Puppet Strings


I hate to bring more people into this, but maybe it will help explain where I can coming from. A mutual friend of ours told me about a play idea that you two were kicking around, wherein the actors were attached to various types of puppet strings (ie chains, rope etc). Also, characters would undergo the same type of experience that you did, and these characters would symbolize truth or something. Anyway, the play and your experience just sounded remarkably similar, which lead me to believe that what happened might have possibly been your imagination; I don't doubt that something weird happened to you, however...

There was no input from my concious to allow the event to occur.
I'm not sure exactly what you mean here...?

Anyway, I'm coming over to visit you..bye bye, see you in a few minutes...hehe..

What a friend, doubts you and then comes running to your house so he may feel validation from another 'appreciating' his presence.

whats wrong with imagination? Slay the dreamer huh?

I'd open the door and give him a hug, sounds like he's desperate for one.
Actually Glacial, she was in the library and so was I...so I decided to go talk to her...don't act like you know everything, because you don't. And BTW, Rowen, Xandrique and I had a good time hanging out today. At least I did, and I got the impression they did...so whatever. To be honest, your remarks mean less to me every post...sorry :).

Also, there was a technical error when I tried to post this the first time, so there might be 2 copies of this post. If so, forgive me.

What I meant by that statement was that the experiance on all levels was beyond my imagination.

-The twilight looms like a sounding chord-


Hi Rowen, I just read your original post and came up with
a hypothesis on what may have happend to you and your
friend. I will first discuss some of the foundation concepts that
led me to the hypothesis and then present you with the actual
hypothesis itself.

I am sure you have heard of the 'Bermuda Triangle' before and
have also heard about some of the myths and facts regarding it.
Just to summarize, the strange anomolies of the 'Bermuda
Triangle' (which consequently is not in the shape of a triangle)
occur all over the planet (the locations of where the anomolies
manifest themselves are actually in a somewhat consistent
geographical pattern). Just for ease of discussion, I am going
to label any Bermuda Triangle-like event as an 'Alpha Event' from
this moment forth.

When an Alpha Event occurs, any of the following environmental
anomolies may exist in any combination:

A) Mist (dull grey/metallic to white in color) forms. Some or all
of the mist may be swirling in some direction. The mist may
actually form around the observer and move with him (but
the observer may 'feel' that he is merely moving through
the mist).

B) Dense Fog (dull grey/metallic/yellow to white in color) forms.
Some or all of the fog may be swirling in some direction. The
fog may actually form around the observer and move with him
(but the observer may 'feel' that he is merely moving through
the fog).

C) Dense Clouds (white to pitch black in color) form. The clouds
may grow in size at a very rapid pace forming large ellepsis,
doughnuts, and a variety of other shapes. The clouds may
extend as high as 60,000 feet and may come right out of the
ground. Some of the dense clouds may swirl in some direction.
If the clouds are black and the observer is within them, then
he will see many of D) (each of very bright intensity).

D) 1 to (n) white light light sources (roughly circular shaped and
of varying sizes) appear for varying amounts of time. These
lights may move about quickly, change direction and speed
suddenly, and instantaneously disappear/reappear.

E) Large Greenish/Bluish/Amber light sources (of varying shapes)
appear for varying amounts of time. These lights move about
quickly and may suddenly disappear. It has been observed
that this particular event occurs most frequently towards the
end of sunset and on days when a full moon would be seen
at night (thus implying a gravitational relationship).

F) Most electronics cease to function (even though they may
appear to be gettinig power).

G) Compasses will continually spin in some direction.

H) The observer experiences a feeling of weightlessness.

I) The observer experiences a feeling of increased forward

J) The observer travels significantly more distance than would
normally be possible at the speed he is moving at.

K) Ocean water becomes extremely foamy.

L) The observer becomes disoriented (potentially to a non-
functional state).

M) Metal becomes 'warmer' than normal.

An Alpha Event also tends to occur on perfectly clear and sunny
days (for some reason). To make things even more interesting,
a man by the name of 'John Hutchison' has pretty much spent
his life experimenting with electricity, magnetism, and radio
waves. More importantly, his research has led to all sorts of
environmental anomolies which have collectively (and famously)
been called the 'Hutchison Effect'. Just to clarify, nobody fully
understands the exact mechanics of the 'Hutchison Effect',
however it is clear that it is the result of radio wave interferences
with electromagnetic fields. Some of the anomolies of
the 'Hutchison Effect' include (but by far are not limited to):

1) Levitation and movement heavy objects (in swirling patterns
2) Shooting objects off at very high speeds.
3) Fusion of dissimilar materials such as metal and wood.
4) Bending objects.
5) The formation of dense (cant see through them) metallic hazes
that swirl.

