Rape: The Megathread


There have been plenty of threads over the years where that sexist idiot has encouraged violence against men, but when I took her exact same situation and turned it around to relate towards women other sexist idiots such as yourself claimed that I hate women.

I don't think she has encouraged violence against men. But, even if she did, two wrongs do not make a right. Somebody encouraging violence against men does not give men free license to engage in violence against women.

So I'm just forced to assume that you believe that holding men and women to different standards is just something that we should encourage, as that obviously isn't sexist in your world.

Here's a thought that might come as news to you: men are not the same as women. Easy to write, but apparently hard for some people to understand.

Should we treat women differently from men in certain matters? Of course we should. Women are different from men. To pretend that women are men is just as sexist as pretending that women are inferior to men.

Most feminists only care about enforcing their double standards on the rest of us, and the list just goes to highlight one of the sets of double standards.

You're very angry, but you appear to lack any coherent arguments for your case. You refer to vague and nebulous "double standards", yet seem incapable of providing a single example of a feminist advocating a particular offensive double standard.

Many times when a woman says yes, you can still be locked up for 'rape'. Also, many times when a woman says no and you comply with her request, she throws a fit.

Are you an angry bell sprout because you feel insecure in your personal experiences with women? Maybe you just need to grow up.

Thankfully, I haven't had to deal with the yes really meaning that you just raped her, but there are court cases in the USA that have thrown men in prison because of it. I have had to deal with a bit of the no meaning yes though.

Ah, so like your buddy mountainhare, you have a personal axe to grind, and lacking a specific reachable target for your frustrations you have decided to join the black shirt brigade of disaffected loser men ranting against the injustices of the world. Have you?

These feminists want both to be 'equals' but not have to ever deal with the consequences of their own actions. They want to pretend that women are like puddy after a couple beers, and that men are immune to the effects of alcohol.

More mindless stereotyping. *yawn*

You really make yourself look pathetic.

But according to the logic of feminism, once you get a few beers into a female, they cannot be held accountable for anything they do. Men on the other hand are immune to the effects of alcohol because no matter how much they drink, they are still held accountable for everything they do under the influence.

I don't think you actually know the first thing about feminism.
You refer to vague and nebulous "double standards", yet seem incapable of providing a single example of a feminist advocating a particular offensive double standard.

can you? are there any?


a background to the checklist......

Of the rape studies by nongovernment groups, the two most frequently cited are the 1985 Ms. magazine report by Mary Koss and the 1992 National Women's Study by Dr. Dean Kilpatrick of the Crime Victims Research and Treatment Center at the Medical School of South Carolina.​

Researching the "Rape Culture" of America

most seem to be academic. what particular form of feminist ideology would you characterize as ... prevailing? who writes the bestsellers? who hobnobs on capitol hill?

can distinctions be made or do you insist on giving equal weight to articles published in obscure and dusty journals?
im sorry james i disagree with you there, if a man beats his wife he should go to jail, if a women beats her husband she should go to jail, same with same sex couples. If a man beats up another man or a women beats another women, women beats a man or vis versa they should go to jail. This should be SLIGHLY less than for a domestic vilonce charge so sociaty shows that assult on a partner is WRONG

The same goes for rape, no matter WHO is commiting the offence the penelty should be the same. Just because your a man doesnt mean you have no right to say no.

The same goes for stat rape to, if sociaty choses to set a specific age of concent then it should be enforced EQUALLY no matter the gender of the offender.

Thats the law james, and it IS sexist to suggest that it should be otherwise. Domestic vilonce and sexual assult are almost compleatly unreported when the victom is a man which is something sociaty needs to change. Atitudes like ABS dont help but nither does yours

Would you accept anyone (man or women) deciding to use you for sex while you were asleep for instance without your concent?
Would you accept anyone (man or women) deciding to use you for sex while you were asleep for instance without your concent?

its happened a few times,i didnt give my express consent but i certainly wasnt upset when i woke up
would you if you had a partner?

I know i would be furious if it was anyone other than PB wether a man or a women
thank you for ignoring the point. PB does that occasionally as well, I dont have a problem UNLESS i need the sleep and she wakes me up.
I ment someone OTHER than your partner.

Maybe a friend or one of your partners family members, maybe her father.

or maybe it was YOUR sister or brother. Who knows, however you cant make that decison because your asleep
because it is rape under the law, nither saying no, nor being "forced" are nessary for it to be rape you idiot
You keep talking about people who are unconcious.


Why do you not talk about people who verbally say yes, and who also remain active and participatory during the act?

Instead all you talk about are people who are unconcious, and pretend that saying that is rape is some grand revelation.
because it is rape under the law, nither saying no, nor being "forced" are nessary for it to be rape...

Does this not bother you at all? Isn't the dilution of the term "rape" kind of an insult to real victims? Just because it's "the law" doesn't make something morally correct. What about the potential abuse of this law?
In some places the law still requires penetration for a rape to take place, but I guess that's fair too, right?
ok now we are playing with technicalities. I could well be wrong with the definition of rape vs sexual assult. Its sex without concent which could well be legally eqivilant to statitory rape. I just dont know, what i found and quoted was the bill to amend the crimes act. I dont have enough legal training to actually go through the crimes act itself and understand the detail of the changes. For that you need a lawyer or judge not a politcal expert (which is where my experties is in, the political prosses and parliment itself)
you want more...and more...until you reach for the sky high mountain, I know that feeling myself (I snowboard too)...and then you want to snowboard more and more and you dont care if you get hurt, you take it aside as it did not bother you...you want to feel the rush, adrenaline flowing in you...making you feel alive, wind through your hair, snow swirling around you and gaining speed...it all adds up to addiction and you want more and more and more...

What's so wrong with that? I do have a life outside of it, you know.

Then again it is pretty telling that you refuse to stand up against the encouragement of violence towards men spewed by Orleander. Might be because you also encourage similar violence

Post some fucking quotes already or, for the love of god, stop doing my brain in.

feminists don't want to hold men and women to equal standards

Definition of feminism: 1. Belief in the social, political and economic equality of the sexes. 2. The movement organized around this belief. (American Heritage Dictionary)

There is nothing in there about not wanting to hold men and women to different standards. So for fuck's sake, quit your ranting about how any woman who's not a prostitute/pregnant and in kitchen housewife is a big evil feminist and wants to cut your dick off.

But why does this topic arouse so much ire?

Because of the 'rape mentality' behind it. Whether he was messing or not, his comment implies that he thinks women are nothing more than tits/vaginas and have no business arguing or giving opinions.
VI dont you think femists shoot themselves in the foot with there name?

After all it gives the sexist males a free shot and even people like myself who strongly surport true equality have to doubt stuff that comes from femist sources because of there association with the ultra radical feminsts.

If they just called themselves "humanitarians" then it would be harder to argue they surport the advancement of one gender over the other rather than true equality between the sex's