psychic powers

''Has anyone ever given a realistic explanation of how various psychic powers work? What I'm asking is, are psychic powers purely fantasy, or is there some element of sci-fi(a fake scientific description) to them?''

I'm actually surprised with some peoples concerns involving psychic experience, passing it by as nothing but the mystic woo woo. There is much more to it.
If you are personally wondering about some psychic phenom explanations, Dr. Radin has some particular insights concerning quantum entanglement.
Dr. Fred Alan Wolf proposes that information tunnelling might hold keys to certain psychic phenomena.
I have postulated that certain phenomena can be answered for a subreality of the mind capable of reaching past the present barrier of time... even if it is only for a couple of seconds into the future.

This stuff is real. It happens all the time.
''Has anyone ever given a realistic explanation of how various psychic powers work? What I'm asking is, are psychic powers purely fantasy, or is there some element of sci-fi(a fake scientific description) to them?''

I'm actually surprised with some peoples concerns involving psychic experience, passing it by as nothing but the mystic woo woo. There is much more to it.
If you are personally wondering about some psychic phenom explanations, Dr. Radin has some particular insights concerning quantum entanglement.
Dr. Fred Alan Wolf proposes that information tunnelling might hold keys to certain psychic phenomena.
I have postulated that certain phenomena can be answered for a subreality of the mind capable of reaching past the present barrier of time... even if it is only for a couple of seconds into the future.

This stuff is real. It happens all the time.

Please show us solid, valid proof that "this stuff is real." To the best of my knowledge, NO ONE has ever been able to do so. There are a number of very large prizes awaiting such proof - and they all remain unclaimed.
Dr. Radin recently found electrical drops in subjects that seemed to predetermine events before they happened. The results where so conclusive, and the test itself was repeated and verified by other scientific groups. I don't know a link unfortunately.
Besides i need not proof. I have experienced both Lucid dream phenomena and precognitive dreams.
Besides i need not proof. I have experienced both Lucid dream phenomena and precognitive dreams.

Perhaps you don't need proof - we don't care about that at all. But the scientific world demands proof if it's to be accepted. And so far, the general scientific attitude (by FAR!) is that it's absolute bunk - along with anyone who believes in it.
you seem to have almost no (or pretend not to) scientific knowledge.

i have scientific knowledge, but i don't believe in it so much.

Subconscious implies thatyour brain has something to do with it, which it doesn't.

rocks generate gravity subconsciously without having a brain. every atom in your body is your subconscious... they generate gravity automatically. when you realize that you're doing it subconsciously, you can do it consciously. like you can do with your breathing.

i am also your subconscious... that's why you can become me if you realize that you are me.

Can we create gravity subconsciously?
Not proven or demonstrated.

then how do objects generate gravity? i think atoms can love too. that's why they generate gravity/love.

Besides i need not proof. I have experienced both Lucid dream phenomena and precognitive dreams.

i don't think there is anything paranormal about lucid dreams...
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Lucid dreams are total cognitivity during a subconscious state...
There is something paranormal about this.
Lucid dreams are total cognitivity during a subconscious state...
There is something paranormal about this.

Popycock! Lucid dreams are nothing but more intense experiences of normal dreams.

This is really sad. You claim to be someone who is interested in the field of physics yet you believe in nonsense like this. Quoting a few words from people operating on the mystic fringes of true science (as you've done more than once) doesn't buy you anything either.
Please show us solid, valid proof that "this stuff is real." To the best of my knowledge, NO ONE has ever been able to do so. There are a number of very large prizes awaiting such proof - and they all remain unclaimed.

Read my friend. This here, is precisely where I believe we are having understanding difficulties. At least you and I.

What reku said from at least the small ammount I have read of it, implies a few things I am not sure if you've elaborated a bit on. In order for you to see what he's saying you'd have to give a valid explaination of what he said. Let me see if you did above.

The prize which is being awaited can only be done by famous people I think you know that very well.


Now let's see what riku said.

No. First let's see what you're saying in relation to what I'm saying.

this stuff is real."

What the fuck are you asking of of what is real???
I believe this is a claim which could hold for anyone reading.
What the fuck are you saying. This stuff is real yeah, what riku is saying is an elaboration of what it actually is. If you're not interested in that fine. Are you? You are afterall asking for proof.

Are you saying no one has demonstrated what riku was saying?
What the heck do you want to know???

Ok I see.

Perhaps you don't need proof - we don't care about that at all. But the scientific world demands proof if it's to be accepted. And so far, the general scientific attitude (by FAR!) is that it's absolute bunk - along with anyone who believes in it.

Ok sure.

