Punishing women for false accusation of rape

If they weren't in the minority wegs, the world would be a far sadder place I suspect.:)

Did my blasphemy upset you? I'll try not to take the Lord's name in vane in future, or any other mythical deity like Alah, or whatever else fits that bill.:D
If Alzheimers hasn't rattled your brain, you would recall that I am not religious is the least so your ramblings would hardly upset me.

You are the upset fellow with a beer in one hand and the TV remote clutched in the other Grandpa.
Was never aware of this, not being one that is greatly interested in Hollywood, unless it is a good sci/fi story or doco [Don't even know who she is]
"Sexual assault allegation against Argento[edit]
On August 19, 2018, The New York Timespublished allegations that Argento sexually assaulted actor Jimmy Bennett.[6] Argento had first met Bennett when he played her son in the 2004 film The Heart Is Deceitful Above All Thingswhen Bennett was 7 years old.[6] The alleged assault occurred in 2013 when he was two months past his 17th birthday in a hotel room in California where the age of consent is 18; Argento was 37 at the time.[6] According to Bennett, in their encounter Argento gave him alcohol, performed oral sex on him and engaged him in intercourse.[6] The actress had quietly arranged a $380,000 nondisclosure settlement with Bennett in the months following her revelations regarding Weinstein.[6] Bennett said when Argento came out against Weinstein, it stirred memories of his own experience in 2013. He imparted he had sought to resolve the matter privately, and had not spoken out sooner "because I was ashamed and afraid to be part of the public narrative."[38] In a statement provided to the Times, he said: "I was underage when the event took place, and I tried to seek justice in a way that made sense to me at the time because I was not ready to deal with the ramifications of my story becoming public. At the time I believed there was still a stigma to being in the situation as a male in our society. I didn’t think that people would understand the event that took place from the eyes of a teenage boy." Bennett said he would like to "move past this event in my life," adding, “today I choose to move forward, no longer in silence."[38]

Argento denied the allegations, claiming that she never had a sexual encounter with Bennett and that when he made a request for money to her, her partner Anthony Bourdain paid him to avoid negative publicity?"
If Alzheimers hasn't rattled your brain, you would recall that I am not religious is the least so your ramblings would hardly upset me.

You are the upset fellow with a beer in one hand and the TV remote clutched in the other Grandpa.
Wrong again sweety....I rarely if ever visit or take any notice of your posts.Insignificance comes to mind. And your continued insults and inuendo show that perhaps your own brain is far more rattled then mine will ever be likely. Perhaps its your time of the month? :p Take it easy and take that disprin, have a good lay down, and the fuzziness and rattled brain, may diminish some...may! :D:D
Wrong again sweety....I rarely if ever visit or take any notice of your posts.Insignificance comes to mind. And your continued insults and inuendo show that perhaps your own brain is far more rattled then mine will ever be likely. Perhaps its your time of the month? :p Take it easy and take that disprin, have a good lay down, and the fuzziness and rattled brain, may diminish some...may! :D:D
I would never think that you "take notice" of my posts. That's obvious.

Isn't it time for you to repost another "science" article that you don't understand from some website? Or are you still livid regarding the "low life" women?
I would never think that you "take notice" of my posts. That's obvious.

