psychic powers

But if they can't be proven then they don't exist. If something doesn't exist why bother trying to understand it?

Because some people are just not that closed minded, and are willing to experiment the reality themselves maybe? I mean just a wild guess was that.
But if they can't be proven then they don't exist. If something doesn't exist why bother trying to understand it?

The same reasons you read fiction or history or play video games or watch tv...and because I like to write.
I read books because they are written by authors that tell a story. I know it's a story that's why I read them. When I see people claiming they can do things that can't be proven, I say they were liers not authors telling a story but trying to convince people what they do is real. I'm not going to argue, just put my 2 cents worth into this fray.
if you think you can't, then you can't, and you can't even see others do it. reality works like a dream (fiction). dreams are made of thoughts. what you think becomes reality. if you think (dream) you are awake, you usually can't do anything extraordinary, and even if you do, you won't realize that it's extraordinary until you "wake up". but if you realize that you're dreaming you can do anything..

well i have had lots of lucid dreams before, so i cant oppose the waking up and dreaming part. but in the conscious world (you know when your awake in reality), that doesent apply.

if you think you can fly, it doesent mean you can now fly. it just means you will die jumping off some building like a dick.

Oniw17 said:
Can you explain in any deeper detail? Specifically precognition, and also, what about pyrokenetics and chakra opening?

Precognition is like memory, except you access the future instead of the past. Both the future and the past are just thoughts. The reason you can see into the future (thoughts) is because before things happen physically, they happen mentally, spiritually.

Pyrokinesis is like telekinetis but instead you use that power to control fire. If you understand telekinesis you understand all the other "kinetics".

What's strange about chakra opening? Isn't it just another way of saying that your awareness increases because you allow the lifestream to flow?

also, what exactly is it that alledgedly enables you to control gravity(which I can't seem to separate from attraction power) and magnetism?

When you move your hand (electrical impulses), you control electricity. Gravity is a form of electromagnetism. Gravity is thoughts, feelings (love, attraction). Gravity is telekinesis.

All objects use telekinetic powers to attract things by default. Because humans are so much more conscious than atoms, they can learn to control this power in much greater freedom.

EmptyForceOfChi said:
if you think you can fly, it doesent mean you can now fly. it just means you will die jumping off some building like a dick.

if you think you can fly, you can fly. but you can't think you can fly as long as you think you're awake. because if you think you're awake, you're dreaming, and if you think you're dreaming, you're awake.
Okay, how about remote veiwing. Also, can you direct me to a website or e-book where I can learn more about the alleged properties of psychic powers?
Pyrokinesis is like telekinetis but instead you use that power to control fire. If you understand telekinesis you understand all the other "kinetics".

When you move your hand (electrical impulses), you control electricity. Gravity is a form of electromagnetism. Gravity is thoughts, feelings (love, attraction). Gravity is telekinesis.

All objects use telekinetic powers to attract things by default. Because humans are so much more conscious than atoms, they can learn to control this power in much greater freedom.
Also, how can pyrokinetics be the same as telekinetics? In what way is fire related to electromagnetics. Or is it the air that feeds the fire that you supposedly move?
Oniw17 said:
Okay, how about remote veiwing.

you can view things remotely if you hack yourself into someone's mind and see through their eyes. this is possible because because there is only one consciousness, which sees through the eyes of every being.

every thought that has ever been thought still exists, so there are pictures of all places in the world, and you can access these pictures in the memory of the universe. but if there is no observer there at the moment, and you want to know what that place is like at that exact moment, i guess you have to go there astrally.

i dunno, maybe particles have the ability to see, so there is always an observer.

Also, can you direct me to a website or e-book where I can learn more about the alleged properties of psychic powers?

i don't know any because i don't have time to read about stuff like that.

Also, how can pyrokinetics be the same as telekinetics?

both are psychokinesis. psychokinesis means that you affect something at distance with your thoughts.

it's not so weird. it's like with radio controlled toys. humans are like radio transmitters and receivers. tune your mind so that it matches the vibration (frequency) of the receiver, then move and the receiver will move, as if it was a part of your body.

In what way is fire related to electromagnetics.

fire is a form of electricity. everything is electromagnetism.
Can psychic phonemena be measured/trained?

I'm new to this forum. I was searching scroogle on telekinesis and the measurement of it and so came to this forum.
A litle background:
I'm from the netherlands and so my english is far from perfect.
I experiance many 'psychic' phonemena and I build devices that can atract/transform chi energy. I also build electronic equipment and I'm a programmer at a scientific institute.

The theory I have is that chi energy is at the root of everything, that it is the base force behind the four fundamental powers of the universe. This would also mean that it is hard to measure in its pure form.
To test this theory I would like to start with telekinesis to test if it can exist.

I think/hope telekinesis is the manipulation of gravity at a local level. If this is so it can be measured with a gravity sensor. In these days there are relatively cheap 3d gravity sensors on the market. The plan is to use one of these sensors to make a feedback device of gravity distortions.
Does anyone know if this has been tried before?
Can anyone tell me more about telekinesis, especially if you have experiance with it.
Most people here in this thread are ignorant of what psychic powers actually are.

If you want to know what they are Yorda appeared at least to me to give a somewhat discription of what psychic powers as you ask are.

They're simply reality.
Anything that is un-reality is of course entirely unrealistic.
So of course what people are saying here is totally flawed and irnorant of the psychic.

The truth of the matter is... .. well its hard to explain.
Most of it deals with the "telepathy" stuff which is most often dismissed, however real it truly is.
I did, once, let someone know that can verify it , that I knew that the right engine on the space shuttle was not going to work and they changed it. They found out later that there was a problem in it that the mechanics had overlooked and COULD have caused a problem.
I did, once, let someone know that can verify it , that I knew that the right engine on the space shuttle was not going to work and they changed it. They found out later that there was a problem in it that the mechanics had overlooked and COULD have caused a problem.

So what about it?
Most people here in this thread are ignorant of what psychic powers actually are.

If you want to know what they are Yorda appeared at least to me to give a somewhat discription of what psychic powers as you ask are.

They're simply reality.
Anything that is un-reality is of course entirely unrealistic.
So of course what people are saying here is totally flawed and irnorant of the psychic.

The truth of the matter is... .. well its hard to explain.
Most of it deals with the "telepathy" stuff which is most often dismissed, however real it truly is.

Can you do it ?