Puppet Strings


It's not as though Rowen and I don't know what you think, Nebula. Even with the winky face... especially online, my tendencies to feel negatively towards a person is magnified by silly little "harmless" statements such as the one you've JUST said. Tell me it's worth your time and you'll see it can devalue a friendship.
*cough* Flakes *Cough* haha. Tell me, what exactly is spiritual awareness? and what sort of person is more "Spiritualy enlightend" and what exactly does that get them?
Spiritual awareness is being able to shift awareness soley from one's own self and feel how it would be to be standing in someone else's shoes.

A spiritually enlightened person gets A LOT OF PAIN because there is A LOT OF SUFFERING in the world, but they also get a lot of JOY as they help people to be liberated from ignorance. Ignorance is bliss (obvious for you MissTech), until you realize liberation from ignorance is bliss.

I hope you realize that.
It's realizing you're not the only thing in the universe. It's realizing you're not top sh*t. It's realizing that there are some things that science is just light years behind in trying to explain. It's realizing there might be forces that be, which are just a little more than what you can emperically deduce/proof/record.

If this is all FLAKE stuff to you, it's all a BEAUTIFUL SNOW FLAKE to me, Rowen and her friend... blooming spiritually. Soon flowers come..

So you're so smart MissedTech, explain the notion of LOVE to me, logically and anylitically, you know... and saying its 'just' chemicals is not a valid answer, as it only encompases a physiological aspect when there are different LEVELS of 'perspective'.

I think mystech, you need some LOVE...
Well,GlacialImprint, welcome to sciforums. I have to say you see/feel it all, very well. Good for you. :)

People like Mystech just don't want to get it.

Mystech, once again, I suggest you take your thoughts to the forums of which you are more knowledgable. Obviously, you are not able to respect other people's feelings and thoughts.

Keep in mind that you've had a proper warning about this all.

Please, change your attitude.

Xandrique, good to see you here. Keep on posting...:)
see what I mean about needing to feel special? Quit fabricating experiances and go out and live life, its really more fun out there then you'd think!

We already disscussed this! Stop closing your little mind and realize that this goes beyond your own personal issues with uniqueness. I do live in the world. My own world and reality. Are you going to claim that there is only one sole reality in this existence of ours? If so I really feel sorry for you and hope that you discover the entrance out of the gilded box you have trapped yourself in. This experiance occured because I was living my life in the outside world. I study the world, and interlacing realities not digital multimedia. Stop trying to calm your ignorant fears by expalining this event through the need to feel special. You are so far off in your explanations that you think your clever. People like you are the ones that build the tunnels of our society.

I think you are all lame flakes who want nothing more than for your fantasy world to become a reality

Nebula, for once I am truly disappointed in you. You of all people I expected to receive some relflected understanding. Instead you too build the darkened tunnels of the normal reality, or else you just want to be the shadow within the star arguing notions that you do not really feel just to obscure the hidden fire within. Either way I agree with xandrique that the nonsense witty remarks, and quirky happy faces tarmish your shimmer.
As for your assumptions based on prior prejudgices, I hate those the most. Is it that you are trying to convince yourself that there is nothing left to this world. While you argue about the existence of a soul you slowly dissolve your own. Do not take up the shovel, and start to dig the darkened tunnels of reality. We know what you think even though you think you can hide it from us. It upsets me that you belittle my intellect by suggesting I cannot see beyond my own mind. Fantasy is creative energy while reality exists on a whole other plain.

*cough* Flakes *Cough* haha. Tell me, what exactly is spiritual awarness? and what sort of person is more "spiritually enlightened" and what exactly does that get them?

Understanding, which is obvious from your shallow posts, is what you lack. I agree wholely with GlacialImprint that enlightened people feel the pain of the world. Do you ever cry for humanity Mystech, or feel the pain of the great Earth. If you do not feel that pain then you have no sense of the greatness of the expanded beauty of this world, or glimpse even small particles of understanding. I am not saying you do not feel and see beauty. However, I am saying you only glimpse a tunneled version.
Watch the world outside, and feel the things it feels. Taste the essence of anothers soul, and imagine that there is more to this existence than any of us could possibly know.

You may think that I am a flake. This is an obvious lack of experiance on your part. Are you jealous that I have experianced something you have, yet to know. This event occured I feel because of the questions I was posing to reality. I received no answer just new questions that expanded my spectral vision. I think you too are asking those same questions, or why else would you waste your precious time on this type of thread. Unless its negative energy, which you feed off of like som ekind of parasite. I hope not.


I did not feel superior to the rest of my fellow human beings. I felt as though I was not a part of their whole, or reality anymore. It was a feeling as though I existed on a whole other plain of space, reality, and time. I felt that the events that occured to them had no real significance in my current state. Maybe that is what you felt too. I just wanted to clarify that it was not an arrogant state. I still had understnading, only I was seperate from their web.
I thank you GlacialImprint for your understanding. You have left an imprint on my soul. Your posts were what I was searching for. I wanted belief and understanding. I am relieved to find such hope for humanity. I know that this may sound overdramatic, but passion is often seen as that. My soul tingles with warmth.

