Rape Victims are "Criminals" According to Islam


Tell us all about Shari'ah law

Proud Syrian - tell us why this is still practised today.

I have a feeling your gonna deny all knowledge of it..ROFLMFAO!!

Originally posted by Vienna

I never said it was in the qur'an you baboon.....LOL!!!!!!!!!!

It is Islamic law (Shari'ah) ISLAMIC LAW jerk!

Apostasy Law: The Persecution of Converts

Islamic law (Shari'ah) states that Muslim men who convert to another faith (apostatize) and refuse to return to Islam should be put to death.

According to some schools of Shari'ah this should also be applied to women as well.
:D [/B]

I thought I explained you above about apostate. Shariah does have some exterme elemnts in it but the death penalty to Apostates is not Islamic but men made. It is significant to note that it is only taken from hadiths and also those hadiths are narrated by so many people and I don't even know who to believe. But again it has nothing to do with Quran and I am glad that you Acknowledge it, I do not have any first hand knowledge of shariah law since only two coutnries in the world practice this law and all other countries have their reservations due to authencity problems of lots of thing in this law so it is really not wide spread. I believe S.Arbia and Iran are the only two countries who practise this law.

Nehusta, can you please check my post directed to you and tell me if that made sense to you or not? Thank you.

My question:

Where does it says it is Islam where the rape victims are Criminal, it says it is Pakistan. Pakistan does not follow Sharia laws and even in Sharia law please show me where it says that Rape vicitms are Crimnals. If you can provide the copy of original article with date/year it would be great, other wise even if the above news is true it holds no crediablity.

Thank you
Originally posted by Markx
Shariah . I believe S.Arbia and Iran are the only two countries who practise this law.
Saudi Arabia, Malaysia, Zamfara, Iran and in Pakistan former Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif called for Sharia to be made supreme law in 1998.
Originally posted by Vienna

Tell us all about Shari'ah law

You see, when this 'uncircumcized animal' get cornered, he goes on begging for someone to explain to him what is Sharia law is !


Originally posted by Proud_Syrian
You see, when this 'uncircumcized animal' get cornered, he goes on begging for someone to explain to him what is Sharia law is !


Proud Syrian - It's a simple enough request

Tell us all about Shari'ah law

Tell us why this is still practised today
proud syrian. you are one of the most impolite people I have ever met. And don't tell me that other people deserve such abuse. You give islam a bad name.
Originally posted by Vienna
Saudi Arabia, Malaysia, Zamfara, Iran and in Pakistan former Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif called for Sharia to be made supreme law in 1998.

Never heard of zmafara. Pakistan doesn't ahve sharia law as a supereme law, go on please vomit again. That Primie minster tried but it never got implemented and kido do you live on welfare??? cause you post all day and night. I hate to see your fellow countrymen's tax money wasted on a bum like you.:D

go on kido please vomit.
Originally posted by Markx
Nehusta, can you please check my post directed to you and tell me if that made sense to you or not? Thank you.

My question:

Where does it says it is Islam where the rape victims are Criminal, it says it is Pakistan. Pakistan does not follow Sharia laws and even in Sharia law please show me where it says that Rape vicitms are Crimnals. If you can provide the copy of original article with date/year it would be great, other wise even if the above news is true it holds no crediablity.

Thank you

Hi Markx,

Sorry I haven't been able to spend any time on the computer since Saturday evening - I spent most of my 4-day holiday weekend on the computer, so I actually had to get something done yesterday. Now I'm back at work (which starts in about 5 minutes), and I won't have time to respond to anything until I get home from work this evening - in about 11 or 12 hours from now (unless I'm lucky enough to be left alone on my lunch hour for 15 minutes - I wouldn't bet on it, though).

I just got through skimming through all the posts I didn't get to read yesterday, and it looks as though I'll really have my work cut out for me!

My quick and dirty answer to your question would be that the Quran doesn't say that rape victims are criminals (I'm assuming that's what you meant by your question, but if not, then please clarify what you did mean), but then, I haven't found anything in the Quran that says it is appropriate to stone adulterers either (I may be wrong on that point, so feel free to correct me if necessary). But it is known that Mohamed did have adulterers stoned, so how did he justify such a practice? And according to Islamic law, a woman who accuses a man of rape but can't prove it (due to a lack of four male Muslim witnesses), is considered to be admitting to adultery - do you agree with that statement?

