Rape Victims are "Criminals" According to Islam

Originally posted by Nehushta
Hi Markx,

My quick and dirty answer to your question would be that the Quran doesn't say that rape victims are criminals (I'm assuming that's what you meant by your question, but if not, then please clarify what you did mean), but then, I haven't found anything in the Quran that says it is appropriate to stone adulterers either (I may be wrong on that point, so feel free to correct me if necessary). But it is known that Mohamed did have adulterers stoned, so how did he justify such a practice? And according to Islamic law, a woman who accuses a man of rape but can't prove it (due to a lack of four male Muslim witnesses), is considered to be admitting to adultery - do you agree with that statement?

Okay - I'm late getting back to work now. I'll pick this up again this evening.

Thanks for your time. I will get back to you, since I am at work right now. I disagree with one point and other two need some clarification. Please allow me till tonight and I will get back to you. Thank you.
Originally posted by Vienna
I agree, and I can relate to everything you say here. On second thoughts you may have a valid point.


Britain certainly needs the short sharp shock treatment to recover from the crime and violence figures of today.
Personally I would like to see our police armed, and hanging brought back (I guess I'm uncivilised too, but hey, whats new ;))

Just out of interest PS have you got any criminal figures for any muslim country to compare with its population?

The police in Britian need not only to carry pistols but machine guns, seeing machine guns scare off criminals, no doubt about that.

regarding crimes in some muslim countries, of course, there are statistics about that, I will give you a link...

note that in MUSLIM countries where Sharia law is applied crimes drop to very low level like in the northern states of Nigeria, in Saudi Arabia for example, shop owners leave their shops open at midday and go to the mosque to pray, no one dare to come and steal because they know the punishment will be very very severe.

Here is a link which talks about all kind of statistics for all countries:

This one about my homeland: SYRIA:

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Rape Victims are "Criminals" According to Isla

Originally posted by Nehushta
You're the one stereotyping all Western women as sex objects, although I'm sure you must realize that's simply not true. But most of us in the West aren't hung up on this virginity issue, either. In the West, a woman's value isn't based on some piece of membrane guarding her vaginal orifice, or lack thereof. Hopefully, there's a bit more substance to us than that. Not to mention that double standards went out with the 50's. And why on earth would we expect a man to die for us? Personally, I prefer mine to have a pulse - but maybe that's just me.

I am sure not all western women are sexual objects, but I am sure also that the west treats you as SEXUAL OBJECTS.

How do you explain then the use of women sexuality in commercials, in play boy magazines, in promotions...etc ?

This is disgusting exploitation of women in the west, and you know that.

regarding virginity, you guys have no understanding of what this word means, your women are used by so many men, the avarage western women change hands between god knows how many men before she get married ( that if she get married ). this HEDONISTIC life style is destroying the west, breaking families and reducing the birth rate to scary levels. you are killing your own societies by the name of freedom to women....yours is not freedom but crul exploitation of women.

That was a picture of a little child - what is she, maybe 10 tops? I'd certainly hope she's still a virgin at 10. But what if she was raped, and therefore no longer a virgin? What would she be worth in a Muslim society then? My guess is that there isn't a Muslim man around who wouldn't consider her to be "damaged goods." Am I right?

No, you are wrong, you assume that she will be raped because that is what happen in your sick societies, it is very rare for such horrible crimes to happen in muslim countries.

I have more pictures of grown up ladies ( some of them are just like you, white and westerns who converted to islam), here you have another example:


European Union president for research Candice Vancraenenbroek pauses before speaking during an International Women's Day Conference at the EU Charlemagne building in Brussels, Friday, March 8, 2002. Vancraenenbroek, born into a Belgian Catholic family, converted to Islam at an early age and has co-founded a group to help those women who also wish to convert.
Why are all the muslims that have posted here, so full of pure hatred for any criticism of their belief. At least Christianity welcomes questions, in order to show people truth. Islam seems to want to kill everyone who asks a question. Play nice peoples, you can make a point without using a sword.

Originally posted by answers
Why are all the muslims that have posted here, so full of pure hatred for any criticism of their belief.
Because they are strong in Faith, and they will defend it equally as strong - It's not hatred.
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Rape Victims are "Criminals" According to

Originally posted by Proud_Syrian
I am sure not all western women are sexual objects, but I am sure also that the west treats you as SEXUAL OBJECTS.

