Ramadan and women

So, a woman sitting next to you dressed in a tent is distracting you away from your god, but a man sitting next to you doesn't?


are those tents?
and why does this bother you? i think, every relegion have it's beleifs, ok? how does this hurt you or hurt anyone??

That very same question is often raised by those who are completely oblivious to the world around them.

The bull will also not bother to understand such things while spending it's time wandering around a China shop.
* * * * NOTE FROM A MODERATOR * * * *

Jafar: I received your complaint in which you accused a member of trolling on this thread. I have reviewed the thread and do not find evidence of such serious trolling that it warrants any moderator action. This entire thread is peppered with silliness and insults, so I'm not going to single out any one post or any one member.

Of all the Moderators, I am probably the one who is least inclined to act as a referee on the "About the Members" subforum. In my observation, its entire purpose is to encourage our members to act stupid, a purpose which it achieves magnificently. This is why I never even read it unless someone complains. I suppose I should appreciate this, because then you all don't have to act stupid on the "real" subforums, which would piss me off and I'd be banning you right and left. ;)

Jafar, you need to remember that you are in a place where the majority of members have highly negative attitudes about religion. If you read our rules carefully, you will notice that we are not allowed to insult ethnic groups, nationalities or genders, but there is no rule against insulting a religion.
there is no political standpoint...what does relate relegion to politics??
if men pray with women mixed, it then men want be praying, or praying to pray, they would be praying to look at the women asses :p if a hot woman is praying infront of you, your eyes will go to her body or something lol.

Men and women pray together in the haram at Mecca. I don't see how instituting gender segregation makes for better prayers. Ramadan is all about self discipline after all.

So notwithstanding the universal attraction of the arses of women to the men behind them, back to observing Ramadan:

Performing rukyah or the sighting of the new moon


Another one:


When you run out of streets, take to the roofs:

Men and women, if they are both praying in Jama'ah that is must pray away from each other within the mosque or must be blocked from being in view of each other full stop. Forget segrgation, this is because the blocking out of evil is always prior to doing good or praying.
Men and women, if they are both praying in Jama'ah that is must pray away from each other within the mosque or must be blocked from being in view of each other full stop. Forget segrgation, this is because the blocking out of evil is always prior to doing good or praying.

But doesn't this imply that either sex is evil when praying in the presence of the other? Does it seem like beliefs throughout the ages are constantly being adjusted to accommodate a patriarchal standard?
It doesn't imply that either sex is evil when praying in the presence of each other whatever that means. Firstly when one is going to commune with God it's necessary to block out evil to hope for the best results. If men and women are in view of each other while praying they will indeed fall prey to evil one way or another and satans will have a very easy way to tempt people in such a situation, satan and countless followers of his own kind never takes a break from trying to tempt mankind. I don't see how this is patriarchal however.
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go look at this thread..

rules are made because ppl can't moderate themselves enough to keep it civil..
if users would keep it civil there would be no need for rules.

all things in moderation..

well, i can controll my self, it's not about breaking or not breaking rules, it's about respect to each other, i'm not acting badly because of the rules, i can insult relegions, but as you see, i never did to any, if all people know how to respect each other, then, no need for so many rules and moderators.
If men and women are in view of each other while praying they will indeed fall prey to evil one way or another and satans will have a very easy way to tempt people in such a situation, satan and countless followers of his own kind never takes a break from trying to tempt mankind.

Are you saying that people are doomed to surrender to Satan if they happen to see another person of the opposite gender? Is this only when praying, and if so, why then pray?
No one is asking you to pray so I don't see your issue. I don't see why one would be doomed to surrender to satan just for looking at a person of another gender (if that's the case I don't know how anyone could be born using the natural way of conception) and why the core topic should even be about satan and not about falling prey to evil.
This aspect of Islam is seen in the larger context of the way women are legally unequal to men in so-called Islamic nations.

We find it extremely vulgar.

And it has nothing to do with Islam per say. We felt exactly the same about women in Japan and women in China. Those societies made women equal in the 20th century - I wonder why they were able to progress their cultures whereas Islamic nations have such a hard time doing so?
In all honesty these statements of yours are baseless all they aim to do is be at least somewhat anti-Islamic. You should substantiate at least some of it using honest sources.

It doesn't imply that either sex is evil when praying in the presence of each other whatever that means. Firstly when one is going to commune with God it's necessary to block out evil to hope for the best results. If men and women are in view of each other while praying they will indeed fall prey to evil one way or another and satans will have a very easy way to tempt people in such a situation, satan and countless followers of his own kind never takes a break from trying to tempt mankind. I don't see how this is patriarchal however.

aaah, people who have a strong faith, and going their to pray for god, wan't be distracted with strict covered women, or anyway from the opposite sexe, ok? so you are saying, you walk in the street, you see a woman, so you die looking at her, you follow her, and you just, become craizy while seing any woman? aah, i see, so you blame "satan" before blaming your self, blame your self first, then blame satan, your talking sounds ignoring, effcorse if you saw soem hot women you'll get distracted, but, anyway women are their to pray too, they are strict and covered, not naked! what will even make you distracted or stuff?? o you just want to do things, and say, OOH SATAN GOT ME! it's all he's fault not myne, is that what you mean? i understand that you mean satan want to find a chance to make us do bad things, but, if someone had a good faith, and a strong personnality, and, a reason for praying, or going to hajj, wich is to pray for god, want get distracted or anything, ok?
so, keep your self together and stop blaming satan, blame your self first, distracted by a respectfull woman praying? even a covered woman? how will that turn you on or distract you? it may if you never saw a woman in your life, and if you're not their to pray for god, or not convinced with what you're doing n your hajj or whatever...
What exactly is your point? When did this become a topic about satan. I don't understand what possessed you to say all this. Apparently all you can think about is a hot woman. :shrug:
In all honesty these statements of yours are baseless all they aim to do is be at least somewhat anti-Islamic. You should substantiate at least some of it using honest sources.
Take women not being able to drive a car in KSA as an example and move over to the Afghan woman who had her nose cut off her face for trying to leave her husband then move over to the many "honor" prisons for men who gain "honor" for murdering their sisters.

Notice I said: so-called Islamic nations.

These sorts of actions we in the West and East find vulgar. It's THAT simple. You don't have to think to hard about it. These things happen, we think it vulgar.
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This is simply the Western perspective. There's nothing to say it's wrong to prevent women from voting or holding a seat in government - hell, women only got the vote just recently in the US! But, me, my generation - the ones who grew up assuming women are intellectually equal to men, WE find the notion a woman can not run for office or drive a car... well, to put it bluntly - vulgar.

That's just our opinion.

IMO highly educated women are key to a bright tolerant future and their subjugation is the reason many patriarchal nations suck hairy balls.