-We search for understanding in this reality, not answers.-

arrogance redefined

I hear you Rowen. Any feeling of warmth you have, any imprint I have left on you, is only reflected back to me from you. Thank YOU

:) Symbiotic and Harmonic like that!

As for arrogance, I know that was my personal attitude. for a while I felt like I was king of the world, and that was absolutely NO GOOD. A sense of feeling ALOOF only because I understood SO MUCH and everyone else who didn't was below me, cause they can't get 'all this'--what idiots! On the contrary, what beautiful minds & hearts that I wish to illuminate. I'm realizing it's my job to integrate 'all these tales of the inexpressible' (all this unknown/unexplainable) into useable packets of information/help/understanding for humanity, in ways they can percieve and relate to it. You can't just GIVE someone enlightenment, but they must walk the path themselves--teachers along the way can help dramatically.

Anyways, just the feeling of being removed, on a different plane--generally thought of as 'higher', though it can be 'lower' also.. Just I'm saying that sense of seperation is being at the throes of spiritual emergence turned emergency. True & stable spiritualy lets you feel these higher and lower planes but is centered around the plane of 'normal' reality. You're able to move between it and the other levels at your will, not mercilessly be held at extremes of it. ie: oblivious 'super happy go-lucky', and intensely held and locked depression with no hope for happiness.
Both unhealthy but extremes which must be explored in order to fully understand one's self. Everyone is unique and these extremes will be different/subjective for everyone, its just my experience that I use those examples.

I suspect you've calmed down and are defining yourself and finding semblances of understanding. Have faith--answers can be a hazard to your health. Believe in you. I'll do just that. And by the way, quit letting her skip classes!!! :p LOL im the hypocrite on this one, as i'm skipping one right now.. haha.. Take care Rowen and know you have a special place within this world, within yourself--As does your friend, yet both of you are quite the cats pajama's--each and in your own intricate and uniquely beautiful 1 in 6,000,000,000 SNOWFLAKE way. :)

Don't feel as if I've singled you out. I said "all." :)

I dunno, your experience sounds suspiciously similar to an idea for a play I once heard...:bugeye:
Besides, did I really insult anyone? I certainly didn't challenge your intellect, as you said I did. Flake = eccentric person and if either of you (Rowen/Xandrique) deny that you eccentric, well then, maybe I'll take it back. I don't mean any harm by what I say, it was just a way of saying you're crazy!

Note also: I didn't say crazy was a bad thing!

And now from the backside someone wishes to validate their previous statements, and justify things said

Well, just know that words mean a lot and its easy to say some that hurt people, and its even easier to pretend like it wasn't so.

Perhaps there is one simple set of words you can use which let you swallow your pride and let yourself be forgiven by others who were hurt:

I'm sorry

p.s.: its just a thought and, hey, unfortunately I can't be in your shoes and know Rowen and Xandrique in real life right now, but you should be aware that you're lucky you do.
hehe....Glacial, do you teach kindergarten or something?

I'm glad to see that you still trust the adage "if you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all." Does your mother still cut your meat for you too?
I would love to teach kindergarten. Children speak truth and could teach me A LOT.

So I have a lot of mean shit to say and saying it to other people's face helps them a lot???? Why don't you just swallow your ugly pride.

Actually I haven't lived with my mom in going on 3 years. I attend university and am president of my fraternity. Want me to bash you going to a community college and say you're stupid for that, whats wrong? don't you have money for a real university? Aren't you smart enough? huh? whimp, chicken.. puss.. let me make fun of your foibles please. Oh, you're perfect, I forgot? Hahaha you're poor, hahaha you're dumb, hhahaha you're too immature to move out of your house and attend a real school, hahahaha yeah right like that makes ME feel better to say about you, like it makes you feel better to hear me make fun of you. Grow up. If I didn't have compassion for you I'd crush you like debries under a glacier.

on a side note I try not to eat meat. It tends to make people bullish, piggish, and ego-driven/riden. If it bothers you I 'act' like a child in your eyes, perhaps you should dwell on the passage from the bible "and jesus said those who are like children will be in the kingdom of god" ~ ~ or something along those lines.
Actually I haven't lived with my mom in going on 3 years. I attend university and am president of my fraternity. Want me to bash you going to a community college and say you're stupid for that, whats wrong? don't you have money for a real university? Aren't you smart enough? huh? whimp, chicken.. puss.. let me make fun of your foibles please. Oh, you're perfect, I forgot? Hahaha you're poor, hahaha you're dumb, hhahaha you're too immature to move out of your house and attend a real school, hahahaha yeah right like that makes ME feel better to say about you, like it makes you feel better to hear me make fun of you. Grow up. If I didn't have compassion for you I'd crush you like debries under a glacier.