It would be hard to treat a woman as a sexual object without her consent. Those of us who do not wish to be treated that way are perfectly capable of making that clear to those who might otherwise be inclined to do so.

How do you explain then the use of women sexuality in commercials, in play boy magazines, in promotions...etc ?

And you haven't noticed men being used that way?

regarding virginity, you guys have no understanding of what this word means, your women are used by so many men, the avarage western women change hands between god knows how many men before she get married ( that if she get married ).

You have a funny way of looking at things. In the Western world, it is sometimes difficult to dinstinguish between the conqueror and the conquered - since the sexual revolution, it's more of a two-way street here. How many times do you think a Western man changes hands before they marry (if they do)? I would venture to say it's probably a bit more often than their female counterparts. And Western women certainly don't have to marry if they don't wish to do so - this is no longer considered our duty; nor is it a factor in our survival.

this HEDONISTIC life style is destroying the west, breaking families and reducing the birth rate to scary levels. you are killing your own societies by the name of freedom to women....yours is not freedom but crul exploitation of women.

And we may have once had a tail, but we no longer need it since we've come down from the trees. The world is changing, PS. You must change with it or become extinct. I'm sorry if this frightens you, but evolution is the way of all life that is destined to survive.

No, you are wrong, you assume that she will be raped because that is what happen in your sick societies, it is very rare for such horrible crimes to happen in muslim countries.

I assume nothing - I'm simply asking you a hypothetical question, which you are obviously reluctant to answer. That in itself tells me everything I need to know.

I have more pictures of grown up ladies ( some of them are just like you, white and westerns who converted to islam)

You might not want to jump to any unwarranted conclusions about my race, as I have not disclosed this information here.
the syrian

This is a picture of a typical Muslim woman. Pure, innocent, virgin (until marriage) and non sexual.

repression results in perversion. incest/homo/buggery/pedo/adultery will be the order of the day

cmon syrian, enough with the flowery nonsense. give us the dark and seedy side of arab sexuality. i dare you!. do not make me do the expose. i will be rude, crude and downright evil
Originally posted by spookz

repression results in perversion. incest/homo/buggery/pedo/adultery
M*W: This is exactly what happens. Maybe that explains why the religious repress their "evil" sexuality (which is a natural basic need for survival). I cannot tell you how many women I have known in my life, as well as men, who have repressed their sexuality. Sometimes it comes out in the forms you have mentioned above. Sometimes it comes out in religious obsession. Think about it. Sexuality is deprived, the spirit goes wild!
Originally posted by answers
Why are all the muslims that have posted here, so full of pure hatred for any criticism of their belief. At least Christianity welcomes questions, in order to show people truth. Islam seems to want to kill everyone who asks a question. Play nice peoples, you can make a point without using a sword.

And why some HYPOCRITES come to here with INSULTING statements about Islam and abusive pictures and language ?

We welcome all questions as long as they are GENIUNE questions aimed at generating more understanding not just to take the piss.

if you come to here with a question you WRITE, not copied and pasted from ANTI MUSLIM hate site, then by all means, I am prepared to spend days answering you, but if you come to here with contempt, then we cant have any real debate.

You respect me and my belief, I will respect yours even if you worship bananas.

Very simple.
Originally posted by Vienna
Because they are strong in Faith, and they will defend it equally as strong - It's not hatred.

Well said Vienna, I am very stunned by your answer, it shows, that when you want, you can be very fair, balanced and rational gentleman indeed.

Thank you.
You respect me and my belief, I will respect yours even if you worship bananas


how many times have you used the phrase "nazi jews"? I guess that's a term of respect?
Originally posted by spidergoat

how many times have you used the phrase "nazi jews"? I guess that's a term of respect?
I believe the phrase has been use when insults have been flying both ways - eye for and eye, tooth for a tooth, and all that.

