Questions on atheist morality

moral, yes even the moral laws written in holy books, were invented by men, coming from a need to exist in a society

if what you want is an argument from atheism to charity, how about "we will take care of this world and this life, because that is all we have"? will that make you shut up about charity?

No, these are pure selfish people. These are the people who, when involved in a religion, blow up abortion clinics, harass people who are not members of their group, etc etc hatred crimes...

Good people do good things. Bad people do bad things. This has nothing to do with what the person believes or not.

Again, none of them are actually following religion, since I do not recall any scripture that says:

Thou shalt bomb abortion clinics.

In fact, the religious teaching is clearly to love the neighbor, to turn the other cheek, to give away your wealth, etc,
I don't recall any religion that says you have to reject others. Except for athiesm. It begins by rejecting God and moves on from there.

you must not be familiar with the concept of monotheism...
That is an outrageous, ignorant statement and , true to your way of "debating". wholly untrue. You are a walking advertisement for the rejection of theism. Wild generalisations and bigotry.

You forgot to mention that atheists eat babies.

I said pure atheists, many are indoctrinated into religion and hence do not display this fascism. But let it loose and you have educated well known and acknowledged atheists talking about the "delusional" theists who "suck a dummy".

Clearly, the ability to acknowledge and accept diversity in thought is not a function of atheism.
moral, yes even the moral laws written in holy books, were invented by men, coming from a need to exist in a society

if what you want is an argument from atheism to charity, how about "we will take care of this world and this life, because that is all we have"? will that make you shut up about charity?

No, these are pure selfish people. These are the people who, when involved in a religion, blow up abortion clinics, harass people who are not members of their group, etc etc hatred crimes...

Good people do good things. Bad people do bad things. This has nothing to do with what the person believes or not.

I'm afraid you'll never get through to her;she clearly has a mental block. I have already told her that morality does not come in varieties; there is simply morality. But either this is over her head or she is choosing to ignore it
sam, please, don't reply to just half of my posts... I took time writting that first half

Again, none of them are actually following religion, since I do not recall any scripture that says:

Thou shalt bomb abortion clinics.

In fact, the religious teaching is clearly to love the neighbor, to turn the other cheek, to give away your wealth, etc,

but they ARE, religious, why are they not following their religious morals?
because they are bad people?
my point, exactly
sam, please, don't reply to just half of my posts... I took time writting that first half

but they ARE, religious, why are they not following their religious morals?
because they are bad people?
my point, exactly

Clearly, not following religious morals is bad. I agree. :shrug:
I said pure atheists, many are indoctrinated into religion and hence do not display this fascism. But let it loose and you have educated well known and acknowledged atheists talking about the "delusional" theists who "suck a dummy".

Pure atheists... I am not familiar with this organization... do they have a moral book that teaches them eugenics, survival of the fittest, sterilization of the incompetent, the stupid and the genetically inferior?

since you think that religion has no claim on people who kill in their name since religion doesn't teach that, I was wondering where is this atheist book of anti-morals, or where is the secular school that teaches that

Clearly, the ability to acknowledge and accept diversity in thought is not a function of atheism.

on contraire, I am aware of how proud missionaires are to infiltrate into societies, use medication and school as bait, and destroy their culture by introducing foreign concepts

an atheist doctor or teacher would have just healed or taught
Pure atheists... I am not familiar with this organization... do they have a moral book that teaches them eugenics, survival of the fittest, sterilization of the incompetent, the stupid and the genetically inferior?

since you think that religion has no claim on people who kill in their name since religion doesn't teach that, I was wondering where is this atheist book of anti-morals, or where is the secular school that teaches that

I think it comes naturally to them. All of them want to suppress religious expression for some reason.

on contraire, I am aware of how proud missionaires are to infiltrate into societies, use medication and school as bait, and destroy their culture by introducing foreign concepts

an atheist doctor or teacher would have just healed or taught

Ha. Ask the Chinese, North Koreans, Cambodians and any religious people who lived in the Soviet Union during the purge. We had missionaries in India too.
I am. Hinduism is the best example.

but you don't believe that hinduism is the only true religion?