Okay - I'm late getting back to work now. I'll pick this up again this evening.
Originally posted by skywalker
Never heard of zmafara. Pakistan doesn't ahve sharia law as a supereme law, go on please vomit again. That Primie minster tried but it never got implemented and kido do you live on welfare??? cause you post all day and night. I hate to see your fellow countrymen's tax money wasted on a bum like you.:D

go on kido please vomit.
I answer a question and all you do is insult me
Go fuck yourself
Is that you skywalker holding the banner or is it your mate Proud Syrian ?

Its hilarious that these buggers make a statement but are too scared to show the faces behind it.

Originally posted by Vienna
Proud Syrian - It's a simple enough request

Tell us all about Shari'ah law

Tell us why this is still practised today

First before explaining to you what SHARIA LAW is, let me tell you that out of 57 MUSLIM COUNTRY AROUND THE WORLD ONLY 2 countries practice Sharia law: Iran and Saudi Arabia, some northern nigerian states apply it too....so SADLY, not all muslim countries apply it....I wish and I hope it will be applied in ALL muslim countries.

Secondly, here is some facts about Sharia law:

The Qur'an is the principal source of Islamic law, the Sharia. It contains the rules by which the Muslim world is governed (or should govern itself) and forms the basis for relations between man and God, between individuals, whether Muslim or non-Muslim, as well as between man and things which are part of creation. The Sharia contains the rules by which a Muslim society is organized and governed, and it provides the means to resolve conflicts among individuals and between the individual and the state.

"Avoid condemning the Muslim to Hudud(Punishment ) whenever you can, and when you can find a way out for the Muslim then release him for it. If the Imam errs it is better that he errs in favor of innocence (pardon) than in favor of guilt (punishment)."

The Prophet Muhammad (PBUH ).
Originally posted by Vienna
Its hilarious that these buggers make a statement but are too scared to show the faces behind it.

Those are extreme idiots who follow this ONE-EYED PIRATE abu Hamza, those THUGS are banned from coming to ALL mosques in the U.K. they are not allowed to distribute any leaflets in our mosques.

We just kicked some of them last Friday from our mosque in Manchester.

So vienna, it is very shameful for you to GENERALIZE your views, do you want me to put a picture for some ENGLISH HOOLIGANS and ask you which one is you ?????
Originally posted by Vienna
I answer a question and all you do is insult me
Go fuck yourself

thank you for proving me right.

***I answer a question and all you do is insult me****

I feel the same:confused:
Originally posted by Proud_Syrian
Those are extreme idiots who follow this ONE-EYED PIRATE abu Hamza, those THUGS are banned from coming to ALL mosques in the U.K. they are not allowed to distribute any leaflets in our mosques.

We just kicked some of them last Friday from our mosque in Manchester.

Good for you!!!!

I'm proud of you for doing this.

Thankyou :)
Originally posted by Proud_Syrian
I wish and I hope it will be applied in ALL muslim countries.
Proud Syrian I can't believe you really want Sharia law.

Here are some "punishments" from Saria Law.

129. Punishment for Rape - Zina

Whoever commits rape, shall be punished:

(a) with caning of one hundred lashes if unmarried, and shall also be liable to imprisonment for a term of one year; or

(b). if married with stoning to death (rajm)

(c) in addition to either (a) or (b) above shall also pay the dowry of her equals (sadaq al-mithli).

145. Punishment for theft

Whoever commits the offence of theft punishable with hadd shall be punished with amputation of the right hand from the joint of the wrist; and where the offender is convicted for the second theft shall be punished with the amputation of the left foot; and where the offender is convicted for the third theft shall be punished with the amputation of the left hand from the joint of the wrist, and where the offender is convicted for the fourth theft shall be punished with the amputation of the right foot; and where the offender is convicted for the fifth or subsequent thefts, he shall be imprisoned for a term not exceeding one year.

153. Punishment for Hirabah

Whoever commits hirabah shall be punished:-

(a) With imprisonment for life where the offence was committed without seizure of property or causing death.

(b) With amputation of the right hand from the wrist and the left foot from the ankle where property was seized, but death was not caused.

(c) With death sentence where death was caused, but property was not seized.

(d) With crucifixion, where murder was committed and property was seized.

Uncivilised !

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You have to understand something very important about these SEVER punishments, there are designed as deternet.

Let me give you one example:

Stoning: if you are married man or woman and you commited adultery, then the Islamic sharia law says, you should be stoned to death BUT and here is BIG BUT, there must be 4 witnesses who were present when the adultry took place, now, who is that stupid to commit adultry in front of 4 witnesses ????