Isn't it time for you to repost another "science" article that you don't understand from some website? Or are you still livid regarding the "low life" women?
:D Take it easy!!!! I mean really, you'll have a coronary!!
Sorry, I forgot my term of endearment addressing you. Take it easy sweety :p
Of course I take no notice of your posts! Fools are ignored, sorry about that.
:D Take it easy!!!! I mean really, you'll have a coronary!!
Sorry, I forgot my term of endearment addressing you. Take it easy sweety :p
Of course I take no notice of your posts! Fools are ignored, sorry about that.
No problem. If you ignore me any more all you'll be doing is responding to my posts.
Was never aware of this, not being one that is greatly interested in Hollywood, unless it is a good sci/fi story or doco [Don't even know who she is]
"Sexual assault allegation against Argento[edit]
On August 19, 2018, The New York Timespublished allegations that Argento sexually assaulted actor Jimmy Bennett.[6] Argento had first met Bennett when he played her son in the 2004 film The Heart Is Deceitful Above All Thingswhen Bennett was 7 years old.[6] The alleged assault occurred in 2013 when he was two months past his 17th birthday in a hotel room in California where the age of consent is 18; Argento was 37 at the time.[6] According to Bennett, in their encounter Argento gave him alcohol, performed oral sex on him and engaged him in intercourse.[6] The actress had quietly arranged a $380,000 nondisclosure settlement with Bennett in the months following her revelations regarding Weinstein.[6] Bennett said when Argento came out against Weinstein, it stirred memories of his own experience in 2013. He imparted he had sought to resolve the matter privately, and had not spoken out sooner "because I was ashamed and afraid to be part of the public narrative."[38] In a statement provided to the Times, he said: "I was underage when the event took place, and I tried to seek justice in a way that made sense to me at the time because I was not ready to deal with the ramifications of my story becoming public. At the time I believed there was still a stigma to being in the situation as a male in our society. I didn’t think that people would understand the event that took place from the eyes of a teenage boy." Bennett said he would like to "move past this event in my life," adding, “today I choose to move forward, no longer in silence."[38]

Argento denied the allegations, claiming that she never had a sexual encounter with Bennett and that when he made a request for money to her, her partner Anthony Bourdain paid him to avoid negative publicity?"

Anthony Bourdain? He committed suicide last year. He had a popular travel reality series.

I know that's not why you posted this story, but that's strikingly strange that he was involved with this. I just googled for more details, and she is denying any allegations that she ever assaulted anyone. She claims that the pay off was Bourdain's idea.

In other news, I heard Weinstein might be facing prison time, finally. Lives of the rich and famous, eh?
I've read all the posts. I posted in this thread before Bells did. Bells is more than capable of holding her own in a discussion like this one, as is more than clear. She hardly needs me to protect her.
You forget.. I am a woman.

Men like Paddoboy believe that we have to be protected. It's why he has issues with the notion that some women lie. It does not fit into his ideal of what a woman should be.

It is why he keeps pointing out repeatedly how women want him, hit on him, etc.. And why in previous discussions about women he would comment about how he pees standing up.

When cornered, men like paddoboy resort to the usual trope. He and I have been here before. Same pattern.

Accuses women of being emotional, then starts with the fairly sexist name calling and then follows through with ensuring everyone knows how he's a man. Remember the Women's March thread? The fit he pitched at the thought of women having "rights" and how angry he was that women were anti- street harassment? He referred to us as "feminazi's" for saying that street harassment was sexual harassment.

For example, after telling me I posting 'emotionally', paddoboy was true to form:

Just because you are a sensitive snowflake and cannot cope with reading what women experience without resorting to abuse to avoid it is not my problem. If your sole intent is to troll and basically act like a flaming idiot because you want to shut the discussion down because you want to reserve the right to continue to sexually harass women, then I'd suggest you go and find a thread that will be less upsetting for you.

:D And there we go again, Ladies and Gentlemen!! Sensitive Snowflake!!! :D:rolleyes: And continue to sexually harass women?? Tell you what girly, why don't you contact the appropriate authorities and inform them of those on this forum that are condoning sexual harassment. Perhaps while you are at it, you can also start a campaign re the sexual jokes that do the rounds, that focus on gender and/or nationality...Let me equate you with a few....
1. What’s the fastest way to a man’s heart?
Through his chest with a sharp knife.
As an airplane is about to crash, a female passenger jumps up frantically and announces, "If I'm going to die, I want to die feeling like a woman." She removes all her clothing and asks, "Is there someone on this plane who is man enough to make me feel like a woman?" A man stands up, removes his shirt and says, "Here, iron this!".
Or better still, I have a Irish mate who tells the best Irish jokes around....you understand Irish jokes??
Here's one.....
A man walks into a bar and orders three beers.

The bartender brings him the three beers, and the man proceeds to alternately sip one, then the other, then the third, until they're gone.

He then orders three more and the bartender says, "Sir, I know you like them cold, so you can start with one, and I'll bring you a fresh one as soon as you're low."

