remain.

Although some fleeing Arabs had legitimate ownership of land in Israel, to invite the same situation to occur again would not be consistent with self-preservation.
The foreign Jews legitimately purchased property in a land where Jews were already native, this was sanctioned by an international governing body in conjunction with the country, England, that controlled the area.

These refugees from genocide brought prosperity and were confronted with religious hatred and murder. They had every right to respond when they were attacked by surrounding Arab nations. As a part of their victory, they returned a vast portion of land seized, although they did not allow immigration by those who may have contributed to the violence. Arabs that lived in Israel were allowed to remain.

Although some fleeing Arabs had legitimate ownership of land in Israel, to invite the same situation to occur again would not be consistent with self-preservation.

blah blah blah. The Palestinians should have got their country, not foreign Jews a mythological fantasy and the right to evict the natives, bulldoze their homes and replace them with Jews everywhere. It was a moral failure of the United Nations.
It was also a moral failure on the part of Palestinians. They thought violence would lead to Palestinian self-rule, when it only made the Jews work harder for independence.
I will continue to post this message until an admin answers me.

Can I ask why if someone else was spouting this anti-semetic bullshit, they'd be banned, but because it's SAM, she's free to go on spouting it?

She's obviously not going to stop. She's not going to have her mind changed. Her only goal here is to spread her hateful bullshit and insults. But that's OK because she's a fucking moderator? What the fuck? Why is it OK for her to say things like she's said in this thread, but for no one else? Why has there been nothing done about it?!

You know, with the way some people act here, I usually can only visit for a few weeks before having to take a break of equal or greater length...but shit like this, a fucking rank, ignorant cunt like SAM makes me never want to fucking come back.

Ban me. I don't give a flying fuck anymore. We're not allowed to complain in the "Open Government" about moderators, so I'll fucking complain here. Fuck you for supporting this racist scumbag. I'm gone.
It was also a moral failure on the part of Palestinians. They thought violence would lead to Palestinian self-rule, when it only made the Jews work harder for independence.

You cannot get independence from natives in a foreign country. Thats ridiculous. The Palestinians were right to defend themselves. Read Ilan Pappe's The Ethnic Cleansing of Palestine. The Jews behaved as animals and intended to dispossess Palestinians from 1919.

Since the commission had a very "maximalist" view of Syria – what would today encompass Syria, Israel, Palestine, Jordan and the Gaza Strip – it pointed out that a majority of Syrians were against the formation of a Jewish state. Therefore, the only way to establish a viable Jewish state would be with armed force to enforce it. This was precisely what the Commission wanted to avoid, so they dismissed the idea, saying that Zionists anticipated "a practically complete dispossession of the present non-Jewish inhabitants to Palestine". That said, there would be nothing wrong with Jews coming to "Israel" and simply living as Jewish Syrian citizens, but noted "nor can the erection of such a Jewish State be accomplished without the gravest trespass upon the "civil and religious rights of existing non-Jewish communities in Palestine."

They came with the intention of replacing the Palestinians. It was wrong to give them the right to do so.
Please report all otheadp's posts where Palestinians are various animals, savages and cockroaches too. Thanks. Though considering what all the Jews did to the Palestinians in those years would be way beyond the capacity of any animal. However, I compared their savagery to "as animals" which is a simile.
Please report all otheadp's posts where Palestinians are various animals, savages and cockroaches too. Thanks

You don't want to play that game. You post a dozen antisemitic threads per day, in which you call that evil, or animals, or accuse them of atrocities, call for an end to their race. You're the one who starts all this shit, you racist.
You don't want to play that game. You post a dozen antisemitic threads per day, in which you call that evil, or animals, or accuse them of atrocities, call for an end to their race. You're the one who starts all this shit, you racist.

Nope, I am merely demonstrating what is permitted about Muslims and Christians in this forum. If you object to generalisations about Jews but not about Muslims or Christians, please note your objections in this thread.

As for the behaviour of the Jews [they were Jews, weren't they?] in Palestine, you can judge for yourself:

More often, though, the instruments of expulsion were the terrorizing and demoralization of the Arab population. Jewish military forces used several tactics in pursuit of these goals.

