Rape: The Megathread

I talk about someone who wants to hold men and women to different standards, and you start to question if I know what the word sexist means. So I'm just forced to assume that you believe that holding men and women to different standards is just something that we should encourage, as that obviously isn't sexist in your world.
I talk about someone who wants to hold men and women to different standards, and you start to question if I know what the word sexist means. So I'm just forced to assume that you believe that holding men and women to different standards is just something that we should encourage, as that obviously isn't sexist in your world.

because the definintion of the word is different from the way you are using it.
I find it strange that so many liberals seem to be too stupid to understand that in the vast majority of those cases listed in the OP there was no talk of consent, just pushing the feminist mantra that all men are rapists. In fact, quite a few of them talk about getting consent and still being a rapist.

Though I'm sure that you'd agree that if a girl explicitly gives you consent to sex that you are in fact a rapist.
To me liberals are conservative, but I spent time pointing out problems I had with the list and least more than half of it.

I notice you have no problem with Kadark's logic.
Are their men here who are being oppressed in some way by 'feminazis'? Does it seem like your neighborhood, workplace, etc. is under control of feminists?

See, I remember when political correctness was in its fullest swing. It had quite a bit of power in universities, for example. But even then in most environments it was just fine for men like Kadark to say things like 'she needs a dick in her mouth'.

Political correctness has always been a misnomer. Because it implies that the feminist position somehow was the official one in society. But the fact was that it only held sway in certan smaller areas in society. Political correctness continues to actually support viewing women as primarily sex objects who are bitches if they elect not to have sex with this or that man.

A man who challenges that idea faces the politically correct judgment that he is a pussy or a fag.

A women who does is a feminazi, bitch or cunt.

So while I do have problems with that list in the OP, I wonder who is really being victimized by it and why anyone would think that that list has some sort of power in society.
To me liberals are conservative...


Are their men here who are being oppressed in some way by 'feminazis'? Does it seem like your neighborhood, workplace, etc. is under control of feminists?

See, I remember when political correctness was in its fullest swing. It had quite a bit of power in universities, for example.

Me too. Maybe that is what bothers me today, although most people have settled down. Let's not let them spew their BS here on SF, though.

But even then in most environments it was just fine for men like Kadark to say things like 'she needs a dick in her mouth'.
How so? People got expelled for that behavior. You claim to "remember the time". Did you forget how bad it can get?

Political correctness has always been a misnomer. Because it implies that the feminist position somehow was the official one in society.
What? Of course it is a minority's position. Thank God that the majority doesn't feel this way.

But the fact was that it only held sway in certan smaller areas in society. Political correctness continues to actually support viewing women as primarily sex objects who are bitches if they elect not to have sex with this or that man.
Noone cares who they have sex with. Well, maybe the femnazis themselves care, but I don't. I care that they somehow hold themselves out as "better" than the rest of us, and try to dictate our thoughts. They do this behind a curtain of selfrighteousness, ignorant or uncaring of what the rest of society feels. Their viewpoint seems illogical and selfcontradictory. Rational approaches usually lead to a charge of "sexism" and "misogyny". You (Simon) seem like you approach the issue with common sense. I have no problem with that, better than the knee jerk, over the top reactionism that was common 25 years ago and still prevalent here on SF.

A man who challenges that idea faces the politically correct judgment that he is a pussy or a fag.

A women who does is a feminazi, bitch or cunt.
Isn't this ridiculous? Didn't we get enough during the '60's and '70's?

So while I do have problems with that list in the OP, I wonder who is really being victimized by it and why anyone would think that that list has some sort of power in society.
Again, I don't know who in general society is affected. It seems that people here on SF, wherever they may be are affected though, judging from the responses.
no.,because you are consenting to the act of sex,but not to the consequences.
just like if one partner is willing to have unprotected sex because the other partner lies and says they have no vd's.its not rape.

Actually under these laws it is, concent must be full and frank and NOT sort though means of fraud. Reread it again, it relies on a principle that has been operating in med for a while now called INFORMED concent. You cant give informed concent if someone is witholding a vital piece of infomation or defrauding you.

Doesn't this law have the affect of prohibiting sex amongst the mentally incapacitated, or retarded? Is that the intent? Or are there exceptions made for that sort of thing?