Stealing: if you steal because you are hungry, then you will not be punished, it happened at the time of the khalifa Omar ( The second to rule after the death of the prophet ) there was a famine that hit the holy city of Madina and some people started stealing to feed their families, the sharia punishment was dropped, but if you steal to feed your habit ( like what is happening now in the U.K ) then you need STRONG effective deterent.

I experienced that myself, I told you I was stabbed and robbed and when the police asked me to come and recognize and testify against the criminal, I was very scared and I turned their request down and I dropped the case, do you know why ?
Because I know this thug ( if ever convicted ) will spend one or two months in prison and then he will get out to make my life hell on earth !!!

I met so many english eldery who dont dare to leave their homes after darkness because they are too scared....my neighbour house was robbed as well while she was visiting her mum and since that day, Sarah my neighbour, is always afraid and she stopped going out to socialize !!!

This is unbearable situation to live in vienna, people are to scared to go out after certain times..in Manchester, some places like MOSS SIDE and SALFORD are extremely dangerous even in day light..............

the civilized society is the one that everyone can feel safe and secure, and that is why we have this HARSH SEVERE LAWS...it is not really important the rights of a criminal who insist on stealing others right, what is importan is the rights of the WHOLE society and not only few criminals.
Originally posted by Proud_Syrian
I told you I was stabbed and robbed and when the police asked me to come and recognize and testify against the criminal, I was very scared and I turned their request down and I dropped the case, do you know why ?
Because I know this thug ( if ever convicted ) will spend one or two months in prison and then he will get out to make my life hell on earth !!!

I met so many english eldery who dont dare to leave their homes after darkness because they are too scared....my neighbour house was robbed as well while she was visiting her mum and since that day, Sarah my neighbour, is always afraid and she stopped going out to socialize !!!

This is unbearable situation to live in vienna, people are to scared to go out after certain times..in Manchester, some places like MOSS SIDE and SALFORD are extremely dangerous even in day light..............

the civilized society is the one that everyone can feel safe and secure, and that is why we have this HARSH SEVERE LAWS...it is not really important the rights of a criminal who insist on stealing others right, what is importan is the rights of the WHOLE society and not only few criminals.
I agree, and I can relate to everything you say here. On second thoughts you may have a valid point.

The trouble is that the do-gooder criminal psychologists in Britain would rather send these criminals on recreation and rehabilitation crap, and even claim that it works, and that is bullshit isn't it. Even the worst offenders do not get their deserved punishment. The Police sometimes risk life and limb to catch a crim and then the wigged judges let them off. No wonder the police are pissed off, they are fighting a losing battle and are in a no win situation.

Britain certainly needs the short sharp shock treatment to recover from the crime and violence figures of today.
Personally I would like to see our police armed, and hanging brought back (I guess I'm uncivilised too, but hey, whats new ;))

Just out of interest PS have you got any criminal figures for any muslim country to compare with its population? :)
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Originally posted by Proud_Syrian
This is completely off topic, but since you mentioned SALFORD, I have a favor to ask of you. My grandfather was born in WORSLEY, in the area of SALFORD. His family lived on Engine Brow. Would you be able to email me a copy of the map of this town? I ordered a copy of an 1881 map, but Engine Brow must be just off the page. Are you familiar with this area? If this is too much of a problem, don't bother. Thanks.

Vienna: Are you familiar with Worsley?
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Rape Victims are "Criminals" According to Islam

Originally posted by Proud_Syrian
Let us see the difference between WESTERN WOMAN and MUSLIM WOMAN...

...Women in the west are considered nothing but "sex objects", and most of them are less likely to remain virgins before marriage. No true man would die for cheap quality of this kind. It is very tragic that women in the West are raised to show off their sexuality and are stereotyped by their sexuality.

You're the one stereotyping all Western women as sex objects, although I'm sure you must realize that's simply not true. But most of us in the West aren't hung up on this virginity issue, either. In the West, a woman's value isn't based on some piece of membrane guarding her vaginal orifice, or lack thereof. Hopefully, there's a bit more substance to us than that. Not to mention that double standards went out with the 50's. And why on earth would we expect a man to die for us? Personally, I prefer mine to have a pulse - but maybe that's just me.

This is a picture of a typical Muslim woman. Pure, innocent, virgin (until marriage) and non sexual. A true man would be willing to die for a true and blessed angel of that kind, because if she's faithful to her GOD Almighty, then she will definitely be faithful and honorable to her family.

That was a picture of a little child - what is she, maybe 10 tops? I'd certainly hope she's still a virgin at 10. But what if she was raped, and therefore no longer a virgin? What would she be worth in a Muslim society then? My guess is that there isn't a Muslim man around who wouldn't consider her to be "damaged goods." Am I right?