Punishing women for false accusation of rape

Lol “sweet cake”

Sweet cake, yes, a delectable morsel of sweetness, a tart if you will. Not all women would like to be called a tart but Australia is known for the urbane refinement of their grandpas and their ability to turn a phrase to find just the right moniker for the ladies of Oz.
Have you gone outside today yet? Change can be scary. Reclining lounge chairs can be ordered online now and delivered right to your door.
Newfangled reclining lounge chairs can cause stress and injury if operated incorrectly. Perhaps a couch is the wiser choice.
That you know of. It's almost a certainty that some people you have said that to would have preferred to not be addressed that way, but didn't care enough to make a stink. There are examples of that on this thread.
I don't believe so.
Then I'd suggest you up your game. "We've always done it this way" has been the cause of more mediocrity, prejudice and failure than any other phrase in human history.
I asked a rhetorical question earlier, as to why Trump was ever elected. Perhaps that is the answer...that being many Americans are sick and tired of the attempted application of extreme political correctness and similar. :rolleyes:
By the way, same thing happened in Australia with the election of a right wing politician as PM...Much to my displeasure.
I don't believe so.
Ah, there's that key word - "believe."
I asked a rhetorical question earlier, as to why Trump was ever elected.
Because we have a lot of deplorables in the US. The answer is not "well, we all better be more deplorable then!" Be better, not worse.
Perhaps that is the answer...that being many Americans are sick and tired of the attempted application of extreme political correctness and similar.
Not calling someone "honey" or "love" is not "extreme political correctness." It is merely common courtesy. It is sad that you can't see the difference.
Newfangled reclining lounge chairs can cause stress and injury if operated incorrectly. Perhaps a couch is the wiser choice.
The Barcalounger was good enough for the 50's and it's good enough for 2019. It's where a manly man sits while his wife runs to the kitchen to get his beer.

I expect more from you Billvon, surely you know this?
Not calling someone "honey" or "love" is not "extreme political correctness." It is merely common courtesy. It is sad that you can't see the difference.
It is even sadder that you are unable to accept that it certainly is not in anyway insulting and/or demeaning.
The Barcalounger was good enough for the 50's and it's good enough for 2019. It's where a manly man sits while his wife runs to the kitchen to get his beer.
Wrong again love, I have my own man cave out the back where I relax, watch the footy, and have a beer with the fridge within reach. The Mrs does her stuff with her church choir over for practice in the house...a great tolerable arrangment, and a shame that you probably lack such an arrangement and won't reach that stage of life. :(
It is even sadder that you are unable to accept that it certainly is not in anyway insulting and/or demeaning.

Wrong again love, I have my own man cave out the back where I relax, watch the footy, and have a beer with the fridge within reach. The Mrs does her stuff with her church choir over for practice in the house...a great tolerable arrangment, and a shame that you probably lack such an arrangement and won't reach that stage of life. :(
You seem to be assuming that I'm a young wipper znipper. I'm not. I'm just not an old foggy at heart or physically. I call you grandpa but I don't know (or care) whether you have kids or grand kids (or a wife with a church group).

You're now part of the problem, it seems, and not part of the solution. Getting mad at a TV or computer screen means that your mental capacity has dwindled to the point where your opinions aren't relevant and don't need to be shared.
Newfangled reclining lounge chairs can cause stress and injury if operated incorrectly. Perhaps a couch is the wiser choice.
I only have the best...a LAZE-BOY it is called...comfy as hell!!!:D:p
Holy wow, that's insane! And so very sad.

Regarding the MGTOW stuff, yea...I've run across a few articles about that ''group,'' and it's all about blaming women for everything that has ever gone wrong in their lives, mixed with confusion as to why they can't find women to sleep with them. o_O

The "logic" of the MGTOWs, as I understand it--and as it has been explained by a member of this forum--is that they must avoid any and all interaction with "females" (their preferred terminology) in order to avoid the possibility for false accusations of rape and sexual assault. Seriously. Further, some--again, even on this forum--have argued that men simply can't help or control themselves--like, they might "accidentally" assault or rape someone, simply because it is their "nature." I'm reiterating, but, yeah, members of this forum have actually argued along these lines.
You seem to be assuming that I'm a young wipper znipper. I'm not. I'm just not an old foggy at heart or physically. I call you grandpa but I don't know (or care) whether you have kids or grand kids (or a wife with a church group).

