psychic powers

scientists don't know what gravity is, so why couldn't it be telekinesis? i think it makes sense and it explains why things attract.

we already know that thoughts make men and women attract, so maybe it's similar for particles and planets?
scientists don't know what gravity is, so why couldn't it be telekinesis?
Argument ad Ignorantiam at it's finest.

i think it makes sense and it explains why things attract.
There isn't a single shred of observed evidence to sudgest this as a logical possibility.

we already know that thoughts make men and women attract, so maybe it's similar for particles and planets?
False analogy, Men and woman dont actualy attract by thoughts, those thoughts create other thoughts which then drive their motor-functions.

Next, 'telekinesis' simply moves the problem back a step, what then is telekinesis and what causes it?

Finally, in order for thoughts to exist, there needs to be life, and life requires gravity to have existed eons before.

andbna said:
Argument ad Ignorantiam at it's finest.

spacetimecurviture? don't even give me that shit... it explains nothing and there is no proof of it and it makes no sense (space can't bend its nothing, time can't bend its a sensation)

Men and woman dont actualy attract by thoughts,

read my post here if you don't believe it:

Next, 'telekinesis' simply moves the problem back a step, what then is telekinesis and what causes it?

if gravity is telekinesis it changes everything. it means that universe is not physical, it's mental like a dream. consciousness didnt come from matter, mind created and designed life and everything. its the only thing that makes sense!!

Finally, in order for thoughts to exist, there needs to be life, and life requires gravity to have existed eons before.

every atom is alive. how else do you explain atomic motion? a thing can move only if there is willpower. life doesn't require gravity, gravity requires life.
scientists don't know what gravity is, so why couldn't it be telekinesis? i think it makes sense and it explains why things attract.

we already know that thoughts make men and women attract, so maybe it's similar for particles and planets?

Main Entry: tele·ki·ne·sis
Pronunciation: "te-li-k&-'nE-s&s, -kI-
Function: noun
Etymology: New Latin
: the production of motion in objects

(as by a spiritualistic medium)

without contact or other physical means.

So therefore you need someone to create the tele·ki·ne·sis to start off with and I don't believe that any human being can use it to move planets, galaxies, or constelations. If so please tell me who.
spacetimecurviture? don't even give me that shit... it explains nothing and there is no proof of it and it makes no sense (space can't bend its nothing, time can't bend its a sensation)

read my post here if you don't believe it:

if gravity is telekinesis it changes everything. it means that universe is not physical, it's mental like a dream. consciousness didnt come from matter, mind created and designed life and everything. its the only thing that makes sense!!

every atom is alive. how else do you explain atomic motion? a thing can move only if there is willpower. life doesn't require gravity, gravity requires life.

Yorda, you have got to be THE biggest faker on this site!:D It's impossible for someone to be living in the 21st century and believe all the garbage that you claim to.
spacetimecurviture? don't even give me that shit... it explains nothing and there is no proof of it and it makes no sense (space can't bend its nothing, time can't bend its a sensation)
Argument ad ignorantiam still holds no matter how credible/discredible an opposing theory is: the point is is that it doesn't matter; proof that the opposing theory is false, or as of yet unprooven, is not proof that your theory is correct. Of course, you didnt even proove the opposing theroy was false, instead you offer an Appeal to Ridicule which might stem from a lack of understanding for the theory (which again, is not proof that it is false.)

read my post here if you don't believe it:
I won't address whether that post contains any truth or not because frankly, the analogy is still false, mental attraction, even explained the that post, is still chemical, and scientific, with no relevance to 'telekinesis.'

if gravity is telekinesis it changes everything. it means that universe is not physical, it's mental like a dream. consciousness didnt come from matter, mind created and designed life and everything.
Pretty big if, and since there is absolutly no proof for the theory, the conclusions drawn from the 'if's are meaningless... might this be some more appeal to emotion?

there are many paranormal abilities, but many of them are actually just a form of telekinesis. phasing for example. it means that you can go through solid objects. you change your atomic vibration simply by thinking that you can go through walls. theres a guy in heroes who can do this.

watch out if you haven't learned it well enough, if you materialize inside a wall, your atoms will merge with the wall and you will die.

cosmictraveler said:
So therefore you need someone to create the tele·ki·ne·sis to start off with and I don't believe that any human being can use it to move planets, galaxies, or constelations. If so please tell me who.

you don't seem to understand that planets, galaxies and every single atom in the universe has these telekinetic powers that scientists call magnetism and gravity. what's special about humans is that we are the only ones who can gain conscious control of this power and move objects with with it.

a long time ago there were people who were so good at using this energy that they didn't need to create airplanes because they could fly without them.