These Hutchison effects I listed are directly related to many of
of the known Alpha Events. So why bring up the 'Hutchison
Effect' to begin with? Only to show that Alpha Events are real,
seeing as how the 'Hutchison Effect' is reproducable and
observable. Now, if you haven't guessed it already... my
hypothesis is that you and your friend experienced an Alpha
Event. Right off the bat I would say that you experienced
anomolies I), J), and L), but I want to ask you if anything else on
the list actually applies to your experience? Just so you know, my
goal is to promote my hypothesis to a theory or completely scrap
it and classify your experience as something nobody's really come
across yet.


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hmmmm.... I can sum up all those affects in just one called "your trippin balls!"

and remember kiddies, it need not be drug induced.

I and L could also be "sleepwalking" or daydreaming, living in the subconcious while the concious goes about the day as normal.
Rowen, I read your original post.

Whether or not you were abducted, or some spiritual energy hit you, or you were "trippin", what you described was dissassociation, and it seems to be a pretty stable pattern right now.

Everyone dissassociates from reality to some degree; it can be a way of coping. However, you seem disturbed with your dissassociation; it's not a positive thing for you, so maybe you should get yourself checked out (regardless of the cause) before it gets worse.

There is no black and white with mental illness. Everyone is "crazy" to some degree. Everyone shows symptoms of various disorders. It's when you can't cope with it, is when you should take care of yourself and go to a doctor.
On Radioactive Waves (or something more potent?)

Riiiight. You must have missed the part about BOTH Rowen
and her friend experiencing the SAME event (which kind of rules
out sleepwalking and daydreaming). Unless they are BOTH lying
(a possibility to consider), my hypothesis takes observable AND
reproducable data (pure unadulterated FACT), links the data to
the observed behavior (made by many many people - and 100%
consistent to boot -) of a natural phenomena, and suggests that
Rowen's experience was due to the same natural phenomena.

Honestly, what are your credentials for even making such an
irresponsible comment? Do you have a BS, Masters, or PH D in
a science? Have you excelled in APPLYING your scientific
knowledge and won any awards as a result? Or, are you merely
some teenager/pre-teen who THINKS hes smart?
haha nice touch with the (more potent) thing
you hang out in the religion forums dont you
i dont know why i even ventured out of the science forums here.... oh well you want an intellectual challenge? bring it on, I'm ready
Glad you liked it. I'm challenging YOUR 'challenge'. If your
challenge is based on life experience then thats what I am
challenging. It's on and the balls in your court. My credentials? BS
in Computer Science (30 creds away from a masters) with 7 years
of industry experience, a lifetime of excelling at biology and
physics, and over 15 awards distributed across all the above
(mostly in CS though). Yours?

And yes, I frequent the religious forums. That does not mean
I am a 'believer' (in fact I'm not).

okay soggy dog,

how many calculus, physics, or chemistry classes have you had? you may be closer to me in a B.S., but I'm not going for computer science either
For college I've had 3 Calc courses (last one being insane
integration), 2 physics courses (last one touched quantum
mechanics a tad), and nothing in Chemistry beyond Organic.

Just to clarify, I HAVE a BS... its the Masters that I don't (just
close... but try fitting in school while maintaining a full-time
job as a Sr. Engineer and being married and you'll see its not
a trivial task).

Whats your major plutonium junkie?
weeeeelllll i was leaning towards chemistry, mabey chemical engineering or somthing like that. but i haven't decideed for certain until i complete linear algebra and diff e.q's and thermo , electro mag and quntum mech.

i may go E.E. or physics sumthin rather

what i actually wanted to do, i just saw reports recently of that. but i need to get through those classes. I kinda wnat to use holograms for chemical engineering, which just recently (to my knowledge) was a technique used for building nanobots

oh yeah i also in my spare time research herbal medicine, and one day might decide to open my own healing herbal medicne practice ( using western techniques as well but focussed more towards herbal remidies).
Cool beans. I would recommend physics. I took the wrong
choice when I did CS. Well, it was actully the correct choice
for the $$$ I wanted... but it was the wrong choice otherwise.
I have come to realize that I am alot more interested in physics :).
I may opt to go back to school sometime in the far off future and
go the route of physics all the way to PHD but I need to
concentrate on money for the moment.

Anyhow, seeing has how you have the apparent ability to
comprehend abstract ideas such as using holograms to facilitate
nonobot construction, why the hell were you so quick to slam
my hypothesis?

I'm thinkin phd also, but you gotta crawl before you walk. as to your theory, sorry if it came out the wrong way, but I was actually supporting it. I offered an alternative view, and then added that I thought
I and L could also be "sleepwalking" or daydreaming, living in the subconcious while the concious goes about the day as normal

in refference to :
I) The observer experiences a feeling of increased forward

L) The observer becomes disoriented (potentially to a non-
functional state).

lack of clarity on my part I guess
the ol' mis-understanding

Ain't that always the case? I wish Rowen would read the damn
thread already :)
I want Rowen to read my hypo and respond as to whether
there are any other anomoly match ups.