One was psychological warfare. Radio broadcasts in Arabic warned of traitors in the Arabs' midst, spread fears of disease, reported confusion and terror among the Arabs, described the Palestinians as having been deserted by their leaders, and accused Arab militias of committing crimes against Arab civilians.[7]

Another effective psywar tactic involved the use of loudspeaker trucks. At various times they urged the Palestinians to flee before they were all killed, warned that the Jews were using poison gas and atomic weapons, or played recorded "horror sounds"--shrieks, moans, the wail of sirens and the clang of fire-alarm bells.[8]

A second tactic, economic warfare, was a favorite of Ben-Gurion, who described "the strategic objective" of the Jewish forces to be "to destroy the [Arab] urban communities." "Deprived of transportation, food, and raw materials," he later noted with satisfaction, "the urban communities underwent a process of disintegration, chaos, and hunger."[9]

A third technique to induce Arab flight was military attack on a town's Arab population. These assaults often used Davidka mortars--horribly inaccurate, but useful for creating terror--and barrel bombs. The latter consisted of barrels, casks, and metal drums filled with a mixture of explosives and fuel oil. Rolled into the Arab section of a town, they created "an inferno of raging flames and endless explosions." Another destructive maneuver described by writer Arthur Koestler was the "ruthless dynamiting of block after block" of the Arab community.[10]

Not uncommonly, the Jewish forces resorted to simple terrorism. Sometimes this took the form of bombs planted in vehicles or buildings: 30 killed in Jaffa on Jan. 4., 1948, with a truck bomb; 20 killed the next day when the Semiramis Hotel in Jerusalem was bombed; 17 killed by a bomb at the Jaffa Gate in Jerusalem two days later.[11]

More often, a Jewish military force entered an Arab village and massacred civilians, either during a night raid or after the seizure of the village. The massacres started early: Major General R. Dare Wilson, who served with the British troops trying to keep peace in Palestine before the end of the British Mandate, reported that on Dec. 18, 1947, the Haganah murdered 10, mostly women and children, in the Arab village of al-Khisas with grenades and machine gun fire. Wilson also described how on Dec. 31 the Haganah slaughtered another 14, again mostly women and children, again using machine guns and throwing grenades into occupied homes, this time in Balad Esh-Sheikh.[12]

Throughout 1948, the massacres continued: 60 at Sa'sa' on Feb. 15; 100 murdered in Acre after its May 18 seizure by the Haganah; several hundred at Lydda on July 12, including 80 machine-gunned inside the Dahmash Mosque; 100 at Dawayma on Oct. 29, with an Israeli eye-witness reporting that "the children were killed by smashing their skulls with clubs"; 13 young men mowed down by machine guns in open fields outside Eilabun on Oct. 30; another 70 young men blindfolded and shot to death, one after another, at Safsaf the same day; 12 killed at Majd al-Kurum, also on Oct. 30, with a Belgian U.N. observer writing that "there is no doubt about these murders"; an unknown number killed the next day at al-Bi'na and Deir al-Assad, described by a U.N. official as "wanton slaying without provocation"; 14 "liquidated," according to the Israeli military's report, at Khirbet al-Wa'ra as-Sauda on Nov. 2.[13]
Nope, I am merely demonstrating ....

Actually, SAM, what you're demonstrating to everyone is that you can't be an employed scientist since you never do any work're here all the time!

Which, I might add, is just one more reason for me to believe that you're a paid propagandist for the Pals.

Baron Max
Nope, I am merely demonstrating what is permitted about Muslims and Christians in this forum.

No, you're merely starting fights based on racism, then complaining when someone gets frustrated enough to use your own language against you. You call a black man a nigger enough, he'll eventually call you a towelhead.

If you object to generalisations about Jews but not about Muslims or Christians, please note your objections in this thread.

Oh! Oh hahahhhahaha! That's rich! Take it to a thread where you can get us all together and duck questions from everybody? Post in a thread where ultimately nothing will happen, and you'll somehow be given the authority to vindicate yourself? Oh yeah, sign me up! HA!
