Q's for christians

Originally posted by gladzic
God already made His move...or is still making moves. We are on the receiving end and it's up to us how we will respond. But I do believe that He is a persistent and patient God. He is willing to wait.

What!? A Xtian who doesn't call every nonChristian a "child" and who doesn't attempt to prove his superiority and his utterly illogical views?

*sticks out hand to gladz*

You and I are pard'ners!! Welcome to sciforums.
terronie said:
Why did you become a christian?
What started you believing in God?
how would you start someone being a christian?

if you can answer anyquestion I will be grateful
First I was made a christian by Sept. 26, 2002.
I believe the call of God drove me to choose so.
It started when I recalled pestilences on earth.
To become a christian needs full understanding of God's doctrine. :)
Why did I become a Christian? I was baptized and raised Christian. Later, I chose Christianity of my own accord. I accepted what I had been taught as true and good.

What started my believing in God. As I said, I was raised in the belief of God. When I came of a certain age, I chose to accept that belief.

How would I start someone being a Christian? I would refer such a one to speak with priests with whom I am familiar, as far as I'm able to arrange it. Otherwise I would direct them to their local priest. He should be most educated in the religion, and thus be the best help in directing such a person in the instruction of the religioin.
terronie said:
Why did you become a christian?
I believe in the teachings of the Christ. I believe he was a teacher and his teachings are accurate.

My parents were Christian by inheritance. Neither one practiced. My grandma practiced a little bit, but that didn't affect me so much. It was only when I started studying Christianism that I was attracted to it. My attraction wasn't based on God or on Heaven, it was based on the teachings of the teacher who they call "Jesus". I don't believe Jesus is God (not in the same way "regular" Christians do).

What started you believing in God?
I've believed in God since I was a little child in my crib.
I don't really remember how I started believing in Him...

how would you start someone being a christian?
I wouldn't. They have their own path. If they happen to agree with the teachings of Jesus, I might encourage them to join. If they don't want, I never insist.
1) I became a christian because the bible told me that Jesus was The Good Shepherd.
2) I believe in God because there is more that we can't see out there than what we can see, and I don't want to live for eternity on the Sun (in the lake of fire).
3) There is really only one commandment. LOVE GOD. Accept him, believe in him, ask him for help, talk to him always. And try to Love him with all of your being.
Is this the ebst you can do? Just become a Christian because of a book? What if thye book talked about green aliens from planet Tomba, would you believe in that?

Love yourself and others as well....
Through 44 years of seeking the truth, I have found the old testament to be the most beleived scripture in history.. Believe me, I have done nothing but search for truth my entire life and will continue to due so until you simple humans are banished from the earth and sent to the Sun.

Loveing God encompasses all other commandments, Just as Jesus' 2 commandments encompassed all the rest.

What is wrong with people, they read hundreds of books in their life but can't pick up the one book that can keep their eternity cool.(temperature wise)
Logical argument, please....

You cannot give them salvation without a logical argument.... :eek:
terronie said:
Why did you become a christian?
Because I felt it was right for me and it fit my view.

What started you believing in God?
Because I allready believed, or the feeling I had was realised through my belief.

how would you start someone being a christian?
I wouldn't "start" someone...I suppose that would be very hard, I think that many people have this feeling inside and that they find the belief responds to that feeling. What we can do however is to give the option to people, either through words or through lifestyle and actions in which we use our faith.
witnessjudgejury said:
Through 44 years of seeking the truth, I have found the old testament to be the most beleived scripture in history.. Believe me, I have done nothing but search for truth my entire life and will continue to due so until you simple humans are banished from the earth and sent to the Sun.

Loveing God encompasses all other commandments, Just as Jesus' 2 commandments encompassed all the rest.

What is wrong with people, they read hundreds of books in their life but can't pick up the one book that can keep their eternity cool.(temperature wise)

Belief has got nothing to do with it. Spiritual truth can never be captured in words.

Doesn't it disturb you that your precious book was compiled by the same people responsible for killing Jesus? ...and that this was written 100 years after Jesus lived? ...and that there were fierce debates among early Christians about what the basic of tenets of Christianity were? ...and that Jesus himself didn't write any of it?