Questions for the religous

People do not choose their religions in a general terms . Children are taught traditions, culture, religion....etc . What you are taught is what you are today . Born in India with people praying elephants as will do the same . It depends where you were born and who raised you .
People are valueless without God.
so true.
People do not choose their religions in a general terms . Children are taught traditions, culture, religion....etc . What you are taught is what you are today . Born in India with people praying elephants as will do the same . It depends where you were born and who raised you .

people convert, you know.
I will be Christian until the day I die and believe in his word wholeheartedly. Though I am very aware that there exists many different people of many different religions who worship the God that they heard first and/or can easily relate to. I, personally, wish that everyone who deserves salvation receives salvation, despite where their faith is targeted. But since I am not going to be the final decider, I can only continue to worship the God that I have come to know and pray for the salvation of the many people with good hearts who follow another God.

for it is written, Vengeance is mine; I will repay, saith the Lord. Romans 12:19

this verse can be interpreted as God being the final and only deciding factor in the Salvation process.

"Not everyone who says to me, 'Lord, Lord,' will enter the kingdom of heaven, but only he who does the will of my Father who is in heaven. 22Many will say to me on that day, 'Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name, and in your name drive out demons and perform many miracles?' 23Then I will tell them plainly, 'I never knew you. Away from me, you evildoers!' Matthew 7:21

This verse implies that all Christians don't go to heaven. Since God is logic, what does that say about God's actions against the people who haven't cried Lord, Lord but have spread good throughout?

When Jesus said "the only way to the father is through him", maybe he meant that his life alone proved all humans to have value; to be something other than the flawed program inherent from within.

So In the wise words of Dwayne "The Rock Johnson" from the movie Doom, Let God sort us out. :)
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But atheists are another beast altogether. They deny God without proof and even after hearing of Him and of His method of good. These folks are equivalent to the prospective students who score below 600 on the GMAT who attempt graduate admission into an Ivy Leauge university. "Throw em out first". ;)
No, they simply take a strictly empirical approach. Nothing wrong with that. Keep in mind, atheism isn't "denying god" or claiming that god doesn't exist. Most atheists simply don't believe in the existence of deity; which is closer to the popular conception of agnosticism.

The thing with deity and things spiritual is that they are immaterial and cannot be measured empirically. So, one can believe in its existence so long as one doesn't claim empirical proof of it. Or, one can not believe in its existence due to the lack of empirical evidence. Neither position is any better or worse than the other, and it is simply impolite to insult another person because of their theological stance. Moreover, I don't see why the gods would care what humans think of them.
You've lost me on that one Hapsburg. If an atheist isn't steadfast in there not being a God, then heterosexual men are not interested in heterosexual sex. Atheists are not agnostic, and if so, there would only be one word to describe the group.

Someone who "can not believe in its existence of God due to the lack of empirical evidence" would believe in a God based upon the presence of evidence. Since we can not know everything and do not know everything about the Universe and it's origin, this lack of insight makes the person we are talking about agnostic; as someone who can not know at all.



1. Disbelief in or denial of the existence of God or gods.
2. The doctrine that there is no God or gods.

Atheism (wiki)

Atheism can be either the rejection of theism,[1] or the position that deities do not exist.[2] In the broadest sense, it is the absence of belief in the existence of deities.

An atheist is adamant in there not being a God.