You're now part of the problem, it seems, and not part of the solution. Getting mad at a TV or computer screen means that your mental capacity has dwindled to the point where your opinions aren't relevant and don't need to be shared.
Dream on old fella....My health, mentally and physically is A1 for an old bastard....or even some young fool. Like I say, I'm there, you are not as yet, but best of luck anyway.
Now go calm down, take a disprin and relax, just as I am now. :D
Pretty good for an old fogy, hey? :p
Oh, and before I sign off for a few hours, I have some work to do...[leak in the roof of the mezanine level of my man cave needs fixing]...I have nothing to hide sweety, I am what I am, and my wife is what she is and we have respect and tolerance for each others way of life, both when they converge and when they diverge. My life is an open book and I'm happy to discuss it any time.
A shame you are unable or unwilling to do the same.
So we can discuss with respect for each other, or with insults if that is what you prefer. Just be warned, I'll give as good as I get and appropriately applied. As I have said previously, I do not tolerate bullies, either male or female or in between.
The "logic" of the MGTOWs, as I understand it--and as it has been explained by a member of this forum--is that they must avoid any and all interaction with "females" (their preferred terminology) in order to avoid the possibility for false accusations of rape and sexual assault. Seriously. Further, some--again, even on this forum--have argued that men simply can't help or control themselves--like, they might "accidentally" assault or rape someone, simply because it is their "nature." I'm reiterating, but, yeah, members of this forum have actually argued along these lines.

That’s so strange. From what I’ve read about that group, it seems that they believe that by “men going their own way” they are somehow proving that men don’t need women etc...

But in reality, they probably aren’t capable of forming normal healthy relationships with women, so it’s probably not voluntary.

There are sexist men out there who seem to be capable of changing their behaviors if they see how it negatively affects women, but then there are men who literally hate women and barring serious therapy, they’ll stay lost in their misogyny. You’re a misogynist for sure if you think rape can’t be helped because it’s part of a man’s “nature.”
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That’s so strange. From what I’ve read about that group, it seems that they believe that by “men going their own way” they are somehow proving that men don’t need women etc...

But in reality, they probably aren’t capable of forming normal healthy relationships with women, so it’s probably not voluntary.

There are sexist men out there who seem to be capable of changing their behaviors if they see how it negatively affects women, but then there are men who literally hate women and barring serious therapy, they’ll stay lost in their misogyny. You’re a misogynist for sure if you think rape can’t be helped because it’s part of a man’s “nature.”
You're also just a dumb fuck, if we're being direct, if that's the way you "think".:)
That’s so strange. From what I’ve read about that group, it seems that they believe that by “men going their own way” they are somehow proving that men don’t need women etc...

But in reality, they probably aren’t capable of forming normal healthy relationships with women, so it’s probably not voluntary.

There are sexist men out there who seem to be capable of changing their behaviors if they see how it negatively affects women, but then there are men who literally hate women and barring serious therapy, they’ll stay lost in their misogyny. You’re a misogynist for sure if you think rape can’t be helped because it’s part of a man’s “nature.”

Sadly wegs, yes, people like that exist...the "Him Too" movement I linked to earlier probably has some as its members, just as some in the "me too" movement and woman's rights in general, will also have some, that I label feminazis.
Thank Christ though that they are in the minority, as are most extremist views either end of the spectrum..
Sadly wegs, yes, people like that exist...the "Him Too" movement I linked to earlier probably has some as its members, just as some in the "me too" movement and woman's rights in general, will also have some, that I label feminazis.
Thank Christ though that they are in the minority, as are most extremist views either end of the spectrum..

Let's hope so, love. ;)