
Not at all. Theists make the claims. They are invalid claims. Simple really. Too bad you can't grasp that simple concept. Indoctrination has rotted your brain.

How are they invalid, did you invalidate them? What was the evidence you used to invalidate it.... :confused:

The onus is on you to demonstrate your god exists, not on me to demonstrate he doesn't exist.

You are free to show us your god. Can you? I didn't think so.

The question arises from the inherent supposition and CLAIM that Atheism makes that there is no God- you are making a claim and have chosen a side-now you prove to me your claim that God does not exist is valid.

The conclusion is based on the lack of demonstrable actions by theists. It is an observation. Theists fail at every turn to demonstrate their gods, you are no different in that failure.

And you are no different in that you have failed to prove that God does not exist-

Ah, so now you turn to stupidity once again.

You are simply in denial that your ideology is just as stupid. if theism is stupid.

Peace be unto you ;)
By your logic, every deed ever committed, good or bad, and those that haven't are compatible. The silliness of your argument is expanding greatly.

You are continually making this bs statements but again have not shown how Atheism would be against it? Its compatible, and you simply don't want to swallow that....... are you indoctrinated by your cult :p

Peace be unto you ;)
You are continually making this bs statements but again have not shown how Atheism would be against it?

The bs is coming directly from you. It is a result of your ignorance and indoctrination into the Islamic cult. Your brain has been rotted and you're unable to grasp simple concepts.

Its compatible, and you simply don't want to swallow that....... are you indoctrinated by your cult

It's silly in the extreme. It's also sad to see the indoctrinated unable to think.

Peace be unto you ;)

Stick it.
Isn't it funny, given the choice between saying something nice and something not nice, the choices that people will make.
The bs is coming directly from you. It is a result of your ignorance and indoctrination into the Islamic cult. Your brain has been rotted and you're unable to grasp simple concepts.

Oh ho........... denial..............:D

It's silly in the extreme. It's also sad to see the indoctrinated unable to think.

Well you clearly couldn't think of an answer to the it..... :rolleyes:

Peace be unto you ;)
How are they invalid, did you invalidate them? What was the evidence you used to invalidate it....

Theists can't demonstrate their claims, hence they are invalid.

The question arises from the inherent supposition and CLAIM that Atheism makes that there is no God- you are making a claim and have chosen a side-now you prove to me your claim that God does not exist is valid.

The question has always been for theists to demonstrate their claims.

And you are no different in that you have failed to prove that God does not exist-

Look around, do you see gods? Show them to us, if you do.

You are simply in denial that your ideology is just as stupid. if theism is stupid.

What ideology?
Theists can't demonstrate their claims, hence they are invalid.

Hehehe........ Atheists can not demonstrate that there is no God, hence they are invalid- I like how you think :D

Was this hypocrisy also part of your Atheistic cult indoctrination :shrug:

Peace be unto you ;)
The question makes no sense.

You are really confirming denial but..... Let me pose it again: (It clearly made sense to you before because you said "No", but now simply can't support that claim :rolleyes:)

Is Atheism compatible with a philosophy that teaches that you should rape 1 woman a day?

Peace be unto you ;)
That makes no sense.

No problem, I recognize that everyone does not possess the same intellectual capacity....:D

Any other atheist wants to take a stab at the question:

Is Atheism compatible with a philosophy that teaches that you should rape 1 woman a day?

Peace be unto you ;)
No problem, I recognize that everyone does not possess the same intellectual capacity....

That would be a problem you could rectify by simply trying to use your brains instead of asking stupid questions.

Any other atheist wants to take a stab at the question:

Is Atheism compatible with a philosophy that teaches that you should rape 1 woman a day?

Islamic doctrine is compatible with raping women, and since atheism isn't compatible with cults, it wouldn't be compatible with raping women.
That would be a problem you could rectify by simply trying to use your brains instead of asking stupid questions.

The question is valid... you simply don't want to answer it because you can't support your claim.

Islamic doctrine is compatible with raping women, and since atheism isn't compatible with cults, it wouldn't be compatible with raping women.

So you understood the question..:eek:...

Peace be unto you ;)
The question is valid... you simply don't want to answer it because you can't support your claim.

No, it isn't valid in the context you provide.

So you understood the question..

The question made no sense, so I framed it that it would make sense.
No, it isn't valid in the context you provide. The question made no sense, so I framed it that it would make sense.

Lol.... You just don't want the question to refer to Atheism and simply replacing it with some religion. You're acting like a cultist :rolleyes:

Leave it... your cultist indoctrination is preventing you from answering the question... I'll let another atheist answer it.

Is Atheism compatible with a philosophy that teaches that you should rape 1 woman a day?

Peace be unto you ;)
Lol.... You just don't want the question to refer to Atheism and simply replacing it with some religion. You're acting like a cultist

The fact that you don't know what you're talking about has nothing to do with me.

Leave it... you're cultist indoctrination is preventing you from answering the question... I'll let another atheist to answer it.

Is Atheism compatible with a philosophy that teaches that you should rape 1 woman a day?

Why do Muslims always lie? Can you answer that question without lying?