Rape: The Megathread

OK, missed that. I wasn't so concerned about you. It was more a sense that the idea that some people are for equality and 'get triggered' by people who want to control them and their minds, is really a smoke screen.

you missed it because i didnt do it here, i did it directly to them

Dont assume, it makes an ass out of u and me:p
So when someone comes here and presents feminists in this way it rings a lot of bells. People tend to distrust the motives.

No shit. What if the motives are what they appear on the surface? PC sucks from any vantage point IMHO. Are you saying that you agree that fem**** take things to extremes, but it's ok because others take equally idiotic positions?
Actually under these laws it is, concent must be full and frank and NOT sort though means of fraud. Reread it again, it relies on a principle that has been operating in med for a while now called INFORMED concent. You cant give informed concent if someone is witholding a vital piece of infomation or defrauding you.

well.,that certainly interesting.so i have been raped twice because those girls didnt tell me they were absolutely fucking mental,once because a girl told me she was 5 years younger than she was.
my friend can rest assured that he has no obligation to his unborn baby because it is a baby conceived through rape (his girlfriend said that sex without condoms was safe because of her physical condition at the time....she was lying,knowingly).

a fair amount of sex that goes on is done whilst information is being withheld,i believe there is a whole culture in america based around it called...dating.

again...its not rape http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/uk_news/3191312.stm

actually shorty i dont think either group is qualifided to write what is concidered rape and what isnt. I was thinking it should more come from a lawyer with experiance in the area. This is OVIOUSLY biased because it says "if a WOMEN..." if it was a legal point of view it would say "if a PERSON..."

And your right i could chop it down a bit

"if they say no, its rape"
"if you use fraudulant means to coherse the person, including but not limited to, misleading about your or there identity or marital statice or the act itself including but not limited to misleading the person that its for medical or hygenic reasons or through any other fraugulant means its rape"
"if they are unable to concent due to drugs, achole, mental incapacity, being asleep, or unconcious its rape"
"if you use blackmail, threat of force or actual force to coherse the person then its rape"

So i guess your right i could cut it down to 4 quite easerly and still cover the whole list

you want to let LAWYERS decide?!

HAHAHA.,by your standards 98% of the sexually active world has been raped.

the part in red is simply ridiculous
is this the same place where there are legal brothels?
is that kind of a massive massive contradiction?
kenworth;1919251 you want to let [B said:
LAWYERS decide?![/B]

HAHAHA.,by your standards 98% of the sexually active world has been raped.

Lawyers! That is a really fucking bad idea. It is best possible to avoid them as much as possible. They will suck your bank account dry if you let them.

Puts hand up!!!! I think I have been raped numerous times...I think it happened maybe 3-4 am when I found a man on top of me groping and grabbing things. I immediately said WTF are you doing??? Then my b/f woke up and rolled back to his side. :D

13. You are a rapist if you 'nag' her for sex.
27. If you had sex with her the night before but she doesn't want morning sex and you pressure her for it anyway then you're a rapist.

Holy shit he is a serial rapist then :eek:
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No shit. What if the motives are what they appear on the surface? PC sucks from any vantage point IMHO. Are you saying that you agree that fem**** take things to extremes, but it's ok because others take equally idiotic positions?
Some feminists take things to extremes. Some of them just wanted the rights to work in male dominated fields. Some just challenged the views of women that many men and women have. And so on. I know a number of feminists who would pop out their red pens if they saw that OP list.

And no. I think I made it pretty clear what I was saying. I was saying that I notice that the people who scream the loudest about the evils of political correctness never notice most of it. Especially the PC they and their buddies are propagating.
Puts hand up!!!! I think I have been raped numerous times...I think it happened maybe 3-4 am when I found a man on top of me groping and grabbing things.

How many times, exactly? Enquiring minds want to know, Shorty. Also, please provide pics...
29. If it's your wedding night and she doesn't WANT to have sex with you and you force or coerce her anyway then you're a rapist.

