Punishing women for false accusation of rape

I actually see that's it's a couple of mods that need reforming. ;) I mean, I really havn't changed my mind about too much...perhaps it's my style that needs reforming and not immediatley reflecting what I'm trying to say, because other then degree, there's not much you have said that I disagree with.....

No, as usual you miss the point sweety. Wegs and I were referring to two different applications of the use of pet names. A work colleague who you know by name, you use the name, agreed. A store assistant or such, as I described, nothing wrong....of course if some objection was raised to me calling someone love, I would cease. Does that clear things up sweety? Or are you a dumb blonde Bimbo? :p Apologies if that is objectionable to you. :p
I get what you are saying Hon. Some shellas like to be called shella but others want to be called dame, gal, or sweet thing. It's OK, as long as you don't know their name, right?
I get what you are saying Hon. Some shellas like to be called shella but others want to be called dame, gal, or sweet thing. It's OK, as long as you don't know their name, right?
It's sheila sweety, sheila, and its just Aussie slang for female, same as a male is a bloke or mate. Must be a blonde bimbo I'm dealing with! :D
I get what you are saying Hon. Some shellas like to be called shella but others want to be called dame, gal, or sweet thing. It's OK, as long as you don't know their name, right?
And of course it has never yet had any effect on the hundreds of times that I and many many others use it. Although that would be deflating to the case you are attempting to push.
And of course it has never yet had any effect on the hundreds of times that I and many many others use it. Although that would be deflating to the case you are attempting to push.
That's because the broads dig it, and you too.
I actually see that's it's a couple of mods that need reforming. ;) I mean, I really havn't changed my mind about too much...perhaps it's my style that needs reforming and not immediatley reflecting what I'm trying to say, because other then degree, there's not much you have said that I disagree with.....

No, as usual you miss the point sweety. Wegs and I were referring to two different applications of the use of pet names. A work colleague who you know by name, you use the name, agreed. A store assistant or such, as I described, nothing wrong....of course if some objection was raised to me calling someone love, I would cease. Does that clear things up sweety? Or are you a dumb blonde Bimbo? :p Apologies if that is objectionable to you. :p
Well...if you don’t mind being called honey and all that by strangers, no worries. There is a local mechanic who calls me “sweetheart” and I don’t really care because I don’t work with him. I still think it’s weird that he feels the need to call me this, but he calls all the customers I’ve noticed, different nicknames.

But maybe another woman might mind, so I can only speak for me. At work though? I don’t want to be called any “nicknames.”

I don’t call strangers anything. If I need help in a store I walk over to an employee and say “excuse me, can you help me?”

I don’t get the need to add a nickname lol That’s just me.
I understand your concern wegs, and I understand my own lack of concern when my local Doctor's receptionist, addresses everyone as "Darl" short slang for darling.
Great. But "I think it's OK when people do it to me" does NOT equal "therefore it's OK."
If I don't know a womens name, what do I call her if in need of assistance? Miss? Mrs?? Madam??
How about "excuse me, could you help me with XX?"
Like I said, I use "love" all the time...perhaps as a carry over from my generation, I'm not sure. But no one, absolutely no one has ever objected over many many years. That's the honest truth wegs.
That's fine. But do not think that 1) because no one ever objected, no one finds it objectionable and 2) that because it was OK with some people it will be OK with others.
.surely most men using such words in addressing a female DO NOT HAVE EVIL INTENTIONS!!
Of course. But some, sadly, do. Don't be the guy who "softens them up" or normalizes that behavior for the guy who will use their acceptance as an invitation to assault (or worse.)
I think you left a shrimp on the barbie grandpa, I smell it burning.
Like I said, I'm there, I doubt anyone exhibiting the stupidity you do will ever make it to the grandpa stage. :p
That's because the broads dig it, and you too.
Or maybe more to the truth, that the broads that have been involved as detailed, and the blokes and sheilas that make the remarks are not of the fanatical feminazi variety that you apparently are.
Like I said, I'm there, I doubt anyone exhibiting the stupidity you do will ever make it to the grandpa stage. :p

Or maybe more to the truth, that the broads that have been involved as detailed, and the blokes and sheilas that make the remarks are not of the fanatical feminazi variety that you apparently are.
You're clearly brilliant, grandpa. You've got that going for you at least.
I don’t call strangers anything. If I need help in a store I walk over to an employee and say “excuse me, can you help me?”
That might work, baby doll, but don't they get confused if there is more than one employee around? Sweet cake is more specific as the one who isn't really a sweet cake probably won't respond.

