
Mr. G

If you look at the posts on this topics and others you might find information that Tallies to "Proof" of it's existance.

The entire perception of you spouting your hardline scepticism makes me think that your are a Debunkem agent.
(employed to deny the existance)

Presently though your not doing to good a job, as you have provided any information saying that it isn't a possibility.
(At least you have thrown the bible at me yet)

Let me put it to you like this.

Presently I have been doing something that PROVES to me that it can exist, but it does involve equipment. The reason I don't prove it to you is very similar to something I was greeted with by a Physicist that claimed "If your not qualified then I'm not wasting my time speaking to you!"

In other words, What are you qualified in? What proof can you use to say that it's not Physically possible through mathmatics and physics to recreate what you say is impossible and non-existant? (Of course you need not bother unless you have Physics Diploma's :p)

Above all why did the US start looking for Psychics during the Iraq conflict to Hex Saddam Hussein? If they didn't think that there was Psychics? Why was Uri Geller offered intelligence positions in varying countries?

I would show you schematics of the systems necessary but there are a mixture of reasons why I can not:

1: Patent laws
2: Governing bodies
3: You could be an anarchist, which means you can't have access to such detailed schematics. (In otherwords it's a Need to know basis.)

<<...look at the posts on this topics and others you might find information that Tallies to "Proof" of it's existance...>>

No amount of opinion or anecdotal testimony can be adequate "proof" of the existence of anything other than opinion or anecdote.

<<...The entire perception of you spouting your hardline scepticism makes me think that your are a Debunkem agent...>>

Being critical of me can't prove your premise either.

<<...your not doing to good a job, as you have provided any information saying that it isn't a possibility...>>

It's your claim to truth that requires supporting evidence. No amount of disproof on my part can prove your claim. You're barking up the wrong tree.

<<...I have been doing something that PROVES to me that it can exist, but it does involve equipment...>>

Then you also can prove to me that it can exist -- 'can' implying a probability, not a certainty, of course.

Show me the proof.

<<...The reason I don't prove it to you is very similar to something I was greeted with by a Physicist that claimed "If your not qualified then I'm not wasting my time speaking to you!..>>

So, you think me unqualified to make sense of your proof?

<<...What proof can you use to say that it's not Physically possible through mathmatics and physics to recreate what you say is impossible and non-existant?..>>

What proof can you offer to prove that it does exist? The burden of proving your claim for you is not mine.

<<...why did the US start looking for Psychics during the Iraq conflict to Hex Saddam Hussein? If they didn't think that there was Psychics? Why was Uri Geller offered intelligence positions in varying countries?..>>

Umm, politicians are not rocket scientists?


<<...I would show you schematics of the systems necessary but there are a mixture of reasons why I can not:..>>

Ah, I've heard this before: "your not qualified then I'm not wasting my time speaking to you!"

Mr. G

Lets see:

]] So, you think me unqualified to make sense of your proof? [[

Well you have produced any mention of qualifications, and you haven't mentioned what makes you hold your beliefs.
I'm not going to act like that Physicist and class yourself as beneath me and need a lay-persons interpretation to the world.

]] What proof can you offer to prove that it does exist? The burden of proving your claim for you is not mine. [[
Do you have to pay child support for any illegitimate children? Sorry I could resist that question, it's just the whole "It's not my fault you got pregnant, you should of done something before hand" (making it someone elses responsibility.)

Of course thats a little off topic, and truthfully you might take offense to that, So I ask you not to. It's just my humour it's not the taste of your own.

I could PROVE things, but I'm not allowed to because I'm bound at present not to. (And quite possibly due to what I might be doing within the future.)
Thats the only reason why I don't just place a bunch of calculations/papers and contacts at your disposal.

As for your line on politicians, they weren't politicians they were people from your defence department.

Anyway there is something else that you've missed, what if there are Aliens (which you believe in) but they speak telepathically or use Psychokinesis to see if you draw a gun on them and cut them up into little pieces?

Oh then again that's not proof, they don't exist.
You keep dancing around the evidentiary issue like it needn't actually exist.

Don't give me no jive, show me THE PROOF. Now. No pussy-footing. No red herring insults. Just do it.

Or you could save some face and just say you haven't any proof at all beyond just your personal belief.

That's safe. Who's to say your beliefs are not your beliefs?
Quite simply you are not authorised for access to that information.

I need not prove, if my word is not good enough, Fine!.
But I can't hand out information that isn't my own and I've already explained that.

I will not deny that I have proof, as I do. But again it's something you would need to be authorised for, and again you aren't.

I'm afraid thats all I can state.
So, I guess all that means you are not going to let me use your secret decoding ring?

There is no secret decoder ring, if you think the world works with them then you better just bury your head in your cereal for all the good it will do you.

All I need to mention is Neural Networks and Spacetime, the rest I can't fill in because of the reason I have already mentioned.

So Mr. G. What UFO's have you seen? Why are they real? Prove it!
What aliens have you seen? Why are they real? Prove it!
What Conspiracies do you believe? Why do you believe they are real? Prove them!
Mr. G

I suppose I could engineer Cypher for you to get your teeth into, but then it would be up to you to crack it and I wouldn't be giving you clues. Oh I forgot I can't send encrypted info due to recent law changes.

<<...I suppose I could engineer Cypher for you...>>

You already have, in ample measure.

<<...Quite simply you are not authorised for access to that information. I need not prove,...I can't hand out's something you would need to be authorised for, aren't...thats all I can state...>>

And one doesn't need a secret decoding ring to know what it means. :)


It depends on your definition of UFO and what there is to believe in.

