questions to an abductee

Maybe I should reiterate the following;

It would seem to me nearly impossible to communicate with people who remain unaware of their belief systems, and the role their belief systems play in their understanding of the world, which they inhabit. How these belief systems go on to color and organize their world for them, without them knowing it.

This is no criticism, simply an observation.

As an example, “What is ‘THE’ purpose of life?” … some have asked.

It is a question phrased in the singular. ‘THE’ purpose of life - as if thinking that things must function in the singular where life is concerned. Why is that – could it simply be because that is how they think for the most part, in the singular,

They assume that the answer to life must be in the singular as well, because that is how they think - so that is the approach they use.

This singular approach to life, or the meaning to life for that matter, is ingrained, it’s automatic – it takes place without forethought – without premeditation of any kind.

But wait, why not ask; “what might be the multi-faceted purposes (plural) of life?”

Do we not exist in multiple planes or dimensions in this life? Two of which might be the spiritual and the physical - most, but of course not all, seem to agree to that. Logically, would both dimensions have the same purpose?

Humans tend to think in linear thought - (A to B, B to C, etc.). But do all beings?

What about convergent thought (all information arriving simultaneously)? Humans don’t process information that way, for the most part.

The universe is much bigger than our imaginations – we can’t let what we can imagine, limit us in any way.

Our belief systems are simply a template we all use. We put this template over everything we encounter. Most often, these templates elicit either a YES or NO response.

Either what you encounter aligns with your belief system – or it doesn’t.

So that in the blink of an eye – your belief system decides for you, what is, and more importantly, what is not, relevant to you at any particular point in time.

We need to understand that our belief system is doing this - all the time – with us unaware.

With regard to our belief systems, what is the answer then?

Maintain ‘presence of mind’ – at all times. Acknowledge that you see the world ‘through the eyes’ of your belief system. Our belief systems – regardless of what or which ones they might be – color our world and everything in our world.

What about our religious beliefs - which system is best; Judaism, Christianity, Zen, Buddhism – which?

It depends upon the culture of which one is a part, one's higher self and where one is (spiritually) at any particular point in time. The answer is what is best for the individual, given their circumstances at any point in time. It’s an individual matter, although, typically, belief systems are followed en masse.

One might even wish to devise their own belief system if they so choose, for that matter. And for that person, that would be appropriate.

Arguing about belief systems, is really arguing about what is best for the individual – and only the individual, via the higher self, can make that choice.

There is no belief system that is best for all people – although those belonging to popular belief systems, within any particular culture, might disagree.

See, it always seems to come back to our thought process, that process by which we think. It can limit us, and our understanding of our world, without our knowing it.

To wit:

Acknowledge and accept our individual belief system as simply being what it is; ‘our belief system’ – one might then say; “I see the world, not as it is, but rather, as my belief system tells me it is.”

Our belief systems are based on our genetic traits and tendencies, all of our life experiences to date and our thought process, which itself is a result of our genetic traits and tendencies and all of our life experiences to date.

It’s simple, really.

Enlightenment is all about the ‘knowing’ – seeing those tools, which we possess, those tools that are a part of us, that we use by way of being this biological (genetically-based) machine.

It is knowledge of ‘self’

But what are those tools which we possess - via this biological machine of ours?

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If there were one word to sum up our physicality - our physical existence - it would be 'Genetics'.

We are what we are, genetically. That is to say, we are what we are because of our being this genetically-based biological machine.

What does that include?

Among other things, it includes our thought process, our emotions (our emotional body), our traits and tendencies, our sexuality, our social inclinations and familial tendencies, to name a few.

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Genetics create parameters, which are then followed – that is the nature of genetics, the nature of genetic structure within an organism. But genetics also creates limitations, which cannot be exceeded.

Humans, by way of their genetic structure, have an intellect. There is a ceiling to human intellect, a ceiling that cannot be exceeded because of the human genetic structure.

This ceiling is known as our ‘intellectual ceiling’.

So while genetics creates parameters, it also, concurrently, creates limitations.

An ape will never have the intellect of a human, unless its genetic structure – as it pertains to the intellect – is altered.

You can not assert with any assiduousness that there is a ceiling to human intellect. We, humans have not even begun to investigate the possibilities of our intellect, let alone set some arbitrary limit to our development based on our genetics or some physics of our genetics.
FieryIce said:
You can not assert with any assiduousness that there is a ceiling to human intellect. We, humans have not even begun to investigate the possibilities of our intellect, let alone set some arbitrary limit to our development based on our genetics or some physics of our genetics.

You will live and die as you are - you will never exceed your intellectual ceiling, wherever that may be.

You are what you are based on your genetic structure - nothing else.

An ape is what it is, based on its genetic structure.

A dog is what it is, and so forth and so on, all based on their genetic structure.

There is no magic here, no smoke and mirrors.

Genetics - it controls the structure of all plants and animals.

But this is nothing new.

Ignorance of what it is that we are, changes nothing – we still are what we are based entirely on our genetic structure, whether we understand that or not.

If you, or anyone for that matter, don’t grasp the most basic of things human, how can you hope to understand the more advanced principles?