As all animals do. They follow their instincts. They kill, rape, commit incest, beat brains out etc, without accountability or guilt.

but they exist as a society, without religion
the end

Do us all a favour and stop talking about "religious" morals. HOw many times do you need to be told that ther is only morality and immorality and that adding labels is meaningless
but you don't believe that hinduism is the only true religion?

You need to read up on Islam

.... the Quran insisted that its message was simply a "reminder" of truths that everybody knew. This was the primordial faith that had been preached to the whole of humanity by the prophets of the past. God had not left human beings in ignorance about the way they should live: he had sent messengers to every people on the face of the earth. Islamic tradition would later assert that there had been 124,000 such prophets, a symbolic number suggesting infinity. All had brought their people a divinely inspired scripture; they might express the truths of God's religion differently, but essentially the message was always the same. Now at last God had sent the Quraysh a prophet and a scripture. Constantly the Quran points out that Muhammad had not come to cancel the older religions, to contradict their prophets or to start a new faith. His message is the same as that of Abraham, Moses, David, Solomon, or Jesus. The Quran mentions only those prophets who were known to the Arabs, but today Muslim scholars argue that had Muhammad known about the Buddhists or Hindus, Australian Aborigines or Native Americans, the Quran would have endorsed their sages too, because all rightly guided religion that submitted wholly to God, refused to worship man-made deities and preached that justice and equality came from the same divine source. Hence Muhammad never asked Jews or Christians to accept Islam, unless they particularly wished to do so, because they had received perfectly valid revelations of their own. The Quran insists strongly that "there shall be no coercion in matters of faith," and commands Muslims to respect the beliefs of Jews and Christians, whom the Quran calls ahl al-kitab, a phrase usually translated "People of the Book" but which is more accurately rendered "people of an earlier revelation" ....

but they exist as a society, without religion
the end

If you call that a society, you're welcome to live like that. :shrug:
I think it comes naturally to them. All of them want to suppress religious expression for some reason.

oh, you think?
good for you

Ha. Ask the Chinese, North Koreans, Cambodians and any religious people who lived in the Soviet Union during the purge. We had missionaries in India too.

Are you trying to justify a worng with another wrong again sam?
I have a feeling you are not going to be a good mother.

Do us all a favour and stop talking about "religious" morals. HOw many times do you need to be told that ther is only morality and immorality and that adding labels is meaningless

Its atheists who are always talking about the evil theists. Clearly, its time to set some concepts right. According to Varda, rape, incest, murder and torture is "society", which is what all officially atheist societies have descended to, in the absence of religion.
oh, you think?
good for you

Are you trying to justify a worng with another wrong again sam?
I have a feeling you are not going to be a good mother.

Ah the evil theists, again?

You'll be advocating the joys of a society where rape and incest are not evil, I presume, to your kids. :rolleyes:
Its atheists who are always talking about the evil theists. Clearly, its time to set some concepts right. According to Varda, rape, incest, murder and torture is "society", which is what all officially atheist societies have descended to, in the absence of religion.

I am not talking about Varda. My point is addressed to you. If you disagree , tell me what you mean by "theist morals" as oposed to morality in general.
Ps To my knowledge atheists are not always talking about evil theists. You have just invented that one. I regard theists as deluded. They come on good, bad and indifferent as do all of us. It's called the human condition
Religion makes people live together, gives guidelines about how they should treat each other, gives rules for a healthy society. Ideas about incest, rape, torture, murder are derived from religious teachings about what is not good for human society. Ideas about the rightness of charity, sacrifice, treating the stranger as a guest (rather than shooting him on sight) and a necessity of freedom from greed, envy, sloth, jealousy, etc are also derived from religion. Animals may have all these notions but they do not have the moral values that religion ascribes to them.