hmm, let me make a short answer, because discussing with you is useless as i expreienced before, and it seems you are angry and mad right now, i can see it, anyway, all those phrases, wich honestly i didnt read the rest of this post, also, it seems you know nothing about the arab nations, wich are muslim, history, you don't know any any thing about them, or even about islam, islam did bann slavery, but it seems some still do it in some parts of history, knowing that that slavery, even that is few, after islam, they weren't like the slaves like you think, anyway it's usless again, to discuss with you anything, why are you asking ME about why KSA don't let women drive, anyway that's a myth, they drive... get your self educated...sorry Michael, you are a n undiscussuble person, yopu pertend to be open minded , and a person that can discuss, and a person, that not a hypocryte, but it seems, you are all that, don't try to hide your self, and you have a complexe called "islam", as i see, the most threads you are in, or if i say almost all, are about islam, and you're always repeat what you always say, you want to hear what you like, why don't you go to an anti-islam forum or something..i'm reall really sorry because i quoted you post and tryed to discuss or talk to you.