questions to an abductee

People, all people have design limits. We humans cannot run as fast as a Cheetah – that is a result of our physical (genetically based) design limit. So too with our genetically based intellectual capacity.

Intelligence is a result of genetics.

Like it or not, we humans all have designed limits as a result of our genetic structure – physical as well as intellectual.

with out wanting to provoke a repetition of what you have already written Jocariah, can I ask on what basis you feel that we can not imagine superior intellects, and on what basis do you draw your conclusion that we have an intellectual ceiling limited purely by our genetics.

I assume you do realise that our genetics evolve as we live and in many ways this is self inspired. but in many ways it is also influenced by external factors.

If you feel that we are all limited by your own lack of imagination then I think you are erring.
Quantum Quack said:
with out wanting to provoke a repetition of what you have already written Jocariah, can I ask on what basis you feel that we can not imagine superior intellects, and on what basis do you draw your conclusion that we have an intellectual ceiling limited purely by our genetics.

I assume you do realize that our genetics evolve as we live and in many ways this is self-inspired. But in many ways it is also influenced by external factors.

If you feel that we are all limited by your own lack of imagination then I think you are erring.

It is of no import that anyone agrees with me - however, by your words I see that you grasp the concept of the human intellectual ceiling as a result of our genetic make-up.

Of course evolution is a key aspect of genetic structure.

If I may ask, is it that you assume humans would naturally evolve toward a higher intellect? If so, why? With that same logic, would humans naturally evolve to run faster? Of course humans run faster competitively now than they did 50 years ago, but that can be attributed to physical training – not evolution.


we evolve simply as some one else has said, because evolution is based on success. Humanity has seen many questions it wants answered so it is natural that we evolve to find those solutions.

The intellectual evolution since the discovery of electricity has been profound, and will continue to be profound until all those questions have been solved.
evolution since the discovery of electricity

Ancient Battery found in Iraq- 2000 years old
In 1938 Dr. Wilhelm Konig found several earthenware pots at a dig near
Baghdad, Iraq. The pots dated back 2000 years and were found to be
electrical batteries.
Each pot contained a tube of sheet copper made up of smaller cylinders
soldered to each other with a 60-40 lead-tin alloy. The bottoms of the cylinders
were capped with copper disks and sealed with asphalt or bitumen. Another
layer of asphalt held two suspended iron rods down into the pot and copper
tube and showed evidence of being corroded by acids. When a replica of the
pots was made with freash materials, it was found that the iron rod held at the
top generated between 1.5 and 2 volts of electricity. According to current
historical beliefs, electricity wasn't 'discovered' until AD 1800 in Europe, yet
here it is.
Some researchers have said we only know about 10% of Man's past history -
why don't we examine these anomalies with an open mind?


re-think your assumptions.
Quantum Quack said:
we evolve simply as some one else has said, because evolution is based on success. Humanity has seen many questions it wants answered so it is natural that we evolve to find those solutions.

The intellectual evolution since the discovery of electricity has been profound, and will continue to be profound until all those questions have been solved.

It may be that our society has, or we humans as a society have, evolved more rapidly over the last century than over previous centuries, but has the capacity of the human intellect evolved – that is to say, our intellectual ceiling, as it were.

Humans from 200 or 2,000 years ago who were raised as children within our present society could no doubt grasp what children today are able to grasp.

We have evolved as a society – our biological genetically based intellectual ceiling has not changed.

We are still humans.

Take a small African child from its home in the furthest reaches of Africa, where they have been and still are isolated from civilization. If he or she were raised within a modern culture, providing the proper education, this child can reach the highest levels of intellect known to man at this point in time.

The intellectual capacity of humans has not changed – society has evolved.


FieryIce said:
Jocariah, you are using alot of the wording "we" in your posts, but the truth is not all of us "we's" agree with your proposed genetic-intellectual ceiling.

Since you claim to be a halfbreed, this genetic-intellectual ceiling may just apply to the non-human genetics in your make-up, as you say, the ape how does he perceive us humans but then again that is assuming the ape has cognition.

So what your attempting to define with your posts could just be the limitations inherent with the ET genetics, that has no baring on human genetics, or intellect what so ever.

The 'we' I've used has tended to be the 'human we'.

Being a hybrid rose doesn't make the rose any less of a rose ... it's still a rose. Hybrid roses are not carnations.

Although I am, by my own admission, a hybrid human, I am still human.

Many of you are genetic creatures that apparently aren’t aware of your genetic make-up, and truth be told, you have little concept of which of these human attributes and tendencies of yours, are a result of being genetically based biological machines.

Here's a hint - 'all of them' - cause it's genetic structure that allows even the environmentally induced ones to be recorded and then acted out, as it were.

