questions to an abductee

simply put Jocariah , if the aliens were really serious wouldn't they, for example, just simply geneer us by altering our drinking water.....or the atmosphere surrounfing the planet. Why go to the trouble of using the butterfly effect when all could be achieved much more throroughly with out room for so much potential for error?

actually our own species is doing just that, tampering the weather and several aspects of our lives in order to 'control' things.

what u dont understand is that 'they' (aliens?) are engineering us on the atomic level, thru DNA and other manipulations they effects us from the inside out, and we play the entire thing out by our own reproductive means. this way, nature is taken into account, and nature leaves room for NO ERRORS.

altering our water is less than sufficient. in fact, it just makes people sick.

understand that the Higher Orders (includin Aliens) are here to HELP. we are at the crossroads of something BIG, and it can be the most wonderful thing ever or your worse nightmare. Understand that with some of their help, we can advance and evolve much faster, and be prepared for what is to come.

Understand, on the other side of the token, these Alien Greys who abduct and are on earth now are also trying to Help Themselves, as well as helping us. Understand that they gave away Emotions because they thought emotion is what caused all the trouble on their homeplanet. Thus, they modified their brains to give the same response to ALL STIMULI. hence their robotic nature. They are here to help us with their knowledge and technology, while we are helping them re-learn emotions.

it is truly a Win-Win situation. i wish you all can understand this.
To think that any creatures of a higher order are here for anything other than their own best interest would be naïve. However, that is not meant to say that our best interest does not intersect with the best interest of other beings – of course it can.

Yes, but to think that someone would do something ONLY to benefit themselves is quite selfish.

"you scratch my back, ill scratch yours"

the universe works as a balancing system, whether its noticeable or not. and sometimes time delays parts of the equations (to us in 3rd dimensional reality) so it might take time to realize some of the outcomes.
antisipatience said:
Yes, but to think that someone would do something ONLY to benefit themselves is quite selfish.

"you scratch my back, ill scratch yours"

the universe works as a balancing system, whether its noticeable or not. and sometimes time delays parts of the equations (to us in 3rd dimensional reality) so it might take time to realize some of the outcomes.

Knowing the repercussions of one’s actions is part of the equation. Selfish is a term steeped in human tradition and doctrine (religious and otherwise). Self-preservation is the priority; ‘self, foremost, at all times and under all circumstances’.

Self-preservation is the underlying intent of all advanced species – regardless of the circumstances. So, in knowing the consequences attributable to one’s actions, one is then able to plan the best, most productive route, or course of action - a plan with all of the consequences to one's action in mind.

Of course there is balance within the universe – the principle of reciprocity exists whether one is aware of it or not.

There is an overall matrix or grid to which all beings, creatures of all sorts belong.

The universe folds back upon itself continually (the principle of reciprocity) – so that one’s actions are revisited upon one. In short – we are all tied, irrevocably, to our actions.

But none of that changes the fact that ‘self, foremost, at all times and under all circumstances’ is our mantra.

Salvation comes by way of the knowing.

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The universe exists as a system with checks and balances. There is an underlying stabilization, or stabilizing force, which exists - which was built into the universe.

You see, creatures of a higher order are neither benevolent nor malevolent in their actions towards us – they are what they are, with their own best interest firmly in place. It is our small-mindedness that places selflessness as their motivations toward us. We think: “Those beings of a higher order surely wish to help us – to teach, care for and provide for us”. The ‘God’ mentality, with which we’ve all been programmed, is played out with respect to those beings of a higher order as well.


They are not benevolent creatures – they interact with us in a way that is best for them – first, foremost, and at all times.

It goes without saying that they are not malevolent either – they are not out to get us.

What are they then? Self-preservationist, first, foremost and at all times - their agenda, firmly in hand.

I must say that I've quiet enjoying reading phlogistician posts on this thread. It's always important to have critical analysis from the outside, as the point of view of the skeptic will bring into being thoughts and suggestions that had never before been pondered on the other side.. People should never take this type of thing as nasty behaviour... But it is interesting how people react as if the viewpoint of the skeptic is spoiling the fantacies of the "far out" thinkers..

Sure, many of us *want* to believe these type of things. In fact, I think even a lot of skeptics out there may want to be involved here because they themselves want to find some truths.. Many skeptics may recognise that the possibility of life in our own galaxy on its own is a great plausibility. However they may be very analytical people when it comes to these type of things and simply are looking to find some decent plausible evidence themselves.

Considering how long life could have been existing in our galaxy, and what progression other beings on other planets could have made in their time, it's highly likely that any other intelligences out there in our galaxy have had to escape their own turmoils and move on through the stars, from planet to planet, spreading their own seed through intelligence on how life can be supported in arid worlds etc.
The period of time through which man has evolved on this planet, and will last on the planet, is essentially, a brief flash in the history of our galaxy. There are so many factors that current science could not predict, I am sure, such as what sort of environments could potentially support life. What if, for example, a planet that rotated on its axis once every 35 seconds.... Perhaps there could be beings supported on this planet that could potentially adapt to the environment it lives in.... I think people far too often misunderestimate how simple it is for life to adapt to different circumstances...

I agree very muchly with the reference that was made a bit earlier to humans being like fish. We are only essentially capable of registering inputs from our surroundings through our sensory organs... Our sensory inputs do seem to be limited to a fair few things in the third dimension, however there is potentially a lot of room out there for more that we haven't quiet yet grasped.... To completely refute that this is possible would be akin to saying that you are God and know everything about how the universe works.

