Questions for the religous

besides, islamic predictions not only are way way more precise and accurate to be easily fulfilled naturally, but they actually conflict with nature..

in the time of the camel and mud house, the prophet predicted metal will talk someday..opposed to nature then..unfathomable..

Earth to scifes, metal does not talk. The prediction was not only imprecise and inaccurate, it was out to lunch.

he predicted who the names of many of the men who conqured many empires and many other details..very very precise certain people doing certain things..

What names exactly, and what were the "precise" details, exactly...???

Many of the statements are scientifically incorrect, and only through the broadest creative interpretation do they relate to revealed scientific facts.

People see bunnies in clouds, too. You appear to be seeing bunnies.
Earth to scifes, metal does not talk. The prediction was not only imprecise and inaccurate, it was out to lunch.
scifes to Q, how else would a 1600A.D desert nomad describe a radio?

What names exactly, and what were the "precise" details, exactly...???
go to uncle google,
open your mouth wide,
and say "aaaah"


Q question..

it intrests me a lot..

when you selctivly choose these parts to reply to..

what of the rest of what i wrote?

have you already set your mind that all theisms are stupid?

and so that's the goal you persue in reading and replying here?

just asking..
Metal doesn't talk. Saying metal talks isn't a prediction of a radio. Anything else? I've heard all this before, Muslims come on here and say the Quran predicts all kinds of things, they have spent a thousand years trying to concoct these connections. None of them are the slightest bit compelling.
Metal doesn't talk. Saying metal talks isn't a prediction of a radio. Anything else? I've heard all this before, Muslims come on here and say the Quran predicts all kinds of things, they have spent a thousand years trying to concoct these connections. None of them are the slightest bit compelling.

fair enough.

how about the one in heh heh heh?
scifes to Q, how else would a 1600A.D desert nomad describe a radio?

Do you actually believe anyone is going to swallow that nonsense, that uneducated, superstitious nomads predicted the invention of radios? Are you really that deluded?

go to uncle google,
open your mouth wide,
and say "aaaah"

So, you have no answers to your claims. Nada. Zip.

Q question..

it intrests me a lot..

when you selctivly choose these parts to reply to..

what of the rest of what i wrote?

It's all rubbish.

have you already set your mind that all theisms are stupid?

and so that's the goal you persue in reading and replying here?

just asking..

So, you want me to answer your questions, but you won't answer mine?

just asking... :D
Do you actually believe anyone is going to swallow that nonsense, that uneducated, superstitious nomads predicted the invention of radios? Are you really that deluded?
:shrug:the problem is not in radios or uneducated's in people who's skulls are harder than need to be..

OK if you don't like the radio exaple because you think it's far fetched and immpossible for you, then please go to heh heh heh..i am mocking you there, please teach me a lesson..or if you care to learn, teach yourself a lesson..

if a nomad said metal will one day talk 1400 years ago..and that's not enough for you..because it isn't an intelligant enough and easy to wiggle out discussion..then go to where i directed you..and let us see if you find something new and satisfactory..

it is YOU who always screech for evidence.

So, you have no answers to your claims. Nada. Zip.

So, you want me to answer your questions, but you won't answer mine?

just asking... :D

Q, user name of a poster in;

if i bring you looong list of historical incidents which the prophet predited with precise details, will you become muslim?

what will you acknowledge?

do you have a scenario to what you'll do if i fulfill you request? no.

you ask it of me because you think i'll fail, you ask it of me in an attempt to cripple me and prove me do not ask it to know or to learn..and that is why, when i do bring it, you'll be surprised, crippled in your attempt, and on the defensive against your claim..and i don't want that.

if you're not going to be convinced anyhow, then don't waste my time.
OK if you don't like the radio exaple because you think it's far fetched and immpossible for you

"Far-fetched" is too mild a term to use on such a ridiculous statement.

if a nomad said metal will one day talk 1400 years ago..and that's not enough for you..because it isn't an intelligant enough and easy to wiggle out discussion..

Your silly claim doesn't even come close to intelligent. Stating the "metal can talk" could have any number of connotations, just like looking at clouds, one can create images of any number of things.

if you're not going to be convinced anyhow, then don't waste my time.