Remember, genetics ‘alone’ controls chemical, hormonal and biological functions within the body. Events may at times trigger these responses, but it’s good old genetics that makes it all possible.

Two birds sit in a large oak tree. One is a robin, the other a woodpecker. Both are birds, but the woodpecker has the tendency to bang its beak against the tree – over and over and over again – why is that?

Well, that because the woodpecker has a genetic tendency for this type of behavior – a tendency for this type of behavior pattern.

Whereas the robin does not.

There is no spiritual mumbo-jumbo taking place here – no magic – just plain old simple genetic structure being played out in (within) the woodpecker’s behavior patter.

The woodpecker’s genetically based behavior pattern, that is.

Ants form colonies - that's genetically based behavior as well.

All creatures have built-in design limits based on their genetic structure - 'except' for the human intellect which is itself genetically based ... come on now folks - take a deep breath - face your human-ness - it'll be okay - really it will.

The human intellect 'indeed' has genetically based design limits - deal with it already.


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I’ve alluded to these human genetic traits and tendencies many times, but what are some (not all) of them?

Gender - GENETIC
Hair Color – GENETIC
Skin Color – GENETIC
Eye Color – GENETIC
Physical Build - GENETIC
Sexuality – GENETIC
Sexual preference – GENETIC
Need fo Social Activity – GENETIC
Need for Family – GENETIC
Community Tendencies - GENETIC
Need for love – GENETIC
Need for friendship – GENETIC
Need for Companionship – GENETIC
Need to Eat – GENETIC
Need for Spirituality – GENETIC
Need for Self Worth – GENETIC
Need for Foundation Heritage – GENETIC
Need for Human Touch – GENETIC
Need for Mother Figure – GENETIC
Need for Father Figure – GENETIC
Need for God Figurehead - GENETIC
All Emotions & Feelings (Fear/Love/Hate/Envy, etc., etc., etc.)– GENETIC/ GENETIC/ GENETIC

Do these tendencies exist in all people – of course not? And environmental influences (e.g., the influences of early childhood ) may exaggerate or suppress (to some effect at least) these tendencies. But that’s what makes us all so different.

There is a genetic amplitude (or degree of presence) to each category within the individual.

There is also a percentage of occupancy to each category – to what degree is each category occupied or satisfied within the individual, at any particular point in time?

These genetic aspects vary in terms of their presence and/or the degree to which they are present.

And lastly, this is just a sampling of our genetically based human traits and tendencies.

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Firstly, the Woodpecker beats its beak against the bark of a tree for two main reasons, the first is for food, since woodlice, ants and termites dwell beneath the bark, the second is if they are making a secure home for themselves and actually dig out a section of tree for their nest.

Neither of these would really be classed as genetic, but are probably things that are picked up by looking at how their parents react during their period of being hatchlings. For instance studying the inside of the nest, watching what the parents do and what they eat etc. They then pick up these traits and do exactly the same if they have offspring.

This can be said about many other animals how offspring "watch and learn", it doesn't mean they are stuck within a genetic pattern because if their parents alter their pattern then he offspring will change their methods of doing things in the future too.
This has been proven by viewing how offspring from various different creatures are brought up in capiivity, and why when those creatures in captivity have for generations been in captivity no longer know how to interact with the "wild" in which they should naturally be able to fit in.

(When they try to fit in it's seen by others in their species as weakness that can lead to them being "outcasted" or even killed.).

Joc... Are you anything to do with the Raelians per chance?

Ah, the old Nature vs. Nurture.

BTW, I checked out the 'Raelian' website - where do these guys get those great looking white shirts ... very cool.

jocariah, sorry if uve answered this question before;

what do those of higher order who contact/abduct you look like ?

are they physical life forms (at least for the moment) and if so, what kind ? mammalian, reptilian, or insectoid ? cetecean?

are they entities ? if so please describe.

do they introduce themselves, if not that's quite rude.
antisipatience said:
jocariah, sorry if uve answered this question before;

what do those of higher order who contact/abduct you look like ?

are they physical life forms (at least for the moment) and if so, what kind ? mammalian, reptilian, or insectoid ? cetecean?

are they entities ? if so please describe.

do they introduce themselves, if not that's quite rude.

That's an interesting question.

Two types I'm familiar with are the grays and the crossbreeds that appear to me to be a cross between humans and the grays. The crossbreeds have such a gentle spirit. The grays and I seem to always be at odds for some reason. Besides they smell - like sour something or other.

When I was young I referred to them as monkey hands, because to me, at the time, their hands appeared to me as being like those of a monkey.

I would imagine there are numerous varieties, but that is not something I know to be so.

Dialogue was always one-sided - they told me what I was to know; any questions I had were questions that they seeded into my mind so as to tell me what I was to know in a way that would appear more interactive - it never was.