MUCH better :D.

jesus said those who are like children will be in the kingdom of god
We already have much proof that ignorance is bliss. Please don't drag superstition into this already sticky debate...
Haha, uh oh, Rowan is on to me, I think! I'm jealous of her mystical powers! So now, aparently spirtual evolution is crying about shit you just aren't involved in? Sounds productive! Wouldn't someone who's "spritualy enlightend" Be able to do something rather than just sit and cry, haha. Or better yet, wouldn't a sane or rational person be able to see that every man isn't his brother's keeper, and that he's not some sort of inherently superior being who's task it is to help the poor lesser beings of the world? You're a closet aristocrat, methinks Rowan.

Also, again, are you sure you're not a schizo? Or at least autistic? I mean come on you ARE the one claiming you live in your own world. And I'm sorry, dear, but yes, this IS the only reality, it's all we got, so please try to stay here, rather than building a new one in your head.

And Glacial, don't worry about acting childish for Nebula, you seem to be way ahead of yourself on that one already.

Might I suggest that all involved here take some sort of Critical Analysis/thinking class at a local school, or university, perhaps a certified professional can drill it into your heads that IF IT DOESN'T EXIST, YOU CAN'T BELEIVE IN IT!
LOL, good advice Mystech. I am grateful for what phil 202 did to me! Critial thinking applies to EVERYTHING; philosophy (and yes, even, parapsychology) does not transcend logical, rational though.

Rowen: You really should have taken that class, seriously, I think you would have enjoyed it. It's a lot of fun. We should go in the same phil class next semester :D .

Hi Mystech,

Did you see a movie called The Matrix...?

ladies and gents?

The ones who need to read about spiritual evolution are acting just like little girls, and not gentleman, perhaps they're just all little boys. Nebula, Mystech..does your mother cook food for you? Do you clean the toilets in your house? Do you vaccum. Do you work jobs and pay for your own residency? Do you pay for your schooling? noo.. whine whine whine, cry cry cry, wait a second... if you're not supposed to be your brother's keep, if you're not supposed to worry about humanity, may i ask what exactly all the teachers in your life and your parents, especially your mom, cared and loved and nurtured you for? So you can be an asshole to everyone you talk to? I think not.

Of course critical thought process is essential to a strong sense of self and of understanding in this world. Xandrique will vouch nebula, that I am the most overly-analytical person that exists, if she has ever met one.

As for being critical of rowan. Are you all just so UNCRITICAL and UNANYLITICAL POTSMOKING FOOLS that you forgot where I mentioned spiritual emergence turned emergency? When a spiritual emergence occurs, if the individuals sense of self within the world is not fully rooted (which can be generally said to occur from the late teens to early 20's) then the situation can seem out of their control and basically like an emergency. This generally lets a person display symptoms of mental illness. This is the only logical explanation that the western science locked (like the male-driven foolish egos you are locked into) world can come up with. In african, south american, middle-eastern, and far eastern societies there is all at least a degree more of acceptance and help for this.

However I have faith in rowen, and the reason for this spiritual emergence turned emergency is testing her, and will let her gain a very strong sense of self. Perhaps it does and will intimidate you.

You smokers talk about logical and rational thought. thats fantastic. Are you aware of what the RIGHT hemisphere of your brain is for at all? HAAHA idiots, perhaps you'd be suprised to know that within you all lies a dormant hemisphere completely able to think about things out of context, spacial relationships, and unrational thought.

Look up a little information on the right hemisphere.. Woah..you'll find a bunch of skills you're rather weak with.

The left hemisphere is great at being local and scientific, and look at the current state of the world.

Why don't ALL YOU HATE MONGERS move to the 'girl-friend desperate immature little boys forum' you can all talk about how smart and perfect you are there.

As for you doubting faith? May I ask what role then religions play around the world, and why there are dedicated followers, and why they have been around longer than you have been in this world? Longer than Television. Longer than SUV's and even shoes and clothes? Obviously they'res nothing in them huh? Obviously you haven't been nearly critical or objective enough in all your analysis of this.

You're all peons [hate mongers] and I love you. You feed my own growth.

You accuse me of being irrational, yet you are the one that asserts without question the belief of "reality" beyond the physical. I hate having to do this, but since you are now challenging me as being the irrational, unanalytical one, I'm going to have to ask you to provide evidence that there is a supernatural component to reality.

My view is that the world is entirely physical (and if you REALLY want to get into that debate, we can). Therefore, all experiences and sensations are products of our brains interpreting sense data. This is based on rational, scientific though.

In turn, I believe that all of the "paranormal" experiences people have been describing are all products of the mind. Since I don't believe in the supernatural, I have a hard time believing their claims to be true. So sue me.

Glacial; I don't mind being flamed or whatever, but your claims mean very little me unless you back them with evidence.

Site note: Where's Xev when you need her :) .