No thats not its intention, sex (and the right to repoduce) by the mentally disabled is protected under a different set of legislation as a fundemental human right. I think its more aimed at tempary incapacitation and people who take advantage of someones incapacitation. You would never see 2 alzimers pts brought up on charges because of this but if the nurse for instance lied and said "this is the way we excercise" (example modified and taken from an eposode of SVU) then that wouldnt consitiute free and fair concent, hence it would be sexual assult.

I don't see how this can be considered "rape". What is the definition here? This is awfully broad. I smell trouble brewing, even though the intent may have been in the right place, these laws are going to put some innocent people in prison.

I doubt it will put anymore innocent people in prision than the previous laws did. Fulse rape alegations did happen pria to this legislation and im sure they still will. The intent of this legislation is to protect people in a vulnerable state and protect people from giving concent through fraud.
I meant that I am to the left of liberals. Sort of. I am not fond of the categories and I am certainly no fan of communist states. But, nevertheless, I am to the left of liberals. Still, I had a problem with portions of the list. I am absolutely certain a large % of liberals would also.

How so? People got expelled for that behavior. You claim to "remember the time". Did you forget how bad it can get?
My point is that as bad as it got in places these were limited areas in society. To even use the term political correctness implies that other kinds of political correctness haven't been with us all along.

What? Of course it is a minority's position. Thank God that the majority doesn't feel this way.
I have a lot of problems with the majority's version of political correctness.

Noone cares who they have sex with. Well, maybe the femnazis themselves care, but I don't. I care that they somehow hold themselves out as "better" than the rest of us, and try to dictate our thoughts.
Everybody does that. Have you not noticed how the right does that around all sorts of issues? Did you not notice the ways in which it was accepted to bet boys and men to think a certain way about themselves with terms like fag and pussy. Or women with bitch and cunt? I mean political correctness did not been in the last three centuries. One version from feminists was created then. Other versions were there before that and continue to this day. I find it amazing that many people don't seem to notice that these others are versions of political correctness.

Isn't this ridiculous? Didn't we get enough during the '60's and '70's?
I'm not sure you understood my point.

Again, I don't know who in general society is affected. It seems that people here on SF, wherever they may be are affected though, judging from the responses.
So in your own life you are not really affected. Well, this is good to know. The issue seems to come up regularly, but I have trouble getting why it is pressing. There are plenty of people telling us we are shit, don't look right or have the right car, aren't patriotic enough, aren't manly or feminine enough or whatever. There is a constant stream of telling us what we should be like. In fact we should be grateful to those who actually do this directly. Put it on paper. There are many others doing it in slimy, indirect ways, that, unfortunately can gnaw at even the most rational brains.

As far as I can tell feminists have much less access to people's brains than many other groups that know what we should be like and think like, yet somehow they are seen as more of a threat.
It seems like visceral instinct is the only person who was also bothered by what Kadark wrote,

you know, the writer of the list needs a dick in her mouth.

If you all are really concerned about political correctness, there's one version of it. Sure, in this case it is openly aimed at women, but there are messages in there for men also about how to be.

The old regime lives on.
S A, i actually asked for plazma and james to review that and take whatever action they saw fit. i cant do anymore than that
also i would suggest sam put him down quite hard,

To make it clear however i find his comments VERY offencive, even more so the comment that "i presume concent..." comment than this one
In fact we should be grateful to those who actually do this directly.

In fact, we should be grateful to those that don't do it at all. And don't get me wrong, I am just as adamant about opposing the other side as well. Take this "dick in the mouth" thing. There is plenty wrong with that, and everyone needs to chill for a moment. But why does this topic arouse so much ire? There must still be a large group of people affected by these issues...
This is stupid, so what this was written from a feminsts point of view. I understand why they would seeing as 9/10 reported cases of sexual abuse are women (or is that domestic vilonce, i cant rember). That actually means nothing, the law is blind and these laws aplie to women as much as men, to lesbians, gays and straight. The only difference is to do with age and that has to do with wether someone is concidered old enough to understand the conquences of there actions

I posted the changes in the LAW in relation to concent and you will notice it says PERSON not women. Femists and mysoginsts can write whatever they like but the law says that each party has an EQUAL protection
I think the list is full of bullshit when it comes to half that stuff. If you took away alcohol and drugs, half the list would be wiped out.

