Q's for christians

Originally posted by TruthSeeker
Here is a little parable for you...

Here's what is going on. I have my eyes opened and I try to tell you that there IS a God. But you kinda forgot that since your conscience kicked in and you started to become like everyone else. Your family drove you to be who you are. You are the way you are because of your experiences in your childhood. You closed your eyes because everyone had their eyes closed - your world become their world.

Just had to point out that your parable can be applied in the opposite direction, where the theists are the ones with their eyes closed, and refuse to try and open them.

Non-physical "things" are not necessarily undetectable. I would say it is just a matter of frequency, like radio, for example. It depends just on how you look at it...
Let’s be clear about what we mean by physical and non-physical. Something physical is anything that forms part of nature, e.g. matter, energy, space, and time. Anything non-physical, i.e. the supernatural or unnatural, is anything else, which doesn’t leave anything that science can detect.

If something has a frequency then that is physical and a part of nature.

Those are not fantasies. If you tell a man that born blind how the world really is, he will probably tell you that you are nuts, cause he sees nothing (if all that he know is).
Your analogy with blind people is not going to work. It looks like you haven’t met anyone blind from birth. Blind people use their other senses very well and the imagination of a blind person remains very powerful. A blind person can assimilate verbal descriptions and has no trouble visualizing them if offered correctly. I have a colleague who has a blind son from birth and I have watched him grow from birth. The human brain is amazing.

So no, the blind person will not call you nuts since other senses and the brain can largely compensate.

Here's what is going on. I have my eyes opened and I try to tell you that there IS a God. But you kinda forgot that since your conscience kicked in and you started to become like everyone else.
LOL. The wonderful thing about your explanations is that they are never based on anything factual.

Your family drove you to be who you are. You are the way you are because of your experiences in your childhood.
LOL, now you are guessing. My parents and family had no real religious perspectives one-way or the other, and such matters were never discussed at home. I started school at age 4 and was subjected to daily Christian worship and teachings for the entire duration of my school life – that was the law in the UK.

You closed your eyes because everyone had their eyes closed - your world become their world.
My eyes had been kept closed through 14 years of Christian indoctrination during all my school life. My eyes opened when I began to question those teachings and began to think for myself.

Sorry kiddo your explanation lacks any credibility or factual content.

What I was saying is that you are just not thinking about it.
But I think about these things constantly and have done so for several decades, and you can think all you want as I see you do, but without any facts or evidence to support your hypotheses, you remain with nothing more than fantasies.

Imagine with Einstein wouldn't care about thinking of Newton's Theories. He wouldn't get all his ideas, would he.
Yes excellent, but all his ideas had eventually to be based on physical evidence otherwise we would never be accepted by the scientific community. He fought very hard to prove his theories, until then he was ridiculed to some extent. But he was one scientist among many thousands who also used their imaginations to create imaginative hypotheses, this is a basic approach in science, but the vast majority of these ideas die out quickly once they are either disproved or through absence of evidence.

What you are trying to do is create imaginative hypotheses and treat them as if they are true without taking the trouble to find supporting evidence. Such ideas lack any credibility until you can support them with some substantial evidence, until then they remain just your personal fantasies.

Besides that, what is simple in Einstein's ideas? What is simple about Quantum Physics?
Oh now come on – E=MC^2 is one of the most simplest and elegant equations ever devised by man. And quantum physics again consists of some very elegant concepts. But here you are confusing the issue; you might find advanced physics theories difficult, but given a physics phenomenon with two apparently complex theoretical explanations, it is generally the simplest theory that tends to be the truth. Occam’s Razor operates in a relative comparative mode.
you know. if you think too hard. nothing is real and you lose every possibility of growing into what you think you already have; come on -- can't any of you actually think clearly?????

Just had to point out that your parable can be applied in the opposite direction, where the theists are the ones with their eyes closed, and refuse to try and open them.

You do realize that in the parable, the whole world has their eyes closed, and you become a part of the whole world when you grow up. What I'm saying here is that because of this worlds agenda of winning money, competitiveness and materialism, we quite forgot that life is not just about screwing other up so that you can win the big bucks... :mad:

Anyways... :(


If something has a frequency then that is physical and a part of nature.

That was a metaphor...

