Ramadan and women

Are you saying that people are doomed to surrender to Satan if they happen to see another person of the opposite gender? Is this only when praying, and if so, why then pray?

It is simply better for the heart and soul. We get much more good out of the prayer the way it is: men and women segregated. If you have never felt God's presence then I pray that He guides you to His path and to His light.
In all honesty these statements of yours are baseless all they aim to do is be at least somewhat anti-Islamic. You should substantiate at least some of it using honest sources.

Totally agree. Sometimes I think oh my God there is MUCH to be learned here :)

A place to start can be this video:


Title: Debate: Islam or Atheism? With Hamza Andreas Tzortzis & the president of American Atheists.

International lecturer and public speaker Hamza Andreas Tzortzis debates the president of American Atheists, Dr. Ed Buckner, who is the leading secular activist in the US and was cited as an authority in Richard Dawkins' best-seller "The God Delusion".

Duration about 2 hours and a half.
What exactly is your point? When did this become a topic about satan. I don't understand what possessed you to say all this. Apparently all you can think about is a hot woman. :shrug:

:) I had the same suspicion as I read those lines by Shadow1.

I think about women and I can tell you that maybe because we believers abstain from looking at random uncovered women, covered women become pretty attractive in our eyes :)
"attractive"? is that really the problem?

well then, that begs the question, just how much does a woman need to cover up before you do the right thing?

i'm pretty sure this is a first, but i agree with Q's standpoint in this thread, and in response to some of the comments made by shadow, and yosef, aside from the homosexuality reference.

and this is not an islamic problem. this is a disgrace that women all over the world have had to deal with for as long as history has been recorded. you see the same sentiment from men who practice christianity, and from those who practice nothing at all. and it seems from what sam has posted, and it seems to me too, that the real difference occurs between men who are stupid, and men who are enlightened.

why in the hell haven't i seen the word "lust" mentioned in this thread thus far? why?

i'll tell you why. it's because no one wants to address the real problem.

the human body is a beautiful thing. it's a work of art, and a masterpiece in engineering. it's the home of a soul, and the temple of the holy spirit, and it is the physical manifestation of a whole human being, body, mind, and soul. it is a gift from god, and the only reason it's ever ugly, is when it's not appreciated as such, either by it's owner, or by those in observance of it.

the reason that men lust after women is because they don't love women, themselves, or god.

in the garden, we were naked, and there was NO SHAME. it's the difference between thinking with your mind, and thinking with your penis. it's the difference between a lie, and the truth.

how is it that you "oh so holy men" even survive in this world? how do you go to the grocery store, or to the mall? how do you watch a movie, or enjoy artwork, or even just peer out the windows of your own home without the searing curse of countless human bodies within your view? it's YOUR problem. and instead of barricading yourselves in your homes, alone, with a blindfold on, like you deserve, you take it out on women, who are undeserving and innocent.

and i don't feel comfortable speaking for all women, but i will speak for myself and say, that i am sick and tired of being punished, oppressed, and cursed, because of YOUR lust and sinful nature, and i'm sick and tired of being your victim, while you coddle the desires of your flesh.


What exactly is your point? When did this become a topic about satan. I don't understand what possessed you to say all this. Apparently all you can think about is a hot woman. :shrug:

yeah, i mean, if he was their to pray, and their to do hajj, he want be distracted by any other covered woman going their to do the same thing, right?
he may be distracted if she was not covered or something, but, if he had a good faith, and was their to really pray for god, then, he/ she, want get distracted by the opposite sexe.

Take women not being able to drive a car in KSA as an example and move over to the Afghan woman who had her nose cut off her face for trying to leave her husband then move over to the many "honor" prisons for men who gain "honor" for murdering their sisters.

Notice I said: so-called Islamic nations.

These sorts of actions we in the West and East find vulgar. It's THAT simple. You don't have to think to hard about it. These things happen, we think it vulgar.

pleas, don't say that islam say and tell them to do so, i mean, maghreb countries are also muslim nations, etc... and i know most arab gulf men, are sick people, they see a woman, they go mad... anyway, women do drive in KSA.
and i saw that one of the nose off in the newspapers here.

This is simply the Western perspective. There's nothing to say it's wrong to prevent women from voting or holding a seat in government - hell, women only got the vote just recently in the US! But, me, my generation - the ones who grew up assuming women are intellectually equal to men, WE find the notion a woman can not run for office or drive a car... well, to put it bluntly - vulgar.

That's just our opinion.

IMO highly educated women are key to a bright tolerant future and their subjugation is the reason many patriarchal nations suck hairy balls.

well, don't worry;, not all muslim nations are like that, just some arab gulf countries, not all of them too, for example KSA, as much as bad things you can find in it, i'm sure there's alot of other good things. but anyway, not all muslim nations(countries), are like that where women are not ecaul to men, take tunisia as an example.

:) I had the same suspicion as I read those lines by Shadow1.