Admittedly, I must say that I think many abduction stories are hoaxes or fantacies, but I believe there may be a little bit of credibility therein...
I feel that if there are aliens living on this planet that their main preoccupation would be nuclear war.... There is large amounts of evidence out there on the net to suggest that when nuclear technology become a threat that there was a dramatic increase in the number of UFO sightings and activities, in fact it's possible that there has been a certain level of influence there through our star brothers...
One thing we'll never be seeing, I believe, is proper weaponisation of space.....

The problem was that too much dangerous knowledge fell into our hands and there was a need for ET culture to intercept this and stabilize this as much as possible.

I do not feel that ET culture would be enemies to us, as we would be of interest to them..... a National Geographic for E.T. culture if you like.

I'd like to drop in a theory here. If it is likely that man could in the next hundred years correctly cryogenically freeze humans and send spacecraft that could travel to the closest stars, is it not highly likely that other E.T. races could not have done the same?
I do believe that with current quantum physics that some scientists have managed to cause a photon to appear in another expanse of space immediately... I'm not sure how this has developed as I haven't been hearing much about it lately, but I do believe that we are working on technlogoy that would enable us to send a message to another point faster than the speed of light. (?)

If that is possible then surely it is very possible for E.T. races to have a bunch of journalistic type aliens and even a few bases on our planet.... Whyever not ??
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It will be interesting to see how long Marsoups stays "on a distinguished road."

I still say there are ET's that you can trust with your kids and your cows, and then there are those ET I wouldnt trust with my kids or cows.
Now I understand why so many of the prophets spoke in parables.

It would seem to me nearly impossible to communicate with people who are unaware of their belief systems, and the role they play in their understanding of the world, which they inhabit. How these belief systems color and organize their world for them without them even knowing it.

This is no criticism, but simply an observation.

“What is ‘THE’ purpose of life?” some ask. It is a question phrased in the singular. THE purpose of life, you see, thinking that things must function in the singular where life is concerned. Why is that, simply because that is how they, for the most part, think?

The answer to life must be in the singular, because that is how I think. So that is the approach I will use.

Why not ask; “what might be the multi-faceted purposes to life?”

Do we not exist in multiple planes or dimensions in this life? Two of which might be the spiritual and the physical (most, but not all, seem to agree to that). Would both dimensions logically have the same purpose?

Humans think linear thought (A to B, B to C, etc.). But do all beings?

What about convergent thought (all information arriving simultaneously)? Humans don’t process information, for the most part, that way.

The universe is much bigger than your imaginations – don’t let what you can imagine limit you.


Our belief systems are a template we all use. We put this template over everything we encounter.

Most often, these templates elicit a YES/NO response.

Either what you encounter aligns with your belief system – or it doesn’t.

So that in the blink of an eye – your belief system decides for you, what is, and more importantly, what is not, relevant to you at any particular point in time.


There, I think you’ve got it now.


And, then there are some humans with lateral, and lineal thinking capabilities. Depending on the solution being quantified by the question which thought process would be best. :)

Possibly ETI don’t have that capacity of thought variance and our great capability of emotional response due to our moral codes.

The little green square on our profiles is a tattle tale.
With regard to our belief systems, what is the answer then?

Maintain ‘presence of mind’ – at all times. Acknowledge that you see the world ‘through the eyes’ of your belief system. Our belief systems – regardless of what or which ones they might be – color our world and everything in our world.

Which system is best - Judaism, Christianity, Zen, Buddhism – which?

It depends upon the culture of which one is a part, one's higher self and where one is (spiritually) at any particular point in time. The answer is what is best for the individual, given their circumstances at any point in time. It’s an individual matter, although, typically, belief systems are followed en masse.

One might even wish to devise their own belief system for that matter. And for that person, that is the appropriate way.

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Arguing about belief systems, is really arguing about what is best for the individual – and only the individual can make that choice.

There is no belief system that is best for all people – although those belonging to popular belief systems within a particular culture might disagree.

Quantum Quack said:
Joc I have a belief about belief and believe me it's unnnnbbbeeelievable!!

Hello QQ,

... believe you me, beliefs are believed, whether or not, you believe that belief - it's believably believable to believe that beliefs once conceived are believed ... and quite often retrieved, to be re-believed.

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The point being - we quite often believe our beliefs - whether they are grounded in fact, or not. And once taken in - or digested, and as it were - these beliefs are believed regardless (or in spite) of any facts to the contrary.

In short, we believe our beliefs, simply because they are - OUR - beliefs ... “thank you very much”

Our belief system houses our religious beliefs as well. Our religious beliefs are a part of our belief system – are a part of our thought process which incorporates genetic tendencies and traits as well as past experiences. So that our belief system houses the entirety of both the conscious and subconscious thought process.

The World, is – our beliefs simply color the world for us, so that we see the world not as it is, but rather, as our beliefs (e.g., our belief systems) say it is.

Jocariah said:
Our belief system houses our religious beliefs as well. Our religious beliefs are a part of our belief system – are a part of our thought process which incorporates genetic tendencies and traits as well as past experiences. So that our belief system houses the entirety of both the conscious and subconscious thought process.


Jocariah, I am not a Religionist, religion does not enter into my system of what is right and wrong. Therefore, your hypothesis of religion as part of what ones houses as a system of beliefs is incorrect.
FieryIce said:
Jocariah, I am not a Religionist, religion does not enter into my system of what is right and wrong. Therefore, your hypothesis of religion as part of what ones houses as a system of beliefs is incorrect.