Your analogy with blind people is not going to work. It looks like you haven? met anyone blind from birth. Blind people use their other senses very well and the imagination of a blind person remains very powerful. A blind person can assimilate verbal descriptions and has no trouble visualizing them if offered correctly. I have a colleague who has a blind son from birth and I have watched him grow from birth. The human brain is amazing.

I said...
...(if all that he know is).

Which means that if he borns blind and anyone ever tells him how the world is. Remember that his fathers are also blind and the whole world is blind... so anyone can tell him... Besides that, if you read further, you will see that he doesn't born blind, but becomes blind because of the world - the world makes him blind.

LOL. The wonderful thing about your explanations is that they are never based on anything factual.

Anyone that know psychology can understand what I'm saying here...

LOL, now you are guessing. My parents and family had no real religious perspectives one-way or the other, and such matters were never discussed at home. I started school at age 4 and was subjected to daily Christian worship and teachings for the entire duration of my school life ?that was the law in the UK.
I was generalizing. Maybe I should have said "we" instead of "you". Ooops.. :eek:

My eyes had been kept closed through 14 years of Christian indoctrination during all my school life. My eyes opened when I began to question those teachings and began to think for myself.

You are upside down... :eek:

But I think about these things constantly and have done so for several decades, and you can think all you want as I see you do, but without any facts or evidence to support your hypotheses, you remain with nothing more than fantasies.
There are facts all around the world. If you were a psychologist, you would understand me much better...

What you are trying to do is create imaginative hypotheses and treat them as if they are true without taking the trouble to find supporting evidence. Such ideas lack any credibility until you can support them with some substantial evidence, until then they remain just your personal fantasies.

I have no physical evidence, but I have non-physical ones... but those you won't be able to understand...

Oh now come on ?E=MC^2 is one of the most simplest and elegant equations ever devised by man. And quantum physics again consists of some very elegant concepts. But here you are confusing the issue; you might find advanced physics theories difficult, but given a physics phenomenon with two apparently complex theoretical explanations, it is generally the simplest theory that tends to be the truth. Occam? Razor operates in a relative comparative mode.

Four dimensions? Eleven dimensions? They even contradict! Or you have four dimensions or you have eleven. How is that simple? Which one is the right one?
Originally posted by TruthSeeker
How do you feel life?
I'm not sure what it is you're getting at here. We feel things through the nerves in our skin.
But I'm betting you're using the word 'feel' as an emotion in which case I have no clue as to what you mean.
How does life work?
That's a bit broad and it depends upon what form of life you mean. But cells absorb energy, either from sunlight or chemical compounds that they then oxidize. The cells use this energy to reproduce and/or find more energy sources. If you want to know more I suggest getting yourself a good biochemistry text.
What is conscience? How does it work?
No one knows exactly but there are quite a few hypotheses out there. The one that I take to is that consciousness is self-referencing and self-modifying pattern... a function of our neurological make up.
What IS life?
There isn't really a single, completely satisfying answer. Life and non-life are not really discrete things; they blend gently into one another. Most simply, life is a self-propagating chemical reaction. Yet it is more than this because there are indeed things such as prions and viruses that are capable of self-replicating within a particular environment yet we do not generally classify them as alive. A better, yet still simple definition is that life is a self-propagating chemical reaction that has the ability to acquire the resources it needs to propagate via it's own functioning. This is a better definition in that it excludes those processes that can replicate provided that resources are available through accident or some outside source.
God is Love.
God is Love.
God is Love.
Again, not much of a reply. But what does this mean exactly? Love is an emotion that exists in the mind. It's a purely subjective experience with no direct influence over anything but the mind experiencing it.
The things He taught me about Love...
Such as?
Then what is the meaning of life?
There is no single meaning for all life. It's here because the forces that comprise the Universe work in a particular way. It's like asking; what is the meaning of a snowflake? Meaning exists as an isomorphism between reality and the mind. The proper question is; what is the meaning of my life? And the answer to that is quite simple; your life has the meaning that you give it. Your life will have a different meaning to others. The trick, I think, is to behave so that the meaning you wish for your life is that which others will give to it.

Four dimensions? Eleven dimensions? They even contradict! Or you have four dimensions or you have eleven. How is that simple? Which one is the right one?

