Punishing women for false accusation of rape

This is a complicated thing. There is a woman at the local petrol station store that calls everyone "my darling". It reminded me of the ubiquitous "habibi", when I was in Dubai in the 80s. Is there something like this in Iran? There are numerous regional variants in England, e.g. "pet", "duck" or "love".

All are terms of endearment that have become downgraded to being little more than verbal tics. I have never used any of these, first because I am a man and I always thought it might be thought "forward" -or, now that I am old, frankly creepy, and second because it tends to be a working class practice and I have had a solid middle class upbringing, so it wouldn't ring true in my mouth.

This whole discussion makes me think there is a great deal to be said for the French practice of formal politeness, opening every exchange, of whatever kind, with someone who you do not know by name by saying Bonjour Monsieur or Madame, (and responding in kind when so addressed). It shows respect and always gets people on your side, I find.

Yea, I hear you...but we're speaking about workplace ''etiquette,'' and the professional way to address one's coworkers is by their first name. If a stranger calls you a cute nickname, so be it. If you don't mind it. But, we are speaking more about the workplace, and the discussion sort of veered off into strangers calling us nicknames.

That said, being middle eastern, I do like 'habibi.' (just not at work!!) :wink:
Because some women are vindictive, doesn't mean that all women are prone to being vindictive because that is our ''nature.''
See, the other rather weird thing that this thread has highlighted, is that when the usual have attempted to "cross examine'me on the issue for debate, and then call me out as a some sort of women hater or worse, and I have commenced to defend my self with examples of treating women with respect by helping with baggage, standing up in crowded buses for them, it has been met with total derision and inferences that I'm promoting the fact that women are weaker.....which obviously they are. They are different too...well at least I hope that they all are. But equal just the same.
?? You claimed you were being "silenced." Specifically you bitched about "the extreme actions by some to silence such news." As proof you have not been silenced, I present over a dozen posts in this thread where you called people "sweetie" or "love" and defended your right to call people that. That is the opposite of being silenced.

It will be difficult to maintain such lies when people can simply read your previous posts to find out the truth. Do you have the courage to admit what you posted?
Again your now obviously deliberate confusion [as also it seems being conducted by exchemist although thankfully refuted by wegs] is dishonest at best and just muddying the waters. What I call shop assistants and such is my call and no objection has ever been forthcoming.
The warning as I higlighted and which you dishonestly ignored, was how forum members addressed each other.
But you are correct. I have not been silenced despite yours and others dishonest attempts to do so.
Mod Note

Paddoboy, please cease and desist in referring to other members with terms such as "sweety", "darl", and other frankly demeaning terms when used in this context when they have clearly expressed that it is not welcome. You were told it was not appropriate by others, but you persist. It is unwelcome.

Please refer to this
site's rules:

Referring to other members
H4. Refer to other members by their chosen screen names. The deliberate alteration of a member’s name to insult or demean him or her is unacceptable.

H5. Comments about other forum members that are derogatory, overtly sexual or which constitute harassment are unacceptable.

Perhaps you believe you are being a larrikin, or the cliché Aussie 'bloke'.

You aren't.

The same also applies to others.

Enough is enough.
Good work Bells, that highlighted line in particular. But just a word of advice, perhaps as a mod, you should have gone back to when that nonsense started? Agree?
If men had treated women with equality since the dawn of time, we wouldn't have all this strife. Less than one hundred years ago, women didn't have the right to vote in the US. Women couldn't have their own property, and in fact, in some countries, women are considered property of men. Men haven't had a cake walk in history, but they haven't had the same history as women, and so...if we're going to ever understand one another, we have to remember that our ''differences'' go way back, in terms of inequality.
And I would add that even today we are seeing women marginalized, ignored and held to different standards.

Trump is accused of raping three women and sexually assaulting over a dozen; he is admired for his masculinity. "Hey, so he likes the ladies! So what. Who hasn't had some embarrassing moments?" Kamala Harris has a consensual relationship with another politician and she's a whore.

Paul Ryan is elected as the second-youngest congressman; he is lauded as bringing intelligence, youth and a new viewpoint to Congress. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez becomes the youngest congressperson; she is called a clueless waitress and told to go back where she came from.

Things are definitely getting better, but we're not there yet.
See, the other rather weird thing that this thread has highlighted, is that when the usual have attempted to "cross examine'me on the issue for debate, and then call me out as a some sort of women hater or worse, and I have commenced to defend my self with examples of treating women with respect by helping with baggage, standing up in crowded buses for them, it has been met with total derision and inferences that I'm promoting the fact that women are weaker.....which obviously they are. They are different too...well at least I hope that they all are. But equal just the same.

Bolded by me. I can't imagine where anyone is getting this poor idea about you? :rolleye:

To be fair, it sounds like there have been other instances on this forum, where you have posted in other threads and developed a reputation of being a sexist. (that is what it sounds like from reading Bell's comments) I haven't seen these comments, but a good rule of thumb in life is...treat others as you'd like to be treated.

You can't go wrong, then.

Did you read my post a few posts back? Why is it necessary for some men to declare that they believe women are ''equal, but different'' than men? We are different, but what is the purpose of sharing this? Is it because they believe that those differences are why women are inferior?
And I would add that even today we are seeing women marginalized, ignored and held to different standards.

Trump is accused of raping three women and sexually assaulting over a dozen; he is admired for his masculinity. "Hey, so he likes the ladies! So what. Who hasn't had some embarrassing moments?" Kamala Harris has a consensual relationship with another politician and she's a whore.

