
thats the most idiotic nonsense Ive ever heard

As long as you realize that you are biodegradable junk then I'm cool :D. This has nothing to do with me.... I'm only trying to question the fundamental implications of Atheism.

Peace be unto you ;)
Then you should stop extrapolating :bugeye:

the other option is to take your shit at face value and that simply would insult my intelligence so......i pass

And why does your morality have any value?

why would anything have value?

Your "endeavors are a work in progress" that lead to nowhere as everything that makes you is meaningless as is all your so-called 'progression'.

i refuse your bigoted and spiteful characterization.

POV is already across..... the difficulty is in you accepting that all your morality and 'progression' is pointless- and that someone who doesn't agree with your logic or 'codified' morals can do whatever the hell they want and still be justified by Atheism.

convince me. i shall keep an open mind. tell me how atheism fails.
please support your statements by citing the relevant atheistic scripture
since we are also at post #142 perhaps you can direct me to the relevant post(s) if already addressed?
786 said:
You can have personal meaning....... gee I only wished you followed the thread.
I have followed the thread - you have been trying to derive a lack of purpose and meaning in human life from the fact that no one knows what the purpose of the universe is, or could be (requires context, and there isn't one available to us for inspection).
786 said:
Your existence doesn't change the fact that the universe in itself is purposeless.
Somehow I doubt that you have much of a handle on the purpose of anyone's universe. If mine had a purpose, I think we tiny humans would be among the last to find out what it was or where it came from - and I'm positive you haven't a clue.
786 said:
I'm trying to understand what Atheism fundamentally is saying.
You have to pay better attention to what atheists fundamentally are saying, to discover that. You keep talking about "atheism" as if you knew what it was, and could tell others what it "said".
786 said:
I'm only trying to question the fundamental implications of Atheism.
So far, you haven't bothered to recognize even the derivative implications of any of the various atheisms extant.

If all you want to do is question the implications of your own invented atheism, you don't need a forum or all these posts.
So its worth a shot....:rolleyes:

Peace be unto you ;)

I mean, peace be unto me - why? What's so great about peace? Sometimes I like hectic. Yeah, peace is good in small doses, but, come on, playing hockey is also a lot of fun. I like jamming to slipknot too. I LIKE to struggle - it makes life LIFE. Why get to the big boss in FFXIII to find out it's peaceful cakewalk! Give me the challenge!! :)
I'm only trying to question the fundamental implications of Atheism.
You do realize that for millions and millions of Gods YOU are Atheist.

786, you are an Atheist.

Think about this: Do you believe in the Alien Overlord Xenu? What do you suppose are the fundamental implications of your Xenu Atheism? Are they REALLY all that bad? Those implications. REALLY ... bad???? Do you think your life, and that of everyone around you, would really be better if you had faith in Xenu?

That's kind of how I see you and whichever gods you believe in.
The word "junk" is a personal judgement, atheism contains no such value system. It's not that anything has worth, it's not that it's worthless, either. It's just that the atheist frame of reference is not what is good in relation to a God or cosmology, but what is good compared to what you value. People tend to value their own personal lives, and the lives of others in society.
the other option is to take your shit at face value and that simply would insult my intelligence so......i pass

Yes, It will be insulting to your intellligence :eek:

why would anything have value?

Okay so you're valueless, and so is this world- do whatever the hell you want, right?

i refuse your bigoted and spiteful characterization.

Denial? :D

convince me. i shall keep an open mind. tell me how atheism fails.
please support your statements by citing the relevant atheistic scripture
since we are also at post #142 perhaps you can direct me to the relevant post(s) if already addressed?

There is no atheistic scripture- okay answer this and we'll see.

Is Atheism compatible with a philosophy that preaches that You should rape at least 1 woman everyday?

Peace be unto you ;)
Okay so you're valueless, and so is this world- do whatever the hell you want, right?

Exactly. Muslims also do whatever the hell they want, despite the fact their values are primitive, offensive and hypocritical.

There is no atheistic scripture- okay answer this and we'll see.

Is Atheism compatible with a philosophy that preaches that You should rape at least 1 woman everyday?

No, but Islam is compatible with that philosophy.

Peace be unto you ;)

Shut your hole.
I have followed the thread - you have been trying to derive a lack of purpose and meaning in human life from the fact that no one knows what the purpose of the universe is, or could be (requires context, and there isn't one available to us for inspection).

Ok.... and so what do you think current atheists believe?

Somehow I doubt that you have much of a handle on the purpose of anyone's universe. If mine had a purpose, I think we tiny humans would be among the last to find out what it was or where it came from - and I'm positive you haven't a clue.

Your delegated purpose to the universe is not the same for everyone.... Some of you have already admitted to your belief that the universe is purposeless..... I have a feeling most atheists believe that.... but I don't have numbers to show that.... It would be an interesting poll.

You have to pay better attention to what atheists fundamentally are saying, to discover that. You keep talking about "atheism" as if you knew what it was, and could tell others what it "said".

I think I already said that you have to read between the lines to understand the implications of the fundamental truth that Atheism proposes. Atheism simply states 'there is no God'- this conclusion is based on what?

