Questions on atheist morality

How can an atheist reject God if the atheist does not believe in God in the first place? How exactly do you reject something you don't even think exists?

You usually reject stuff you do not believe in. Is there any other way?

And yes, natural state of being. You are not born believing in God. You are taught to, told stories about God, taken to Church, Temple, Mosque, etc.. You are born an atheist, because you know nothing about belief or deities.

Clearly, not such a "natural" state, by simple observation then.

anyway.... what is being discussed here?

sam, aren't these your premisses for this thread?

- atheists have no basis for morality
- social organization depends on religion
- atheists don't organize themselves to help those in need

haven't we offered enough arguments to rule these affirmations out?

Actually my conclusions from the thread are

- atheists have no basis for morality other than those provided by the dominant religion around them.
- social organization depends on religion
- atheists don't organize themselves to help those in need as atheists (ie driven by any morality derived from atheism)
About time they participated don't you think? Although I don't think atheists "massively" participate in it. They hire doctors from over 80 countries and do not disclose religious affiliations.

what is your point? weren't you saying atheists don't do charity?

what about SHARE, which is run by the council for secular humanis?
what about the thousands of families that will be helped by two largest donations in US history, made by two atheists?
what is your point? weren't you saying atheists don't do charity?

what about SHARE, which is run by the council for secular humanis?
what about the thousands of families that will be helped by two largest donations in US history, made by two atheists?

They follow the morality of theists, as I said. Charity derives from religion, atheism has no such claim to charity.

Pure atheists are ethnocentric and prone to eugenics rather than charity. I, me and mine first. No sacrifice here, move on. Survival of the fittest, they say. Sterilise the incompetent, the stupid and the genetically inferior. My money is not for supporting other peoples delusions etc. Keep YOUR God or religion out of my public.

Hardly charitable inclinations.
You usually reject stuff you do not believe in. Is there any other way?

No, you reject that which cannot be demonstrated. It has nothing to do with beliefs and everything to do with evidence.

Actually my conclusions from the thread are

- atheists have no basis for morality other than those provided by the dominant religion around them.
- social organization depends on religion
- atheists don't organize themselves to help those in need as atheists (ie driven by any morality derived from atheism)

No, those are your unfounded, unsubstantiated assertions. They have been promptly refuted.
No, you reject that which cannot be demonstrated. It has nothing to do with beliefs and everything to do with evidence.

Evidence has nothing to do with belief. Look it up in a dictionary sometime.
Actually my conclusions from the thread are

- atheists have no basis for morality other than those provided by the dominant religion around them.

obviously, a person absobs moral concepts from the society of which he is a part
that doesn't mean that a person living in a religion-free society is imoral

morality comes from learning to live together

- social organization depends on religion

you chose to ignore the post about the apes... you made a little joke instead

- atheists don't organize themselves to help those in need as atheists (ie driven by any morality derived from atheism)

so? are you saying that there is a need to trumpet atheism when doing good... can't they just... do good, as they have been doing?

and once again, morality doesnt come from religion or atheism, it comes from learning to live together
obviously, a person absobs moral concepts from the society of which he is a part
that doesn't mean that a person living in a religion-free society is imoral

morality comes from learning to live together

you chose to ignore the post about the apes... you made a little joke instead

so? are you saying that there is a need to trumpet atheism when doing good... can't they just... do good, as they have been doing?

and once again, morality doesnt come from religion or atheism, it comes from learning to live together

Religion teaches people to live together, even atheists.

Atheism teaches...nothing.
They follow the morality of theists, as I said. Charity derives from religion, atheism has no such claim to charity.

Funny, that has been demonstrated to you on numerous occasions, yet like your irrelevant rants about Hitler and communism, you still promote those fallacious arguments. Intellectual dishonesty IS a lifestyle with you.

My money is not for supporting other peoples delusions etc. Keep YOUR God or religion out of my public.

That is the only correct assertion you've made thus far. Congratulations! :bravo:
Atheism has claims to charity?


Ah I see

That is the only correct assertion you've made thus far. Congratulations! :bravo:

So thats what atheists call charity, must get me an atheists dictionary of new definitions for old terms.
Religion teaches people to live together, even atheists.

Huge bold faced lie. Religion teaches those who share the same beliefs to worship together and reject those of other faiths.

Atheism teaches...nothing.

What is atheism supposed to teach? It's simply a rejection of theists claims. If you want to learn, get an education.
Huge bold faced lie. Religion teaches those who share the same beliefs to worship together and reject those of other faiths.

What is atheism supposed to teach? It's simply a rejection of theists claims. If you want to learn, get an education.

I don't recall any religion that says you have to reject others. Except for athiesm. It begins by rejecting God and moves on from there.
So what are you doing here posting in this forum?

I have an agenda. I understand that young people come here seeking advice on all sorts of subjects. So I counter theists arguments so that others can see there is more than one way of looking at things.

Mu posting here has nothing to do with my being part of a group as you sem to infer. And your motive is ?
I have an agenda. I understand that young people come here seeking advice on all sorts of subjects. So I counter theists arguments so that others can see there is more than one way of looking at things.

Mu posting here has nothing to do with my being part of a group as you sem to infer. And your motive is ?

So you want other people to be influenced by you. And this has nothing to do with group behaviour. Interesting.:D
They follow the morality of theists, as I said. Charity derives from religion, atheism has no such claim to charity.

moral, yes even the moral laws written in holy books, were invented by men, coming from a need to exist in a society

if what you want is an argument from atheism to charity, how about "we will take care of this world and this life, because that is all we have"? will that make you shut up about charity?

Pure atheists are ethnocentric and prone to eugenics rather than charity. I, me and mine first. No sacrifice here, move on. Survival of the fittest, they say. Sterilise the incompetent, the stupid and the genetically inferior. My money is not for supporting other peoples delusions etc. Keep YOUR God or religion out of my public.

Hardly charitable inclinations.

No, these are pure selfish people. These are the people who, when involved in a religion, blow up abortion clinics, harass people who are not members of their group, etc etc hatred crimes...

Good people do good things. Bad people do bad things. This has nothing to do with what the person believes or not.
What is atheism supposed to teach? It's simply a rejection of theists claims. If you want to learn, get an education.

I think it does teach something... it teaches you to give up on the delusion that as shitty as this life may be, at least there's an afterlife, or other lives...
Being rid of that delusion, we can invest in making this place better for everyone
They follow the morality of theists, as I said. Charity derives from religion, atheism has no such claim to charity.

Pure atheists are ethnocentric and prone to eugenics rather than charity. I, me and mine first. No sacrifice here, move on. Survival of the fittest, they say. Sterilise the incompetent, the stupid and the genetically inferior. My money is not for supporting other peoples delusions etc. Keep YOUR God or religion out of my public.

That is an outrageous, ignorant statement and , true to your way of "debating". wholly untrue. You are a walking advertisement for the rejection of theism. Wild generalisations and bigotry.

You forgot to mention that atheists eat babies.