Actually its nature for humans to investigate intellect and has been since records were recorded. Afterall without our deep seeking for intellect our current understanding of the universe would be gods pushing the sun round the earth.

Genetics is not our Ceiling, just note that the very bases at which any genetic organism works it is a chemical level not a genetic one and most of the neurochemicals are a concoction of many types of chemicals to generate what ever effect causes our reactions or thoughts. Genetics is our "Manufacturing plant" to our chemicals "raw material".

Also humankind's intellectual ceiling is forever changing, One hundred years ago your ceiling would actually be lower being confined to books and libraries and maybe even some of the first black and white cinematic clips with no sound. Admittedly people of that period and periods before had more time to read because there was no distractions like television, computers or radio. It did however limit the intellect of an individual based upon how they were interacting with their environment.

It was rare for a son of a farmer to go to University because the likelihood was that family values would suggest that they would follow their fathers footsteps and farm too. This meant if you were to be a trained man in academics, your offspring wouldn't just follow but be gladly accepted.

Nowadays Television, Radio and computers with their search engines are far superior in content to any individual library, although the internet might not contain all the material that laboratories have hidden away in their private libraries, it does however have alot more information available. Everybody you speak to you presume knows something about the modern world for instance if they have a nose bleed what to do, or when they cough they should put their hand up or even have injections to project them from a number of diseases. Those sort of things were not truly contemplated at the turn of the last century (in fact it was a new field just being broken into).

Other things was time management, with the use of the current and future technologies, our world moves at ever increasing speeds, speeds that could not have been drempt of back then. This increases the speed at which we have to adapt and adaption is the one basis why we don't actually have a ceiling.

Also on the subject of Adapation, the human brains neural pathways are not "Absolute" over the years he paths can change and "adapt", this might mean you forget something or at least remember forgetting it, however you might be doing something you've "trained" yourself to do.

So in all I suggest that you might be discussing "ceilings" but not contemplating what we are truly about.
All processes within this human biological machine of ours are genetically controlled; whether these processes are chemical or hormonal in nature, nevertheless they have their start or receive their operating instructions from genetic code.

Everything human has its roots within our genetic make-up.

You can teach an ape to use sign language, but that in no way alters his ‘intellectual ceiling’ – all that you’ve done is train him – not alter his intellectual ceiling.

A creature’s intellectual ceiling is determined by genetics. Genetic structure establishes a creature’s performance capability.

Likewise, humans can learn, they can be taught various things, but in so doing, their intellectual ceiling is not altered – they have simply learned this or that.

Think of two cars; one has 300 horsepower the other 600. Both cars are identical, save for their horsepower. Without changing the mechanicals of the 300 horsepower engine, you will never increase the horsepower of the engine.

Enlightenment is simply information that has be received, understood and implemented (interiorized) into one’s life. Enlightenment is information-based.

Society has become progressively more enlightened – no doubt – over the centuries, but the capacity within the individual to house intelligence is genetic in nature and that cannot be altered without altering genetic structure.

All creatures have parameters, which cannot be exceeded – even humans.

Humans can’t fly or breathe under water; we don’t have the genetics for it.

Gene senquences are written based upon RNA planning. RNA can be altered by viruses or even proteins that have been ingested. RNA alters it's plan based upon the age of the cells it exists within and how many Mitosis "steps" (cellular subdivisions) have been taken.

Our cell structures are Dynamic, they have to be because otherwise if you were cut you would bleed to death or if we are out in the sun our skin tans in relationship to both the increase in Melatonin to try to deal with some of the radiation and damage to the epidermal layers.

Admittedly at a certain age our brains no longer develop new/extra cells, this is a part of the RNA plan to stop our heads from being "Overpopulated" by cells and to attempt to halt the potential for new braincells to develop cancers. This is why the brain is an Organ. As I mentioned before though, although the cells are finite in design, their pathways and networks are infinite in complexity and has proven in the past for people to deal with the face of adversity in regards to disabilities.

The Manx cat is world renound for being the only cat with no tail. The cats dwell upon the Isle of Man between Ireland and Wales, but they weren't always without tails. The loss of their tails is down to the many years of men upon that island removing their tails, as their tales were constantly removed the gene sequence within their RNA became less and less stabilised and eventually passed away into junk DNA, now adays men don't remove the tails from the cats, but the cats genetics no longer produces them tails.

The reason I mention the Manx cat is purely because you could say that the Tail was a preportion of it's genetic ceiling, however men caused the adaption of the genetic code to make the cat no longer have a tail, thereby altering it's genetic ceiling.

A more Homo Genus varient would be the fact that us humans no longer have a sloping brow (apart from the few poor souls that look like Neanderthals). The capacity of our species over the years has adapted to not just walk on two legs, but generate speech, communication at a far higher level than other animals on the planet (since we can discuss Philosophical things) and the ability not just to use tools but make tools for the jobs we want to make easier.

Evolution defines their is no genetic ceiling.

So with the horsepower of your cars, you would have to suggest that the 300 over the years would evolve to and even past the 600.

Also note that Enlightenment is "Philosophy based", this is why there are no enlightened birds or elephants (randomly picked animals).

