Rape: The Megathread

sounds like a clear cut case of when a person is unable to concent. He deserves to be locked up unless he was just as drunk as she was. Especially due to the fact he was pushing the achole on her
Like I said earlier, a lot of this stuff could be avoided if drugs and alcohol were not abused so much. People have to take things to the extreme. I was a teenager, young adult and I went out to clubs and to parties. I used to have a few drinks but I never drank to the point I was going to pass out or that I didn't know what I was doing.
Sokolow then asked his audience to act as a jury to decide whether or not the man was guilty. Interestingly, the audience was divided in its judgment, with half judging him guilty and the other half finding him not guilty. Sokolow mentioned that he finds this same reaction with all of his audiences, which contrasts sharply with the real trial - at which the jury unanimously found the man guilty.


It says quite clearly here:
The report defines a forcible sex offense as “any sexual act directed against another person, forcibly and/or against that person’s will; or not forcibly or against the person’s will where the victim is incapable of giving consent.”
from your own link:http://www.winona.edu/winonan/S2006/2-15-06/Daterateordrunksex.htm

seems like the US isnt to far behind Australia in this:)
sounds like a clear cut case of when a person is unable to concent. He deserves to be locked up unless he was just as drunk as she was. Especially due to the fact he was pushing the achole on her

By unable to consent you mean to say that she gave both explicit consent (verbally saying yes) and implicit consent (being active and participatory during the act)?
sounds like a clear cut case of when a person is unable to concent. He deserves to be locked up unless he was just as drunk as she was. Especially due to the fact he was pushing the achole on her

Well women/girls have to take some responsibility in this too. Just because a man/boy is pushing for you to drink more alcohol doesn't mean you have to drink it. The woman has a mouth and a brain in her head to make decisions. How does someone FORCE alcohol into you? Are they holding you down and pouring it down your throat?

Women can't be irresponsible either and then cry later oh poor helpless me after the fact.
It isn't that difficult to simply say no more please.

These feminists want both to be 'equals' but not have to ever deal with the consequences of their own actions. They want to pretend that women are like puddy after a couple beers, and that men are immune to the effects of alcohol.

If women are equal to men and deserving of the same rights of men, then they should be held to the same standards as the men. This is exactly why children don't have the same rights as adults, but also don't get held liable for so much of their behaivor.
shorty i have no symapthy for someone who rapes a drunk ****PERSON****
Just because someone is mentally incapacitated through achole doesnt give you a free pass to do whatever you want. Now if he was her regular partner and had sex in the normal way they do (using protection whatever) i wouldnt concider it rape but as he wasnt (im assuming) he should get the penelty.
shorty take this as an example:
Your out with a friend who is buying you drinks, you would NEVER cheat on your husband and your husband knows that person is just a friend ect and trusts the 2 of you. You get a little to drunk. Now what would you think of that person if they took advantage of you simply because you had to much achole. He knows that under any circumstances you would NEVER sleep with him but he still does it anyway. So what if you dont say no. Its still rape.
another example, you have decided you want to wait till your married to have sex with your fieonce. They KNOW this, you have a few to many and they take advantage of that. Is that acceptable behavor?

your right we need to do something about the levels of binge drinking, that being said its a compleatly seperate issue from this
It isn't that difficult to simply say no more please.

These feminists want both to be 'equals' but not have to ever deal with the consequences of their own actions.

When we are drunk we are not equals. That is why we are not allowed to drive, for example.

I tell you this if a MAN out with a friend was manipulated into drinking a lot of alcohol and that friend finally got him to sign over certain property rights, that MAN would run to a lawyer and have that signing eradicated.

On the other hand you cannot get unfucked.

In this case the man is viewing the woman as a thing. His approach is predatory, or, as far as I can tell, certainly could have been in the case you mentioned. You view people as things and you fuck them, expect to get fucked in return. Man or woman.

They want to pretend that women are like puddy after a couple beers, and that men are immune to the effects of alcohol.
So it was a couple of beers in this case?

If women are equal to men and deserving of the same rights of men, then they should be held to the same standards as the men. This is exactly why children don't have the same rights as adults, but also don't get held liable for so much of their behaivor.
See above.
I am not saying it is ok to rape someone because they are drunk. What I am saying is that women need to also take responsibility when it comes to drinking and drugs. If they are out at a bar, club or whatever they should know their limits. I don't feel sorry for ppl that drink to the extremes and have no clue what they did last night, or they black out, or puke their guts outside in the bushes. I am NOT saying they deserve to be raped in any way. But they should also be accountable for themselves and not drink to the point that they don't know where a strange man may be taking them, to do god knows what.

Sometimes maybe a woman can't remember exactly what happened because she was so drunk. Maybe she gets the facts mixed up and feels guilty about having sex with a stranger and cries rape...who knows I can see that happening.

Some men are pricks and will take advantage of a drunk woman. Maybe both the man and woman are so drunk they don't know what they fuck they are doing until they get into stuff. Maybe the woman tries to stop something after it has already gone a too far and the man is too drunk to take her seriously to stop.

There a lots and lots of scenarios that can happen. That is why women by now should know if they are going to a strange place with strangers (men) They should be responsible at all times and not drink to the point they don't know what the hell they are doing, for their own safety...... Agree?
actually the reverse is true to. My ex GF told me that lots of girls try to get men drunk to sleep with them as well, i cant substatiate this because its never happened to me (well PB does it occasionally and then complaines when i fall asleep insted of having sex:p) but its just as illegal. If a man was to wake up the next morning with someone he would never have slept with the same laws are open to him as well.

I guess that ends "beer googles" sex:p
shorty take this as an example:
Your out with a friend who is buying you drinks, you would NEVER cheat on your husband and your husband knows that person is just a friend ect and trusts the 2 of you. You get a little to drunk. Now what would you think of that person if they took advantage of you simply because you had to much achole. He knows that under any circumstances you would NEVER sleep with him but he still does it anyway. So what if you dont say no. Its still rape.

You do realize that you are the only one talking about people who are unconcious.

By unable to consent you mean to say that she gave both explicit consent (verbally saying yes) and implicit consent (being active and participatory during the act)?

What in the hell do the terms implicit consent and explicit consent mean to you?
shorty take this as an example:
Your out with a friend who is buying you drinks, you would NEVER cheat on your husband and your husband knows that person is just a friend ect and trusts the 2 of you. You get a little to drunk. Now what would you think of that person if they took advantage of you simply because you had to much achole. He knows that under any circumstances you would NEVER sleep with him but he still does it anyway. So what if you dont say no. Its still rape.

How does he take advantage of me? What does he do exactly? Hold me down and stuff???

I ask because I have never been that drunk that I don't still know what I am doing. If I didn't want to have sex with him he would have to be using force to have sex with me. I wouldn't just find myself half naked on the couch with some man all over me wondering what was going on.

So basically I had sex with him and I didn't tell him to stop or say no?
No I wouldn't be crying rape.
If a man was to wake up the next morning with someone he would never have slept with the same laws are open to him as well.

What laws? I see it as he got drunk as fuck and ended up bringing home some woman he would never sleep with, if he was sober.

Same thing goes for women if that happens.

You can't blame everything on Alcohol and drugs. They didn't just magically end up in your system. You are responsible for how much goes into your body and how much you can handle.
shorty if you couldnt get married you cant have sex in the same circumstances (with a few exceptions). Its as simple as that, i dont have any sympathy for someone who picks up drunk girls or guys simply because they are "easy". They deserve everything they get.

I agree with you that people need to act to protect themselves but thats not always possable. This is especially true with drink spiking but even at other times.