So far, you haven't bothered to recognize even the derivative implications of any of the various atheisms extant.

There isn't really any derivative to Atheism-if there is tell me that is what I want to know- if you want to call Atheism + Some other philosophy = Another form of Atheism--- I accept this to exist. I'm talking about the initial Atheism which is then mixed with other philosophies.

If all you want to do is question the implications of your own invented atheism, you don't need a forum or all these posts.

Lol... but you still call it Atheism,, no?

Peace be unto you ;)

I mean, peace be unto me - why? What's so great about peace? Sometimes I like hectic. Yeah, peace is good in small doses, but, come on, playing hockey is also a lot of fun. I like jamming to slipknot too. I LIKE to struggle - it makes life LIFE. Why get to the big boss in FFXIII to find out it's peaceful cakewalk! Give me the challenge!! :)

Because I want you to not have a reason to live, as an Atheist this would be a perfectly fine why.... :D

Peace be unto you :D
You are no different.

To you yes.... because you're an Atheist.

It has everything to do with you if you consider yourself a human.

Go read what I was responding to... the guy thought it was a proposition I was making as a Muslim, while I'm simply trying to talk about Atheism and not Islam.

Shove it up your ass.

Why would that matter? Its the same if you shove it up your ass :D

Peace be unto you ;)
Some of you have already admitted to your belief that the universe is purposeless..... I have a feeling most atheists believe that....

It's not a matter of belief, it's a matter of theists making claims to the universe having purpose. The purpose your particular cult makes claim to is most likely very different from another cult's assignments.

Shouldn't you be critiquing that, instead?

Atheism simply states 'there is no God'- this conclusion is based on what?

Atheism does not simply state that. Atheism has everything to do with not accepting the claims of theists. Theists are unable to demonstrate any of their claims. Only an indoctrinated theist would be under the delusion those worthless claims are valid.

I'm talking about the initial Atheism which is then mixed with other philosophies.

Who cares? Atheism is a term made up by theists to support and give credibility to their superstitions and myths.

Lol... but you still call it Atheism,, no?

It is YOU who is calling it Atheism, dumbass.

Peace be unto you ;)

Flatulence expels from you.
The word "junk" is a personal judgement, atheism contains no such value system.

Atheism allows me to make a 'personal judgement' wasn't that what we were talking about as 'personal meaning'.

Secondly you are correct, Atheism contains no value system- that is why Atheism is compatible with a philosophy that preaches that you should rape 1 woman everyday.

It's not that anything has worth, it's not that it's worthless, either. It's just that the atheist frame of reference is not what is good in relation to a God or cosmology, but what is good compared to what you value. People tend to value their own personal lives, and the lives of others in society.

I agree.

Peace be unto you ;)
It's not a matter of belief, it's a matter of theists making claims to the universe having purpose. The purpose your particular cult makes claim to is most likely very different from another cult's assignments.

Shouldn't you be critiquing that, instead?

And you claim your universe has no purpose, and so all the above arguments are valid.

Atheism does not simply state that. Atheism has everything to do with not accepting the claims of theists. Theists are unable to demonstrate any of their claims. Only an indoctrinated theist would be under the delusion those worthless claims are valid.

I challenge you to support your claim that God does not exist, you are equally irrational... The problem with atheists is that they think they are more 'scientific'- but they fail to realize that their conclusion is not scientifically provable. (provable in the scientific meaning)

Who cares? Atheism is a term made up by theists to support and give credibility to their superstitions and myths.

So you are our creation....:D

It is YOU who is calling it Atheism, dumbass.

It would still be Atheism....

Peace be unto you ;)
Secondly you are correct, Atheism contains no value system- that is why Atheism is compatible with a philosophy that preaches that you should rape 1 woman everyday.

The hypocrisy and stupidity of that conclusion is staggering considering the way in which Islam treats women.

Clearly, if you believe raping women is a philosophy, you've got some serious issues. Of course, it's not surprising in the least.
Clearly, if you believe raping women is a philosophy, you've got some serious issues. Of course, it's not surprising in the least.

But its compatible with Atheism...

Peace be unto you ;)
And you claim your universe has no purpose, and so all the above arguments are valid.

Not at all. Theists make the claims. They are invalid claims. Simple really. Too bad you can't grasp that simple concept. Indoctrination has rotted your brain.

I challenge you to support your claim that God does not exist

The onus is on you to demonstrate your god exists, not on me to demonstrate he doesn't exist.

You are free to show us your god. Can you? I didn't think so.

The problem with atheists is that they think they are more 'scientific'- but they fail to realize that their conclusion is not scientifically provable. (provable in the scientific meaning)

The conclusion is based on the lack of demonstrable actions by theists. It is an observation. Theists fail at every turn to demonstrate their gods, you are no different in that failure.

So you are our creation..

Ah, so now you turn to stupidity once again.

It would still be Atheism....

Just as you are an aunicornist and aleprechaunist. Yeah, that makes sense.

Peace be unto you ;)

Stuff it.