Puppet Strings

Actually that time gave me a good example of how the Americans have so many "friendly fire" problems. It was a shore bombardment exercise off Western Australia. We were the only Australians there, playing with an American surface group. They had command of the exercise, since it was basically all for them; we were just there as an escort really (you have to have someone local present as a matter of form). So we were just sitting around as the yanks were getting ready to fire up their guns. I was sitting there on my ship's surface radar, just listening to stuff. Then I hear sixty marines on the beach directly below the targets, right before everyone is about to open fire. As far as I knew, they were supposed to be further down the beach, out of the line of fire, to get some small idea of what it's like to be near shelling. However, they were right under the guns. Once again the captain was on hand, in the ops room to keep an eye on everything. He was standing right behind me and to the left, so I just turned around and said "Sir, there are marines on the beach right under the guns." This was the only time I ever saw my captain rely on someone else, rather than making sure himself. He just assumed the Americans would have it all organised. Seconds later the shells start flying across my radar display, then alost immediately the marines on the beach are all "Stop! We're not in position yet!" So the exercise stopped, until they were further along the beach, then it continued.

After a few such incidents, of me happening to notice things when othrs didn't, I was put on point on many operations. Sub hunting, all sorts of stuff.
That was really interesting Adam. It is a good read. Only not so suitable for this thread.

If you people will please go back ontopic. I would appreciate that a lot.

Thank you. :)
Mystech, I suggest you start to show some respect for the posters in here. If this is not your kind of thing, then don't post here.

Insults are definetly out of the question. And I only say this once. Better take notice of it.
Slow Down

A lot of things happen in this world that we cannot easily explain. Humans, although we have come very far in our evolution and understanding of the happenings around us have a very small grip on the vastness of true reality. I liken it unto a crack in a stone fence your trying to peek though at a 10,000 hectare secret garden.

So, feelings and episodes as the ones you have described to us are really not as rare as you think. I have often zoned out while I'm driving on long car trips only to burst back into consciousness not knowing how long I was out of it and wondering how I stayed on the road.

I believe with the combination of a great and powerful imagination which you posess, the right atmosphere, a somewhat puzzeling event, and a friend, you have the makings of a blown out of proportion event.

I don't think you need to go to a head doctor to perscribe you pills than numb you or one who tells you are experiencing some very powerful feelings and should come back next week. You r not crazy. I think you just need to slow down. And find an understanding of yourself on a spiritual level that you can use to ground yourself when you feel seporated, warped, confused, and not in control. When you busy, meditation becomes all the more important.
Originally posted by Banshee
Mystech, I suggest you start to show some respect for the posters in here. If this is not your kind of thing, then don't post here.

Insults are definetly out of the question. And I only say this once. Better take notice of it.

I'll have to side with Babelina, and her over sized orange letters, on this one, and not sell out to the man, and think what I wanna' think and do what I wanna do, or whatever.

If you can't handle free speach quit moderating a bulliten board :p

I never let the notion that I was crazy enter my mind, I knew I was not crazy. The only fact that bothered me was that what I expeianced was completely unexplainable.
It did not help that afterwards I felt seperated from reality. I felt as though I was existing on a seperate plain of reality from the rest of my fellow mortals.
Mystech, I am not a flake. Neither is my friend. If you knew us in real life and saw only the masks we put on for society you would never guess who we were. Both my friend and I consider ourselves highly intelligent beings who deserve respect. All I asked of people on this thread was to open their minds to the possibility that there is more to this world than we think. This event occured during a time when I began to question whether the forces I always had felt were just in my head or not. I felt that to become as you say a productive member of society i was going to have to leave behind my world of open wonder. That thought horrified me. I could never let my realities go. Now I realize that I do not have to let this world go, and that it allowed me to glimpse a reality that humanity does not want to see. i was a lost child crying for more depth to the world. The thought that we just survive in normal everyday reality proceedings horrified me.
I still do not understand what happened, but I am not as disturbed as I was. If anything I feel as though this event was....
I dont know. Thats the irony of the situation. I feel as though I was shown something important, and yet I dont know what it was. Sure I know it was a lapse in time that did not occur out of a trance state. It was more a manipulation of time, space, and reality that did not affect everyone else conciously. Therefore, proving that all people exist on different plains of reality. The truth behind this event though shall for the time being remain a mystery. Once before an event occured such as this one except it lacked the manipulation of space. Instead it only involved tha tmanipulation of time and reality. That however, is another complicated story that involved some other friends.
The only point I have left to make is that fear is an overiding emotion during these events. I do not know why and that fact is the only point that scares me. Maybe it is the loss of control that frightens me... I do not know.
Overall, there will always be theories as to what happened, and there will always be a million logical explanations such as the close minded remark of mystech.
Mystech I feel sorry for you, because you cannot see what there is not to see. Open your eyes to the world and its beauty. Dream and understand that life is more than we could ever hope to imagine. Know that time is a beast that humanity thinks it controls, and that reality is more vast and varied than the oceans deep, dark, and beautiful depths.
Mystery is beauty and horror locked together in a violent polar force. Thats the way its meant to be, because extremes are a dangerous and simplistic form of existence.
When the world overwhelm one's mind they must go outside and listen to the whispers of the trees.