I think about women and I can tell you that maybe because we believers abstain from looking at random uncovered women, covered women become pretty attractive in our eyes :)

depends on how you look at her.
i'm a beleiver too, and i don't find them all attractive (i don't mean women who wear the veil wich i only saw twice in my life)
but, do you mean the women that wear the veil?
uuh, i really prefer, hmm, korean girls, lol.
i get what you mean, you like women who wear the hairscraft or whatever, because they are respectfull, but today, you can't know anymore, you can find some "bitches" wearing that to cover themselves and hide their "bitchy" while they do all kinds of bad things. anyway, i got your point

"attractive"? is that really the problem?

well then, that begs the question, just how much does a woman need to cover up before you do the right thing?

i'm pretty sure this is a first, but i agree with Q's standpoint in this thread, and in response to some of the comments made by shadow, and yosef, aside from the homosexuality reference.

and this is not an islamic problem. this is a disgrace that women all over the world have had to deal with for as long as history has been recorded. you see the same sentiment from men who practice christianity, and from those who practice nothing at all. and it seems from what sam has posted, and it seems to me too, that the real difference occurs between men who are stupid, and men who are enlightened.

why in the hell haven't i seen the word "lust" mentioned in this thread thus far? why?

i'll tell you why. it's because no one wants to address the real problem.

the human body is a beautiful thing. it's a work of art, and a masterpiece in engineering. it's the home of a soul, and the temple of the holy spirit, and it is the physical manifestation of a whole human being, body, mind, and soul. it is a gift from god, and the only reason it's ever ugly, is when it's not appreciated as such, either by it's owner, or by those in observance of it.

the reason that men lust after women is because they don't love women, themselves, or god.

in the garden, we were naked, and there was NO SHAME. it's the difference between thinking with your mind, and thinking with your penis. it's the difference between a lie, and the truth.

how is it that you "oh so holy men" even survive in this world? how do you go to the grocery store, or to the mall? how do you watch a movie, or enjoy artwork, or even just peer out the windows of your own home without the searing curse of countless human bodies within your view? it's YOUR problem. and instead of barricading yourselves in your homes, alone, with a blindfold on, like you deserve, you take it out on women, who are undeserving and innocent.

and i don't feel comfortable speaking for all women, but i will speak for myself and say, that i am sick and tired of being punished, oppressed, and cursed, because of YOUR lust and sinful nature, and i'm sick and tired of being your victim, while you coddle the desires of your flesh.


yes, i got what you mean, the human body is beautifull, and we have to show it, but, does that mean, that women and girls,start bein naked, or almost naked, and sell herself? it's good to be beautifull and attractive, after all, how will you get married? but, doesnt mean to look like naked or like a "hore", and sell your self, if you are going to look naked or hot, then do it with your husband or fiancey, what if a married woman, still wear very tight and short clothes everyday, don't you think she may involve in other relations, it's true that everyoen controll himself, but, there are riscks, some people can't controll their, desires, that's not the reality, ok, is it good that a woman sells her self for men? is it a good idea, to waste her life ,and work to enjoy men and etc..? i do understand, and i do think it's not bad to show the beauty, but, it reach a point where to stop, you can't go out naked, you can look beautifull and respectfull, and not naked, or half naked, i mean, just respectfull clothes, beautifull clothes, good hair and etc... anyway i don't think if you understand me, well, everyone got he's stand point.
No one is asking you to pray so I don't see your issue. I don't see why one would be doomed to surrender to satan just for looking at a person of another gender (if that's the case I don't know how anyone could be born using the natural way of conception) and why the core topic should even be about satan and not about falling prey to evil.

Then why did you say: "If men and women are in view of each other while praying they will indeed fall prey to evil one way or another.." ?
Regarding the OP, Muslims seek to minimize distractions during worship. Because Islam involves both physical and spiritual submission, Muslims prostrate themselves during worship. As one Muslim explained to me, mixing men and women would be like trying to worship in the middle of an aerobics class.

Also, mosques traditionally do not show depictions of humans or animals, as these were also found to be distracting. Instead, decorators either leave walls and ceilings blank or cover them with geometric patterns or Islamic calligraphy, which are often rather fancy.
yes, i got what you mean, the human body is beautifull, and we have to show it, but, does that mean, that women and girls,start bein naked, or almost naked, and sell herself? it's good to be beautifull and attractive, after all, how will you get married? but, doesnt mean to look like naked or like a "hore", and sell your self, if you are going to look naked or hot, then do it with your husband or fiancey, what if a married woman, still wear very tight and short clothes everyday, don't you think she may involve in other relations, it's true that everyoen controll himself, but, there are riscks, some people can't controll their, desires, that's not the reality, ok, is it good that a woman sells her self for men? is it a good idea, to waste her life ,and work to enjoy men and etc..? i do understand, and i do think it's not bad to show the beauty, but, it reach a point where to stop, you can't go out naked, you can look beautifull and respectfull, and not naked, or half naked, i mean, just respectfull clothes, beautifull clothes, good hair and etc... anyway i don't think if you understand me, well, everyone got he's stand point.

this thread isn't about prostitution. if it were, we could have a nice discussion about supply and demand.
It is simply better for the heart and soul. We get much more good out of the prayer the way it is: men and women segregated. If you have never felt God's presence then I pray that He guides you to His path and to His light.

Well, if that is the issue, then isolation from all forms of "distractions" while praying would be to prefer then, including people of the same gender, animals, children etc.