Riku doesnt need proof. Psychic phenomon or whatever you call it. He isn't saying anything supernatural as I've stated in one of my posts. It all only deals with the human or whatever affects the human. This is some pretty simple stuff, Read Only.

''Has anyone ever given a realistic explanation of how various psychic powers work? What I'm asking is, are psychic powers purely fantasy, or is there some element of sci-fi(a fake scientific description) to them?''

I'm actually surprised with some peoples concerns involving psychic experience, passing it by as nothing but the mystic woo woo. There is much more to it.
If you are personally wondering about some psychic phenom explanations, Dr. Radin has some particular insights concerning quantum entanglement.
Dr. Fred Alan Wolf proposes that information tunnelling might hold keys to certain psychic phenomena.
I have postulated that certain phenomena can be answered for a subreality of the mind capable of reaching past the present barrier of time... even if it is only for a couple of seconds into the future.

This stuff is real. It happens all the time.

Besides all I feel you have done is bashed this post.:mad:
Read my friend. This here, is precisely where I believe we are having understanding difficulties. At least you and I.

What reku said from at least the small ammount I have read of it, implies a few things I am not sure if you've elaborated a bit on. In order for you to see what he's saying you'd have to give a valid explaination of what he said. Let me see if you did above.

The prize which is being awaited can only be done by famous people I think you know that very well.


Now let's see what riku said.

No. First let's see what you're saying in relation to what I'm saying.

What the fuck are you asking of of what is real???
I believe this is a claim which could hold for anyone reading.
What the fuck are you saying. This stuff is real yeah, what riku is saying is an elaboration of what it actually is. If you're not interested in that fine. Are you? You are afterall asking for proof.

Are you saying no one has demonstrated what riku was saying?
What the heck do you want to know???

Ok I see.

Ok sure.

Riku doesnt need proof. Psychic phenomon or whatever you call it. He isn't saying anything supernatural as I've stated in one of my posts. It all only deals with the human or whatever affects the human. This is some pretty simple stuff, Read Only.

Besides all I feel you have done is bashed this post.:mad:

Calm down, Brent, you've flown off in several different tangents at once.

The stuff is NOT real! No one - I repeat NO ONE - has ever offered any valid, repeatable evidence it exists. Do you understand the value of repeatability?

There are all kinds of kooks and charlatans out there claiming it's real but no one offers any real proof at all. A very big part of it is just designed to separate people and their money. Another big factor is simply wishful thinking.

ANYONE can try and claim those prizes, from a little old lady in Florida to you or me. Being "a famous person" is NOT a requirement at all. Where did you get that crazy notion?

So what's your problem here???
''Popycock! Lucid dreams are nothing but more intense experiences of normal dreams.

This is really sad. You claim to be someone who is interested in the field of physics yet you believe in nonsense like this. Quoting a few words from people operating on the mystic fringes of true science (as you've done more than once) doesn't buy you anything...'' - Read Only

Yes... well... consider these professionals:
Fred A. Wolf, Werner Heisenberg, Radin (forget his first name), Frank J. Tipler, John Barrow and even Fred Hoyle... Some of the best fresh minds in history, who believed in psychophysics... Why should i be ashamed? I'm glad i work deep in this area of study.
Calm down, Brent, you've flown off in several different tangents at once.

The stuff is NOT real! No one - I repeat NO ONE - has ever offered any valid, repeatable evidence it exists. Do you understand the value of repeatability?

There are all kinds of kooks and charlatans out there claiming it's real but no one offers any real proof at all. A very big part of it is just designed to separate people and their money. Another big factor is simply wishful thinking.

ANYONE can try and claim those prizes, from a little old lady in Florida to you or me. Being "a famous person" is NOT a requirement at all. Where did you get that crazy notion?

So what's your problem here???

:p Calm down huh. :rolleyes:


The dollar pirze offered from whats his face. U know the skeptic dude
Right. If you read the requirements for the entry to win a mil buxks, it tells u, u got to have posted a book and many other intense requirements. Think about it- makes perfect sense u know. Baiscally, what he doesnt want is people saying, "oh, shit, I have pschic powers i will win a mil bucks"- and a quad zillion people making this request.

So I'm thinking only famous people, if u go to the site as I did and read the requirement (sorry I even forget the damned persons name), u'll see.

Anyway, let me address what u've addressed about that stuff.

Calm down, Brent, you've flown off in several different tangents at once.

Sure Red u know me. Never stop trying until I'm fucking dead er than a .. er.. anyway.