-Finally, there is nothing more to say-

Ok, I have to ask once more, just in case: You're sure you're not a flake, right? hehe, because you sound like a flake.

Yeah, ok, I'm gonna' have to take offence at your assuming that somehow I don't see beauty in the world, just because I don't subscribe to your particular brand of tradeless unispired idea of beauty beyond reality because you feel so helpless and impotent in your own life. I'm a fan of nature, writing, and just about any form of digital media, so I don't HAVE to fabricate mystic visions and religious experiences just to make myself feel like a special unique snowflake of unique special specialness (or at least some sort of worth wile human being). Become more assured in yourself, and you'll be able to throw away these childish little tools.
so I don't HAVE to fabricate mystic visions and religious experiances just to make myself feel like a

You assume that I have imagined this event, which thereby proves your unwillingness to open your mind beyond your own little world. Also, how can you experiance the greater part of beauty when you have so little understanding of life beyond your own limited experiances.

-Snowflakes melt under the prescense of the fiery passion of the sun.-

This is more annoying than cake and ice cream. Can't you see? I guess I can't be responsible for not caring about your answers. I must be getting ALONG to NOT THINK about finding answers on Sciforums EVER... I've read the awful poetry and indulged myself in the careless opinions only to find replies like these.

Can I say PRETENTIOUS more than 80 times for some of you? Yes, indeed I can.

What answers do you want? I have a magic 8-ball.

Well, I don't, but I could pretend...
Originally posted by Rowen
You assume that I have imagined this event, which thereby proves your unwillingness to open your mind beyond your own little world. Also, how can you experiance the greater part of beauty when you have so little understanding of life beyond your own limited experiances.

-Snowflakes melt under the prescense of the fiery passion of the sun.-


See what I mean about needing to feel special? Quit fabricating experienses and go out and live life, it's really more fun out there then you'd think!
Re: crazy

Originally posted by Rowen

Mystech, I am not a flake. Neither is my friend. If you knew us in real life and saw only the masks we put on for society you would never guess who we were. Both my friend and I consider ourselves highly intelligent beings who deserve respect. Rowen

Hmm, I won't admit to putting on a mask at all. Yes, I'm the friend... I'm not facade-esque. I AM the quiet, yet sociable girl!
Just adding to the strange.
Retake on this all

They! Puppet Strings. Perhaps if you are on a higher level, as you feel, it is not quite integrated into your life. Those who exist on higher levels functionally are productive and positive members of society, like you are Rowen, like your friend is. The draw here is that those who are truly spiritually gifted feel absolutely no isolation or difference from 'everyone else'. Spiritually enlightened individuals can empathize on the deepest levels with any human and their emotions, and animals too I suspect [as animals seem not to fear them, but are drawn to them].

They? Surrounded by they? I've felt like this. I've also felt extreme EXTREME isolation, as if I am 'above' everyone else. For a while this was not conveyed to people as I acted charming around them, however it soon reached through twists and turns, drops and rises, where I cam off extremely ALOOF. This is and was not healthy. Thankfully I have come down quite a bit, and risen in another place. Still work to be done, it never ends.
I think fear of 'them' is just a projection of your own fear. That which bothers us most, agitates us, draws our attention most in others, is that which we lack in ourselves, that which we desire. Or that which we know best in ourselves and fall short of. Perhaps you are experiencing spiritual emergence turned emergency? When an emergence turns into an emergency, all sorts of signs you describe can be seen. And all sorts of reactions can be seen, such as categorizing schizophrenia. I mean, seriously people, if anyone here did any kind of research into spirituality, would you know that more often than ever things like Schizophrenia, multiple personality disorder, psychotic breaks, are the only LABEL and CLOSE MINDED ANSWER that the western world can give. Where does the 'spiritual emergency' room exist here? Yeah.. get back to me on that one. I know the place they can load me up with anti-psychotics so I can't feel anything happening... who wants to do that.

As for the alterations of time and space. Such occurances are not uncommon whilst under the influence of psychedelic drugs, especially within the group setting if a very high level of energy is present, all present will witness such 'paranormal' phenomenon (ie: telepathy, alterations in weaved pattern of time/space and the self's placement within it) In my opinion all drugs are utterly EMPTY and void of a specific 'value'. It is only their injestion and interaction with the mind which causes a person to 'REACT' to themselves with various 'blocks'/'inhibitions' removed. Generally most drugs effects can be labels based upon the 'expected' block removal (desired effect), however they are open to let us feel in ways, as we are open to let ourselves feel. Psychedelics don't give us a desired effect, although people often look for one in them. They are unpredictable and based soley upon the persons mindset. This allows for fantastic possibilities as they can allow internal self realizations to occur which under the constraints of 'reality time and space' could never have been realized without intense time / strain taken. I am not advocating psychedelic drugs here but..well whatever..read on ward