Convinced? Are you mad? Wasting YOUR time?

if i bring you looong list of historical incidents which the prophet predited with precise details, will you become muslim?

You are free to provide those precise details. I suspect your lying, though.

Originally Posted by Lucysnow
How many of you out there actually chose your religion?

I've chosen various religions over the years and found them all lacking. So I unchose religion and found that totally satisfactory.
"Far-fetched" is too mild a term to use on such a ridiculous statement.

Your silly claim doesn't even come close to intelligent. Stating the "metal can talk" could have any number of connotations, just like looking at clouds, one can create images of any number of things.

Convinced? Are you mad? Wasting YOUR time?
so i was right:(

You are free to provide those precise details. I suspect your lying, though.
no i'm not "free".you suspect i'm lying before you hear what i say.
the outcome is one no matter what.

i learned what that is supposed to mean on this site, neve heared of it before, and to your informtion, that exact term was inented by the shia to lie when needed, for me as a muslim and a human being, lying is wrong, period.

islam allows to lie if your life is at stake, to try and mend a relationship between two, and other hand picked situations when it can barely be called a lie.

now, me for example, i don't even take those when they come along, if i was asked of my religion and would die for my answer, then so be it..if one cares for life he can lie and nothing can be said to him.... believing in the afterlife, theists are less likely to lie than atheists, so when it comes to lying*, you'd better shut your mouth.

*or anything moral or honorable for all that matters.
islam allows to lie...

A religion that condones lying is not something a sane person would follow, regardless of the excuses. Islam is a very dangerous cult.

if i was asked of my religion and would die for my answer, then so be it..

That is very sad, indeed. To die for a delusion. Indoctrination at it's finest. When will the madness stop?

believing in the afterlife, theists are less likely to lie than atheists

You just said that your vicious cult condones lying, hence theists (Muslims in particular) will most definitely lie and will justify their lies with their cult. Clearly, YOU as a Muslim are more likely to lie than anyone else.

*or anything moral or honorable for all that matters.

There is absolutely nothing moral or honorable about a cult that condones lying. Clearly, Islam is a blight to mankind.
A religion that condones lying is not something a sane person would follow, regardless of the excuses. Islam is a very dangerous cult.

i wrote paragraphs explaining how that works contrary to what is assumed on first discard it all, restate the misinformation i just cleared, and repeat it irrelevantly in your replies to the rest of my post..

you did the same thing in in regard to cancer..

i wrote paragraphs explaining how that works contrary to what is assumed on first discard it all, restate the misinformation i just cleared, and repeat it irrelevantly in your replies to the rest of my post.

I don't give a rat's patootie how it works, it is wrong for a religion to condone lying, no matter what excuses you choose to use.

You clearly don't get that.
I don't give a rat's patootie how it works, it is wrong for a religion to condone lying, no matter what excuses you choose to use.

You clearly don't get that.

you clearly don't get anything....really..
I don't give a rat's patootie how it works, it is wrong for a religion to condone lying, no matter what excuses you choose to use.

You clearly don't get that.

um, you are very argumentative, and like to fool yourself by "winning":puke:

so, do you give a rat's patootie how the religion that condones lying has avoided the financial crisis in the thread "heh heh heh"?

or is that rat patootie bigger than you can handle??:D
islam allows to lie if your life is at stake, to try and mend a relationship between two, and other hand picked situations when it can barely be called a lie.

A lie is a lie. Lying doesn't work. Lying only makes things worse. Lying makes you untrustworthy. You are deceiving others.

Can you not understand this simple concept over and above your fucking holy book?
A lie is a lie. Lying doesn't work. Lying only makes things worse. Lying makes you untrustworthy. You are deceiving others.

Can you not understand this simple concept over and above your fucking holy book?

alright, we'll give this another try.

if a drunk cornered you in an alley, and said " come here you fucking male" put his hand in his pocket, flicked open a pocket knife, and with unexpected speed and agility pushed your back to a wall and his blade was against your neck..and he breathed: "i hate all fucking men..all fucking males, my mission in life is to slaughter them all", by this time his blade has tasted the first drops of your blood and you've wet your pants, then he asks, with a bellowing roar:"ARE YOU A MAN OR NOT? DO YOU HAVE A PATOOTIE?"

what would you say?:D