But however I refuse to calm down, when you're dening what Reku has said. You're asking for proof and all this other stuff .. right? Well. To me, it is entirely valid. An entirely realistic event. Some thing that takes place in peoles lifes. Of course it does not have to exactly be your life. It doesnt exactly have to be my life. But it is the reality of what he is saying, all of what could be real.

Do you understand the value of repeatability?

Ab-so fucking lutely my friend.

Simply, some of the stuff doesnt get looked at.

Basically, what is repeated is the same thing over again. If you'd mind solving this problem here for me feel free, I however feel it doesn't even exist in our conversation....

There are all kinds of kooks and charlatans out there claiming it's real but no one offers any real proof at all.

I know Read.

Anyway my problem, is that the issues addressed are not covered. You haven't covered, them, rekiu hasn not covered them.

It is obvious no one is going to cover them.
But psychic powers- are a reality if you intend on wording it like this. If it is a "psychic power"--- that you would call it a psychic power... Then, sure you'd call it a psychic power if you use the words like that. Do yousee what I mean? It is a reallity. It is all a reality.

I think the valid option and the only valid option that there is is that it must be. We must take this at an open ended perspective.

BTW if u don't mind me asking am I being understood...

So Read take that however you want to however i'd like you to address the idea that they are a reality. That they exist. That whatever it is that exists exists right? We've got to have our perspectives, whatever the fuck they are.

''Popycock! Lucid dreams are nothing but more intense experiences of normal dreams.

This is really sad. You claim to be someone who is interested in the field of physics yet you believe in nonsense like this. Quoting a few words from people operating on the mystic fringes of true science (as you've done more than once) doesn't buy you anything...'' - Read Only

Yes... well... consider these professionals:
Fred A. Wolf, Werner Heisenberg, Radin (forget his first name), Frank J. Tipler, John Barrow and even Fred Hoyle... Some of the best fresh minds in history, who believed in psychophysics... Why should i be ashamed? I'm glad i work deep in this area of study.

Sure. There are fringe people in every field. Please note that NOT a one of them ever discovered or offered any conclusive proof of their beliefs. I, and the rest of the scientific world, care not what you're satisfied with - REAL science demands REAL proof!! The rest is just false science (and I use that polite term instead of calling it what it really is).
What, psuedo science? :p

Bullshit science :D
All for that. At least if it's a reality to us it should be so.
''Then instead of just writing names, why don't you elaborate on how those people allegedly explained these alleged pheonomena?''

I honestly don't know where to begin....
Fred Wolf devised a theory for schizophrenia, involving relations between minds in parallel universes. He also mentions that Ghosts and other phenomena can be answered such ways. He has also theorized that the imaginal realm could be subsequent for many phenomenological things, such as UFO's. He has also theorized that psychic abillities could be due to information tunnelling.
Fred Hoyle has brought in idea concerning parallel universes also, where information that is not recorded properly in a universe - though i do not know enough information on this theory to make any more assumptions.
Werner stated that the human is intrinsic with reality... hence an observer-dependant universe. And if consciousness is intrinsic with reality, then reality was intrisnic to conscious experience, so he believed.
Dr. Radin believes that the mind can perform psychic abillity through quantum entanglement.
Penrose ( a scientist i failed to mention), argues that psychic ability is due not only to the imaginal realm, but also a mind that is superpositional.

That's me. It affects other minds.
That is one of the definations of telepathy that I have well in my mind.

The key of course is how to keep it not occupying your lovers brain.
If this is somehow entirely false put me to shame. it will take you quite some work to explain it however.

... LOL

[edit superpositional is the word used by riku to explain such phemonon as are being explained as the thread is obviousy fing asking for just that... LOL]
''Then instead of just writing names, why don't you elaborate on how those people allegedly explained these alleged pheonomena?''

I honestly don't know where to begin....
Fred Wolf devised a theory for schizophrenia, involving relations between minds in parallel universes. He also mentions that Ghosts and other phenomena can be answered such ways. He has also theorized that the imaginal realm could be subsequent for many phenomenological things, such as UFO's. He has also theorized that psychic abillities could be due to information tunnelling.
Fred Hoyle has brought in idea concerning parallel universes also, where information that is not recorded properly in a universe - though i do not know enough information on this theory to make any more assumptions.
Werner stated that the human is intrinsic with reality... hence an observer-dependant universe. And if consciousness is intrinsic with reality, then reality was intrisnic to conscious experience, so he believed.
Dr. Radin believes that the mind can perform psychic abillity through quantum entanglement.
Penrose ( a scientist i failed to mention), argues that psychic ability is due not only to the imaginal realm, but also a mind that is superpositional.
You're still essentially just naming names, you just changed it to the names of the ideas.