Unidentified things have been seen in the sky, yes.
Originally posted by Mr. G

It depends on your definition of UFO and what there is to believe in.

Unidentified things have been seen in the sky, yes. [/B]

Sorry to say this, but I'm whit Mr. G. on this one...
I don't belive en FLYING SOUCERS...
I DO belive in UFO's...
To make it sounding a year or 2 younger than I am...

Run a scarf trough mud, dog poop, vanilla cream and jelly...
Burn is a little bit, shoot it whit a catapult, and voila...
An almost UFO...

UFO Stand for Unidentified Flying Objects...
I just like to post this...

But why do those posters out there keep asking "Do you really belive in UFO's?" to Mr. G.
I think my logic here explains it quite well why he does...


We were asking how Mr. G can believe in a UFO but not believe the possibilities of Psychokinesis. Quite simply what you said wouldn't be enough evidence for him :p


we just want Mr. G to understand that what we were explaining exists, and the only reason that we don't put forwards proof is due to it being Private research. (Not publicised information)

That was why I said he wasn't authorised for any information relevant to it, which also means there is no need for decoder rings.

Eventually one day Mr. G the information will be presented to the public sector along with the full evolution of the ESP studies.
Then I'll act responsible and not gloat over your seemingly biased scepticistic views.
Strange Lights in the Sky????

Wasn't it one of your famous Black- Stealths then???

By the way, it is not flying saucer, it is Spacecraft.

The words flying saucer are invented by a man who saw a strange unidentified object in the Sky in the early 50's and described it as a flying saucer. From that time on, humans for one reason or another, held on to this, but it is not the way to call a Craft from the Universes.

Food for thought? ;) Another thread.

Stryder, you really give wonderful reply, you gave proof and evidence over and over again.
You really did a good job here.:)
<i>Stryder, you really give wonderful reply, you gave proof and evidence over and over again.</i>

The words "proof" and "evidence" obviously mean something different to you than they do to me. You take somebody's say-so as proof? Interesting. You must believe all kinds of things. I'd love to try to sell you stuff.
James R

Luckily for me Banshee already knows what she knows, and knows that I know a few things too. It's not just about "taking my word for it!" which is what Mr. G. is asked to do, because that's all I'm afraid I can give him at the present time.

I've mentioned many points of proof though, such as the equipment being designed for heavily disabled people to move a cursor on a computer screen with nothing more than a thought, which is also moving into the creation of cybernetic/bionic limbs that take the very messages that would be created by your brain naturally.

I've also mentioned along with others about ESP studies that involve the preminition of something occuring before it occurs. (And these studies have occured for many years)

Although all this exists though, Mr. G. just couldn't see that a bit of this and a bit of that, kind of comes together as the very thing he say's "Doesn't exist" and to which I feel he defines "Could never exist".

That's why all the posts and continued posts over Mr. G's continued arguement for "Proof!", he keeps asking me for it, but he neglects to look himself... if I spent allday looking and writing up proof for him and people like him, I would never get anything done.
<<...if I spent allday looking and writing up proof for him and people like him, I would never get anything done...>>

Oddly, my assessment, too. :D
Going back to TK and PK:

Those who are students and have some time in their hand, I encourage you to do experiments and see what works and what does not. For example, when I was in my engineering undergrad studies, about 8 of us did Ouija board type experiments. They did what they are claimed to do. We will never know the theory behind it. To verify our theory, we could have had tens of millions dollars worth gear.

Anyway, skeptics not and learn....
Kmguru, I agree with you, thus far that an Ouija board can do nasty things with humans.

Sometimes they get the wrong 'things' out of it and it scares the hell out of them.

But for well educated humans it can't be a problem.;)

What about a Pendle? Buy a Pendle, made of Crystal (must be Crystal!) and learn how to work with it. You have to make it work for you by holding it between thumb and first finger. Let it hang still, then order it to give 'yes' by making it go forward and backward. Make the movement with your eyes and the Pendle will follow.
For 'No' you make the Pendle go in a horizontal way, order it in the same way as before, make the movement with your eyes, the Pendle will follow.
You have to let it 'say' 'I don't know' also by making it turn clockwise.
And at last you have to make it 'say' 'I can't answer this' by making it turn in the opposite direction of the clock.

In between the orders you have to order the Pendle to come at ease and hang still. Then you give it another order. Once you have done that, the Pendle works for you and you can ask it to answer you. It will do so out of its own.

It is necessarry to have all four answers at the Pendle, for it answers at what you feel inside. It can make 'things' clearer for you. No future telling, just answers to what you really feel inside.

You can be surprised by that, for sometimes you think you feel it in a certain way, but are not quite sure and the Pendle can help you out. It is a nice way to practise and to learn more about your Deeper Self...

Not so hard to do too. A little P/K...

It is the best you have a pendle made of Crystal, for this is a Natural Stone and has a lot of (healing) abilities. Pendles made of leather, thin or other materials won't work that well as one made of Crystal...
If you touch something, it's not psycokinesis, even if the thing might <i>seem</i> to move without your conscious will.

The unconscious mind is a strange thing. It is possible for a person to physically push something and simulataneously to be totally unaware that they are doing so.

Ouija boards work that way. You touch the glass (or whatever) and it seems to move all by itself - certainly without any conscious thought from you. I've tried it and it's very weird, especially if you are the only person touching it. However, unless the glass moves by itself with <i>nobody</i> touching it, there's no way to be sure that somebody isn't pushing it, either consciously or subconsciously.

I'm not sure what a "pendle" is, but I imagine it works in a similar way.