Questions on atheist morality

Helpful in the sense that they were aided in their efforts - they were attempting to gain more understanding, comprehension, even basic information, about matters of interest, and those approaches and tools helped them. .

It is a circular matter: the understanding helps them to understand.

I don't find it very helpfull for the world :p
So it would be only personal hapinness and not happiness in general
so for you accuracy by itself means usefull (but it was not about usefulness but helpfulness)

Ok so for you at least it does not bring happiness by itself

If you want to plan some kind of action, it's vitally important to get good intelligence about the present situation. Science is a very good way to do this. It is also recognized as a double-edged sword.
If you want to plan some kind of action, it's vitally important to get good intelligence about the present situation. Science is a very good way to do this.
It is helpful to plan some action, ok, but does it assure that your action will bring happiness: No (As you said just after it is a double-edged sword) So it is not helpful on the overall
It is also recognized as a double-edged sword.
So you again say that it does not ultimately lead to happiness (on the overall situation)
Learning about science makes me happy, but I was talking about more general terms, ecologically, biologically. The human predeliction for violence combined with nuclear weapons means probable extinction. The only way out I can see is through science, perhaps biology, making us less violent, like genetic engineering or something. Personally, I don't seek permanent happiness, sometimes there is happiness, sometimes not, that's just natural. The search for such happiness is violence.
ronan said:
It is a circular matter: the understanding helps them to understand.
A helix, if you must use that kind of analogy. It progresses.
ronan said:
I don't find it very helpfull for the world
Others have. You can still learn.
ronan said:
So it would be only personal hapinness and not happiness in general
Like I said, I have no idea what makes those individual strangers happy.

How many people are happy before it becomes happiness in general ?
A helix, if you must use that kind of analogy. It progresses.
You assume that it is progress but maybe you are going in the wrong direction (if there is a right/wrong direction)
Others have. You can still learn.
Like I said, I have no idea what makes those individual strangers happy.

How many people are happy before it becomes happiness in general ?

If there is more happiness in the whole universe than before then you can say that happiness increased.
Maybe it is impossible and it is maybe why science does not provide that
Learning about science makes me happy, but I was talking about more general terms, ecologically, biologically. The human predeliction for violence combined with nuclear weapons means probable extinction. The only way out I can see is through science, perhaps biology, making us less violent, like genetic engineering or something. Personally, I don't seek permanent happiness, sometimes there is happiness, sometimes not, that's just natural. The search for such happiness is violence.

I agree, science does not provide happiness,
it means that it is not helpful.

I believe though it is a necessity of the current human mind (if not of human mind)
ronan said:
You assume that it is progress but maybe you are going in the wrong direction (if there is a right/wrong direction)
I am labeling "progress" as in the desired direction, right or wrong.
I am labeling "progress" as in the desired direction, right or wrong.
But if it s wrong, can you say that it is helpful (the question at issue) ?

and if you cannot know that it is right or wrong, how can you say for sure that it is helpful