It's simple if you're educated in that field. For me reading the Bible is difficult, not only do I fall asleep but I find the huge number of metaphors, hidden meanings and contradictions to be quite complex and difficult to understand.

Currently we believe the universe houses only 4 dimensions. A new theory called M-Theory has evolved recently that calls for 11 dimensions, with 7 dimensions that are smaller than atoms and all stacked up throughout the other 3 spacial dimensions. This is only a theory and while it does provide answers to many problems it's nowhere near being proven. See, it is relatively simple. Of course you could delve further and further into it, and the further you go the more complicated it becomes, which is the same as the Bible and almost every other field out there.
Originally posted by whatsupyall
If only Cris, Xelios, Frencheneez, JamesR,(and other atheists) have the virtue of patience and perseverance, then I know they will find God, unless you seek, you will not find...........In other words "IF ONLY THEY HAVE FAITH, THEN THEY WILL FIND GOD"......

Wow...I don't agree with the statement. I believe God is reaching out for each one of us. Nothing can separate us from His love (Romans 8:29-30). He was the one who initiated for a reconciliation. It was not of human effort that God finally revealed Himself to us. He loves us so much that while we were yet sinners, Jesus Christ died for us. Note: WHILE WE WERE YET SINNERS. He did not wait for us to change...He did not wait for us to seek Him...He did not wait for us to believe...He did it because of love for us, His creation.

I believe that God is reaching out to the people you just named but they are turning deaf ears and calloused hearts. However, I know that in time, in God's own time, all will be well.
God already made His move...or is still making moves. We are on the receiving end and it's up to us how we will respond. But I do believe that He is a persistent and patient God. He is willing to wait.

While I don't share your religious beliefs, I must say you paint a much better picture than Whatsupyall does.

PS: Merry christmas! ;)
Wow, what's up with all the new Xtians? Gino, gladzic, Nebuchanezzer.....

*Grabs can of Raid*

Welcome to Sciforums.

*Calls Orkin*

P.S: I thought James R was agnostic?
Were xtians now, Xev? Really though, all the new "xtians" have started to come from religious forums and religious websites... I dont know who posted that link...:rolleyes: Plus it is christmas time and people always ask the most about Jesus when its his birthday.
Well, it's just scary. Too many Christians in one place and I'm sure they're going to try to stone or burn me alive. :D
But being burned alive totally messes up my hair, and how am I supposed to meet God looking like that?!
Originally posted by Raithere
That's a bit broad and it depends upon what form of life you mean. But cells absorb energy, either from sunlight or chemical compounds that they then oxidize. The cells use this energy to reproduce and/or find more energy sources. If you want to know more I suggest getting yourself a good biochemistry text.

adj reply: It is natural to seek the most complex definitions of anything, especially as it deals with the state of mankind, the nature of man -- how about the simple, absolute truth definition of life; life is anything that transforms energy, non-life are everything else . . . :)

No one knows exactly but there are quite a few hypotheses out there. The one that I take to is that consciousness is self-referencing and self-modifying pattern... a function of our neurological make up.

adj reply: Consiousness is only a possibility for mankind, true conciousness; this is a function only possible to someone, in the bibilical sense, who has "awaken". Yes, the whole world of humans is "asleep" in this manner, always has been and possibly always will be -- it is the nature of man. This was what Jesus was trying to teach, to awaken, and only then to begin to develop man's potential. Don't like the Bible? Try reading The Wizard of Oz or The Brothers Karamozov -- same story, same condition of man. Yes, there are many other stories, tales, metaphors, allegories that try to retain/transmit that knowledge, that "secret". "Secret" my ass, many know and understand this, its only the lazy of mind and effort who do not . . . .

There isn't really a single, completely satisfying answer. Life and non-life are not really discrete things; they blend gently into one another. Most simply, life is a self-propagating chemical reaction. Yet it is more than this because there are indeed things such as prions and viruses that are capable of self-replicating within a particular environment yet we do not generally classify them as alive. A better, yet still simple definition is that life is a self-propagating chemical reaction that has the ability to acquire the resources it needs to propagate via it's own functioning. This is a better definition in that it excludes those processes that can replicate provided that resources are available through accident or some outside source.

adj reply: accident or no, if something transforms energy, it is alive. yes I know, this could mean the universe is "alive", but keep it simple, to what you can actually see/understand as True . . . . true to man at least

