Questions for the religous

alright, we'll give this another try.

if a drunk cornered you in an alley, and said " come here you fucking male" put his hand in his pocket, flicked open a pocket knife, and with unexpected speed and agility pushed your back to a wall and his blade was against your neck..and he breathed: "i hate all fucking men..all fucking males, my mission in life is to slaughter them all", by this time his blade has tasted the first drops of your blood and you've wet your pants, then he asks, with a bellowing roar:"ARE YOU A MAN OR NOT? DO YOU HAVE A PATOOTIE?"

what would you say?:D

Are you serious? You create an utterly ridiculous scenario in order to justify your holy book?

If you haven't got the balls to be honest, then you're a dirt bag that doesn't deserve one iota of respect. And, if your fucking holy book is teaching you to lie, then you'll have no idea how to tell the truth.
Are you serious? You create an utterly ridiculous scenario in order to justify your holy book?

If you haven't got the balls to be honest, then you're a dirt bag that doesn't deserve one iota of respect. And, if your fucking holy book is teaching you to lie, then you'll have no idea how to tell the truth.

Long time reader, first time poster.

Didn't you just say lying was wrong in all situations. And then you get mad when someone creates an extreme scenario to hold you accountable to your extreme principles. It looks like you don't deserve an iota of respect. :cool:
A lie is a lie. Lying doesn't work. Lying only makes things worse. Lying makes you untrustworthy. You are deceiving others.

You remember when you said this? Why are you even continuing on. You're flailing without a brain just like magikarp. :D
Didn't you just say lying was wrong in all situations. And then you get mad when someone creates an extreme scenario to hold you accountable to your extreme principles. It looks like you don't deserve an iota of respect. :cool:
ah Q, s/he put it better than i would..

and you didn't answer the question:D


Long time reader, first time poster.
Whose sock puppet are you?
are you saying he's lying? what holy book is s/he following now?
is there a holy book that YOU foolow which tells you not to trust people?

Are you serious? You create an utterly ridiculous scenario in order to justify your holy book?
but i told you! my holy book permits lying in such cases, if you failed to include them in your calculations before, then re-calculate.
If you haven't got the balls to be honest, then you're a dirt bag that doesn't deserve one iota of respect. And, if your fucking holy book is teaching you to lie, then you'll have no idea how to tell the truth.
my holy book talls you a thousand times and one not to lie, it describes special torture and hell for those who lie, bring truthful is a special reqium to islam (and any religion for all that matters, i guess)..

but you look to those "how to corner and bash islam" queue cards and choose a point and stick to it and keep repeating it..the issue you rised was veeeeeary minor technical details, i've been trying to point out long ago.(taqiya)
A lie is a lie. Lying doesn't work. Lying only makes things worse. Lying makes you untrustworthy. You are deceiving others.

I've not read this thread but I did notice this statement. I must unfortunately raise objection to it.

Telling your wife it is 9am when it's actually 8:58:37s is a "lie". It's not bad, it's not untrustworthy, in fact you wouldn't even notice that it's a lie. Humans 'lie' in such fashion all the time. However, I don't think this will even be acknowledged so I'll go for something more serious:

Imagine a man that has been shot and is spurting out blood all over the place. Lying to him and saying "you'll be ok man, you'll live, you'll see your wife" is actually more beneficial than telling him the truth, ("your going to drop dead and your wife will spend the rest of her life without you as a husband").

It is deception - yes, but it is helpful. That 'lie' might just calm him down enough and in doing so actually save his life.
it does? where?

What is this big deal about lying? The Bible says that we are born sinful. It says that not one sin is greater than the other. Jesus said, "He who hasn't sinned, throw the first stone".

So the question whether or not our Bible permits lying is absurd. We are required to live the most Christian life possible; to follow the words of the father. But it makes no mention about perfection being the basis of entrance into heaven.
I just want to know where. I missed it the few thousand times I read his holy book.
if a drunk [blah, blah, blah] PATOOTIE?"

Anybody drunk enough to mistake me for anything other than a guy would never be sober enough to get me against a wall.

But as I recall, this isn't the only case of permitted lying.
ah Q, s/he put it better than i would..

and you didn't answer the question

The sock puppet who put up that question appears to assume that honesty is an "extreme principle." Clearly, he/she has no problem with lying, as you seem to have.

but i told you! my holy book permits lying in such cases, if you failed to include them in your calculations before, then re-calculate.

So, what you're trying to convince me is that impossible scenarios like the one you created happen all the time to Muslims, hence they need to lie often enough that your holy book permits it.

And if your holy book condones lying, that means your god condones lying in such scenarios. That would mean that your god created those scenarios so Muslims could lie. He created those drunk, knife-bearing killers so that you could lie. Not only is that a twisted vicious circle, but it allows Muslims to lie whenever they want.

my holy book talls you a thousand times and one not to lie, it describes special torture and hell for those who lie, bring truthful is a special reqium to islam (and any religion for all that matters, i guess)..

Then, it would appear that your holy book is in serious contradiction with itself.

but you look to those "how to corner and bash islam" queue cards and choose a point and stick to it and keep repeating it..the issue you rised was veeeeeary minor technical details, i've been trying to point out long ago.(taqiya)

Ah, here we go. Rather than facing the music, you turn to being victimized. Another Muslim trait?

And no, Taqiyaa is NOT a minor technical detail, it is a huge problem with your cult. It condones lying. Can you show me any other religion that condones lying?
Imagine a man that has been shot and is spurting out blood all over the place. Lying to him and saying "you'll be ok man, you'll live, you'll see your wife" is actually more beneficial than telling him the truth, ("your going to drop dead and your wife will spend the rest of her life without you as a husband").

I think you all have been watching too many movies. :rolleyes:
What is this big deal about lying? The Bible says that we are born sinful. It says that not one sin is greater than the other. Jesus said, "He who hasn't sinned, throw the first stone".

The bible also says it's ok to kill your children if they talk back to you.