I don't know, everything is just changing so fast today and I can't keep up. Why, when I was a young man in the 50's a woman was a woman, her place was in the home and everyone liked it that way. I asked my sister and she agrees with me (and she's a woman).
Great. But "I think it's OK when people do it to me" does NOT equal "therefore it's OK."

How about "excuse me, could you help me with XX?"
If there was any indication that it wasn't OK, it would not be said. That has never been the case. And I generally say, "excuse me love, could you help me with XX?" Its par for the course where I am.
That's fine. But do not think that 1) because no one ever objected, no one finds it objectionable and 2) that because it was OK with some people it will be OK with others.
I think you are splitting hairs. See previous reply.
Of course. But some, sadly, do. Don't be the guy who "softens them up" or normalizes that behavior for the guy who will use their acceptance as an invitation to assault (or worse.)
See previous reply/s
How about "excuse me, could you help me with XX?"

indoctrinated cultural absolutes of associative authority profiles
very jung i might ponder
putting the position of authority prior to the position of the entity
it is the culture of the "everything must have a label to be owned and have its own right to exist"

very 1940s

"i have to give you a label" !

well ... actually ... no you dont.
but thanks for asking

forced compliance to demand the person give up something so you can say something to them.
it is quite bizzar
i have been pondering it for a wee while.
i have not made any progress.
it is connected to school bullying of which i can not yet be bothered unraveling.
instead of going the other way its at a point where school kids need to be carrying gun to school to protect themselves.
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And of course if the store assistant is a bloke, I say, Hey matey, can you direct me to XX? Obviously he isn't any mate, as I don't know him from a bar of soap...A form of address simply, that stupid extreme fanatics want to somehow lump in with sexual harrassment. I asked a rhetorical question earlier, as to why Trump was ever elected. Perhaps that is the answer...that being many Americans are sick and tired of the attempted application of extreme political correctness and similar. :rolleyes:
By the way, same thing happened in Australia with the election of a right wing politician as PM.
And of course if the store assistant is a bloke, I say, Hey matey, can you direct me to XX? Obviously he isn't any mate, as I don't know him from a bar of soap...A form of address simply, that stupid extreme fanatics want to somehow lump in with sexual harrassment. I asked a rhetorical question earlier, as to why Trump was ever elected. Perhaps that is the answer...that being many Americans are sick and tired of the attempted application of extreme political correctness and similar. :rolleyes:
By the way, same thing happened in Australia with the election of a right wing politician as PM.
You're gay. OK, that's cool. Maybe the women sense that and really are OK with your pet names. Thanks for sharing.
You're gay. OK, that's cool. Maybe the women sense that and really are OK with your pet names. Thanks for sharing.
Why don't you go home to your hubby love, it appears you are way out of your depth here....not quite "river" like one liner nonsense, but pretty close.
Go on, go see hubby and ask for some of your equality! :D
If there was any indication that it wasn't OK, it would not be said. That has never been the case.
That you know of. It's almost a certainty that some people you have said that to would have preferred to not be addressed that way, but didn't care enough to make a stink. There are examples of that on this thread.
And I generally say, "excuse me love, could you help me with XX?" Its par for the course where I am.
Then I'd suggest you up your game. "We've always done it this way" has been the cause of more mediocrity, prejudice and failure than any other phrase in human history.
Why don't you go home to your hubby love, it appears you are way out of your depth here....not quite "river" like one liner nonsense, but pretty close.
Go on, go see hubby and ask for some of your equality! :D
I have a comeback but it would require reposting a long article and that just wouldn't be very original, so I'll refrain.

Have you gone outside today yet? Change can be scary. Reclining lounge chairs can be ordered online now and delivered right to your door.
That might work, baby doll, but don't they get confused if there is more than one employee around? Sweet cake is more specific as the one who isn't really a sweet cake probably won't respond.

I don't know, everything is just changing so fast today and I can't keep up. Why, when I was a young man in the 50's a woman was a woman, her place was in the home and everyone liked it that way. I asked my sister and she agrees with me (and she's a woman).

Lol “sweet cake”