I thought Yorda was Yoda.

i don't even like star wars. it's so BORING.
Well if you think star wars is boring then you definately are not very realistic :p

Now I see why they're so hard on you :?
Anyway Yorda, you've got to realize.

And yes you are saying some very odd things.
Don't get me started.
there are many paranormal abilities,
No: some believe there are.
None proven.

phasing for example. it means that you can go through solid objects. you change your atomic vibration simply by thinking that you can go through walls. theres a guy in heroes who can do this.
You do know that's a fictional TV series?

you don't seem to understand that planets, galaxies and every single atom in the universe has these telekinetic powers
You don't seem to understand that this is pure speculation with no supporting evidence whatsoever.

what's special about humans is that we are the only ones who can gain conscious control of this power and move objects with with it.
Wishful thinking.

a long time ago there were people who were so good at using this energy that they didn't need to create airplanes because they could fly without them.
And pigs flew with them?
No: some believe there are.
None proven.

scientists think that they believe when they see it. but they don't understand that seeing is not believing; believing is seeing.

You do know that's a fictional TV series?

it was just an example. i don't know any real example, but maybe reality is fiction too.

Wishful thinking.

logical thinking. if we can generate gravity subconsciously, then of course it's possible to do it consciously too.

And pigs flew with them?

only if pigs were in their wagons. later when humans devolved, they couldn't fly anymore so they let the lions pull their wagons. they controlled the lions with their thoughts. they couldn't use horses because they didn't exist yet.

Yorda, get an education.

what kind of education do you mean? in my country it's impossible to be uneducated because education is obligatory.
what kind of education do you mean? in my country it's impossible to be uneducated because education is obligatory.

*shudders*... your country has failed you or vice versa. Basically it comes down to you not being able (or wanting to) distinguish between reality and fantasy and you seem to have almost no (or pretend not to) scientific knowledge. Even students coming out of the most theistical and unaccredited schools in my area aren't this far gone.

If your case is inability then likely all your schooling to date needs to be redone. If its simply a matter of not wanting to then psychological education would help you.
logical thinking. if we can generate gravity subconsciously, then of course it's possible to do it consciously too.
Subconscious implies thatyour brain has something to do with it, which it doesn't.
only if pigs were in their wagons. later when humans devolved, they couldn't fly anymore so they let the lions pull their wagons. they controlled the lions with their thoughts. they couldn't use horses because they didn't exist yet.
Wow...There's no reason for anyone to comment on this. At all.
Want to comment on something...

Oniw says
"Subconscious implies thatyour brain has something to do with it, which it doesn't. "

Referring to gravity or whatever.
What is the statement made by yorda.
If we can generate gravity subconsciously.
So what the fuck is that lol.
But does he have a point?

Can we generate gravity subconsciously? I don't know if he is saying what he means to say.
Same with another guy before. If this is an understanding error correct me, but it may still have the same ending.
Basically, can we generate gravity with our subconscious mind. This is a statement, a premise, regardless to all of the educatedness that emplies aganist it otherwise.

Many things can be done subconsciously, unconsciously, or what is called "psychic" like, to where most people wouldn't accept it and would consider the person a psychic or something. This is where the term comes from on occasion. Doctors lock paitents up or whatnot because they're complaining about things that are entirely unrealistic. Anyway,

Gravity being generated?
When a person falls apart (as the person is the basis to our experiences as I say it),
he falls apart.
You see what he's made of.
That's all he's made of right?

So. Gravity can be manipulated. Generated. I wish he would explain that..
scientists think that they believe when they see it. but they don't understand that seeing is not believing; believing is seeing.
No scientists test and repeat the test to see if it holds up.

it was just an example. i don't know any real example, but maybe reality is fiction too.
Ooooh, maybe.
maybe I'll be dead tomorrow, maybe you'll see sense tomorrow, maybe the moon will be made of cheese.

logical thinking. if we can generate gravity subconsciously, then of course it's possible to do it consciously too.
Logical thinking? Barely qualifies as "thinking" let alone "logical".
Can we create gravity subconsciously?
Not proven or demonstrated.

only if pigs were in their wagons. later when humans devolved, they couldn't fly anymore so they let the lions pull their wagons. they controlled the lions with their thoughts. they couldn't use horses because they didn't exist yet.
Arrant nonsense or total bollocks.
Take your pick.

what kind of education do you mean? in my country it's impossible to be uneducated because education is obligatory.
Doesn't show.