If she doesn't want to have sex with you on your wedding night. I think you are in for a life of hell. That is not a good sign.!!!
Most feminists only care about enforcing their double standards on the rest of us, and the list just goes to highlight one of the sets of double standards.
If she doesn't want to have sex with you on your wedding night. I think you are in for a life of hell. That is not a good sign.!!!
She drank too much at the reception. The shrimp upset her stomach.

In any case, even if you are right, she still gets to say no.

And I am sure you agree but wanted to point out the humor in that quote
. At least I hope so.
How many times, exactly? Enquiring minds want to know, Shorty. Also, please provide pics...

HA!! Well after reading the list. I have found out I live with a rapist on at least 2 of the points mentioned. :bawl:
Pictures? Well I would have to set up one of those cameras that they use on those nature shows. You know the ones
that run through the night to catch the ANIMALS (men) in the act. lol

But I think most of this list is BS!
She drank too much at the reception. The shrimp upset her stomach.

In any case, even if you are right, she still gets to say no.

And I am sure you agree but wanted to point out the humor in that quote
. At least I hope so.

Yes I agree. If a woman says NO! she means no, and you shouldn't take it any further.

But........women also send mixed signals sometimes. For example sometimes I am not really in the mood and say NO I don't feel like it now. With some coercing sometimes, I am still saying NOOOOOOO but am slowly changing my answer to YES with some coaxing.

According to the list, if a man tries to pressure you or coerce you into having sex he is a rapist. So does the above scenario mean he is a rapist?
Many times when a woman says yes, you can still be locked up for 'rape'. Also, many times when a woman says no and you comply with her request, she throws a fit.
Many times when a woman says yes, you can still be locked up for 'rape'. Also, many times when a woman says no and you comply with her request, she throws a fit.
YOu are seeing some strange women. But even if that is, truly, what you keep experiencing, what is the point. Me, if someone says no. I take the no seriously. If they really mean yes, they are probably not someone I want to sleep with. If you really believe in treating the sexes equally you would find this behavior odd and back off. If I was with a guy and I said 'Hey, wanna shoot some hoops?' and he said 'No.' and then got mad when I did it with some other guys, well, I would think the guy was weird. Check your double standards that you keep whining about. If a man acted like that with you would probably not, eventually, be his friend. But a woman...you want to have sex with her. That is weird.
Thankfully, I haven't had to deal with the yes really meaning that you just raped her, but there are court cases in the USA that have thrown men in prison because of it. I have had to deal with a bit of the no meaning yes though.
What if the motives are what they appear on the surface?

I think then the source of the list would not be from some random woman's blog. If you read about what she says about her son we are dealing with a disturbed person, someone most of the feminists I know would be very critical of.

I also think that if the concerns presented were true threads would be started by you on other kinds of PC pressures also that come from other groups and other parts of the political spectrum.

Those two points make me skeptical. However, despite my skepticism I responded to the list with my reactions, and I realize that I cannot know your motives.

I think however the way you approach the issue and that you focus on the issue make people wonder what your real concerns are about people who have very little influence on society - feminists like the woman who made this list.
Thankfully, I haven't had to deal with the yes really meaning that you just raped her, but there are court cases in the USA that have thrown men in prison because of it. I have had to deal with a bit of the no meaning yes though.
So there have been court cases where you know the woman said yes, did not change her mind and the man was accused of rape. Do you have a link?

Seems like the same case in both and I can't find anywhere where it says he was convicted. He was thrown out of the university. Sounds like he might have been a predator. I'd need to know more about the guy, what happened, how he defended himself and so on.

This was also not simply that she said 'yes'. Like two people are on a date and the guy says he want to have sex and the girl says yes. It sure sounds like something else. There is a good chance I would not want this guy around my college age daughter and her friends. Should he do a 5 years stretch in a maximum security prison? I can't see anything so far that says he should or did for that matter. Might it be OK he was thrown out of college. Yeah, it might be.