Again, not much of a reply. But what does this mean exactly? Love is an emotion that exists in the mind. It's a purely subjective experience with no direct influence over anything but the mind experiencing it.

adj reply: what's love got to do with it?? check out the Supremes (I think, too long ago . . . .) don't worry xev, you're probably still hot with that "frazzled" look :)


I'm still trying to figure out how this message thing works, quotes and all, hope this displays the way I intended. Also, only trying to stimulate intelligence and thought:)

no, first try didn't work right . . . . dave
I believe that God is reaching out to the people you just named but they are turning deaf ears and calloused hearts. However, I know that in time, in God's own time, all will be well.

I find this strange, however, because I attended church regularly for about 6 years, went through communion, confirmation, even alter served for a while. All that time I never felt God once. A couple months after confirmation (which is done at way too young an age IMO) I started reading more heavily into science (specifically physics) and a couple months after that I simply gave up on religion. In the 6 years I attended church every Sunday not once did I feel God's presence, or see or hear anything that made me believe he exists. I now choose to live a good life and obey the 10 commandments as best I can simply because they are good moral values, but I am agnostic now, and leaning toward atheism (I will always concede that God may exist, but I find it very unlikely).

The way I see it, if he really does exist he had his chance. If he's going to throw me into hell for living a good life then so be it.

I'm not sure what it is you're getting at here. We feel things through the nerves in our skin.

No. I meant how do you perceive life. Not with emotions, neither with nerves.

That's a bit broad and it depends upon what form of life you mean. But cells absorb energy, either from sunlight or chemical compounds that they then oxidize. The cells use this energy to reproduce and/or find more energy sources. If you want to know more I suggest getting yourself a good biochemistry text.

I'm not talking about how does life is kept; I mean, for example, how does life is created. How two people get together and another is born. Ok, there are specialized cells that do the job, but I'm talking about life as a substance.

No one knows exactly but there are quite a few hypotheses out there. The one that I take to is that consciousness is self-referencing and self-modifying pattern... a function of our neurological make up.

Well, that's all right, but it is barely enough to explain it. We still don't know the very substance of it...

There isn't really a single, completely satisfying answer. Life and non-life are not really discrete things; they blend gently into one another. Most simply, life is a self-propagating chemical reaction. Yet it is more than this because there are indeed things such as prions and viruses that are capable of self-replicating within a particular environment yet we do not generally classify them as alive. A better, yet still simple definition is that life is a self-propagating chemical reaction that has the ability to acquire the resources it needs to propagate via it's own functioning. This is a better definition in that it excludes those processes that can replicate provided that resources are available through accident or some outside source.

Are viruses alive or not? Do we really know what life is? Again, I'm not talking about life as a bunch of processes, I'm talking about it's very substance. Is it physical? Does it seem physical?

Again, not much of a reply. But what does this mean exactly? Love is an emotion that exists in the mind. It's a purely subjective experience with no direct influence over anything but the mind experiencing it.

Again, I'm not talking about an emotions. The Love I'm talking about does not come from the brain. It is not chemical reactions. There IS this kind of "love" (which you call it...) but it is not this one I'm talking about. This Love is Life. What I'm saying here is that Life itself is a substance. Love is just how we perceive it outward. However, it IS Love too.

Love is Life. He is Love. He is Life. Love cast out fear. Love never fails. Love is the very substance of Life, the very substance that permeates all things, etc.......

There is no single meaning for all life. It's here because the forces that comprise the Universe work in a particular way. It's like asking; what is the meaning of a snowflake? Meaning exists as an isomorphism between reality and the mind. The proper question is; what is the meaning of my life? And the answer to that is quite simple; your life has the meaning that you give it. Your life will have a different meaning to others. The trick, I think, is to behave so that the meaning you wish for your life is that which others will give to it.

That's good... no much different than me:
"The meaningfullness of life resides in its own meaninglessness."
But that doesn't come from science...
Originally posted by Xelios
I find this strange, however, because I attended church regularly for about 6 years, went through communion, confirmation, even alter served for a while. All that time I never felt God once. A couple months after confirmation (which is done at way too young an age IMO) I started reading more heavily into science (specifically physics) and a couple months after that I simply gave up on religion. In the 6 years I attended church every Sunday not once did I feel God's presence, or see or hear anything that made me believe he exists. I now choose to live a good life and obey the 10 commandments as best I can simply because they are good moral values, but I am agnostic now, and leaning toward atheism (I will always concede that God may exist, but I find it very unlikely).