A lot of men out there wish they got raped by women on a regular basis. ;)
shorty that insulting, and no more correct than if i said the same thing back to you "most women wish they were raped on a regular basis"

Rape is defined as sexual activity without or against concent and NO ONE wants that. This is quite different from rape fantasies (which is quite common for women)
This is stupid, so what this was written from a feminsts point of view.

This makes me think of something a comic said we just recently watched. Why the fuck is it that the magazines are filled with bullshit articles for women about men, written by women.

Like for instance 101 Ways to please your Man Why is a woman writing it? Shouldn't a man be writing it, since he knows exactly what pleases him.
If a man wrote the article it would be chopped down from 101 to about 3-4.
This is stupid, so what this was written from a feminsts point of view. I understand why they would seeing as 9/10 reported cases of sexual abuse are women (or is that domestic vilonce, i cant rember). That actually means nothing, the law is blind and these laws aplie to women as much as men, to lesbians, gays and straight. The only difference is to do with age and that has to do with wether someone is concidered old enough to understand the conquences of there actions

I posted the changes in the LAW in relation to concent and you will notice it says PERSON not women. Femists and mysoginsts can write whatever they like but the law says that each party has an EQUAL protection

Where did this all come from, Asguard? And, you wish the legal system was blind, you will find as you grow that the system is out to exploit its own ends. Sad but true. Hopefully, you will not experience this first hand, but that is where my wariness of "too many laws" comes from. If you create the opportunity, someone will take advantage....
shorty that insulting, and no more correct than if i said the same thing back to you "most women wish they were raped on a regular basis"

Rape is defined as sexual activity without or against concent and NO ONE wants that. This is quite different from rape fantasies (which is quite common for women)

Oh relax yourself, I am kind of kidding around. Men are always complaining that they don't get enough sex or that they always have to initiate. I just meant a lot of guys out there would not complain if they were raped occassionally by their woman or some other hot woman.
In fact, we should be grateful to those that don't do it at all. And don't get me wrong, I am just as adamant about opposing the other side as well. Take this "dick in the mouth" thing. There is plenty wrong with that, and everyone needs to chill for a moment. But why does this topic arouse so much ire? There must still be a large group of people affected by these issues...

It arouses ire in me because I think some people only notice certain kinds of BS. They never notice the other stuff. Even the name political correctness, and especially the way this has been used by conservatives, is very misleading.

I do not think these people noticed how much political correctness there is that fits their values. Their complaint is that someone is trying to control them or their thoughts. Not once do they seem to notice that every single political viewpoint has members who do this. then these conservatives keep their mouths quiet. So this makes me wonder if the issue is not trying to control people but the fact that it is women doing this. Or if it is a handy way to get anger expressed at women.

During the exact same period when PC stuff was at its strongest walking into most bars, football games, locker rooms, board rooms, offices one was faced with the same old, same old PC where women were bitches who didn't put out enough and most men were about to reveal they were faggots if they didn't act just right. As one example of another PC. In fact the feminists were a minority opinion, especially the ones that bother you.

But these conservatives, and perhaps you are one of them, did not notice how much people were controlling and trying to control other people with the other PCs.

Sure, it's easy to pick on Kadark.

But to challenge that other PC takes a real man or woman.

So when someone comes here and presents feminists in this way it rings a lot of bells. People tend to distrust the motives.
S A, i actually asked for plazma and james to review that and take whatever action they saw fit. i cant do anymore than that
OK, missed that. I wasn't so concerned about you. It was more a sense that the idea that some people are for equality and 'get triggered' by people who want to control them and their minds, is really a smoke screen.
actually shorty i dont think either group is qualifided to write what is concidered rape and what isnt. I was thinking it should more come from a lawyer with experiance in the area. This is OVIOUSLY biased because it says "if a WOMEN..." if it was a legal point of view it would say "if a PERSON..."

And your right i could chop it down a bit

"if they say no, its rape"
"if you use fraudulant means to coherse the person, including but not limited to, misleading about your or there identity or marital statice or the act itself including but not limited to misleading the person that its for medical or hygenic reasons or through any other fraugulant means its rape"
"if they are unable to concent due to drugs, achole, mental incapacity, being asleep, or unconcious its rape"
"if you use blackmail, threat of force or actual force to coherse the person then its rape"

So i guess your right i could cut it down to 4 quite easerly and still cover the whole list