Ask PS a reasonable question and you will get a reasonable reply - I have.
Insults, hate, swearing. Man you people have a wierd view of fairness and repect. (and that goes for anti and pro muslims, you are all being phycoes). If you are a muslim who really desires peace, and don't want to fight everyone, then why not avoid battles, which you yourself have basically called worthless trash. I don't see why you should sin by swearing and insulting people, just because these people have sinned to swear and insult you. If you really believe in God, you'll let him punish evil in a just way, and not let yourself do the same evil in order to punish those who have slandered you and your beliefs. You are putting yourself before your 'god'. You are saying because this person has done wrong by my 'god', I will do wrong by my 'god' as well in order to punish this person for doing wrong by me. You are putting yourself, and what has happened to you, before your 'god' and you are contributing to the bad things that are being done against him. I don't see how you can possibly justify this.

This is Christian thinking and I'm not sure if it applies to Islam, but it is also logical and I think logic should apply to almost everything.

Answers, I think your logic has gone on a vacation.

I have been one of the most arrogant towards muslims and Islam, and I have recieved a torrent of similar abuse (and rightly so).

But what this proves to me is that Muslims hold very strong beliefs and this is reflected in the replies, I quite admire them for it.

I (along with countless other people) have mistaken the
words "Islam" and "Muslim" as words for violence and terrorism, and this is a big mistake. Like in all faiths, there are good and bad representatives everywhere.
Originally posted by Vienna
Answers, I think your logic has gone on a vacation.

I have been one of the most arrogant towards muslims and Islam, and I have recieved a torrent of similar abuse (and rightly so).

But what this proves to me is that Muslims hold very strong beliefs and this is reflected in the replies, I quite admire them for it.

I (along with countless other people) have mistaken the
words "Islam" and "Muslim" as words for violence and terrorism, and this is a big mistake. Like in all faiths, there are good and bad representatives everywhere.

Be still my beating heart... Vienna, is that you:confused:? This from the person who wrongly grouped all of one religion in the one pot and called all evil? Glad to see that you have finally come to the realisation that in ALL faiths, there are the good and the bad...

But But But who am I going to argue so vehemently with now:(?

Originally posted by Answers
Why are all the muslims that have posted here, so full of pure hatred for any criticism of their belief. At least Christianity welcomes questions, in order to show people truth. Islam seems to want to kill everyone who asks a question. Play nice peoples, you can make a point without using a sword.
Ahem... ermm should we start to look at the charming way you've replied to questions in some other certain posts answers. I seem to recall you attempting to tear strips of people for asking questions or making critical comments about christianity. You weren't being very welcoming with the questions that were being asked.

Originally posted by Vienna
I (along with countless other people) have mistaken the
words "Islam" and "Muslim" as words for violence and terrorism, and this is a big mistake. Like in all faiths, there are good and bad representatives everywhere.

Thank you for understanding the difference. Apologies for any arrogant behavior. I couldn't agree more. I believe it is the time we are living, 20 years ago no one knew about Islam/Jihad/Islamists/extremists etc but it is the talk of the town today. I am against any kind or form of extremism in anything, religion, race, pleasure etc. I hope people could see beyond all that become more tolerant to each other and it goes for all religions.

We should be tolerant of each other, but we should not be tolerant of beliefs we find destructive. Beliefs are not people, they are ideas. Should we have tolerated the religion of Jim Jones? Or any other suicide cult? Since this board can only exchange ideas, and not physical harm, is the word tolerence even applicable? Lets say what is on our minds, and get it into the open. In this way, true dialog can occur. Nothing interesting can happen in an environment of mutual respect, dancing around each other's feelings, trying not to upset anyone. This is not a quilting bee after all.
Originally posted by spidergoat
We should be tolerant of each other, but we should not be tolerant of beliefs we find destructive. Beliefs are not people, they are ideas. Should we have tolerated the religion of Jim Jones? Or any other suicide cult? Since this board can only exchange ideas, and not physical harm, is the word tolerence even applicable? Lets say what is on our minds, and get it into the open. In this way, true dialog can occur.
I couldn't agree more, and I love saying whats on my mind as everyone knows :)

Nothing interesting can happen in an environment of mutual respect, dancing around each other's feelings, trying not to upset anyone. This is not a quilting bee after all.
I upset everyone - so what!

But I can learn by my mistakes and my understanding of the world can be enriched.