I am not well versed as to what the general consensus is on these creatures, nor do I care; there's more that I don't know than there is that I do. To be honest, I'm not much interested in them (they are what they are and if I know what they are or not, it makes no difference in my life) - my focus consists of what is in front of me at any particular point in time.

I have no particular fondness for the grays, nor distain for that matter. I do however have a great affection for two crossbreeds in particular who both represented maternal figures in my early life.

As I have said, my experiences may not necessarily be indicative of others of my ilk, who have been a part of these phenomena, as have I, but they are nevertheless my experiences.


Are you suggesting that the unsavioury smell of the "greys" could be similar of an animal in a Zoo, a creature entrapped within a cage that is only let out it perform a task or just to wonder it's small enclosure as apposed to living it's life free?

Such a mental picture would depict that those "greys" are nothing more than Avatars, physical Muscle for an otherwise unseen system of Radio Frequency. It's been proven with Cybernetic implants that such interacts with animals and humans are possible and I know for certain that even without the SQID implants it's still possible for Radio Frequency to interact at the levels needed to alter the balance of thought.

With such a system both the animals can be manipulated, and a Capivated audience such as your self presumes to have communication with those that you see before you (when in fact its a mear palour trick to generate a distorted illusion and bend the truth.)

It would be interesting to see what you see, just so I could perhaps unravel it and pull away some of the deception.
Stryderunknown said:
Are you suggesting that the unsavioury smell of the "greys" could be similar of an animal in a Zoo, a creature entrapped within a cage that is only let out it perform a task or just to wonder it's small enclosure as apposed to living it's life free?

Such a mental picture would depict that those "greys" are nothing more than Avatars, physical Muscle for an otherwise unseen system of Radio Frequency. It's been proven with Cybernetic implants that such interacts with animals and humans are possible and I know for certain that even without the SQID implants it's still possible for Radio Frequency to interact at the levels needed to alter the balance of thought.

With such a system both the animals can be manipulated, and a Capivated audience such as your self presumes to have communication with those that you see before you (when in fact its a mear palour trick to generate a distorted illusion and bend the truth.)

It would be interesting to see what you see, just so I could perhaps unravel it and pull away some of the deception.

... I guess that's one way to look at it.

i hear the reason for the smell is that they have a twisted system for "sustenance" or "feeding" whereas they have bypassed the normal digestive tract completely (after generations of cloning reproduction) and they have to take in their "food" by putting a liquid on their skin, which absorbs the chemicals or nutrients.
(this goes into all the talk about abducting people/cattle for sustenance and the wierd liquid vats storages etc... but lets forget about all that at the moment)

Jocariah, another question please;

- have you ever 'touched' one of them ?
- are you able to willfully move and perform actions during these meetings ?

thanks in advance
antisipatience said:
i hear the reason for the smell is that they have a twisted system for "sustenance" or "feeding" whereas they have bypassed the normal digestive tract completely (after generations of cloning reproduction) and they have to take in their "food" by putting a liquid on their skin, which absorbs the chemicals or nutrients.
(this goes into all the talk about abducting people/cattle for sustenance and the wierd liquid vats storages etc... but lets forget about all that at the moment)

Jocariah, another question please;

- have you ever 'touched' one of them ?
- are you able to willfully move and perform actions during these meetings ?

thanks in advance

I had sex with a crossbreed on one occasion. I don’t know that I would want to get into the details of that – not that it bothers me in any way, but it may come off as rather crude if I were to elaborate on it.

I have been in their presence fully awake – fully conscious. It was an overpowering experience to the system to say the least. The majority of time I was **sedated - which seems to make it easier on my system, and on other occasions, totally unconscious – with marks (symbols and such) being left after the fact on my body.

After the unconscious experience(s) my body seems to vibrate in an unusual way, and I feel like I'm reeling from something, as well as being emotionally upset for a day or two afterwards.

** sedated either chemically or electronically, I am unsure; but I assume electronically.

It's funny that I get upset talking about these experiences - it's interesting to me how my system reacts to me just thinking about my past experiences. kind of a knee-jerk reaction I guess.
you know, i have wondered all about all this for quite a while. what does it mean etc. i have been attracted to Jacques Valee's comparison with some of these entities with fairy lore of old

some call them infraterretrials, meaning from a parallel dimensions.

ii also wonder about if we aren't being shown someting by example. for instance, i once asked this new ager about the 'Greys' and she explained matter of factly over a cup of tea that they were entities who were over cloned and needed to feed of us...or something like that. it was a while back
now what kind of frightens me that our future. i am so despairing of my 'education' speicies--their friggin relentless ignorance, that i wonder if that expericne is not warning us what we may become. over cloned un-feeling mosters...dont know if others share this?