Puppet Strings

no, i havn't been wandering around arizona either. it was just a little sarcasm about the "its always a misunderstanding, isn't it" comment.... or are you fixing my own game?
Re: I really have no idea.

I was the friend that was with Rowen during "the experience" that night. I was the driver who got extremely disoriented for what must have been half a minute where it seemed we may have SKIPPED time and ended up in the wrong place...

Originally posted by xandrique
That night, I purposefully made myself more receptive to the energies of others in order to let myself escape for an evening from my emotional state. Rowen is extremely energetic and erratic and, well, it's very controlling if one will let it control...

As we were going up to the red light I decided to go to Denny's when Rowen said "Wow, it's like the world is being cut in half" and I was immediately disoriented by her disorientation (having that connection with her at the time). It feels like when I fade out in class and come back to "reality" later wondering where the hell I've been (having no recollection of my thoughts in the time I started daydreaming), it felt exactly like that... but only for about 20 seconds with a later distortion in our perception of time as we sat in the car wondering for 17 minutes.
In a way it felt as though we hit a point in the structure of time, like the "thousand evers" deja vu I've talked about before, only it was completely opposite. But I can't really back that up with proof at all...

IN CONCLUSION: Whatever Rowen went through, it effected me to nearly the same degree. It didn't feel like I was, in any way, in control of the event.

If anything, I'd say that we just skipped a few seconds in our perception of time, and it was VERY disorienting.

When I look back at my own message from there, it doesn't seem like I really know what I'm talking about. I'm going to say I'm all about fantasy, but I'm not liar. It could have been that her freaking out disoriented me and since I'm prone to missing pieces of time due to my imagination I must have lost track of where I was going. It doesn't seem very unusual except that it happened to the two of us. I really wish we could have actually discussed this before posting it here... it seems completely irrational and delusional.

Well, that just kinda puts it all in perspective there... yes-sir-eee.
Just out of curiosity, did anything in my original post seem familiar
to you at all (just in case)?
t'was the:

"hmmmm.... I can sum up all those affects in just one called "your trippin balls!"

and remember kiddies, it need not be drug induced. "

statements. A hypothesis slam clear out of the blue Or a
well, I thought that a combination of one or more of the effects you described could account for trippin, and well It was just an easy diagnosis to say "you were trppin balls!".

would you agree that if you experienced close to all the effects you described, would not you be "trippin balls"?
If I experienced even 25% of those effects I would be thankful
to survive the experience :). Your comment however, was worded
in a way that can be interpreted as an attempt to discredit the
effects list... rather than what you stated in your last post (which
was your actual intention).


The observer travels significantly more distance than would
normally be possible at the speed he is moving at.

The observer becomes disoriented (potentially to a non-
functional state).

These two facrors are the only two that I experianced.
Although your theory is interesting I do not feel that it is the cause of the effect.


Y'know, I could make an interesting comment about the whole "cause of the effect" statement you just made, but I think that may be another thread altogether :).

Maybe it's time to let this one rest in pieces...