The possibility of an alien abduction or 'radiowave' interference is interesting, however I would tend to rule out both. Although 'aliens' may exist and very well be the powers which control this world, 'aliens' in the general sense is a hyped societal term which brings about a very closed-minded, they want to kill us/they're MORE than us attitude. Through jungian psychology and other forms of analytical thought, it is considered that the phenomenon of the UFO and ALIENS is a modern day occurance, a manifestation in the collective (un)conscious of modern man, so far removed from spirituality in daily life that these 'flying saucers/abductions' seem to appear/occur. They are embodiments of 'the other'. The other as in the Divine. The other, the Divine, peaking through into the consciousness of humanity. Of course viewing 'God' directly for us modern beings would be anything but Sane (with how close-minded our minds are right now) The state of the world and the lives most of us live is ANYTHING BUT sane in God's eyes. Hence the Juxtaposed position with god being an 'ALIEN', as in removed from us, NOT US. Whatever, thats my take on it. Alien is a confining word. God knows no words, no faces, no labels, only radiance and infinite open endedness.. Quantum.. Yes and No...and based on that answer to a question, move to the next.. Quickly this turns from 2 to 4 to 16 to 256 to 65536.. ETC, endless. Hence you'd be blown away..hence why you label someone who tries to tell you about aliens as purely CRAZY.

As for 'spontaneous' psychedelic state and those who report alien abductions---research has been done into the possibility of internally produced build up of DMT/5-MEO-DMT/PINOLEAN (SP?)
These are all endogenous psychedelics found naturally within almost all animals, including humans, and in many plants and trees--especially in the amazon. These chemicals are thought to be at maximum levels during sleep and are often correlated to dreaming. They are found within the pineal gland, often called the third eye. As for abductions and whatnot, psychedelic usage of these drugs both smoking and injection product STARTLING similarities (DMT) to alien abductions, with visions, REAL FEELING, transportations and all. It's no joke. look up information on it. There also lies the DISTINCT possibilities that levels of these chemicals can reach threshold levels in a person, due to foods eaten, hormones, light deprivation, and numerous other factors, including stress. There can be a point when they are released in greater quantity than the normal low levels found steady, suddenly and INTENSELY jetting the person into a profound mystical experience. The usage of these drugs in a psychedelic setting, provides the MOST INTENSE psychedelic experience, this can be vouched.

So.. there is many things at work..puppets on the string. Keep an open mind. Try to heal yourself, find trauma inside of yourself and talk about it with someone. I suspect you have great spiritual power and insight, however right now as it emerges you find yourself at the throes of it, unprepared for it's presence, catching you off guard and leaving you constantly questioning. I hope you will settle down and ground yourself first, and then try to build up from that.

That is all. As for mystikle or whatever who says the word flake about all this... why don't you do us all a favor and flake off or quit posting. bugger!!!

PEACE * HARMONY to you Rowen, and to your dearest friend. Much good to come to you both in time.
I think you are all lame flakes who want nothing more than for your fantasy world to become a reality ;).

Close Minded Folk

It would be pretty messed up if Fantasy became reality, after all, that would mean everything you think is important and hold dear would come crashing down on you. I think thats probably the last thing you want. Too affraid to step outside of your shell, you cannot for a moment fathom the levels of existance in this world.

Does anyone on this board have experience in channeling, healing, in going through a spiritual emergency? Feeling schizophrentic and not having anyone to verify that no, you're not crazy, but everyone ELSE thinks you are. Or are you all just hate mongers looking to benefit your own well being by attacking others? Sounds like a little USA syndrome and all... we're the good guys, can't you see??? (while bombs fall and children starve--just thats the part we're removed from in the 'glass house' comfort of our society)

Do all you flamers and non believers try to love your enemy? Do you volunteer, do you focus on material possessions? Do you waste even an hour of your day, watching TV? What a joke if you do! Like, how easy is it to just...not own a tv? What are you losing? Can't get the weather and the news on the internet? Oh..those shows...that show us 'reality' and you try to aspire to that, only thing is, that reality is idealized and perfected, and every flaw is resolved within 30 minutes just like real life... oh wait...maybe theres something more in REAL life..

When will the world realize that we are not dictated by what the world says we are, but that the world is dictated by what we know we are.
What is it about people who are know that theres doors that they are affraid to go in, and they don't want us to go in either, because if we do we might learn something that they don't know, and thats just a little out of their control?

Honestly all you people who are 'doubting' -- why on earth do you even COME to 'parapsychology' forums? To hate? to discredit? you probably do that enough to people around you in your life, take it elsewhere immediately!!!! NOT HERE. Didn't your parents teach you if you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all? Or are you so smart and witty you can break the rules? you're better than the rules, above them.. right on, tell it to god.

Go screw yourselfs and buy an SUV, nintendo and some ambercrombie pre-faded jeans so you can be more secure with yourself. And by the way, may god have mercy on you. I am praying for you.

As for those who are postive with posts, more power to you.

I ask you, what more can Rowen and her friend use than people having a little faith in them, a little belief in them, to help them get it for themselves.