As is mentioned around the edge of the two pound sterling coin in England, "Standing on the shoulders of Giants". The understanding is that those before us have altered our understanding of Science, Art, Philosophy and many other subjects, and we now stand on the foundations they built. One day we will carry that on and build the next foundation level for those that follow us.

A site that metions some of the meaning can be found here:
I understand how it can be a shock realizing that we humans have design parameters, parameters which we must live within, parameters that can never be exceeded – really I do - but such is the case.

All things have design parameters - do they not? A Pentium 3 performs like a Pentium 3 - not like a Pentium 4.

We like to think that we are limitless in our abilities – in our intellect especially – we like to think that we have no limits whatsoever. But, we are what we are – nothing more.

There are limits to what we can and more importantly, cannot do.

We can only live within those parameters, which were designed into this genetically based biological machine of ours – those parameters which are established by our genetic structure.

This biological system of ours was not established by us, we had no hand in it whatsoever.

Evolution defines and refines those creations created – evolution does not in and of itself create.

We are all the product of a higher order. However you choose to classify, catalog or make sense of it all, is entirely up to you.

Pick a belief system – they all for the most part accomplish the same thing. The only difference being, your system belongs to you.


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There again, it comes down to our thought process. Some think that their (or man’s) intellect is limitless – without limit. But the truth is, our intellect is dictated or established by our own human genetic structure.

Sure, there is a range of human intellect, from those intellectually impaired individuals to those Einstein’s of the world – but there is a ceiling to human intellect. A ceiling that cannot be exceeded – that can never be surpassed.

This intellectual ceiling of ours is genetic – it is designed into us genetically. We may think that human intellect is as high as it gets – as far as it goes. The problem is most of us don’t know any creatures with an intellect that exceeds the intellect of a human, and so assume that humans are at the top of the food chain as it were.

Genetic structure establishes, by its very nature, parameters with which it follows. Trains operate on tracks, lay the track and the train in turn has a means, a parameter, in which to operate. Creator gods, for lack of a more universally recognizable or mutually agreed upon term, create with the means that they are familiar with, the material with which they have at hand, the building blocks as it were, that they are used to working with; in our case genetic material. Once designed, genetically based systems can be tweaked or altered, primarily by genetic manipulation, but also by the effects, or influences, of time and environment as well (as a side note here, the genetic systems ability to be effected by environmental influences over time, was and is a feature or aspect designed in to these very systems from the start).

It takes creators to create, environmental influences merely define and refine those creations that were created – environmental influences do not, in and of themselves, create.

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Knowledge of self is at the heart of all of this. Understanding our biological self is as important as anything else. We understand a great deal about the biological self, but seeing it in the proper perspective is key.

What role does genetics play in the biological self?

There is an inherent problem in discussing intelligence higher than our own, and that is how do we imagine any intelligence which is greater than our own?

We know that it exists, but how do we push past the ceiling of our own limits?

How do we imagine what it’s like?

The truth is we can’t, namely because the limit of our own intelligence, is what limits our imaging anything greater.

How do apes imagine our intelligence? How do they imagine our thought and cognitive properties? How do they imagine we reason? How would they reason out our higher intelligence?

There is a ceiling that we all face when trying to comprehend a higher intelligence. This ceiling is something that we will never get past.

The best we can hope for is to realize that the ceiling exists.

2,000 years ago, man did not understand his own genetic structure - the scriptures simply spoke of it as ‘the blood’.

Today, all of us have a much better understanding of genetics - a much clearer picture of the aspect of self, which is the biological part of us.

This biological machine of ours was created by beings of a higher order. They understood the various aspect of genetic structure. And we are now, in effect, in the process of reverse engineering this biological machine. But, this machine is so complex, that is seems like it is taking us forever to accomplish.

The original designers have a vested interest in keeping its secrets hidden, so that this journey of ours may give up its secrets, only in due course.

It is difficult for us to imagine, that there is intelligence behind all things, which appear before us, all things with which we are a part.

Jocariah, you are using alot of the wording "we" in your posts, but the truth is not all of us "we's" agree with your proposed genetic-intellectual ceiling.

Since you claim to be a halfbreed, this genetic-intellectual ceiling may just apply to the non-human genetics in your make-up, as you say, the ape how does he perceive us humans but then again that is assuming the ape has cognition.

So what your attempting to define with your posts could just be the limitations inherent with the ET genetics, that has no baring on human genetics, or intellect what so ever.
It’s easy for us to see the intellectual design limits with respect to the dog or to the ape. But we humans have intellectual design limits as well. Along with the dog and the ape, we are genetically based biological creatures. That is to say, we exist biologically as defined by our genetic make-up.

The problem for us at least, is that as a result of our intellectual ceiling, we cannot fathom what it is like to have an intellect greater than our own.

An ape cannot imagine what it is to have an intellect on par with a human, nor can a human imagine was it is to have an intellect greater than that of a human. This is due to our inherent, genetically derived intellectual ceiling.

All creatures have design limits – all genetically based creatures, that is. So too do humans which are, after all, genetically based as well.