Paul Ryan is elected as the second-youngest congressman; he is lauded as bringing intelligence, youth and a new viewpoint to Congress. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez becomes the youngest congressperson; she is called a clueless waitress and told to go back where she came from.

Things are definitely getting better, but we're not there yet.

Yep, and I wish I could give this post a thousand likes. So true!!
Bolded by me. I can't imagine where anyone is getting this poor idea about you? :rolleye:

To be fair, it sounds like there have been other instances on this forum, where you have posted in other threads and developed a reputation of being a sexist. (that is what it sounds like from reading Bell's comments) I haven't seen these comments, but a good rule of thumb in life is...treat others as you'd like to be treated.

You can't go wrong, then.

Did you read my post a few posts back? Why is it necessary for some men to declare that they believe women are ''equal, but different'' than men? We are different, but what is the purpose of sharing this? Is it because they believe that those differences are why women are inferior?
Bells and I had another discussion a while back where I highlighted the fact that "some" in the women's movement...note "some" are taking advantage of a totally worthwhile concept by going to extreme measures. I dared call them feminazis. Most movements have them. I support the reasonable objectives of the Greens, but they also have their extremes, just as do their obvious opponents as was exampled many years ago with the sinking of the "Rainbow Warrior'

Why is it necessary for some men to declare that they believe women are ''equal, but different'' than men? We are different, but what is the purpose of sharing this? Is it because they believe that those differences are why women are inferior?
Wegs....I started this thread highlighting a particular aspect of evil if you like.
I did it because of the literally hundreds of reported cases of evil sexual assault around the world by men and their justly deserved punishments. In relatively quick time two cases surface in Australia that just happened to highlight the real cases of two women that lied about sexual misconduct that had serious consequences.
From that moment I was verbally assaulted, my virility questioned, called a pervert, and a multitude of lies conducted against my person.
The raising of the matters you have mentioned while on face value "serving no purpose" was necessary in my defence against the lies, and inuendo that is still continuing. No one ever suggested that the "differences" made women inferior.
Why is it necessary for some men to declare that they believe women are ''equal, but different'' than men? We are different, but what is the purpose of sharing this? Is it because they believe that those differences are why women are inferior?

I see similarities between what you say and the following.....
Why the Fight for Women's Rights Must Include Women of Color:
???? Why is it necessary for anyone to declare that the fight for women's rights, must include women of colour? I mean WTF? -_O
Why is it necessary for some men to declare that they believe women are ''equal, but different'' than men? We are different, but what is the purpose of sharing this? Is it because they believe that those differences are why women are inferior?

I think such remarks are functionally similar to saying, "I'm not racist, but..." In most instances, it is more bullshitting than it is outright lying--whether that makes it "better" or "worse," well, I think that's kind of meaningless here. Or, at least, not relevant to whether the person saying such is, in fact, racist: they are. Who knows what they believe themselves to be?

And, yeah, Sam Harris. He reminds me of so my people I've known over the years: he's smart, but he's not nearly as smart as he believes himself to be. Rather--and this is where my own personal bias or prejudice factors--he's an entitled and privileged twit, brought up in an upper-middle class environment that was overly encouraging.
Here's an interesting video with regards to Swedish Feminism and the question posed, has it been taken too far........
I think such remarks are functionally similar to saying, "I'm not racist, but..." In most instances, it is more bullshitting than it is outright lying--whether that makes it "better" or "worse," well, I think that's kind of meaningless here. Or, at least, not relevant to whether the person saying such is, in fact, racist: they are. Who knows what they believe themselves to be?

And, yeah, Sam Harris. He reminds me of so my people I've known over the years: he's smart, but he's not nearly as smart as he believes himself to be. Rather--and this is where my own personal bias or prejudice factors--he's an entitled and privileged twit, brought up in an upper-middle class environment that was overly encouraging.
I tend to agree about Sam Harris (and about the first comment of course). Trump always starts with "I'm the least racist person in the world..." and then continues with the racist remark.

Sam Harris takes himself way too seriously. Every comment is a lecture to mankind as if we are waiting with baited breath. I won't discount everything he says but he is certainly boorish to listen to most times.
I tend to agree about Sam Harris (and about the first comment of course). Trump always starts with "I'm the least racist person in the world..." and then continues with the racist remark.

Sam Harris takes himself way too seriously. Every comment is a lecture to mankind as if we are waiting with baited breath. I won't discount everything he says but he is certainly boorish to listen to most times.
Only an hypothesis of mine and as I mentioned previously, perhaps Idiots like Trump, and our own ScoMo are elected by the general populace, because they see so much noise from idiot extremists attempting to stuff up otherwise worthwhile and great causes. You and your ilk need to chew on that for a while. :p
Only an hypothesis of mine and as I mentioned previously, perhaps Idiots like Trump, and our own ScoMo are elected by the general populace, because they see so much noise from idiot extremists attempting to stuff up otherwise worthwhile and great causes. You and your ilk need to chew on that for a while. :p
So Trump isn't an extremist but those who oppose him are?

My ilk and I are amused to see that you really weren't the "Mr. Scientist" that you so awkwardly tried to portray for so long. I think we found ourselves a Brogan everyone (an Archie Bunker for us Americans). Come take a close look, they don't bite but they are a dying breed so look quickly before they're all gone!