The way I see it, if he really does exist he had his chance. If he's going to throw me into hell for living a good life then so be it.

Seek truth in science (that's what it's about, right?) and also seek truth in other writings (religious, philosophical, etc.); seek the common thread of knowledge that evidence supports -- do not blindly believe ANYTHING, but seek support, facts, evidence for everything. At the source, of any great knowledge, writing, science or understanding, if it is true you will find the same three things surrounded by other "fixed" conditions of mankind. It is the "fixed" conditions that awakend man works on . . . . You won't lose "faith" but can only expand your understanding of your prior religion, your understanding of mankind . . . . look some of the greatest "discoveries" were the result of someone who KNEW simply seeking factual evidence (try Einstein, for example):)

Yes, it IS possible to get there through religion, but typically unlikely -- look to St Thomas Aquinas; a dedicated life and writings, still studied by many, however when he finally "got it", he gave up all writing and teaching saying (to those who wanted him to continue on) something to the effect "such things have been revealed to me that all I have written is as if straw (worthless), I now await the end of my life . . . .":bugeye:
Originally posted by adj
how about the simple, absolute truth definition of life; life is anything that transforms energy, non-life are everything else . . .
This would include many thing that we do not consider life. A rock, containing enough uranium, transforms matter to energy; would you consider that "life"? There's nothing wrong with your definition per say; certainly life involves a transfer of energy but your definition is so broad as to make it almost meaningless. Any time that anything happens at all, energy is being transferred.

Consiousness is only a possibility for mankind, true conciousness; this is a function only possible to someone, in the bibilical sense, who has "awaken". Yes, the whole world of humans is "asleep" in this manner, always has been and possibly always will be -- it is the nature of man.
I'm not sure I follow or agree. How is man asleep and what is awakening in this context?

accident or no, if something transforms energy, it is alive. yes I know, this could mean the universe is "alive", but keep it simple, to what you can actually see/understand as True . . . . true to man at least
No, life as we generally mean it is a bit more than this. Yet it is still true and, actually, quite simple in concept.

what's love got to do with it?? check out the Supremes (I think, too long ago . . . .)
Tina Turner... 80's, I believe.

Originally posted by Raithere
This would include many thing that we do not consider life. A rock, containing enough uranium, transforms matter to energy; would you consider that "life"? There's nothing wrong with your definition per say; certainly life involves a transfer of energy but your definition is so broad as to make it almost meaningless. Any time that anything happens at all, energy is being transferred.

I'm not sure I follow or agree. How is man asleep and what is awakening in this context?

No, life as we generally mean it is a bit more than this. Yet it is still true and, actually, quite simple in concept.

Tina Turner... 80's, I believe.

Originally posted by Raithere
This would include many thing that we do not consider life. A rock, containing enough uranium, transforms matter to energy; would you consider that "life"? There's nothing wrong with your definition per say; certainly life involves a transfer of energy but your definition is so broad as to make it almost meaningless. Any time that anything happens at all, energy is being transferred.
adj replies:
I still don't know how to break "quotes into each PP: so here goes; broad? (uranium) well yes, but that is only scale; all life on earth (keep it simple; and yes I know that is difficult/impossible (not a cope (sp?) out) but worthy of exploration . . . . don't think too hard, but please, think . . . .

I'm not sure I follow or agree. How is man asleep and what is awakening in this context?

adj replies:
you have had moments of "awake", everyone has; those moments when something "makes sense" no matter how bizzare for the moment -- a clarity. if it makes more sense -- look, my perspective/understanding is not necessarily well put, but has lots of support -- how many places can you find references to "awake" / "asleep" and so -- WHY?

No, life as we generally mean it is a bit more than this. Yet it is still true and, actually, quite simple in concept.

Tina Turner... 80's, I believe.


simple? for sure; don't think too hard (complex), but THINK (simple) . . . . what is true, absolutely true (not belief); what can you find everywhere and in everything?!?!?!?

no more root beers for me . . . . tonight anyway:D ;) :cool: