
<<...always the same stupid scientific skepticals with their boring replies...>>
<<...Why is it so hard to accept that there are humans who use their 'brain' well, a little more percents perhaps then the averidge humans do who live only by scientific theories which are really no more then just theories...>>
<<...Nothing do they know for sure...>>
<<, scientific thinking humans can't understand humans with other abilities then you are used too??? Or are you all afraid of humans with these 'powers'??? ...>>
<<...Stupid scientists only want to cut you into pieces and try to see where your abilities are and then, if they could, cut them out of you to examine them....>>
<<...humans nowadays THINK to much. All scientific theories and so on....babbling from scientists. is all only theories they have, made up by their own technological instruments. scientists have decided how long a Light year is, how long a day lasts, when Spring, Summer, Autumn and Winter begin and so on... The fools first made up time and later on they start to change it into Summer and Wintertime...>>
<<...see how stupid humans act...>>
<<...totally wrapped up in these scientific garbage...>>
<<...Try to think a little less...>>
<<...just because of all these scientific crap...>>
<<...And colonizing another Planet???? the human race as it is now, can destroy and pollute that One also????? ...>>
<<...Maybe you should try to think a lttle less (scientific)...>>
<<...there is no real proof to be given about the Universe(s) and all other that is happening in the Cosmos...>>
<< is written down in an understandable way, though it looks real 'scientific'...>>
<<...It is just because of that human thinking that humans have lost their bounds with Earth and Nature...>>
<<...rational thinking is human thinking, listen to your Inner feelings and don't think so much. Because of all those thinking you are getting lost...>>
<<...I don't have it from the Internet or some predictions made by scientists, for I never listen to them any way or any how. All theories they gave you, no proof. Well, I can't give you proof either, but I know...>>
<<...The human race shouldn't think so much...>>
<<...I am a pessimist, a real doom thinker, yes, all is dark and hopeless around me. Darkness follows me, where ever I go, darkness and tears, always on my pessimistic way....One day you'll be in the ditch Flies buzzin' 'round your eyes... And blood on your spirit... Have a nice day...>>
<<...People better start think...>>
<<...Earth tries to stay alive, so she tries to survive by wiping away the sick 'things' on Earth. And that are humans, yes, allright!...>>
<<...Before Earth explodes or something else bad happens, we have a colony on Mars or whatever Planet humans choose...What bullshit. We, humans, will conquer Space and pollute it, the way we are used to. And if this Planet is destroyed also by the ever friendly, never hostile, humans, we go look for another Planet, why not... Ridiculous..I hope all Universe explodes then!!!...>>

Somehow, I think that no matter what empirical evidence might be presented to some people for their considered contemplation, their minds are so closed to new possibilites and alternative ways of thinking, trapped in their own propoganda, that any such effort seems wasted.

PM me if you want to know more.

<<...Mr. G. get of my back, NOW. I have had it with you....>>
<<...Edufer, get of my back man. I don't need your comments every where I go. ...>>
<<...quote me again Edufer and I am going to make big trouble...I shall talk as pessimistic as I want. I try to put some sense into your thick scull...>>

Yeah, and get off of our my backs, NOW! And keep your thick skull to yourself.

I don't like to swear in public, but...

Mr. G.
Where the f*ck did you get that from?

~*IRONIC, I think about my favorite band and after that, their clip get's on, I get that often*~

Back to this...
About who are these two messeges?
I didn't do all my homework, but that didn't even come in this thread...
I'd have noticed it anyhowz...

Can't you at least report is to the Admins instead of humiliate them by spreading their words?
It's nice and all for some people to read this kinda stuph, but I think they can better make a humilliation thread 4 it :D...

What ever you do, don't try to get to me that way...
I'm always try 2 B nice on 4-ums...

I dunno why but I feel like typing 1337(leet, like in elite)

Banshee, after I PM'ed you I notised that we didn't pay attention where we lived... :(
*Dus als je liever Nederlands praat, is dat geen moeite... :) *
Or if you rather have English, I'm fine 4 that 2...

Anywayz, I'll be goin' ;)

<<...Can't you at least report is to the Admins instead of humiliate them by spreading their words?..>>

What do(es) the Admin(s) have to do with this?

As for spreading 'their words': they've already voluntarily placed their words into the public domain, spread across these various fora. I've merely condensed them into one place.

So, don't shoot the messenger. If their own words humiliate the authors, it is none of my doing. I'm not speaking for them.
Gee, Mr. G ...

Re. 'Cognite tute'

But it's so much easier to let others think for you ...

And best of all, it relieves you of feeling responsible for your actions (to a degree).

Take care.

PS Curious: Member of FIS of Central Floriduh?
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Psy-learner, I am sorry, but I replied to my PM's before I replied at Sciforums. That is why I didn't read your post earlier.
No, I didn't notice you were from the Netherlands, but it is good to hear another Dutch-man (in this case) has entered Sciforums.
I will have a look at your profile and get back to you. ;)
Mr. G,
You must be a retired old man right? Where the hell do you get the time to write your stupid ass replys?

Somehow, I think that no matter what empirical evidence might be presented to some people for their considered contemplation, their minds are so closed to new possibilites and alternative ways of thinking, trapped in their own propoganda, that any such effort seems wasted.

Ummmm... Isn't that you?:rolleyes:
1a. You're correct. I'm too old to be in high school so now I mostly just hang out at the mall watching all the other old people go by 'caue it's cheaper than going to the movies.

1b. You shouldn't insult my ass like that. It's not its fault it hasn't any brains. Show a little compassion.

2. Um, no. I had others in mind.

<i>I don't go into this no more on this thread, always the same stupid scientific skepticals with their boring replies.</i>

Yes. The world would be so much more interesting if psychic powers actually existed. I sometimes wish they did. But wishful thinking doesn't make it so.

<i>I have had a good laugh about your reply. No intention here to make anyone believe me. I just tell it how it is. No need for pretending here, I am sorry to tell you.</i>

I willing to admit you might be telling it how you <i>think</i> it is. I'll reserve judgment until I read some more of your posts.

<i>Why is it so hard to accept that there are humans who use their 'brain' well, a little more percents perhaps then the averidge humans do who live only by scientific theories which are really no more then just theories.</i>

(Oh dear, not the old "It's only a theory" argument!) I would happily accept that there are such humans, if only there was evidence. Alas, I haven't seen any so far.

<i>We have to read all your so called scientific theories, why can't you be a little more open for Cosmic theories???</i>

I'm open, if they explain the observed universe.

<i>Why should I pretend???</i>

Ah - now we're getting to the nitty gritty. One possible reason would be that you would like to feel "special", perhaps superior to other people. Note: I am only suggesting this as a possible reason, and am making no accusations. It seems plausible to me.

<i>Or are you all afraid of humans with these 'powers'???</i>

It might be sensible to be afraid if such powers existed, don't you think?

<i>So go ahead, you scientific thinking humans, think whatever you want. I can't care less.... </i>

If you don't care, why proclaim to the world that you have these powers? Surely if <i>you</i> know you do, that should be enough for you?
James R., have you ever looked at what this thread is called??


That is why I can post here. That is the beauty of Sciforums, there is a thread for Psychics, so why shouldn't I post here. Nowhere else have I found Forums where it is possible to speak about this particular subject but here at Sciforums.:)

It is of importance to me that I can post here, for I too have to say something, just like you do.
Perhaps I am different then you, but it doesn't allow you to call me a pretender. You don't know me at all and I don't owe you any explanation.

Better read all the posts in this thread, you can get back to me then.

Then, again, I can't care less if you do or don't believe me. Just show a little respect for the other humans who post here and who are different then you for I am not the only one.
Perhaps the only one who really talks about it, but there are more humans at Sciforums who have Psychic abilities.
Guess they don't want to find out how they are going to be haunted if they speak of it.

Think about that oh scientifical one.

One advice if you allow me to give you one...
Look at the thread 'Are we really from Cosmic Origin...'

I have posted there 2 links which may be of your interest. Go take a look at it, no Cosmic talking or what so ever.
Please, check it out.....

Thank you.
If psychics exist, and if skilled psychics exist, and if psychics are supposed to know beforehand when things are going to happen -- particularly really, really, really significant things that are destined to happen, then WTH did not a single psychic, anywhere, demonstrate their special powers actually exist by warning people in the World Trade Center towers of the forthcoming September 11 attacks?

That seems to have been the perfect altruistic, selfless opportunity to come clean.

What price secrecy?

<i>That is the beauty of Sciforums, there is a thread for Psychics, so why shouldn't I post here. Nowhere else have I found Forums where it is possible to speak about this particular subject but here at Sciforums.:)</i>

Great! Go for it. Post what you like. But equally, why shouldn't I be allowed to question the truth of what you say?

<i>Perhaps I am different then you, but it doesn't allow you to call me a pretender. You don't know me at all and I don't owe you any explanation.</i>

Please note that I have never called you a pretender. I have no evidence that you can do what you claim, so I will reserve judgment until evidence one way of the other is forthcoming. So far, I have merely pointed out possible motives for deception, but as I said I am not accusing you of anything.

<i>Just show a little respect for the other humans who post here and who are different then you for I am not the only one.</i>

Right back at you, Banshee. Perhaps you might show a little respect for the skeptics you seem to disparage so readily.

<i>Guess they don't want to find out how they are going to be haunted if they speak of it.</i>

Asking a few questions hardly amounts to stalking. I think scepticism is a healthier attitude to have than blind acceptance of anything which comes along. But that's just me.

<i>Look at the thread 'Are we really from Cosmic Origin...'</i>

I will take a look.
Frankly I'm not sure what to believe, Mr. G or Banshee, but now more than ever random thoughts occur in my head that then manifest themselves later on in a day, yet I can't guess numbers as well or move things with my mind. Albeit sometimes I can see what things will be, like the correct key on a ring to someone elses car or the way a coin will flip. the problem with this is that the chances of me actually getting something like that correct are too much in my favor to make me truly believe that I am powerful.

I told Banshee before that while in the shower (we have a handheld) the metal rope thing bucked as i concentrated on it, and bucked again. I've come to realize that it is possible that there was a water surge through the tube, since it happens all the time, however it never happens twice. THAT I cannot explain.

My theory, Mr. G, is that our psychic thoughts are blinded by our own logic and knowledge of things beforehand. None of us would of thought the WTC would've collapsed because it was so 'out there,' the problem is humans are too logical by nature and evolution to really look at crazy things seriously. So maybe the ability to see things that will happen that are completely out of the ordinary has been phased out as our species has evolved intellectually. Just a theory, though.
You're on the right path I belive Shrike...
The consept of logic is melted in our brains and hard to get out...
And about the WTC thing, I did read it today again on another site...
Didn't bother that one actually, wasn't what I was searching for...

Nobody would expect that the WTC was a target of terrorism...
If a person is psychic, it depends how stong the powers are and what he want's to predict...
Who would averagely focus on "When will there be a dissaster of terrorism in America?"???
No body I can think of till now logicaly...

Psychics can do a lot, but not everything...
Get that through your head Mr.G. ...
No psychic will know what can happen that is rare and a long shot...
And psychics are limited in range by their personal powers whit it I belive...

Mid in this summer, if I was Psychic and say "Hey, Osama is attacking America round september!", who would belive me?
Maybe there where people who foreseen it, but where pressed away like fools who want attention...

You are skeptical right?
Why would you belive someone who says it and then it does later...

See it from more angles...

Shrike, beautiful reply. Keep on going. You are heading in the right direction.:)

James R., you want me to show you some Psychokinesis from out the Netherlands to you down there in Australia?
Guess it is a little to far away, don't you think...
I am not against scientific theories, I don't have to accept them. I live by my feelings, more then by my thinking.
What is wrong with that?

Perhaps it should be good if there was a place we could meet, one way or another. But I don't have the money(great invention) to buy a ticket to Australia. Though I do have an uncle and aunt in Frankston. You want to look them up and ask them about me?
Maybe you have the money to buy yourself a ticket to the Netherlands. By all means, please do.

I respect everybody's theories but don't have to agree with them all.

Psy-learner, good reply, really. I 'll get back to you a little later today.;)
Shrike to get back on the logic theory...

I remember that I did read a page of someones theory that school is maybe one of the reasons...
I partially belive in that theory, but not ask the big reason...

The person thought that we don't have the ability to use it right away, but when we start our school, they make us belive things that a childs imagination is unreal, so our imagination is more and more based on "non-psychic reality", and after years, our imagination degrades slowly...

Imagination and playing appears to be a good thing for children, they'll develop further then unhappy and non-playing kids...
This was on Oprah...
I zapped the tv, and I did hear that when I past the channel where it's on...

If you do practice it, try as hard as possible to throw out logic for a while...
Imagine to throw it in the sea or fire or something...
Just get rid of it and practice, hond it as detaild as possible, and try to rid of thoughts...
You have to try to have as less thoughts as possible...

One mayor tip here:
DO NOT FORCE IT OUT, you'll frustrate easely if you do, and that is not what you need...

Try to control, or let it slip, as long as you don't force...
Just relax, start whit that...

And thanx Banshee...
I'll hear from you soon I hope ;)

I'll take a good rest for a few days and practice for a long time myself...


<<...Frankly I'm not sure what to believe, Mr. G or Banshee,..>>

Easy call. Don't believe either one of us. Question what you do believe.

<<...My theory, Mr. G, is that our psychic thoughts are blinded by our own logic..>>

Now, how will you put your theory to the test? To assure your theory is a robust description of reality you must test for falsifiability -- if it can be proven wrong, part by part, in must be wrong. That's how you can build confidence in theories that remain unfalsified, at least for the time being.

Feeling truth is not the same as knowing truth -- e.g.: I feel pretty damn good about myself. I know that's a real stretch. ;)
Great, perhaps we should move this thread into more on E.S.P. (Extra Sensory Perception) the art of reading into something before the event occurs.

Now this I like, because I've been suffering from a mild case of it, I suppose a few of you matrix Bunny Rabbits out there would call it a strong case of "De Ja Vu".

I've had a few experiences, but I kind of have theories and a reality into it's reasoning but I'm not at liberty to discuss the full details.

Most things have been in advance, some of only a week, others of a a whole year. I also have a few answers to questions that are best left to guesses and I'm not telling them now because if my hunch of them is that they are correct I could end up in alot of trouble.

Of course I'm no Mystic, just a man caught up in an experiment that snowballs through neural intersections. That's why I told Banshee of my suspicions of her "talent".

(I meant how she got her talent and if it's truly natural.)
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Well Stryder, are you still suspicious??:p

Thought you know better then that...

Psy-learner, great post. Don't have TV, so I haven't seen it. It's a pity, wish I had seen this particular Oprah show.
I used to look at her once in a while, but no TV here.;)

Hope to talk to you soon.
Is there any particular reasoning to why you do not have a television? (Did it get discoloured through magnetic interference?)

Do you use an LCD screen for the internet?

Odd questions I know, but they just get me to understand something a bit better.