The man says, "You don't understand. I have two brothers, one in Australia and one in the Ireland. We made a vow to each other that every Saturday night, we'd still drink together. So right now, my brothers have three beers, too, and we're drinking together."

The bartender thinks it's a wonderful tradition, and every week he sets up the guy's three beers. Then one week, the man comes in and orders only two. He drinks them and then orders two more. The bartender says sadly, "Knowing your tradition, I'd just like to just say that I'm sorry you've lost a brother."

The man replies, "Oh, my brothers are fine -- I just quit drinking."

Have those jokes lightened your day Bells?

Because pointing out that sexual harassment was wrong, in the world according to paddoboy. You know, jokes pointing out women's places in the world and how men, men like him are 'the blokes'..

And then, as expected, he followed the exact pattern:

Nice reasonably polite post....thank you.
In answer...I treat everyone equally....I am all for Women's equality, as opposed to women's rights.
With regards to those points I made, perhaps I need to take some blame by not adding the appropriate emoji...I was being fecetious, even sarcastic if you will.
I can assure you that being a the baby boomer generation and having had decency and reasonableness instilled into me at an early age, I will still always stand for a women on a bus...even though I'm now 73, although a pretty healthy and fit 73....I will always modify my speech when a women is present...being a rough diamond, with mates, I do use the "magic word" a fair bit, but eliminate that when women are present. I still often help young women with trolleys parcels, loads etc. I regard women as women, equal but of opposite sex and being physically in general weaker then the male sex, will always go out of my way to help when required. Is that discrimination? Or respect? Is it simply a result of my upbringing and the standards that applied with my generation? Certainly with regards to women, in my generation they were discriminated against but much of that is being addressed at this time, as it should be. But as I have said, and as the women in the links I have given have said, there is a small number of women within the movement, who want more then equality...perhaps that is just human nature. Doesn't make it correct though.

Damn this!! I have things to do and places to see!!!!

Same pattern.. A true 'bloke'.

He's repeating it here as well. When women point out his error, he loses his shit. Tells them they are being emotional, starts ensuring they know their place and then, true to form, points out how he is a man.. In another thread he was sure to remind us he peed standing up, after the exact same pattern. Like when I pointed out that his comments about how women hit on him or something something had nothing to do with this thread, he doubled down, and I asked whether this was his attempt to show us his virility or something and again noted it had nothing to do with this thread, he made even more sexualised comments about how he doesn't need pills..

He is pointing out how he is a man, because you know, a 'sheila' stood up to him and dared to disagree with him.

So of course he will believe that you are stepping in to defend me or protect me. The fact that he's acting like a pervert is beside the point. To him, women are weak, need protection and must absolutely behave in a way that suits him.
Anthony Bourdain? He committed suicide last year. He had a popular travel reality series.

I know that's not why you posted this story, but that's strikingly strange that he was involved with this. I just googled for more details, and she is denying any allegations that she ever assaulted anyone. She claims that the pay off was Bourdain's idea.

In other news, I heard Weinstein might be facing prison time, finally. Lives of the rich and famous, eh?
Thanks for that wegs...like.i said, I don’t really take too much notice of Hollywood and it’s gossips and scandals. Ps: on a side note,you don’t by any chance have an old fashion fly swatter about, do you? Bloody annoying little insects in my ear!!!
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The "logic" of the MGTOWs, as I understand it--and as it has been explained by a member of this forum--is that they must avoid any and all interaction with "females" (their preferred terminology) in order to avoid the possibility for false accusations of rape and sexual assault.
Sounds familiar..

OK, I'm convinced by our two bu, ooops, sorry members re women's rights, sexual harrassment etc etc. And I'll promise to do my best to achieve all that this momentous movement believes it should achieve.... I will
[1] Make an effort to contact all women who have ever been "wolf whistled" over the last 60 years or so to bring charges to bear against those that so terribly harrassed them.
[2] , Contact all women who have ever had a bloke "perve" in their direction, to bring charges against those evil blokes that perpetrated such a crime.
[3] I will promise to cease standing up in a bus for anyone of female gender.
[4] I will promise never again to let any women before me in any shopping checkout queue.
[5[ I will cease to attempt to help any women who is carrying a load of grocies or whatever.
[6]I will make every effort to change laws so that to make sure any women who has been shown to have unjustly accused any man of sexual harrassment, to automatically receive whatever sentence that the man they accused would have received.eg: life imprisonment for rape or as applies in some places, the death penalty.
[7] I will make efforts to see the laws change that will prevent any male person that is part of the Surf life Saving orginisation, to be prevented from rescuing any women in distress and to be able to give any form of ressucitation to that person, that involves mouth to mouth contact and/or the pumping of the chest [breasts] for obvious reasons.
Mod Note

Paddoboy, please cease and desist in referring to other members with terms such as "sweety", "darl", and other frankly demeaning terms when used in this context when they have clearly expressed that it is not welcome. You were told it was not appropriate by others, but you persist. It is unwelcome.

Please refer to this
site's rules:

Referring to other members
H4. Refer to other members by their chosen screen names. The deliberate alteration of a member’s name to insult or demean him or her is unacceptable.

H5. Comments about other forum members that are derogatory, overtly sexual or which constitute harassment are unacceptable.

Perhaps you believe you are being a larrikin, or the cliché Aussie 'bloke'.

You aren't.

The same also applies to others.

Enough is enough.
Thanks for that weds...like.i said, I don’t really take too much notice of Hollywood and it’s gossips and scandals. Ps: on a side note,you don’t by any chance have an old fashion fly swatted about, do you? Bloody annoying little insects in my ear!!!
On my mobile ...fly swatted should be fly swatter
Mod Note

Paddoboy, please cease and desist in referring to other members with terms such as "sweety", "darl", and other frankly demeaning terms when used in this context when they have clearly expressed that it is not welcome. You were told it was not appropriate by others, but you persist. It is unwelcome.

Please refer to this
site's rules:

Referring to other members
H4. Refer to other members by their chosen screen names. The deliberate alteration of a member’s name to insult or demean him or her is unacceptable.

H5. Comments about other forum members that are derogatory, overtly sexual or which constitute harassment are unacceptable.

Perhaps you believe you are being a larrikin, or the cliché Aussie 'bloke'.

You aren't.

The same also applies to others.

Enough is enough.
Hollywood and it’s gossips
... politics & its Gossips ?

is there any difference ?
the biggest Hollywood stars create more jobs and more industry than any politicians do.
They also positively influence culture & morals.

maybe this alt-right message about Actors not being allowed to have free speech is based in greed , jealousy & envy.

surely you have no desire to play hand puppet to their machinations ?
My sister was tellin me about a niece's boyfrind after they had been over at her house... that he was very nice an polite… an that sounded good to me… an she then told me how he walked over to the trash can an looked in it… then took the bag of trash out of the can an said… my mama taut me that as long as thers a man in the house a woman shoud never have to take the trash out… an he then took the trash out to the dumpster.!!!

I thout… somptim sounds creepy about his trash can “show” an i suspected that the other shoe woud soon drop.!!!

The way it sounded to me was… he was the protector an it woud be the womans job to behave like his mama an he woud explain the details as necessary.!!!

Over the next couple of weeks i herd some of his other manly opinions that his girlfrind shoud adopt… such as… she shoud go to a male gynecologist… not the female that she went to… that her bra strap shoud never show… that she wore to much make-up… that he wanted 5 kids but woud prolly settle for 3… an he wanted them to start goin to church after they had kids.!!!

Even after that it still took a couple of mounths befor she broke it off.!!!

O well… beter late than never.!!!
The fact that he's acting like a pervert is beside the point.
I'm no pervert Bells, but perhaps you are driven by vindictiveness?
And the fact that I dare stand up to you on a matter where you are taking an extreme view.

To him, women are weak, need protection and must absolutely behave in a way that suits him.

No Bells you are again being driven by 'qualities"that don't add to your credibility.
Women are different to men, but also equal. They are certainly in most cases physically weaker...does that trouble you? I thought that was simply a biological aspect of what differences there are. And it is why I will stand up for a woman on a bus, help her with baggage if needed, or any other aspect where I can help. My Mrs also recipricates when I need help in my various cooking endeavours and other more sedate jobs in which I'm not as competent as her. You have any problems with any of that Bells?
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